06 February 2025

🌌🏭KQL Reloaded: First Steps (Part V: Database Metadata)

When working with a new data repository, one of the first things to do is to look at database's metadata, when available, and try to get a birds eye view of what's available, how big is the databases in terms of size, tables and user-defined objects, how the schema was defined, how the data are stored, eventually how often backup are taken, what users have access and to what, etc. 

So, after creating some queries in KQL and figuring out how things work, I tried to check what metadata are available, how it can be accessed, etc. The target is not to provide a full list of the available metadata, but to understand what information is available, in what format, how easy is to extract the important metadata, etc. 

So, the first set of metadata is related to database:

// get database metadata metadata
.show databases (ContosoSales)

// get database metadata metadata (multiple databases)
.show databases (ContosoSales, Samples)

// get database schema metadata
.show databases (ContosoSales) schema

// get database schema metadata (multiple databases) 
.show databases (ContosoSales, Samples) schema

// get database schema violations metadata
.show database ContosoSales schema violations

// get database entities metadata
.show databases entities with (showObfuscatedStrings=true)
| where DatabaseName == "ContosoSales"

// get database metadata 
.show databases entities with (resolveFunctionsSchema=true)
| where DatabaseName == "ContosoSales" and EntityType == "Table"
//| summarize count () //get the number of tables

// get a function's details
.show databases entities with (resolveFunctionsSchema=true)
| where DatabaseName == "ContosoSales" 
    and EntityType == "Function" 
    and EntityName == "SalesWithParams"

// get external tables metadata
.show external tables

// get materialized views metadata
.show materialized-views

// get query results metadata
.show stored_query_results

// get entities groups metadata
.show entity_groups

Then, it's useful to look at the database objects. 

// get all tables 
.show tables 
//| count

// get tables metadata
.show tables (Customers, NewSales)

// get tables schema
.show table Customers cslschema

// get schema as json
.show table Customers schema as json

// get table size: Customers
| extend sizeEstimateOfColumn = estimate_data_size(*)
| summarize totalSize_MB=round(sum(sizeEstimateOfColumn)/1024.00/1024.00,2)

Unfortunately, the public environment has restrictions in what concerns the creation of objects, while for the features available one needs to create some objects to query the corresponding metadata.

Furthermore, it would be interesting to understand who has access to the various repositories, what policies were defined, and so on. 

// get principal roles
.show database ContosoSales principal roles

// get principal roles for table
.show table Customers principal roles

// get principal roles for function:
.show function SalesWithParams principal roles

// get retention policies
.show table Customers policy retention

// get sharding policies
.show table Customers policy sharding

There are many more objects one can explore. It makes sense to document the features, respectively the objects used for the various purposes.

In addition, one should check also the best practices available for the data repository (see [2]).

Happy coding!

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[1] Microsoft Learn (2024) Management commands overview [link]
[2] Microsoft Learn (2024) Kusto: Best practices for schema management [link]

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Koeln, NRW, Germany
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