09 November 2011

Graphical Representation: Inquiry (Just the Quotes)

"Statistics are numerical statements of facts in any department of inquiry, placed in relation to each other; statistical methods are devices for abbreviating and classifying the statements and making clear the relations." (Arthur L Bowley, "An Elementary Manual of Statistics", 1934)

"One of the greatest values of the graphic chart is its use in the analysis of a problem. Ordinarily, the chart brings up many questions which require careful consideration and further research before a satisfactory conclusion can be reached. A properly drawn chart gives a cross-section picture of the situation. While charts may bring out. hidden facts in tables or masses of data, they cannot take the place of careful, analysis. In fact, charts may be dangerous devices when in the hands of those unwilling to base their interpretations upon careful study. This, however, does not detract from their value when they are properly used as aids in solving statistical problems." (John R Riggleman & Ira N Frisbee, "Business Statistics", 1938)

"The histogram, with its columns of area proportional to number, like the bar graph, is one of the most classical of statistical graphs. Its combination with a fitted bell-shaped curve has been common since the days when the Gaussian curve entered statistics. Yet as a graphical technique it really performs quite poorly. Who is there among us who can look at a histogram-fitted Gaussian combination and tell us, reliably, whether the fit is excellent, neutral, or poor? Who can tell us, when the fit is poor, of what the poorness consists? Yet these are just the sort of questions that a good graphical technique should answer at least approximately." (John W Tukey, "The Future of Processes of Data Analysis", 1965)

"Statistical techniques do not solve any of the common-sense difficulties about making causal inferences. Such techniques may help organize or arrange the data so that the numbers speak more clearly to the question of causality - but that is all statistical techniques can do. All the logical, theoretical, and empirical difficulties attendant to establishing a causal relationship persist no matter what type of statistical analysis is applied." (Edward R Tufte, "Data Analysis for Politics and Policy", 1974)

"The use of statistical methods to analyze data does not make a study any more 'scientific', 'rigorous', or 'objective'. The purpose of quantitative analysis is not to sanctify a set of findings. Unfortunately, some studies, in the words of one critic, 'use statistics as a drunk uses a street lamp, for support rather than illumination'. Quantitative techniques will be more likely to illuminate if the data analyst is guided in methodological choices by a substantive understanding of the problem he or she is trying to learn about. Good procedures in data analysis involve techniques that help to (a) answer the substantive questions at hand, (b) squeeze all the relevant information out of the data, and (c) learn something new about the world." (Edward R Tufte, "Data Analysis for Politics and Policy", 1974)

"There are as many types of questions as components in the information." (Jacques Bertin, "Semiology of graphics" ["Semiologie Graphique"], 1967)

"Overall [...] everyone also has a need to analyze data. The ability to analyze data is vital in its understanding of product launch success. Everyone needs the ability to find trends and patterns in the data and information. Everyone has a need to ‘discover or reveal (something) through detailed examination’, as our definition says. Not everyone needs to be a data scientist, but everyone needs to drive questions and analysis. Everyone needs to dig into the information to be successful with diagnostic analytics. This is one of the biggest keys of data literacy: analyzing data." (Jordan Morrow, "Be Data Literate: The data literacy skills everyone needs to succeed", 2021)

"Quantitative techniques will be more likely to illuminate if the data analyst is guided in methodological choices by a substantive understanding of the problem he or she is trying to learn about. Good procedures in data analysis involve techniques that help to (a) answer the substantive questions at hand, (b) squeeze all the relevant information out of the data, and (c) learn something new about the world." (Edward R Tufte, "Data Analysis for Politics and Policy", 1974)

"At the heart of quantitative reasoning is a single question: Compared to what? Small multiple designs, multivariate and data bountiful, answer directly by visually enforcing comparisons of changes, of the differences among objects, of the scope of alternatives. For a wide range of problems in data presentation, small multiples are the best design solution." (Edward R Tufte, "Envisioning Information", 1990)

"Data analysis is rarely as simple in practice as it appears in books. Like other statistical techniques, regression rests on certain assumptions and may produce unrealistic results if those assumptions are false. Furthermore it is not always obvious how to translate a research question into a regression model." (Lawrence C Hamilton, "Regression with Graphics: A second course in applied statistics", 1991)

"Data analysis [...] begins with a dataset in hand. Our purpose in data analysis is to learn what we can from those data, to help us draw conclusions about our broader research questions. Our research questions determine what sort of data we need in the first place, and how we ought to go about collecting them. Unless data collection has been done carefully, even a brilliant analyst may be unable to reach valid conclusions regarding the original research questions." (Lawrence C Hamilton, "Data Analysis for Social Scientists: A first course in applied statistics", 1995)

"When displaying information visually, there are three questions one will find useful to ask as a starting point. Firstly and most importantly, it is vital to have a clear idea about what is to be displayed; for example, is it important to demonstrate that two sets of data have different distributions or that they have different mean values? Having decided what the main message is, the next step is to examine the methods available and to select an appropriate one. Finally, once the chart or table has been constructed, it is worth reflecting upon whether what has been produced truly reflects the intended message. If not, then refine the display until satisfied; for example if a chart has been used would a table have been better or vice versa?" (Jenny Freeman et al, "How to Display Data", 2008)

"Data always vary randomly because the object of our inquiries, nature itself, is also random. We can analyze and predict events in nature with an increasing amount of precision and accuracy, thanks to improvements in our techniques and instruments, but a certain amount of random variation, which gives rise to uncertainty, is inevitable." (Alberto Cairo, "The Functional Art", 2011)

"The final step in creating your graphic is to refine it. Step back and look at it with fresh eyes. Is there anything that could be removed? Or anything that should be removed because it is distracting? Consider each element in your figure and question whether it contributes enough to your overall goal to justify its contribution. Also consider whether there is anything that could be represented more clearly. Perhaps you have been so effective at simplifying your graphic that you could now include another point in the same figure. Another method of refinement is to check the placement and alignment of your labels. They should be unobtrusive and clearly indicate which object they refer to. Consistency in fonts and alignment of labels can make the difference between something that is easy and pleasant to read, and something that is cluttered and frustrating." (Felice C Frankel & Angela H DePace, "Visual Strategies", 2012)

"Early exploration of a dataset can be overwhelming, because you don’t know where to start. Ask questions about the data and let your curiosities guide you. […] Make multiple charts, compare all your variables, and see if there are interesting bits that are worth a closer look. Look at your data as a whole and then zoom in on categories and individual data points. […] Subcategories, the categories within categories (within categories), are often more revealing than the main categories. As you drill down, there can be higher variability and more interesting things to see." (Nathan Yau, "Data Points: Visualization That Means Something", 2013)

"There are myriad questions that we can ask from data today. As such, it’s impossible to write enough reports or design a functioning dashboard that takes into account every conceivable contingency and answers every possible question." (Phil Simon, "The Visual Organization: Data Visualization, Big Data, and the Quest for Better Decisions", 2014)

"Visual Organizations benefit from routinely visualizing many different types and sources of data. Doing so allows them to garner a better understanding of what’s happening and why. Equipped with this knowledge, employees are able to ask better questions and make better business decisions." (Phil Simon, "The Visual Organization: Data Visualization, Big Data, and the Quest for Better Decisions", 2014)

"What would a successful outcome look like? If you only had a limited amount of time or a single sentence to tell your audience what they need to know, what would you say? In particular, I find that these last two questions can lead to insightful conversation." (Cole N Knaflic, "Storytelling with Data: A Data Visualization Guide for Business Professionals", 2015)

"A data story starts out like any other story, with a beginning and a middle. However, the end should never be a fixed event, but rather a set of options or questions to trigger an action from the audience. Never forget that the goal of data storytelling is to encourage and energize critical thinking for business decisions." (James Richardson, 2017)

"Creating effective visualizations is hard. Not because a dataset requires an exotic and bespoke visual representation - for many problems, standard statistical charts will suffice. And not because creating a visualization requires coding expertise in an unfamiliar programming language [...]. Rather, creating effective visualizations is difficult because the problems that are best addressed by visualization are often complex and ill-formed. The task of figuring out what attributes of a dataset are important is often conflated with figuring out what type of visualization to use. Picking a chart type to represent specific attributes in a dataset is comparatively easy. Deciding on which data attributes will help answer a question, however, is a complex, poorly defined, and user-driven process that can require several rounds of visualization and exploration to resolve." (Danyel Fisher & Miriah Meyer, "Making Data Visual", 2018)

"Using a question as a title is a great way to guide the audience. The question helps you ensure that your charts respond directly to the question and when they do not, you can remove them. And that is the main point: You need to answer the question. If the data is not conclusive, say so. Give an explanation that relates back to your title and close the loop so that your audience is informed and gets the complete picture included in your analysis." (Andy Kriebel & Eva Murray, "#MakeoverMonday: Improving How We Visualize and Analyze Data, One Chart at a Time", 2018)

"What is the purpose of collecting data? People gather and store data for at least three different reasons that I can discern. One reason is that they want to build an arsenal of evidence with which to prove a point or defend an agenda that they already had to begin with. This path is problematic for obvious reasons, and yet we all find ourselves traveling on it from time to time. Another reason people collect data is that they want to feed it into an artificial intelligence algorithm to automate some process or carry out some task. […] A third reason is that they might be collecting data in order to compile information to help them better understand their situation, to answer questions they have in their mind, and to unearth new questions that they didn't think to ask." (Ben Jones, "Avoiding Data Pitfalls: How to Steer Clear of Common Blunders When Working with Data and Presenting Analysis and Visualizations", 2020)

"A good visualization can do more than just answer questions; it can help you see that there are other questions you need to answer." (Steve Wexler, "The Big Picture: How to use data visualization to make better decisions - faster", 2021)

"Data literacy empowers us to know the usage of data and how an algorithm can potentially be misleading, biased, and so forth; data literacy empowers us with the right type of skepticism that is needed to question everything." (Jordan Morrow, "Be Data Literate: The data literacy skills everyone needs to succeed", 2021)

"For a chart to be truly insightful, context is crucial because it provides us with the visual answer to an important question - 'compared with what'? No number on its own is inherently big or small – we need context to make that judgement. Common contextual comparisons in charts are provided by time" ('compared with last year...') and place" ('compared with the north...'). With ranking, context is provided by relative performance" ('compared with our rivals...')." (Alan Smith, "How Charts Work: Understand and explain data with confidence", 2022)

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