30 December 2011

📉Graphical Representation: Coordinates (Just the Quotes)

"A warning seems justifiable that the background of a chart should not be made any more prominent than actually necessary. Many charts have such heavy coordinate ruling and such relatively narrow lines for curves or other data that the real facts the chart is intended to portray do not stand out clearly from the background. No more coordinate lines should be used than are absolutely necessary to guide the eye of the reader and to permit an easy reading of the curves." (Willard C Brinton, "Graphic Methods for Presenting Facts", 1919)

"Co-ordinate ruling does not appear prominently on most original charts because the ruling is usually printed in some color of ink distinct from the curve itself. When, however, a chart is reproduced in a line engraving the co-ordinate lines come out the same color as the curve or other important data, and there may be too little contrast to assist the reader." (Willard C Brinton, "Graphic Methods for Presenting Facts", 1919)

"A system may be specified in either of two ways. In the first, which we shall call a state description, sets of abstract inputs, outputs and states are given, together with the action of the inputs on the states and the assignments of outputs to states. In the second, which we shall call a coordinate description, certain input, output and state variables are given, together with a system of dynamical equations describing the relations among the variables as functions of time. Modern mathematical system theory is formulated in terms of state descriptions, whereas the classical formulation is typically a coordinate description, for example a system of differential equations." (E S Bainbridge, "The Fundamental Duality of System Theory", 1975)

"A coordinate is a number or value used to locate a point with respect to a reference point, line, or plane. Generally the reference is zero. […] The major function of coordinates is to provide a method for encoding information on charts, graphs, and maps in such a way that viewers can accurately decode the information after the graph or map has been generated."  (Robert L Harris, "Information Graphics: A Comprehensive Illustrated Reference", 1996) 

"Coordinates are sets that locate points in space. These sets are usually numbers grouped in tuples, one tuple for each point. Because spaces can be defined as sets of geometric objects plus axioms defining their behavior, coordinates can be thought of more generally as schemes for mapping elements of sets to geometric objects." (Leland Wilkinson, "The Grammar of Graphics" 2nd Ed., 2005)

"No other statistical graphic can hold so much information at a time than the parallel coordinate plot. Thus this plot is ideal to get an initial overview of a dataset, or at the very least a large subgroup of the variables." (Martin Theus & Simon Urbanek, "Interactive Graphics for Data Analysis: Principles and Examples", 2009)

"One big advantage of parallel coordinate plots over scatterplot matrices. (i.e., the matrix of scatterplots of all variable pairs) is that parallel coordinate plots need less space to plot the same amount of data. On the other hand, parallel coordinate plots with p variables show only p - 1 adjacencies. However, adjacent variables reveal most of the information in a parallel coordinate plot. Reordering variables in a parallel coordinate plot is therefore essential." (Martin Theus & Simon Urbanek, "Interactive Graphics for Data Analysis: Principles and Examples", 2009) 

"Parallel coordinate plots are often overrated concerning their ability to depict multivariate features. Scatterplots are clearly superior in investigating the relationship between two continuous variables and multivariate outliers do not necessarily stick out in a parallel coordinate plot. Nonetheless, parallel coordinate plots can help to find and understand features such as groups/clusters, outliers and multivariate structures in their multivariate context. The key feature is the ability to select and highlight individual cases or groups in the data, and compare them to other groups or the rest of the data." (Martin Theus & Simon Urbanek, "Interactive Graphics for Data Analysis: Principles and Examples", 2009)

"The idiom of parallel coordinates is an approach for visualizing many quantitative attributes at once using spatial position. As the name suggests, the axes are placed parallel to each other, rather than perpendicularly at right angles. While an item is shown with a dot in a scatterplot, with parallel coordinates a single item is represented by a jagged line that zigzags through the parallel axes, crossing each axis exactly once at the location of the item’s value for the associated attribute. " (Tamara Munzner, "Visualization Analysis and Design", 2014)

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