02 November 2011

Graphical Representation: Values (Just the Quotes)

"By [diagrams] it is possible to present at a glance all the facts which could be obtained from figures as to the increase, fluctuations, and relative importance of prices, quantities, and values of different classes of goods and trade with various countries; while the sharp irregularities of the curves give emphasis to the disturbing causes which produce any striking change." (Arthur L Bowley, "A Short Account of England's Foreign Trade in the Nineteenth Century, its Economic and Social Results", 1905)

"To summarize - with the ordinary arithmetical scale, fluctuations in large factors are very noticeable, while relatively greater fluctuations in smaller factors are barely apparent. The logarithmic scale permits the graphic representation of changes in every quantity without respect to the magnitude of the quantity itself. At the same time, the logarithmic scale shows the actual value by reference to the numbers in the vertical scale. By indicating both absolute and relative values and changes, the logarithmic scale combines the advantages of both the natural and the percentage scale without the disadvantages of either." (Willard C Brinton, "Graphic Methods for Presenting Facts", 1919)

"With the ordinary scale, fluctuations in large factors are very noticeable, while relatively greater fluctuations in smaller factors are barely apparent. The semi-logarithmic scale permits the graphic representation of changes in every quantity on the same basis, without respect to the magnitude of the quantity itself. At the same time, it shows the actual value by reference to the numbers in the scale column. By indicating both absolute and relative value and changes to one scale, it combines the advantages of both the natural and percentage scale, without the disadvantages of either." (Allan C Haskell, "How to Make and Use Graphic Charts", 1919)

"An important rule in the drafting of curve charts is that the amount scale should begin at zero. In comparisons of size the omission of the zero base, unless clearly indicated, is likely to give a misleading impression of the relative values and trend." (Rufus R Lutz, "Graphic Presentation Simplified", 1949)

"The function of the regression lines, as approximate representations of means of arrays, is to isolate the mean value of one variable corresponding to any given value of the other; the variation of the first variable about its mean is ignored. A regression line is an average relation, and with it there is a variation of values about the average. In the regression of y on x, the variation ignored is in the vertical direction, a variation of y up and down about the line." (Roy D G Allen, "Statistics for Economists", 1951)

"First, it is generally inadvisable to attempt to portray a series of more than four or five categories by means of pie charts. If, for example, there are six, eight, or more categories, it may be very confusing to differentiate the relative values portrayed, especially if several small sectors are of approximately the same size. Second, the pie chart may lose its effectiveness if an attempt is made to compare the component values of several circles, as might be found in a temporal or geographical series. In such case the one-hundred percent bar or column chart is more appropriate. Third, although the proportionate values portrayed in a pie chart are measured as distances along arcs about the circle, actually there is a tendency to estimate values in terms of areas of sectors or by the size of subtended angles at the center of the circle." (Calvin F Schmid, "Handbook of Graphic Presentation", 1954)

"The primary purpose of a graph is to show diagrammatically how the values of one of two linked variables change with those of the other. One of the most useful applications of the graph occurs in connection with the representation of statistical data." (John F Kenney & E S Keeping, "Mathematics of Statistics" Vol. I 3rd Ed., 1954)

"Where the values of a series are such that a large part the grid would be superfluous, it is the practice to break the grid thus eliminating the unused portion of the scale, but at the same time indicating the zero line. Failure to include zero in the vertical scale is a very common omission which distorts the data and gives an erroneous visual impression." (Calvin F Schmid, "Handbook of Graphic Presentation", 1954)

"In line charts the grid structure plays a controlling role in interpreting facts. The number of vertical rulings should be sufficient to indicate the frequency of the plottings, facilitate the reading of the time values on the horizontal scale. and indicate the interval or subdivision of time." (Anna C Rogers, "Graphic Charts Handbook", 1961)

"To be useful data must be consistent - they must reflect periodic recordings of the value of the variable or at least possess logical internal connections. The definition of the variable under consideration cannot change during the period of measurement or enumeration. Also. if the data are to be valuable, they must be relevant to the question to be answered." (Cecil H Meyers, "Handbook of Basic Graphs: A modern approach", 1970)

"Missing data values pose a particularly sticky problem for symbols. For instance, if the ray corresponding to a missing value is simply left off of a star symbol, the result will be almost indistinguishable from a minimum (i.e., an extreme) value. It may be better either (i) to impute a value, perhaps a median for that variable, or a fitted value from some regression on other variables, (ii) to indicate that the value is missing, possibly with a dashed line, or (iii) not to draw the symbol for a particular observation if any value is missing." (John M Chambers et al, "Graphical Methods for Data Analysis", 1983)

"[...] error bars are more effectively portrayed on dot charts than on bar charts. […] On the bar chart the upper values of the intervals stand out well, but the lower values are visually deemphasized and are not as well perceived as a result of being embedded in the bars. This deemphasis does not occur on the dot chart." (William S. Cleveland, "Graphical Methods for Data Presentation: Full Scale Breaks, Dot Charts, and Multibased Logging", The American Statistician Vol. 38 (4) 1984)

"The logarithm is an extremely powerful and useful tool for graphical data presentation. One reason is that logarithms turn ratios into differences, and for many sets of data, it is natural to think in terms of ratios. […] Another reason for the power of logarithms is resolution. Data that are amounts or counts are often very skewed to the right; on graphs of such data, there are a few large values that take up most of the scale and the majority of the points are squashed into a small region of the scale with no resolution." (William S. Cleveland, "Graphical Methods for Data Presentation: Full Scale Breaks, Dot Charts, and Multibased Logging", The American Statistician Vol. 38 (4) 1984)

"It is common for positive data to be skewed to the right: some values bunch together at the low end of the scale and others trail off to the high end with increasing gaps between the values as they get higher. Such data can cause severe resolution problems on graphs, and the common remedy is to take logarithms. Indeed, it is the frequent success of this remedy that partly accounts for the large use of logarithms in graphical data display." (William S Cleveland, "The Elements of Graphing Data", 1985)

"Use a reference line when there is an important value that must be seen across the entire graph, but do not let the line interfere with the data." (William S Cleveland, "The Elements of Graphing Data", 1985)

"Scatter charts show the relationships between information, plotted as points on a grid. These groupings can portray general features of the source data, and are useful for showing where correlationships occur frequently. Some scatter charts connect points of equal value to produce areas within the grid which consist of similar features." (Bruce Robertson, "How to Draw Charts & Diagrams", 1988)

"A coordinate is a number or value used to locate a point with respect to a reference point, line, or plane. Generally the reference is zero. […] The major function of coordinates is to provide a method for encoding information on charts, graphs, and maps in such a way that viewers can accurately decode the information after the graph or map has been generated."  (Robert L Harris, "Information Graphics: A Comprehensive Illustrated Reference", 1996) 

"Area graphs are generally not used to convey specific values. Instead, they are most frequently used to show trends and relationships, to identify and/or add emphasis to specific information by virtue of the boldness of the shading or color, or to show parts-of-the-whole." (Robert L Harris, "Information Graphics: A Comprehensive Illustrated Reference", 1996) 

"Grouped area graphs sometimes cause confusion because the viewer cannot determine whether the areas for the data series extend down to the zero axis. […] Grouped area graphs can handle negative values somewhat better than stacked area graphs but they still have the problem of all or portions of data curves being hidden by the data series towards the front." (Robert L Harris, "Information Graphics: A Comprehensive Illustrated Reference", 1996)

"If you want to show the growth of numbers which tend to grow by percentages, plot them on a logarithmic vertical scale. When plotted against a logarithmic vertical axis, equal percentage changes take up equal distances on the vertical axis. Thus, a constant annual percentage rate of change will plot as a straight line. The vertical scale on a logarithmic chart does not start at zero, as it shows the ratio of values (in this case, land values), and dividing by zero is impossible." (Herbert F Spirer et al, "Misused Statistics" 2nd Ed, 1998)

"Estimating the missing values in a dataset solves one problem - imputing reasonable values that have well-defined statistical properties. It fails to solve another, however - drawing inferences about parameters in a model fit to the estimated data. Treating imputed values as if they were known (like the rest of the observed data) causes confidence intervals to be too narrow and tends to bias other estimates that depend on the variability of the imputed values (such as correlations)." (Leland Wilkinson, "The Grammar of Graphics" 2nd Ed., 2005)

"Use a logarithmic scale when it is important to understand percent change or multiplicative factors. […] Showing data on a logarithmic scale can cure skewness toward large values." (Naomi B Robbins, "Creating More effective Graphs", 2005)

"A useful feature of a stem plot is that the values maintain their natural order, while at the same time they are laid out in a way that emphasizes the overall distribution of where the values are concentrated (that is, where the longer branches are). This enables you easily to pick out key values such as the median and quartiles." (Alan Graham, "Developing Thinking in Statistics", 2006)

"Tables work in a variety of situations because they convey large amounts of data in a condensed fashion. Use tables in the following situations: (1) to structure data so the reader can easily pick out the information desired, (2) to display in a chart when the data contains too many variables or values, and (3) to display exact values that are more important than a visual moment in time." (Dennis K Lieu & Sheryl Sorby, "Visualization, Modeling, and Graphics for Engineering Design", 2009)

"Given the important role that correlation plays in structural equation modeling, we need to understand the factors that affect establishing relationships among multivariable data points. The key factors are the level of measurement, restriction of range in data values (variability, skewness, kurtosis), missing data, nonlinearity, outliers, correction for attenuation, and issues related to sampling variation, confidence intervals, effect size, significance, sample size, and power." (Randall E Schumacker & Richard G Lomax, "A Beginner’s Guide to Structural Equation Modeling" 3rd Ed., 2010)

"The biggest difference between line graphs and sparklines is that a sparkline is compact with no grid lines. It isnʼt meant to give precise values; rather, it should be considered just like any other word in the sentence. Its general shape acts as another term and lends additional meaning in its context. The driving forces behind these compact sparklines are speed and convenience." (Brian Suda, "A Practical Guide to Designing with Data", 2010)

"Color can modify - and possibly even contradict - our intuitive response to value, because of its own powerful connotations." (Joel Katz, "Designing Information: Human factors and common sense in information design", 2012)

"Histograms are often mistaken for bar charts but there are important differences. Histograms show distribution through the frequency of quantitative values (y axis) against defined intervals of quantitative values (x axis). By contrast, bar charts facilitate comparison of categorical values. One of the distinguishing features of a histogram is the lack of gaps between the bars [...]" (Andy Kirk, "Data Visualization: A successful design process", 2012)

"After you visualize your data, there are certain things to look for […]: increasing, decreasing, outliers, or some mix, and of course, be sure you’re not mixing up noise for patterns. Also note how much of a change there is and how prominent the patterns are. How does the difference compare to the randomness in the data? Observations can stand out because of human or mechanical error, because of the uncertainty of estimated values, or because there was a person or thing that stood out from the rest. You should know which it is." (Nathan Yau, "Data Points: Visualization That Means Something", 2013)

"Upon discovering a visual image, the brain analyzes it in terms of primitive shapes and colors. Next, unity contours and connections are formed. As well, distinct variations are segmented. Finally, the mind attracts active attention to the significant things it found. That process is permanently running to react to similarities and dissimilarities in shapes, positions, rhythms, colors, and behavior. It can reveal patterns and pattern-violations among the hundreds of data values. That natural ability is the most important thing used in diagramming." (Vasily Pantyukhin, "Principles of Design Diagramming", 2015)

"A scatterplot reveals the strength and shape of the relationship between a pair of variables. A scatterplot represents the two variables by axes drawn at right angles to each other, showing the observations as a cloud of points, each point located according to its values on the two variables. Various lines can be added to the plot to help guide our search for understanding." (Forrest W Young et al, "Visual Statistics: Seeing data with dynamic interactive graphics", 2016)

"The simplest and most common way to represent the empirical distribution of a numerical variable is by showing the individual values as dots arranged along a line. The main difficulty with this plot concerns how to treat tied values. We usually don't want to represent them by the same point, since that means that the two values look like one. What we can do is 'jitter' the points a bit (i.e., move them back and forth at right angles to the plot axis) so that all points are visible. […] In addition to permitting you to identify individual points, dotplots allow you to look into some of the distributional properties of a variable. […] Dotplots can also be good for looking for modality. " (Forrest W Young et al, "Visual Statistics: Seeing data with dynamic interactive graphics", 2016)

"The most accurate but least interpretable form of data presentation is to make a table, showing every single value. But it is difficult or impossible for most people to detect patterns and trends in such data, and so we rely on graphs and charts. Graphs come in two broad types: Either they represent every data point visually (as in a scatter plot) or they implement a form of data reduction in which we summarize the data, looking, for example, only at means or medians." (Daniel J Levitin, "Weaponized Lies", 2017)

"A time series is a sequence of values, usually taken in equally spaced intervals. […] Essentially, anything with a time dimension, measured in regular intervals, can be used for time series analysis." (Andy Kriebel & Eva Murray, "#MakeoverMonday: Improving How We Visualize and Analyze Data, One Chart at a Time", 2018)

"Data is dirty. Let's just get that out there. How is it dirty? In all sorts of ways. Misspelled text values, date format problems, mismatching units, missing values, null values, incompatible geospatial coordinate formats, the list goes on and on." (Ben Jones, "Avoiding Data Pitfalls: How to Steer Clear of Common Blunders When Working with Data and Presenting Analysis and Visualizations", 2020) 

"Another cardinal sin of data visualization is what is called 'breaking the bar' - that is, using a squiggly line or shape to show that you've cropped one or more of the bars. It's tempting to do this when you have an outlier, but it distorts the relative values between the bars." (Jonathan Schwabish, "Better Data Visualizations: A guide for scholars, researchers, and wonks", 2021)

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