18 December 2018

🔭Data Science: Problem Solving (Just the Quotes)

"Reflexion is careful and laborious thought, and watchful attention directed to the agreeable effect of one's plan. Invention, on the other hand, is the solving of intricate problems and the discovery of new principles by means of brilliancy and versatility." (Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, "De architectura" ["On Architecture], cca. 15BC)

"The insights gained and garnered by the mind in its wanderings among basic concepts are benefits that theory can provide. Theory cannot equip the mind with formulas for solving problems, nor can it mark the narrow path on which the sole solution is supposed to lie by planting a hedge of principles on either side. But it can give the mind insight into the great mass of phenomena and of their relationships, then leave it free to rise into the higher realms of action." (Carl von Clausewitz, "On War", 1832)

"The correct solution to any problem depends principally on a true understanding of what the problem is." (Arthur M Wellington, "The Economic Theory of Railway Location", 1887)

"He who seeks for methods without having a definite problem in mind seeks for the most part in vain." (David Hilbert, 1902)

"This diagrammatic method has, however, serious inconveniences as a method for solving logical problems. It does not show how the data are exhibited by cancelling certain constituents, nor does it show how to combine the remaining constituents so as to obtain the consequences sought. In short, it serves only to exhibit one single step in the argument, namely the equation of the problem; it dispenses neither with the previous steps, i.e., 'throwing of the problem into an equation' and the transformation of the premises, nor with the subsequent steps, i.e., the combinations that lead to the various consequences. Hence it is of very little use, inasmuch as the constituents can be represented by algebraic symbols quite as well as by plane regions, and are much easier to deal with in this form." (Louis Couturat, "The Algebra of Logic", 1914)

"A great discovery solves a great problem but there is a grain of discovery in the solution of any problem. Your problem may be modest; but if it challenges your curiosity and brings into play your inventive faculties, and if you solve it by your own means, you may experience the tension and enjoy the triumph of discovery." (George Polya, "How to solve it", 1944)

"Success in solving the problem depends on choosing the right aspect, on attacking the fortress from its accessible side." (George Polya, "How to Solve It", 1944)

"[The] function of thinking is not just solving an actual problem but discovering, envisaging, going into deeper questions. Often, in great discovery the most important thing is that a certain question is found." (Max Wertheimer, "Productive Thinking", 1945)

"We can scarcely imagine a problem absolutely new, unlike and unrelated to any formerly solved problem; but if such a problem could exist, it would be insoluble. In fact, when solving a problem, we should always profit from previously solved problems, using their result or their method, or the experience acquired in solving them." (George Polya, 1945)

"I believe, that the decisive idea which brings the solution of a problem is rather often connected with a well-turned word or sentence. The word or the sentence enlightens the situation, gives things, as you say, a physiognomy. It can precede by little the decisive idea or follow on it immediately; perhaps, it arises at the same time as the decisive idea. […]  The right word, the subtly appropriate word, helps us to recall the mathematical idea, perhaps less completely and less objectively than a diagram or a mathematical notation, but in an analogous way. […] It may contribute to fix it in the mind." (George Pólya [in a letter to Jaque Hadamard, "The Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical Field", 1949])

"The problems are solved, not by giving new information, but by arranging what we have known since long." (Ludwig Wittgenstein, "Philosophical Investigations", 1953)

"Solving problems is the specific achievement of intelligence." (George Pólya, 1957)

"Systems engineering embraces every scientific and technical concept known, including economics, management, operations, maintenance, etc. It is the job of integrating an entire problem or problem to arrive at one overall answer, and the breaking down of this answer into defined units which are selected to function compatibly to achieve the specified objectives." (Instrumentation Technology, 1957)

"A problem that is located and identified is already half solved!" (Bror R Carlson, "Managing for Profit", 1961)

"If we view organizations as adaptive, problem-solving structures, then inferences about effectiveness have to be made, not from static measures of output, but on the basis of the processes through which the organization approaches problems. In other words, no single measurement of organizational efficiency or satisfaction - no single time-slice of organizational performance can provide valid indicators of organizational health." (Warren G Bennis, "General Systems Yearbook", 1962)

"Solving problems can be regarded as the most characteristically human activity." (George Pólya, "Mathematical Discovery", 1962)

"The final test of a theory is its capacity to solve the problems which originated it." (George Dantzig, "Linear Programming and Extensions", 1963)

"It is a commonplace of modern technology that there is a high measure of certainty that problems have solutions before there is knowledge of how they are to be solved." (John K Galbraith, "The New Industrial State", 1967)

"An expert problem solver must be endowed with two incompatible qualities, a restless imagination and a patient pertinacity.” (Howard W Eves, “In Mathematical Circles”, 1969)

"The problem-solving approach allows for mental double-clutching. It does not require a direct switch from one point of view to another. It provides a period 'in neutural' where there is an openness to facts and, therefore, a willingness to consider alternative views." (William Reddin, "Managerial Effectiveness", 1970)

"In general, complexity and precision bear an inverse relation to one another in the sense that, as the complexity of a problem increases, the possibility of analysing it in precise terms diminishes. Thus 'fuzzy thinking' may not be deplorable, after all, if it makes possible the solution of problems which are much too complex for precise analysis." (Lotfi A Zadeh, "Fuzzy languages and their relation to human intelligence", 1972)

"If we deal with our problem not knowing, or pretending not to know the general theory encompassing the concrete case before us, if we tackle the problem "with bare hands", we have a better chance to understand the scientist's attitude in general, and especially the task of the applied mathematician." (George Pólya, "Mathematical Methods in Science", 1977)

"Systems represent someone's attempt at solution to problems, but they do not solve problems; they produce complicated responses." (Melvin J Sykes, Maryland Law Review, 1978)

“Solving problems can be regarded as the most characteristically human activity.” (George Polya, 1981)

"The problem solver needs to stand back and examine problem contexts in the light of different 'Ws' (Weltanschauungen). Perhaps he can then decide which 'W' seems to capture the essence of the particular problem context he is faced with. This whole process needs formalizing if it is to be carried out successfully. The problem solver needs to be aware of different paradigms in the social sciences, and he must be prepared to view the problem context through each of these paradigms." (Michael C Jackson, "Towards a System of Systems Methodologies", 1984)

"People in general tend to assume that there is some 'right' way of solving problems. Formal logic, for example, is regarded as a correct approach to thinking, but thinking is always a compromise between the demands of comprehensiveness, speed, and accuracy. There is no best way of thinking." (James L McKenney & Peter G W Keen, Harvard Business Review on Human Relations, 1986)

"A great many problems are easier to solve rigorously if you know in advance what the answer is." (Ian Stewart, "From Here to Infinity", 1987)

"Define the problem before you pursue a solution." (John Williams, Inc. Magazine's Guide to Small Business Success, 1987)

"No matter how complicated a problem is, it usually can be reduced to a simple, comprehensible form which is often the best solution." (Dr. An Wang, Nation's Business, 1987)

"There are many things you can do with problems besides solving them. First you must define them, pose them. But then of course you can also refi ne them, depose them, or expose them or even dissolve them! A given problem may send you looking for analogies, and some of these may lead you astray, suggesting new and different problems, related or not to the original. Ends and means can get reversed. You had a goal, but the means you found didn’t lead to it, so you found a new goal they did lead to. It’s called play. Creative mathematicians play a lot; around any problem really interesting they develop a whole cluster of analogies, of playthings." (David Hawkins, "The Spirit of Play", Los Alamos Science, 1987)

"A scientific problem can be illuminated by the discovery of a profound analogy, and a mundane problem can be solved in a similar way." (Philip Johnson-Laird, "The Computer and the Mind", 1988)

"Anecdotes may be more useful than equations in understanding the problem." (Robert Kuttner, "The New Republic", The New York Times, 1988)

"Most people would rush ahead and implement a solution before they know what the problem is." (Q T Wiles, Inc. Magazine, 1988)

“A mental model is a knowledge structure that incorporates both declarative knowledge (e.g., device models) and procedural knowledge (e.g., procedures for determining distributions of voltages within a circuit), and a control structure that determines how the procedural and declarative knowledge are used in solving problems (e.g., mentally simulating the behavior of a circuit).” (Barbara Y White & John R Frederiksen, “Causal Model Progressions as a Foundation for Intelligent Learning Environments”, Artificial Intelligence 42, 1990)

"An important symptom of an emerging understanding is the capacity to represent a problem in a number of different ways and to approach its solution from varied vantage points; a single, rigid representation is unlikely to suffice." (Howard Gardner, “The Unschooled Mind”, 1991)

“[By understanding] I mean simply a sufficient grasp of concepts, principles, or skills so that one can bring them to bear on new problems and situations, deciding in which ways one’s present competencies can suffice and in which ways one may require new skills or knowledge.” (Howard Gardner, “The Unschooled Mind”, 1991)

"We consider the notion of ‘system’ as an organising concept, before going on to look in detail at various systemic metaphors that may be used as a basis for structuring thinking about organisations and problem situations." (Michael C Jackson, "Creative Problem Solving: Total Systems Intervention", 1991)

“But our ways of learning about the world are strongly influenced by the social preconceptions and biased modes of thinking that each scientist must apply to any problem. The stereotype of a fully rational and objective ‘scientific method’, with individual scientists as logical (and interchangeable) robots, is self-serving mythology.” (Stephen Jay Gould, “This View of Life: In the Mind of the Beholder”, Natural History Vol. 103 (2), 1994)

"The term mental model refers to knowledge structures utilized in the solving of problems. Mental models are causal and thus may be functionally defined in the sense that they allow a problem solver to engage in description, explanation, and prediction. Mental models may also be defined in a structural sense as consisting of objects, states that those objects exist in, and processes that are responsible for those objects’ changing states." (Robert Hafner & Jim Stewart, "Revising Explanatory Models to Accommodate Anomalous Genetic Phenomena: Problem Solving in the ‘Context of Discovery’", Science Education 79 (2), 1995)

"The purpose of a conceptual model is to provide a vocabulary of terms and concepts that can be used to describe problems and/or solutions of design. It is not the purpose of a model to address specific problems, and even less to propose solutions for them. Drawing an analogy with linguistics, a conceptual model is analogous to a language, while design patterns are analogous to rhetorical figures, which are predefined templates of language usages, suited particularly to specific problems." (Peter P Chen [Ed.], "Advances in Conceptual Modeling", 1999)

"The three basic mechanisms of averaging, feedback and division of labor give us a first idea of a how a CMM [Collective Mental Map] can be developed in the most efficient way, that is, how a given number of individuals can achieve a maximum of collective problem-solving competence. A collective mental map is developed basically by superposing a number of individual mental maps. There must be sufficient diversity among these individual maps to cover an as large as possible domain, yet sufficient redundancy so that the overlap between maps is large enough to make the resulting graph fully connected, and so that each preference in the map is the superposition of a number of individual preferences that is large enough to cancel out individual fluctuations. The best way to quickly expand and improve the map and fill in gaps is to use a positive feedback that encourages individuals to use high preference paths discovered by others, yet is not so strong that it discourages the exploration of new paths." (Francis Heylighen, "Collective Intelligence and its Implementation on the Web", 1999)

"What it means for a mental model to be a structural analog is that it embodies a representation of the spatial and temporal relations among, and the causal structures connecting the events and entities depicted and whatever other information that is relevant to the problem-solving talks. […] The essential points are that a mental model can be nonlinguistic in form and the mental mechanisms are such that they can satisfy the model-building and simulative constraints necessary for the activity of mental modeling." (Nancy J Nersessian, "Model-based reasoning in conceptual change", 1999)

"A model is an imitation of reality and a mathematical model is a particular form of representation. We should never forget this and get so distracted by the model that we forget the real application which is driving the modelling. In the process of model building we are translating our real world problem into an equivalent mathematical problem which we solve and then attempt to interpret. We do this to gain insight into the original real world situation or to use the model for control, optimization or possibly safety studies." (Ian T Cameron & Katalin Hangos, "Process Modelling and Model Analysis", 2001)

"[...] a general-purpose universal optimization strategy is theoretically impossible, and the only way one strategy can outperform another is if it is specialized to the specific problem under consideration." (Yu-Chi Ho & David L Pepyne, "Simple explanation of the no-free-lunch theorem and its implications", Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 115, 2002)

"Mathematical modeling is as much ‘art’ as ‘science’: it requires the practitioner to (i) identify a so-called ‘real world’ problem (whatever the context may be); (ii) formulate it in mathematical terms (the ‘word problem’ so beloved of undergraduates); (iii) solve the problem thus formulated (if possible; perhaps approximate solutions will suffice, especially if the complete problem is intractable); and (iv) interpret the solution in the context of the original problem." (John A Adam, "Mathematics in Nature", 2003)

"What is a mathematical model? One basic answer is that it is the formulation in mathematical terms of the assumptions and their consequences believed to underlie a particular ‘real world’ problem. The aim of mathematical modeling is the practical application of mathematics to help unravel the underlying mechanisms involved in, for example, economic, physical, biological, or other systems and processes." (John A Adam, "Mathematics in Nature", 2003)

"Alternative models are neither right nor wrong, just more or less useful in allowing us to operate in the world and discover more and better options for solving problems." (Andrew Weil," The Natural Mind: A Revolutionary Approach to the Drug Problem", 2004)

“A conceptual model is a mental image of a system, its components, its interactions. It lays the foundation for more elaborate models, such as physical or numerical models. A conceptual model provides a framework in which to think about the workings of a system or about problem solving in general. An ensuing operational model can be no better than its underlying conceptualization.” (Henry N Pollack, “Uncertain Science … Uncertain World”, 2005)

"Graphics is the visual means of resolving logical problems." (Jacques Bertin, "Graphics and Graphic Information Processing", 2011)

"In specific cases, we think by applying mental rules, which are similar to rules in computer programs. In most of the cases, however, we reason by constructing, inspecting, and manipulating mental models. These models and the processes that manipulate them are the basis of our competence to reason. In general, it is believed that humans have the competence to perform such inferences error-free. Errors do occur, however, because reasoning performance is limited by capacities of the cognitive system, misunderstanding of the premises, ambiguity of problems, and motivational factors. Moreover, background knowledge can significantly influence our reasoning performance. This influence can either be facilitation or an impedance of the reasoning process." (Carsten Held et al, "Mental Models and the Mind", 2006)

"Every problem has a solution; it may sometimes just need another perspective.” (Rebecca Mallery et al, "NLP for Rookies", 2009)

"Mental acuity of any kind comes from solving problems yourself, not from being told how to solve them.” (Paul Lockhart, "A Mathematician's Lament", 2009)

"Mostly we rely on stories to put our ideas into context and give them meaning. It should be no surprise, then, that the human capacity for storytelling plays an important role in the intrinsically human-centered approach to problem solving, design thinking." (Tim Brown, "Change by Design: How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation", 2009)

"Mental models are formed over time through a deep enculturation process, so it follows that any attempt to align mental models must focus heavily on collective sense making. Alignment only happens through a process of socialisation; people working together, solving problems together, making sense of the world together." (Robina Chatham & Brian Sutton, "Changing the IT Leader’s Mindset", 2010)

"Mathematical modeling is the application of mathematics to describe real-world problems and investigating important questions that arise from it." (Sandip Banerjee, "Mathematical Modeling: Models, Analysis and Applications", 2014)

"Mental imagery is often useful in problem solving. Verbal descriptions of problems can become confusing, and a mental image can clear away excessive detail to bring out important aspects of the problem. Imagery is most useful with problems that hinge on some spatial relationship. However, if the problem requires an unusual solution, mental imagery alone can be misleading, since it is difficult to change one’s understanding of a mental image. In many cases, it helps to draw a concrete picture since a picture can be turned around, played with, and reinterpreted, yielding new solutions in a way that a mental image cannot." (James Schindler, "Followership", 2014)

“Framing the right problem is equally or even more important than solving it.” (Pearl Zhu, “Change, Creativity and Problem-Solving”, 2017)

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Koeln, NRW, Germany
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