17 April 2006

🖍️Benjamin Bengfort - Collected Quotes

"Deep learning broadly describes the large family of neural network architectures that contain multiple, interacting hidden layers." (Benjamin Bengfort et al, Applied Text Analysis with Python, 2018)

"Graphs can embed complex semantic representations in a compact form. As such, modeling data as networks of related entities is a powerful mechanism for analytics, both for visual analyses and machine learning. Part of this power comes from performance advantages of using a graph data structure, and the other part comes from an inherent human ability to intuitively interact with small networks." (Benjamin Bengfort et al, "Applied Text Analysis with Python: Enabling Language-Aware Data Products with Machine Learning", 2018)

"In essence, deep learning models are just chains of functions, which means that many deep learning libraries tend to have a functional or verbose, declarative style." (Benjamin Bengfort et al, Applied Text Analysis with Python, 2018)

"Language is unstructured data that has been produced by people to be understood by other people. By contrast, structured or semistructured data includes fields or markup that enable it to be easily parsed by a computer. However, while it does not feature an easily machine-readable structure, unstructured data is not random. On the contrary, it is governed by linguistic properties that make it very understandable to other people." (Benjamin Bengfort et al, "Applied Text Analysis with Python: Enabling Language-Aware Data Products with Machine Learning", 2018)

"Machine learning is often associated with the automation of decision making, but in practice, the process of constructing a predictive model generally requires a human in the loop. While computers are good at fast, accurate numerical computation, humans are instinctively and instantly able to identify patterns. The bridge between these two necessary skill sets lies in visualization - the precise and accurate rendering of data by a computer in visual terms and the immediate assignation of meaning to that data by humans." (Benjamin Bengfort et al, "Applied Text Analysis with Python: Enabling Language-Aware Data Products with Machine Learning", 2018)

"Many model families suffer from 'the curse of dimensionality'; as the feature space increases in dimensions, the data becomes more sparse and less informative to the underlying decision space." (Benjamin Bengfort et al, "Applied Text Analysis with Python: Enabling Language-Aware Data Products with Machine Learning", 2018)

"Neural networks refer to a family of models that are defined by an input layer (a vectorized representation of input data), a hidden layer that consists of neurons and synapses, and an output layer with the predicted values. Within the hidden layer, synapses transmit signals between neurons, which rely on an activation function to buffer incoming signals. The synapses apply weights to incoming values, and the activation function determines if the weighted inputs are sufficiently high to activate the neuron and pass the values on to the next layer of the network." (Benjamin Bengfort et al, "Applied Text Analysis with Python: Enabling Language-Aware Data Products with Machine Learning", 2018)

"The current trade-offs between traditional models and neural networks concern two factors: model complexity and speed. Because neural networks tend to take longer to train, they can impede rapid iteration [...] Neural networks are also typically more complex than traditional models, meaning that their hyperparameters are more difficult to tune and modeling errors are more challenging to diagnose. However, neural networks are not only increasingly practical, they also promise nontrivial performance gains over traditional models. This is because unlike traditional models, which face performance plateaus even as more data become available, neural models continue to improve." (Benjamin Bengfort et al, "Applied Text Analysis with Python: Enabling Language-Aware Data Products with Machine Learning", 2018)

"The premise of classification is simple: given a categorical target variable, learn patterns that exist between instances composed of independent variables and their relationship to the target. Because the target is given ahead of time, classification is said to be supervised machine learning because a model can be trained to minimize error between predicted and actual categories in the training data. Once a classification model is fit, it assigns categorical labels to new instances based on the patterns detected during training." (Benjamin Bengfort et al, "Applied Text Analysis with Python: Enabling Language-Aware Data Products with Machine Learning", 2018)

"The trick is to walk the line between underfitting and overfitting. An underfit model has low variance, generally making the same predictions every time, but with extremely high bias, because the model deviates from the correct answer by a significant amount. Underfitting is symptomatic of not having enough data points, or not training a complex enough model. An overfit model, on the other hand, has memorized the training data and is completely accurate on data it has seen before, but varies widely on unseen data. Neither an overfit nor underfit model is generalizable - that is, able to make meaningful predictions on unseen data." (Benjamin Bengfort et al, "Applied Text Analysis with Python: Enabling Language-Aware Data Products with Machine Learning", 2018)

"There is a trade-off between bias and variance [...]. Complexity increases with the number of features, parameters, depth, training epochs, etc. As complexity increases and the model overfits, the error on the training data decreases, but the error on test data increases, meaning that the model is less generalizable." (Benjamin Bengfort et al, "Applied Text Analysis with Python: Enabling Language-Aware Data Products with Machine Learning", 2018)

"Unfortunately, because the search space is large, automatic techniques for optimization are not sufficient. Instead, the process of selecting an optimal model is complex and iterative, involving repeated cycling through feature engineering, model selection, and hyperparameter tuning. Results are evaluated after each iteration in order to arrive at the best combination of features, model, and parameters that will solve the problem at hand." (Benjamin Bengfort et al, "Applied Text Analysis with Python: Enabling Language-Aware Data Products with Machine Learning", 2018)

"Unsupervised learning or clustering is a way of discovering hidden structures in unlabeled data. Clustering algorithms aim to discover latent patterns in unlabeled data using features to organize instances into meaningfully dissimilar groups." (Benjamin Bengfort et al, "Applied Text Analysis with Python: Enabling Language-Aware Data Products with Machine Learning", 2018)

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