06 February 2025

🌌🏭KQL Reloaded: First Steps (Part VI: Actual vs. Estimated Count)

More examples are available nowadays for developers, at least compared with 10-20 years ago when besides the scarce documentation, the blogs and source code from books were the only ways to find how a function or a piece of standard functionality works. Copying code without understanding it may lead to unexpected results, with all the consequences resulting from this. 

A recent example in this direction in KQL are the dcount and dcountif functions, which according to the documentation calculates an estimate of the number of distinct values that are taken by a scalar expression in the summary group. An estimate is not the actual number of records, trading performance for accuracy. The best example are the following pieces of code:

// counting records 
| summarize record_count = count() // values availanle 
    , aprox_distinct_count = dcount(CustomerKey) // estimated disting values
    , distinct_count = count_distinct(CustomerKey) // actual number of records
    , aprox_distict_count_by_value  = dcountif(CustomerKey, SalesAmount <> 0) //estimated count of records with not null amounts
    , distict_count_by_value  = count_distinctif(CustomerKey, SalesAmount <> 0) // count of records with not null amounts
    , aprox_distict_count_by_value2  = dcountif(CustomerKey, SalesAmount == 0) //estimated count of records with null amounts
    , distict_count_by_value2  = count_distinctif(CustomerKey, SalesAmount == 0) // count of records with not amounts
| extend error_aprox_distinct_count = distinct_count - aprox_distinct_count
    , error_aprox_distict_count_by_value = distict_count_by_value - aprox_distict_count_by_value
record_count aprox_distinct_count distinct_count aprox_distict_count_by_value distict_count_by_value aprox_distict_count_by_value2 distict_count_by_value2
2832193 18497 18484 18497 18484 10251 10219
error_aprox_distinct_count error_aprox_distict_count_by_value
-13 -13
It's interesting that the same difference is observable also when a narrower time interval is chosen (e.g. 1 month). When using estimate it's important to understand also how big is the error between the actual value and the estimate, and that's the purpose of the last two lines added to the query. In many scenarios the difference might be neglectable until is not. 

One can wonder whether the two functions are deterministic, in other words whether they return the same results if given the same input values. It would be also useful to understand what's the performance of the two estimative functions especially when further constraints are applied.

Moreover, the functions accept a third parameter which allows control over the trade between speed and accuracy (see provided table).

// counting records 
| summarize record_count = count() // values availanle 
    , distinct_count = count_distinct(CustomerKey) // actual number of records
    , aprox_distinct_count = dcount(CustomerKey) // estimated disting values (default)
    , aprox_distinct_count0 = dcount(CustomerKey, 0) // 0-based accuracy
    , aprox_distinct_count1 = dcount(CustomerKey, 1) // 1-based accuracy (default)
    , aprox_distinct_count2 = dcount(CustomerKey, 2) // 2-based accuracy
    , aprox_distinct_count3 = dcount(CustomerKey, 3) // 3-based accuracy
    , aprox_distinct_count4 = dcount(CustomerKey, 4) // 4-based accuracy
record_count distinct_count aprox_distinct_count aprox_distinct_count0 aprox_distinct_count1 aprox_distinct_count2 aprox_distinct_count3 aprox_distinct_count4
2832193 18484 18497 18793 18497 18500 18470 18487

It will be interesting to see which one of these parameters are used in practice. The problems usually start when different approximation parameters are used alternatively with no previous agreement. How could one argument in the favor of one parameter over the others? 

A natural question: how big will be the error introduced by each parameter? Usually, when approximating values, one needs to specify also the expected error somehow. The documentation provide some guiding value, though are these values enough? Do similar estimate functions make sense also for the other aggregate functions?

In exchange, the count_distinct and count_distinctif seem to be still in preview, with all the consequences derived from this. They are supposed to be more resource-intensive than the estimative counterparts. Conversely, the values returned can be still rounded in dashboards up to the meaningful unit (e.g. thousands), and this usually depends on the context. The question whether the values can be rounded can be put also in the context and the estimative counterparts. It would be interesting to check how far away are the rounded values from each other in the context of the two sets of functions.

In practice, counting is useful for calculating percentages (e.g. how many customers come from a certain zone compared to the total), which are more useful and easier to grasp than big numbers: 

// calculating percentages from totals
| where SalesAmount <> 0 and ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
| where DateKey >=date(2023-02-01) and DateKey < datetime(2023-03-01)
| summarize count_customers = count_distinct(CustomerKey)
    , count_customers_US = count_distinctif(CustomerKey, RegionCountryName == 'United States')
    , count_customers_CA = count_distinctif(CustomerKey, RegionCountryName == 'Canada')
    , count_customers_other = count_distinctif(CustomerKey, not(RegionCountryName in ('United States', 'Canada')))
| extend percent_customers_US = iif(count_customers<>0, round(100.00 * count_customers_US/count_customers, 2), 0.00)
    , percent_customers_CA = iif(count_customers<>0, round(100.00 * count_customers_CA/count_customers, 2), 0.00)
    , percent_customers_other = iif(count_customers<>0, round(100.00 * count_customers_other/count_customers,2), 0.00)
count_customers count_customers_US count_customers_CA count_customers_other percent_customers_US percent_customers_CA percent_customers_other
10317 3912 789 5616 37.92 7.65 54.43

When showing percentages it's important to provide also the "context", the actual count or amount. This allows to understand the scale associated with the percentages. 

Happy coding!

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[R1] Arcane Code (2022) Fun With KQL – DCount, by R C Cain [link]
[R2] M Morowczynsk et al (2024) "The Definitive Guide to KQL" [sample]
[R3] M Zorich (2022) Too much noise in your data? Summarize it! [link]

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