14 May 2024

Graphical Representation: Sparklines (Notes)

Example Sparklines within Groups


  • {definition} "small, intense, simple, word-sized graphic with typographic resolution" [1]
  • {timeline}
    • [1993] initially considered as 'intense continuous time-series' by Tufte [2]
    • [2006] the term is introduced by Tufte [1]
    • [2009] introduced in Microsoft Excel 2010
    • ⇐ see also [3] for a broader timeline
  • {characteristic} small
    • considered as tiny charts 
  • {characteristic} word-sized graphic (aka word-like)
    • comparable to words and letters
    • their distributions on a page are like sentences and paragraphs [1]
  • {characteristic} inline
    • can be everywhere a word or number can be
    • e.g. embedded in a sentence, table, headline, map, spreadsheet, graphic [1]
  • {characteristic} minimalistic
    • no grid lines 
    • other visual elements are used occasionally, though kept to a minimum 
  • {characteristic} approximate
    • it isn't meant to give precise values, though is precise enough for its scope
  • {characteristic} compact
    • vastly increase the amount of data within readers' eye-span
    • aggregates pattern along with plenty of local detail [1]
    • allows for speed and convenience [1]
  • {characteristic} provides context
    • enables us to put numbers in context 
  • {characteristic} typographic resolution
    • "work at intense resolutions, at the level of good typography and cartography" [1]
  • forms
    • line graph
    • bar chart 
    • win/loss
  • scope
    • show trends in a series of values
    • highlight maximum and minimum values
    • show recent change in relation to past changes
    • make comparisons across the lines and/or within groups
  • supports
    • time series
      • e.g.  seasonal increases or decreases, economic cycles
    • binary data
      • e.g. presence/absence, occurrence/non-occurrence, win/loss [1]
    • multivariate data
      • can simultaneously accommodate several variables
  • {recommendation} position a sparkline near its data for greatest impact

[1] Edward R Tufte (2006) "Beautiful Evidence"
[2] Edward R Tufte (1983) "The Visual Display of Quantitative Information"
[3] Wikipedia (2023) Sparklines (link)

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