22 December 2011

📉Graphical Representation: Categories (Just the Quotes)

"A bar graph typically presents either averages or frequencies. It is relatively simple to present raw data (in the form of dot plots or box plots). Such plots provide much more information. and they are closer to the original data. If the bar graph categories are linked in some way - for example, doses of treatments - then a line graph will be much more informative. Very complicated bar graphs containing adjacent bars are very difficult to grasp. If the bar graph represents frequencies. and the abscissa values can be ordered, then a line graph will be much more informative and will have substantially reduced chart junk." (Gerald van Belle, "Statistical Rules of Thumb", 2002)

"Stacked bar graphs do not show data structure well. A trend in one of the stacked variables has to be deduced by scanning along the vertical bars. This becomes especially difficult when the categories do not move in the same direction." (Gerald van Belle, "Statistical Rules of Thumb", 2002)

"Arbitrary category sequence and misplaced pie chart emphasis lead to general confusion and weaken messages. Although this can be used for quite deliberate and targeted deceit, manipulation of the category axis only really comes into its own with techniques that bend the relationship between the data and the optics in a more calculated way. Many of these techniques are just twins of similar ruses on the value axis. but are none the less powerful for that." (Nicholas Strange, "Smoke and Mirrors: How to bend facts and figures to your advantage", 2007)

"Category definition and selection in the pre-graphical phase of communication offer varied manipulation opportunities. But once we get to designing the chart itself category distortion opportunities are even more attractive." (Nicholas Strange, "Smoke and Mirrors: How to bend facts and figures to your advantage", 2007)

"Generally pie charts are to be avoided, as they can be difficult to interpret particularly when the number of categories is greater than five. Small proportions can be very hard to discern […] In addition, unless the percentages in each of the individual categories are given as numbers it can be much more difficult to estimate them from a pie chart than from a bar chart […]." (Jenny Freeman et al, "How to Display Data", 2008)

"Where there is no natural ordering to the categories it can be helpful to order them by size, as this can help you to pick out any patterns or compare the relative frequencies across groups. As it can be difficult to discern immediately the numbers represented in each of the categories it is good practice to include the number of observations on which the chart is based, together with the percentages in each category." (Jenny Freeman et al, "How to Display Data", 2008)

"Histograms are often mistaken for bar charts but there are important differences. Histograms show distribution through the frequency of quantitative values (y axis) against defined intervals of quantitative values (x axis). By contrast, bar charts facilitate comparison of categorical values. One of the distinguishing features of a histogram is the lack of gaps between the bars [...]" (Andy Kirk, "Data Visualization: A successful design process", 2012)

"Early exploration of a dataset can be overwhelming, because you don’t know where to start. Ask questions about the data and let your curiosities guide you. […] Make multiple charts, compare all your variables, and see if there are interesting bits that are worth a closer look. Look at your data as a whole and then zoom in on categories and individual data points. […] Subcategories, the categories within categories (within categories), are often more revealing than the main categories. As you drill down, there can be higher variability and more interesting things to see." (Nathan Yau, "Data Points: Visualization That Means Something", 2013)

"If I had to pick a single go-to graph for categorical data, it would be the horizontal bar chart, which flips the vertical version on its side. Why? Because it is extremely easy to read. The horizontal bar chart is especially useful if your category names are long, as the text is written from left to right, as most audiences read, making your graph legible for your audience." (Cole N Knaflic, "Storytelling with Data: A Data Visualization Guide for Business Professionals", 2015)

"A taxonomy is a classification scheme that organizes categories in a broader-narrower hierarchy. Items that share similar qualities are grouped into the same category, and the taxonomy provides a global organization by relating categories to one another." (Jesús Barrasa et al, "Knowledge Graphs: Data in Context for Responsive Businesses", 2021)

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