26 December 2011

📉Graphical Representation: Order (Just the Quotes)

"Numerical facts, like other facts, are but the raw materials of knowledge, upon which our reasoning faculties must be exerted in order to draw forth the principles of nature. [...] Numerical precision is the soul of science [...]" (William S Jevons, "The Principles of Science: A Treatise on Logic and Scientific Method", 1874)

"Tables are [...] the backbone of most statistical reports. They provide the basic substance and foundation on which conclusions can be based. They are considered valuable for the following reasons:" (1) Clarity - they present many items of data in an orderly and organized way." (2) Comprehension - they make it possible to compare many figures quickly." (3) Explicitness - they provide actual numbers which document data presented in accompanying text and charts." (4) Economy - they save space, and words." (5) Convenience - they offer easy and rapid access to desired items of information." (Peter H Selby, "Interpreting Graphs and Tables", 1976)

"The preparation of well-designed graphics is both an art and a skill. There are many different ways to go about the task, and readers are urged to develop their own approaches. Graphics can be creative and fun. At the same time, they require a degree of orderly and systematic work." (Robert Lefferts, "Elements of Graphics: How to prepare charts and graphs for effective reports", 1981)

"Unlike some art forms. good graphics should be as concrete, geometrical, and representational as possible. A rectangle should be drawn as a rectangle, leaving nothing to the reader's imagination about what you are trying to portray. The various lines and shapes used in a graphic chart should be arranged so that it appears to be balanced. This balance is a result of the placement of shapes and lines in an orderly fashion." (Robert Lefferts, "Elements of Graphics: How to prepare charts and graphs for effective reports", 1981)

"[…] the only worse design than a pie chart is several of them, for then the viewer is asked to compare quantities located in spatial disarray both within and between pies. […] Given their low data-density and failure to order numbers along a visual dimension, pie charts should never be used." (Edward R Tufte, "The Visual Display of Quantitative Information", 1983)

"The time-series plot is the most frequently used form of graphic design. With one dimension marching along to the regular rhythm of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, centuries, or millennia, the natural ordering of the time scale gives this design a strength and efficiency of interpretation found in no other graphic arrangement." (Edward R Tufte, "The Visual Display of Quantitative Information", 1983)

"We envision information in order to reason about, communicate, document, and preserve that knowledge - activities nearly always carried out on two-dimensional paper and computer screen. Escaping this flatland and enriching the density of data displays are the essential tasks of information design." (Edward R Tufte, "Envisioning Information", 1990)

"Many of the applications of visualization in this book give the impression that data analysis consists of an orderly progression of exploratory graphs, fitting, and visualization of fits and residuals. Coherence of discussion and limited space necessitate a presentation that appears to imply this. Real life is usually quite different. There are blind alleys. There are mistaken actions. There are effects missed until the very end when some visualization saves the day. And worse, there is the possibility of the nearly unmentionable: missed effects." (William S Cleveland, "Visualizing Data", 1993)

"Visual thinking can begin with the three basic shapes we all learned to draw before kindergarten: the triangle, the circle, and the square. The triangle encourages you to rank parts of a problem by priority. When drawn into a triangle, these parts are less likely to get out of order and take on more importance than they should. While the triangle ranks, the circle encloses and can be used to include and/or exclude. Some problems have to be enclosed to be managed. Finally, the square serves as a versatile problem-solving tool. By assigning it attributes along its sides or corners, we can suddenly give a vague issue a specific place to live and to move about." (Terry Richey, "The Marketer's Visual Tool Kit", 1994)

"Often many tracings are shown together. Extraneous parts of the tracings must be eliminated and relevant tracings should be placed in a logical order. Repetitious labels should be eliminated and labels added that will fully clarify your information." (Mary H Briscoe, "Preparing Scientific Illustrations: A guide to better posters, presentations, and publications" 2nd ed., 1995)

"Averages, ranges, and histograms all obscure the time-order for the data. If the time-order for the data shows some sort of definite pattern, then the obscuring of this pattern by the use of averages, ranges, or histograms can mislead the user. Since all data occur in time, virtually all data will have a time-order. In some cases this time-order is the essential context which must be preserved in the presentation." (Donald J Wheeler," Understanding Variation: The Key to Managing Chaos" 2nd Ed., 2000)

"The acquisition of information is a flow from noise to order - a process converting entropy to redundancy. During this process, the amount of information decreases but is compensated by constant re-coding. In the recoding the amount of information per unit increases by means of a new symbol which represents the total amount of the old. The maturing thus implies information condensation. Simultaneously, the redundance decreases, which render the information more difficult to interpret." (Lars Skyttner, "General Systems Theory: Ideas and Applications", 2001)

"A bar graph typically presents either averages or frequencies. It is relatively simple to present raw data" (in the form of dot plots or box plots). Such plots provide much more information. and they are closer to the original data. If the bar graph categories are linked in some way - for example, doses of treatments - then a line graph will be much more informative. Very complicated bar graphs containing adjacent bars are very difficult to grasp. If the bar graph represents frequencies. and the abscissa values can be ordered, then a line graph will be much more informative and will have substantially reduced chart junk." (Gerald van Belle, "Statistical Rules of Thumb", 2002)

"A useful feature of a stem plot is that the values maintain their natural order, while at the same time they are laid out in a way that emphasises the overall distribution of where the values are concentrated (that is, where the longer branches are). This enables you easily to pick out key values such as the median and quartiles." (Alan Graham, "Developing Thinking in Statistics", 2006)

"Where there is no natural ordering to the categories it can be helpful to order them by size, as this can help you to pick out any patterns or compare the relative frequencies across groups. As it can be difficult to discern immediately the numbers represented in each of the categories it is good practice to include the number of observations on which the chart is based, together with the percentages in each category." (Jenny Freeman et al, "How to Display Data", 2008)

"[...] without conscious effort, the brain always tries to close the distance between observed phenomena and knowledge or wisdom that can help us survive. This is what cognition means. The role of an information architect is to anticipate this process and generate order before people’s brains try to do it on their own." (Alberto Cairo, "The Functional Art", 2011)

"A viewer’s eye must be guided to 'read' the elements in a logical order. The design of an exploratory graphic needs to allow for the additional component of discovery - guiding the viewer to first understand the overall concept and then engage her to further explore the supporting information." (Felice C Frankel & Angela H DePace, "Visual Strategies", 2012)

"With further similarities to small multiples, heatmaps enable us to perform rapid pattern matching to detect the order and hierarchy of different quantitative values across a matrix of categorical combinations. The use of a color scheme with decreasing saturation or increasing lightness helps create the sense of data magnitude ranking." (Andy Kirk, "Data Visualization: A successful design process", 2012)

"Compared to the rainbow colormap, the heat map uses a smaller set of hues, but adds luminance as a way to order colors in an intuitive manner. Compared to the two-hue colormap, the heat map uses more hues, thus allowing one to discriminate between more data values." (Alexandru Telea, "Data Visualization: Principles and Practice" 2nd Ed., 2015)

"Will you be encountering each other for the first time through this communication, or do you have an established relationship? Do they already trust you as an expert, or do you need to work to establish credibility? These are important considerations when it comes to determining how to structure your communication and whether and when to use data, and may impact the order and flow of the overall story you aim to tell." (Cole N Knaflic, "Storytelling with Data: A Data Visualization Guide for Business Professionals", 2015)

"Complementary colors send a message of opposition but also of balance. A chart with saturated complementary colors is an aggressively colored chart in which the colors fight (equally) for their share of attention. Apply this rule when you intend to represent very distinct variables or those that for some reason you want to show as contrasting each other. Do not use complementary colors when variables have some form of continuity or order." (Jorge Camões, "Data at Work: Best practices for creating effective charts and information graphics in Microsoft Excel", 2016)

"Ranks do not explain how much one item varies from another. Ranked data is ordinal; that is, the data is categorical and has a sequence (e.g., who finished the race first, second, and third). That’s it! Ranked data can be used for showing the order of the data points. […] When working with ranked data, you cannot make inferences about the variance in the data; all you can say with certainty is which item is ranked higher than the others, not how much higher." (Andy Kriebel & Eva Murray, "#MakeoverMonday: Improving How We Visualize and Analyze Data, One Chart at a Time", 2018)

"Beyond the design of individual charts, the sequence of data visualizations creates grammar within the exposition. Cohesive visualizations follow common narrative structures to fully express their message. Order matters. " (Vidya Setlur & Bridget Cogley, "Functional Aesthetics for data visualization", 2022)

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