03 February 2015

📊Business Intelligence: Indicator (Definitions)

"An indicator is an objective feature or attribute supporting the implementation of a process. Indicators are used for the rating of process attributes. The indicators of the process dimension are base practices and work products; the indicators of the capability dimension are generic practices and generic resources." (Lars Dittmann et al, "Automotive SPICE in Practice", 2008)

"1.An attribute type that is considered to be binary: On or Off, True or False, Yes or No." (DAMA International, "The DAMA Dictionary of Data Management", 2011)

"A metric that you can use to predict the project’s future. For example, if the metric 'comments per KLOC' is 3, that may be an indicator that the project will be hard to maintain." (Rod Stephens, "Beginning Software Engineering", 2015)

"A measure that can be used to estimate or predict another measure." (ISO 14598)

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