22 October 2015

🪙Business Intelligence: Data Warehouse (Just the Quotes)

"Unfortunately, just collecting the data in one place and making it easily available isn’t enough. When operational data from transactions is loaded into the data warehouse, it often contains missing or inaccurate data. How good or bad the data is a function of the amount of input checking done in the application that generates the transaction. Unfortunately, many deployed applications are less than stellar when it comes to validating the inputs. To overcome this problem, the operational data must go through a 'cleansing' process, which takes care of missing or out-of-range values. If this cleansing step is not done before the data is loaded into the data warehouse, it will have to be performed repeatedly whenever that data is used in a data mining operation." (Joseph P Bigus,"Data Mining with Neural Networks: Solving business problems from application development to decision support", 1996)

"Having a purposeless or poorly performing dashboard is more common than not. This happens when the underlying architecture is not designed properly to support the needs of dashboard interaction. There is an obvious disconnect between the design of the data warehouse and the design of the dashboards. The people who design the data warehouse do not know what the dashboard will do; and the people who design the dashboards do not know how the data warehouse was designed, resulting in a lack of cohesion between the two. A similar disconnect can also exist between the dashboard designer and the business analyst, resulting in a dashboard that may look beautiful and dazzling but brings very little business value." (Nils H Rasmussen et al, "Business Dashboards: A visual catalog for design and deployment", 2009)

"Having multiple data lakes replicates the same problems that were created with multiple data warehouses - disparate data siloes and data fiefdoms that don't facilitate sharing of the corporate data assets across the organization. Organizations need to have a single data lake from which they can source the data for their BI/data warehousing and analytic needs. The data lake may never become the 'single version of the truth' for the organization, but then again, neither will the data warehouse. Instead, the data lake becomes the 'single or central repository for all the organization's data' from which all the organization's reporting and analytic needs are sourced." (Billl Schmarzo, "Driving Business Strategies with Data Science: Big Data MBA" 1st Ed., 2015)

"Unfortunately, some organizations are replicating the bad data warehouse practice by creating special-purpose data lakes - data lakes to address a specific business need. Resist that urge! Instead, source the data that is needed for that specific business need into an 'analytic sandbox' where the data scientists and the business users can collaborate to find those data variables and analytic models that are better predictors of the business performance. Within the 'analytic sandbox', the organization can bring together (ingest and integrate) the data that it wants to test, build the analytic models, test the model's goodness of fit, acquire new data, refine the analytic models, and retest the goodness of fit." (Billl Schmarzo, "Driving Business Strategies with Data Science: Big Data MBA" 1st Ed., 2015)

"Data quality in warehousing and BI is typically defined in terms of the 4 C’s - is the data clean, correct, consistent, and complete? When it comes to big data, there are two schools of thought that have different views and expectations of data quality. The first school believes that the gold standard of the 4 C’s must apply to all data (big and little) used for clinical care and performance metrics. The second school believes that in big data environments, a stringent data quality standard is impossible, too costly, or not required. While diametrically opposite opinions may play well in panel discussions, they do little to reconcile the realities of healthcare data quality." (Prashant Natarajan et al, "Demystifying Big Data and Machine Learning for Healthcare", 2017) 

"Data warehousing has always been difficult, because leaders within an organization want to approach warehousing and analytics as just another technology or application buy. Viewed in this light, they fail to understand the complexity and interdependent nature of building an enterprise reporting environment." (Prashant Natarajan et al, "Demystifying Big Data and Machine Learning for Healthcare", 2017)

"A data lake is a storage repository that holds a very large amount of data, often from diverse sources, in native format until needed. In some respects, a data lake can be compared to a staging area of a data warehouse, but there are key differences. Just like a staging area, a data lake is a conglomeration point for raw data from diverse sources. However, a staging area only stores new data needed for addition to the data warehouse and is a transient data store. In contrast, a data lake typically stores all possible data that might be needed for an undefined amount of analysis and reporting, allowing analysts to explore new data relationships. In addition, a data lake is usually built on commodity hardware and software such as Hadoop, whereas traditional staging areas typically reside in structured databases that require specialized servers." (Mike Fleckenstein & Lorraine Fellows, "Modern Data Strategy", 2018)

"A data warehouse follows a pre-built static structure to model source data. Any changes at the structural and configuration level must go through a stringent business review process and impact analysis. Data lakes are very agile. Consumption or analytical layer can be modified to fit in the model requirements. Consumers of a data lake are not constant; therefore, schema and modeling lies at the liberty of analysts and scientists." (Saurabh Gupta et al, "Practical Enterprise Data Lake Insights", 2018)

"Data warehousing, as we are aware, is the traditional approach of consolidating data from multiple source systems and combining into one store that would serve as the source for analytical and business intelligence reporting. The concept of data warehousing resolved the problems of data heterogeneity and low-level integration. In terms of objectives, a data lake is no different from a data warehouse. Both are primary advocates of terms like 'single source of truth' and 'central data repository'." (Saurabh Gupta et al, "Practical Enterprise Data Lake Insights", 2018)

"A defining characteristic of the data lakehouse architecture is allowing direct access to data as files while retaining the valuable properties of a data warehouse. Just do both!" (Bill Inmon et al, "Building the Data Lakehouse", 2021)

"The data lakehouse architecture presents an opportunity comparable to the one seen during the early years of the data warehouse market. The unique ability of the lakehouse to manage data in an open environment, blend all varieties of data from all parts of the enterprise, and combine the data science focus of the data lake with the end user analytics of the data warehouse will unlock incredible value for organizations. [...] "The lakehouse architecture equally makes it natural to manage and apply models where the data lives." (Bill Inmon et al, "Building the Data Lakehouse", 2021)

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