12 October 2024

Bart Kosko - Collected Quotes

"A bell curve shows the 'spread' or variance in our knowledge or certainty. The wider the bell the less we know. An infinitely wide bell is a flat line. Then we know nothing. The value of the quantity, position, or speed could lie anywhere on the axis. An infinitely narrow bell is a spike that is infinitely tall. Then we have complete knowledge of the value of the quantity. The uncertainty principle says that as one bell curve gets wider the other gets thinner. As one curve peaks the other spreads. So if the position bell curve becomes a spike and we have total knowledge of position, then the speed bell curve goes flat and we have total uncertainty (infinite variance) of speed." (Bart Kosko, "Fuzzy Thinking: The new science of fuzzy logic", 1993)

"Bivalence trades accuracy for simplicity. Binary outcomes of yes and no, white and black, true and false simplify math and computer processing. You can work with strings of 0s and 1s more easily than you can work with fractions. But bivalence requires some force fitting and rounding off [...] Bivalence holds at cube corners. Multivalence holds everywhere else." (Bart Kosko, "Fuzzy Thinking: The new science of fuzzy logic", 1993)

"Fuzziness has a formal name in science: multivalence. The opposite of fuzziness is bivalence or two-valuedness, two ways to answer each question, true or false, 1 or 0. Fuzziness means multivalence. It means three or more options, perhaps an infinite spectrum of options, instead of just two extremes. It means analog instead of binary, infinite shades of gray between black and white." (Bart Kosko, "Fuzzy Thinking: The new science of fuzzy logic", 1993)

"The binary logic of modern computers often falls short when describing the vagueness of the real world. Fuzzy logic offers more graceful alternatives." (Bart Kosko & Satoru Isaka, "Fuzzy Logic,” Scientific American Vol. 269, 1993)

"A bit involves both probability and an experiment that decides a binary or yes-no question. Consider flipping a coin. One bit of in-formation is what we learn from the flip of a fair coin. With an unfair or biased coin the odds are other than even because either heads or tails is more likely to appear after the flip. We learn less from flipping the biased coin because there is less surprise in the outcome on average. Shannon's bit-based concept of entropy is just the average information of the experiment. What we gain in information from the coin flip we lose in uncertainty or entropy." (Bart Kosko, "Noise", 2006)

"A signal has a finite-length frequency spectrum only if it lasts infinitely long in time. So a finite spectrum implies infinite time and vice versa. The reverse also holds in the ideal world of mathematics: A signal is finite in time only if it has a frequency spectrum that is infinite in extent." (Bart Kosko, "Noise", 2006)

"Bell curves don't differ that much in their bells. They differ in their tails. The tails describe how frequently rare events occur. They describe whether rare events really are so rare. This leads to the saying that the devil is in the tails." (Bart Kosko, "Noise", 2006)

"Chaos can leave statistical footprints that look like noise. This can arise from simple systems that are deterministic and not random. [...] The surprising mathematical fact is that most systems are chaotic. Change the starting value ever so slightly and soon the system wanders off on a new chaotic path no matter how close the starting point of the new path was to the starting point of the old path. Mathematicians call this sensitivity to initial conditions but many scientists just call it the butterfly effect. And what holds in math seems to hold in the real world - more and more systems appear to be chaotic." (Bart Kosko, "Noise", 2006)

"'Chaos' refers to systems that are very sensitive to small changes in their inputs. A minuscule change in a chaotic communication system can flip a 0 to a 1 or vice versa. This is the so-called butterfly effect: Small changes in the input of a chaotic system can produce large changes in the output. Suppose a butterfly flaps its wings in a slightly different way. can change its flight path. The change in flight path can in time change how a swarm of butterflies migrates." (Bart Kosko, "Noise", 2006)

"I wage war on noise every day as part of my work as a scientist and engineer. We try to maximize signal-to-noise ratios. We try to filter noise out of measurements of sounds or images or anything else that conveys information from the world around us. We code the transmission of digital messages with extra 0s and 1s to defeat line noise and burst noise and any other form of interference. We design sophisticated algorithms to track noise and then cancel it in headphones or in a sonogram. Some of us even teach classes on how to defeat this nemesis of the digital age. Such action further conditions our anti-noise reflexes." (Bart Kosko, "Noise", 2006)

"Linear systems do not benefit from noise because the output of a linear system is just a simple scaled version of the input [...] Put noise in a linear system and you get out noise. Sometimes you get out a lot more noise than you put in. This can produce explosive effects in feedback systems that take their own outputs as inputs." (Bart Kosko, "Noise", 2006)

"Many scientists who work not just with noise but with probability make a common mistake: They assume that a bell curve is automatically Gauss's bell curve. Empirical tests with real data can often show that such an assumption is false. The result can be a noise model that grossly misrepresents the real noise pattern. It also favors a limited view of what counts as normal versus non-normal or abnormal behavior. This assumption is especially troubling when applied to human behavior. It can also lead one to dismiss extreme data as error when in fact the data is part of a pattern." (Bart Kosko, "Noise", 2006)

"Noise is a signal we don't like. Noise has two parts. The first has to do with the head and the second with the heart. The first part is the scientific or objective part: Noise is a signal. [...] The second part of noise is the subjective part: It deals with values. It deals with how we draw the fuzzy line between good signals and bad signals. Noise signals are the bad signals. They are the unwanted signals that mask or corrupt our preferred signals. They not only interfere but they tend to interfere at random." (Bart Kosko, "Noise", 2006)

"Noise is an unwanted signal. A signal is anything that conveys information or ultimately anything that has energy. The universe consists of a great deal of energy. Indeed a working definition of the universe is all energy anywhere ever. So the answer turns on how one defines what it means to be wanted and by whom." (Bart Kosko, "Noise", 2006)

"The central limit theorem differs from laws of large numbers because random variables vary and so they differ from constants such as population means. The central limit theorem says that certain independent random effects converge not to a constant population value such as the mean rate of unemployment but rather they converge to a random variable that has its own Gaussian bell-curve description." (Bart Kosko, "Noise", 2006)

"The flaw in the classical thinking is the assumption that variance equals dispersion. Variance tends to exaggerate outlying data because it squares the distance between the data and their mean. This mathematical artifact gives too much weight to rotten apples. It can also result in an infinite value in the face of impulsive data or noise. [...] Yet dispersion remains an elusive concept. It refers to the width of a probability bell curve in the special but important case of a bell curve. But most probability curves don't have a bell shape. And its relation to a bell curve's width is not exact in general. We know in general only that the dispersion increases as the bell gets wider. A single number controls the dispersion for stable bell curves and indeed for all stable probability curves - but not all bell curves are stable curves." (Bart Kosko, "Noise", 2006)

More quotes from Bart Kosko at QuotableMath.blogspot.com.

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