05 December 2006

✏️John M Chambers - Collected Quotes

"At the heart of probabilistic statistical analysis is the assumption that a set of data arises as a sample from a distribution in some class of probability distributions. The reasons for making distributional assumptions about data are several. First, if we can describe a set of data as a sample from a certain theoretical distribution, say a normal distribution (also called a Gaussian distribution), then we can achieve a valuable compactness of description for the data. For example, in the normal case, the data can be succinctly described by giving the mean and standard deviation and stating that the empirical (sample) distribution of the data is well approximated by the normal distribution. A second reason for distributional assumptions is that they can lead to useful statistical procedures. For example, the assumption that data are generated by normal probability distributions leads to the analysis of variance and least squares. Similarly, much of the theory and technology of reliability assumes samples from the exponential, Weibull, or gamma distribution. A third reason is that the assumptions allow us to characterize the sampling distribution of statistics computed during the analysis and thereby make inferences and probabilistic statements about unknown aspects of the underlying distribution. For example, assuming the data are a sample from a normal distribution allows us to use the t-distribution to form confidence intervals for the mean of the theoretical distribution. A fourth reason for distributional assumptions is that understanding the distribution of a set of data can sometimes shed light on the physical mechanisms involved in generating the data." (John M Chambers et al, "Graphical Methods for Data Analysis", 1983)

"Equal variability is not always achieved in plots. For instance, if the theoretical distribution for a probability plot has a density that drops off gradually to zero in the tails (as the normal density does), then the variability of the data in the tails of the probability plot is greater than in the center. Another example is provided by the histogram. Since the height of any one bar has a binomial distribution, the standard deviation of the height is approximately proportional to the square root of the expected height; hence, the variability of the longer bars is greater." (John M Chambers et al, "Graphical Methods for Data Analysis", 1983)

"Frequently we can increase the informativeness of a graph by removing structure from the data once we have identified it, so that subsequent plots are free of its dominating influence and can help us see finer structure or subtler effects. This usually means (l) partitioning the data, or (2) plotting differences or ratios, or (3) fitting a model and taking the residuals as a new set of data for further study." (John M Chambers et al, "Graphical Methods for Data Analysis", 1983)

"Generally speaking, a good display is one in which the visual impact of its components is matched to their importance in the context of the analysis. Consider the issue of overplotting." (John M Chambers et al, "Graphical Methods for Data Analysis", 1983)

"Graphical methodology provides powerful diagnostic tools for conveying properties of the fitted regression, for assessing the adequacy of the fit, and for suggesting improvements. There is seldom any prior guarantee that a hypothesized regression model will provide a good description of the mechanism that generated the data. Standard regression models carry with them many specific assumptions about the relationship between the response and explanatory variables and about the variation in the response that is not accounted for by the explanatory variables. In many applications of regression there is a substantial amount of prior knowledge that makes the assumptions plausible; in many other applications the assumptions are made as a starting point simply to get the analysis off the ground. But whatever the amount of prior knowledge, fitting regression equations is not complete until the assumptions have been examined." (John M Chambers et al, "Graphical Methods for Data Analysis", 1983)

"Missing data values pose a particularly sticky problem for symbols. For instance, if the ray corresponding to a missing value is simply left off of a star symbol, the result will be almost indistinguishable from a minimum (i.e., an extreme) value. It may be better either (i) to impute a value, perhaps a median for that variable, or a fitted value from some regression on other variables, (ii) to indicate that the value is missing, possibly with a dashed line, or (iii) not to draw the symbol for a particular observation if any value is missing." (John M Chambers et al, "Graphical Methods for Data Analysis", 1983)

"Part of the strategy of regression modelling is to improve the model until the residuals look 'structureless', or like a simple random sample. They should only contain structure that is already taken into account (such as nonconstant variance) or imposed by the fitting process itself. By plotting them against a variety of original and derived variables, we can look for systematic patterns that relate to the model's adequacy. Although we talk about graphics for use after the model is fit, if problems with the fit are discovered at this stage of the analysis, We should take corrective action and refit the equation or a modified form of it." (John M Chambers et al, "Graphical Methods for Data Analysis", 1983)

"Plotting on power-transformed scales (either cube roots or logs) is recommended only in those cases where the distribution is very asymmetric and the reference configuration for the untransformed plot would be a straight line through the origin." (John M Chambers et al, "Graphical Methods for Data Analysis", 1983)

"Symmetry is also important because it can simplify our thinking about the distribution of a set of data. If we can establish that the data are (approximately) symmetric, then we no longer need to describe the  shapes of both the right and left halves. (We might even combine the information from the two sides and have effectively twice as much data for viewing the distributional shape.) Finally, symmetry is important because many statistical procedures are designed for, and work best on, symmetric data." (John M Chambers et al, "Graphical Methods for Data Analysis", 1983)

"The information on a plot should be relevant to the goals of the analysis. This means that in choosing graphical methods we should match the capabilities of the methods to our needs in the context of each application. [...] Scatter plots, with the views carefully selected as in draftsman's displays, casement displays, and multiwindow plots, are likely to be more informative. We must be careful, however, not to confuse what is relevant with what we expect or want to find. Often wholly unexpected phenomena constitute our most important findings." (John M Chambers et al, "Graphical Methods for Data Analysis", 1983)

"The most important reason for portraying standard deviations is that they give us a sense of the relative variability of the points in different regions of the plot." (John M Chambers et al, "Graphical Methods for Data Analysis", 1983)

"The quantile plot is a good general display since it is fairly easy to construct and does a good job of portraying many aspects of a distribution. Three convenient features of the plot are the following: First, in constructing it, we do not make any arbitrary choices of parameter values or cell boundaries [...] and no models for the data are fitted or assumed. Second, like a table, it is not a summary but a display of all the data. Third, on the quantile plot every point is plotted at a distinct location, even if there are duplicates in the data. The number of points that can be portrayed without overlap is limited only by the resolution of the plotting device. For a high resolution device several hundred points distinguished." (John M Chambers et al, "Graphical Methods for Data Analysis", 1983)

"The truth is that one display is better than another if it leads to more understanding. Often a simpler display, one that tries to accomplish less at one time, succeeds in conveying more insight. In order to understand complicated or subtle structure in the data we should be prepared to look at complicated displays when necessary, but to see any particular type of structure we should use the simplest display that shows it."(John M Chambers et al, "Graphical Methods for Data Analysis", 1983)

"There are several reasons why symmetry is an important concept in data analysis. First, the most important single summary of a set of data is the location of the center, and when data meaning of 'center' is unambiguous. We can take center to mean any of the following things, since they all coincide exactly for symmetric data, and they are together for nearly symmetric data: (l) the Center Of symmetry. (2) the arithmetic average or center Of gravity, (3) the median or 50%. Furthermore, if data a single point of highest concentration instead of several (that is, they are unimodal), then we can add to the list (4) point of highest concentration. When data are far from symmetric, we may have trouble even agreeing on what we mean by center; in fact, the center may become an inappropriate summary for the data." (John M Chambers et al, "Graphical Methods for Data Analysis", 1983)

"We can gain further insight into what makes good p!ots by thinking about the process of visual perception. The eye can assimilate large amounts of visual information, perceive unanticipated structure, and recognize complex patterns; however, certain kinds of patterns are more readily perceived than others. If we thoroughly understood the interaction between the brain, eye, and picture, we could organize displays to take advantage of the things that the eye and brain do best, so that the potentially most important patterns are associated with the most easily perceived visual aspects in the display." (John M Chambers et al, "Graphical Methods for Data Analysis", 1983)

"When some interesting structure is seen in a plot, it is an advantage to be able to relate that structure back to the original data in a clear, direct, and meaningful way. Although this seems obvious, interpretability is at once one of the most important, difficult, and controversial issues." (John M Chambers et al, "Graphical Methods for Data Analysis", 1983)

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