05 December 2014

🕸Systems Engineering: Feedback Loop (Definition)

"A feedback loop is a closed path of causal relations among variables. Feedback loops usually represent the process of monitoring the state of the system, the effects of decisions in the system state, and future decisions." (Luis F Luna-Reyes, "System Dynamics to Understand Public Information Technology", 2008)

"A circular chain of interactions, such that each element in the loop influences its own future level of activation. Feedback loops are also known as circuits." (Elizabeth Santiago-Cortés, "Discrete Networks as a Suitable Approach for the Analysis of Genetic Regulation", 2009)

"A feedback loop is a cycle in a directed graph whose edges can represent either positive or negative inputs." (Maria C A Leite & Yunjiao Wang, "Multistability, oscillations and bifurcations in feedback loops", Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering Vol 7 (1), 2010)

"A linked system of statements in a map in which the arrows show a path of links that feed back to the starting point. A feedback loop exists when the statements around the loop are all variables - that is, they can vary over time, typically increasing or decreasing, or getting better or worse. Feedback loops can be stable or generative (vicious or virtuous)." (Fran Ackermann et al, "Visual Strategy: Strategy Mapping for Public and Nonprofit Organizations", 2014)

[control *:] "A conceptual construct of control theory in which a comparison between a goal state and the measured current state drives a decision-making process for an action to bring the system closer to the goal state. The feedback loop increases the effectiveness of the defensive actions." (O Sami Saydjari, "Engineering Trustworthy Systems: Get Cybersecurity Design Right the First Time", 2018)

"A feedback loop is a sequence of variables and causal links that creates a closed ring of causal influences." (David N Ford, "A system dynamics glossary", System Dynamics Review Vol. 35 (4), 2019)

[balancing *:] "a feedback loop in which the resultant effect of the causal links over time limits or constrains the movement of variables. Balancing loops seek equilibrium, trying to bring stocks to a desired state and keep them there. Also called a negative, compensating, goal-seeking or controlling feedback loop." (David N Ford, "A system dynamics glossary", System Dynamics Review Vol. 35 (4), 2019)

[reinforcing *:] "a feedback loop in which the sum effect of the causal links tends to strengthen (reinforce) the movement of variable values in a given direction due to positive feedback." (David N Ford, "A system dynamics glossary", System Dynamics Review Vol. 35 (4), 2019)

"Is a closed chain pattern of cause and effect reaction connections from a stock, activated by decisions, rules, physical laws, or actions." (Tatiana C Valencia & Stephanie J Valencia, "Cultivating Flow and Happiness in Children", 2020)

"Feedback loop is defined as a system used to control the level of a variable in which there is an identifiable receptor (sensor), control center (integrator or comparator), effectors, and methods of communication." (Lumen Learning, Anatomy and Physiology I [course])

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