09 December 2014

🕸Systems Engineering: Communication Theory (Just the Quotes)

"We have decided to call the entire field of control and communication theory, whether in the machine or in the animal, by the name Cybernetics, which we form from the Greek [...] for steersman. In choosing this term, we wish to recognize that the first significant paper on feedback mechanisms is an article on governors, which was published by Clerk Maxwell in 1868, and that governor is derived from a Latin corruption [...] We also wish to refer to the fact that the steering engines of a ship are indeed one of the earliest and best-developed forms of feedback mechanisms." (Norbert Wiener, "Cybernetics", 1948)

"Incomplete knowledge of the future, and also of the past of the transmitter from which the future might be constructed, is at the very basis of the concept of information. On the other hand, complete ignorance also precludes communication; a common language is required, that is to say an agreement between the transmitter and the receiver regarding the elements used in the communication process [... The information of a message can] be defined as the 'minimum number of binary decisions which enable the receiver to construct the message, on the basis of the data already available to him.' These data comprise both the convention regarding the symbols and the language used, and the knowledge available at the moment when the message started." (Dennis Gabor, "Optical transmission" [in: "Information Theory: Papers Read at a Symposium on Information Theory"], 1952) 

"The theory of communication is partly concerned with the measurement of information content of signals, as their essential property in the establishment of communication links. But the information content of signals is not to be regarded as a commodity; it is more a property or potential of the signals, and as a concept it is closely related to the idea of selection, or discrimination. This mathematical theory first arose in telegraphy and telephony, being developed for the purpose of measuring the information content of telecommunication signals. It concerned only the signals themselves as transmitted along wires, or broadcast through the aether, and is quite abstracted from all questions of 'meaning'. Nor does it concern the importance, the value, or truth to any particular person. As a theory, it lies at the syntactic level of sign theory and is abstracted from the semantic and pragmatic levels. We shall argue [...] that, though the theory does not directly involve biological elements, it is nevertheless quite basic to the study of human communication - basic but insufficient." (Colin Cherry, "On Human Communication", 1957)

"A more viable model, one much more faithful to the kind of system that society is more and more recognized to be, is in process of developing out of, or is in keeping with, the modern systems perspective (which we use loosely here to refer to general systems research, cybernetics, information and communication theory, and related fields). Society, or the sociocultural system, is not, then, principally an equilibrium system or a homeostatic system, but what we shall simply refer to as a complex adaptive system." (Walter F Buckley, "Society as a complex adaptive system", 1968)

"The general notion in communication theory is that of information. In many cases, the flow of information corresponds to a flow of energy, e. g. if light waves emitted by some objects reach the eye or a photoelectric cell, elicit some reaction of the organism or some machinery, and thus convey information." (Ludwig von Bertalanffy, "General System Theory", 1968) 

"The 'flow of information' through human communication channels is enormous. So far no theory exists, to our knowledge, which attributes any sort of unambiguous measure to this 'flow'." (Anatol Rapoport, "Modern Systems Research for the Behavioral Scientist", 1969)

"The term hypothesis testing arises because the choice as to which process is observed is based on hypothesized models. Thus hypothesis testing could also be called model testing. Hypothesis testing is sometimes called decision theory. The detection theory of communication theory is a special case." (Fred C Scweppe, "Uncertain dynamic systems", 1973)

"Communication theory deals with certain important but abstract aspects of communication. Communication theory proceeds from clear and definite assumptions to theorems concerning information sources and communication channels. In this it is essentially mathematical, and in order to understand it we must understand the idea of a theorem as a statement which must be proved, that is, which must be shown to be the necessary consequence of a set of initial assumptions. This is an idea which is the very heart of mathematics as mathematicians understand it." (John R Pierce, "An Introduction to Information Theory: Symbols, Signals & Noise" 2nd Ed., 1980)

"Communication theory tells us how many bits of information can be sent per second over perfect and imperfect communication channels in terms of rather abstract descriptions of the properties of these channels. Communication theory tells us how to measure the rate at which a message source, such as a speaker or a writer, generates information. Communication theory tells us how to represent, or encode, messages from a particular message source efficiently for transmission over a particular sort of channel, such as an electrical circuit, and it tells us when we can avoid errors in transmission." (John R Pierce, "An Introduction to Information Theory: Symbols, Signals & Noise" 2nd Ed., 1980)

"In communication theory we consider a message source, such as a writer or a speaker, which may produce on a given occasion any one of many possible messages. The amount of information conveyed by the message increases as the amount of uncertainty as to what message actually will be produced becomes greater. A message which is one out of ten possible messages conveys a smaller amount of information than a message which is one out of a million possible messages. The entropy of communication theory is a measure of this uncertainty and the uncertainty, or entropy, is taken as the measure of the amount of information conveyed by a message from a source. The more we know about what message the source will produce, the less uncertainty, the less the entropy, and the less the information." (John R Pierce, "An Introduction to Information Theory: Symbols, Signals & Noise" 2nd Ed., 1980)

"The amount of information conveyed by the message increases as the amount of uncertainty as to what message actually will be produced becomes greater. A message which is one out of ten possible messages conveys a smaller amount of information than a message which is one out of a million possible messages. The entropy of communication theory is a measure of this uncertainty and the uncertainty, or entropy, is taken as the measure of the amount of information conveyed by a message from a source. The more we know about what message the source will produce, the less uncertainty, the less the entropy, and the less the information." (John R Pierce, "An Introduction to Information Theory: Symbols, Signals and Noise", 1980)

"Thus, information is sometimes associated with the idea of knowledge through its popular use rather than with uncertainty and the resolution of uncertainty, as it is in communication theory." (John R Pierce, "An Introduction to Information Theory: Symbols, Signals & Noise" 2nd Ed., 1980)

"Cybernetics is concerned with scientific investigation of systemic processes of a highly varied nature, including such phenomena as regulation, information processing, information storage, adaptation, self-organization, self-reproduction, and strategic behavior. Within the general cybernetic approach, the following theoretical fields have developed: systems theory (system), communication theory, game theory, and decision theory." (Fritz B Simon et al, "Language of Family Therapy: A Systemic Vocabulary and Source Book", 1985)

"General evolution theory, based on the integration of the relevant tenets of general system theory, cybernetics, information and communication theory, chaos theory, dynamical systems theory, and nonequilibrium thermodynamics, can convey a sound understanding of the laws and dynamics that govern the evolution of complex systems in the various realms of investigation [...]. The basic notions of this new discipline can be developed to give an adequate account of the dynamical evolution of human societies as well. Such an account could furnish the basis of a system of knowledge better able to orient human beings and societies in their rapidly changing milieu." (Ervin László et al, "The Evolution of Cognitive Maps: New Paradigms for the Twenty-first Century", 1993)

"Communication theory is enormously rich in the range of ideas that fall within its nominal scope, and new theoretical work on communication has recently been flourishing. Nevertheless, despite the ancient roots and growing profusion of theories about communication, I argue that communication theory as an identifiable field of study does not yet exist." (Robert T Craig "Communication Theory as a Field", 1999)

"The very essence of mass communication theory is a simple but all-embracing expression of technological determinism, since the essential features depend on what certain technologies have made possible, certain technologies have made possible, especially the following: communication at a distance, the multiplication and simultaneous distribution of diverse ‘messages’, the enormous capacity and speed of carriers, and the limitations on response. There is no escaping the implication that public communication as practised in modern societies is profoundly shaped by these general features." (Denis McQuail, "McQuail's Reader in Mass Communication Theory", 2002)

"Without an understanding of causality there can be no theory of communication. What passes as information theory today is not communication at all, but merely transportation." (Marshall McLuhan, "The Book of Probes : Marshall McLuhan", 2011) 

"Cybernetics is an interdisciplinary science. It originated ‘at the junction’ of mathematics, logic, semiotics, physiology, biology and sociology. Among its inherent features, we mention analysis and revelation of general principles and approaches in scientific cognition. Control theory, communication theory, operations research and others represent most weighty theories within cybernetics 1.0." (Dmitry A Novikov, "Cybernetics 2.0", 2016)

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