25 December 2016

♟️Strategic Management: Strategy & Tactics in Chess (Just the Quotes)

"If we assume that strategy consists in defining the object and making plans accordingly, and tactics in executing these plans, then we must look upon combination as the culmination of tactics. By combination we mean a short part of the game, within which a certain purpose is attained by force. Its sequence of moves forms a logical chain and cannot be divided up. When looked at one by one, they may seem to be purposeless or even mistakes, yet together they form an exceedingly beautiful unit. After a series of moves incomprehensible by themselves, the solution suddenly follows and their real purpose comes clearly to light. From this it follows that the aim must have already been conceived .from the first move of the combination. This is the difference between combinative and straightforward play. For a short space of time special and not general rules apply; as it were an exceptional state of things prevails." (Dr. Max Euwe, "Strategy & Tactices in chess", 1937)

"In chess we distinguish between Strategy and Tactics. Strategy is concerned with the setting of an aim and the forming of schemes. Tactics are concerned with the execution of the schemes. Strategy is abstract, tactics are concrete. Expressing it in a popular way: Strategy requires thought, tactics require observation." (Dr. Max Euwe, "Strategy & Tactices in chess", 1937)

"Notwithstanding the obviously great importance of tactics, nearly all existing manuals give greater prominence to strategica1 problems. This is principally due to two reasons: Firstly: the development of tactical capabilities is for the greater part a matter of practice and a question of routine. Secondly: the problems of tactics are so numerous and so varied in nature, that it seems an almost impossible undertaking to treat this domain systematically." (Dr. Max Euwe, "Strategy & Tactices in chess", 1937)

"We call games such as the preceeding one, in which strategy plays such an important part, positional games, in contrast to combinative games, in which the strategy is of secondary importance. One must not, however, identify strategy with positional play, for strategy is an aim and positional play represents a certain method of playing. The study of positional play teaches us the strategic lines." (Dr. Max Euwe, "Strategy & Tactices in chess", 1937)

"We have stated that strategy forms an indispensable element in the proper treatment of a game of chess; the same can be said, perhaps even with greater reason, about tactics. The chess-player who can judge a position very clearly and who can adapt his schemes to this position, will not be able to make use of these capabilities, if at the same time he is not well practised in tactics. As a rule a tactical mistake involves a much heavier punishment than a strategical one.
Nor are the conceptions of tactics and combinative play identical. One might say that tactics comprise all the moves in a game, and thus include also the combinations which occur in it." (Dr. Max Euwe, "Strategy & Tactices in chess", 1937)

"We make a difference between general and special principles of strategy. The general principles originate directly from the aim and the nature of Chess, and therefore they are constantly in force. It is, for instance, a general principle which goes without saying, that one has to procure the greatest possible freedom of action for one's men. The special principles apply only if the position shows certain peculiarities on account of which a special line of strategy has to be followed." (Dr. Max Euwe, "Strategy & Tactices in chess", 1937)

"Strategy means abstract thinking and planning, as opposed to tactics, which are the individual operations used to implement strategy. Tactics are specific; strategy is general. Tactics tend to be immediate, strategy long-term." (Bruce Pandolfini, "Weapons of Chess: An omnibus of chess strategy", 1989)

"Castling may even be unnecessary. In some cases it might be prudent to keep the king in the center, possibly not castling at all. The center is often safer than the flank in closed positions. Strategy and long-term planning assume great importance . You usually have time to maneuver against your opponent's weaknesses, something hard to do when the center is open." (Bruce Pandolfini, "Weapons of Chess: An omnibus of chess strategy", 1989)

"A weakness can be tactical or positional. A tactical weakness is one based on immediate or temporary circumstances. Given time, a tactical weakness can be defended or eliminated: protection can be added, or the threatened man moved to safety. [...] When people talk about weakness, they usually mean positional, not tactical weakness. Positional weaknesses tend to have long-term ramifications. They are not subject to the shifting situation from move to move as are tactical weaknesses. It takes more than a few moves to correct a positional weakness, if it can be done at all." (Bruce Pandolfini, "Weapons of Chess: An omnibus of chess strategy", 1989)

"The strengths, often concealed below the surface, depend on the activity and interrelationship of the pieces, and on the tactical possibilities and threats that can be generated. Bringing these latent resources to the surface requires a deep and penetrating analysis and accurate calculation." (Bruce Pandolfini, "Weapons of Chess: An omnibus of chess strategy", 1989)

"[...] events on the chessboard are by no means accidental, on the contrary: everything is linked with everything and the dynamics involved in selecting a correct strategic plan reflects, delicately but also accurately, your dynamic thinking abilities!" (Vlastimil Jansa, "Dynamics of Chess Strategy", 2003)

"Every player appreciating the aesthetics of chess dreams about games where a single main strategical plan is carried through without distraction to a successful conclusion; these should go hand in hand with the competitive aspects of chess. Such a course is very difficult because our opponent usually has his own plan, his own strategy and intentions - which are very different from ours. A flawless game won by somebody probably does not exist, a mistake must creep into the game somewhere." (Vlastimil Jansa, "Dynamics of Chess Strategy", 2003)

"However, the dynamic changes and laws should be understood, not only from the point of view of strategy and tactics but also from that of the time of the development of ideas." (Vlastimil Jansa, "Dynamics of Chess Strategy", 2003)

"Opening presents opportunities for the most complicated but also the most fantastic strategic and tactical manoeuvres. In both cases the prerequisite is an accurate rhythm, first, a slow, wait-and-see type, then, at the right moment, a rapid one with surprising turns [...] An average dancer does not have the gusto for it - nor does a chess player without a sufficient sense of dynamics!" (Vlastimil Jansa, "Dynamics of Chess Strategy", 2003)

"Strategy and tactics often work hand in glove." (Vlastimil Jansa, "Dynamics of Chess Strategy", 2003)

"The ability to think dynamically in opening strategy may also be illustrated by a mastery of transferring experience and ideas from one opening to another. Seemingly incoherent courses of the game may sometimes have much in common. And sometimes a simple comparison brings new experience, surprising findings and thoughts!" (Vlastimil Jansa, "Dynamics of Chess Strategy", 2003)

"A tactician feels at home reacting to threats and seizing opportunities on the battlefield. When your opponent has blundered, a winning tactic can suddenly appear and serve as both means and end. […] Every time you make a move, you must consider your opponent’s response, your answer to that response, and so on. A tactic ignites an explosive chain reaction, a forceful sequence of moves that carries the players along on a wild ride. You analyze the position as deeply as you can, compute the dozens of variations, the hundreds of positions. If you don’t immediately exploit a tactical opportunity, the game will almost certainly turn against you; one slip and you are wiped out. But if you seize the opportunities that your strategy creates, you’ll play your game like a Grandmaster." (Garry Kasparov, "How Life Imitates Chess", 2007)

"Against solid strategy, diversionary tactics will either be insufficient, or flawed. If they are insufficient, you can and should ignore them, continuing along your path. If they are radical enough to force you from your path, they are likely flawed in some way - unless you have blundered. Often an opponent is so eager to get you to change your course that he fatally weakens his own position in the attempt." (Garry Kasparov, "How Life Imitates Chess", 2007)

"Effective tactics result from alertness and speed, this is obvious, but they also require an understanding of all the possibilities at hand. Experience allows us to instantly apply the patterns we have successfully used in the past." (Garry Kasparov, "How Life Imitates Chess", 2007)

"In chess we see many cases of good strategy failing due to bad tactics and vice versa. A single oversight can undo the most brilliant concepts. Even more dangerous in the long run are cases of bad strategy succeeding due to good tactics, or due to sheer good fortune. This may work once, but rarely twice. This is why it is so important to question success as vigorously as you question failure." (Garry Kasparov, "How Life Imitates Chess", 2007)

"Tactics involve calculations that can tax the human brain, but when you boil them down, they are actually the simplest part of chess and are almost trivial compared to strategy." (Garry Kasparov, "How Life Imitates Chess: Making the Right Moves, from the Board to the Boardroom", 2007)

"Whereas strategy is abstract and based on long-term goals, tactics are concrete and based on finding the best move right now. Tactics are conditional and opportunistic, all about threat and defense. No matter what pursuit you’re engaged in - chess, business, the military, managing a sports team - it takes both good tactics and wise strategy to be successful." (Garry Kasparov, "How Life Imitates Chess", 2007)

"A chess hypothesis is basically the equivalent to drawing up a strategic plan. Experimentation in chess is equivalent to the moves that are found to carry out each plan. Throughout the history of chess, both the plans (the hypotheses) as well as the moves (the experiments) have been evolving (thanks to results from the practice of the game and from analyses), and this knowledge is the patrimony of professional players." (Diego Rasskin-Gutman, "Chess Metaphors: Artificial Intelligence and the Human Mind", 2009)

"Finally, chess has a science - like special attraction since it lets the player first propose hypotheses of different strategic plans that are based on the game rules and possible moves of the pieces and then refute those hypotheses after careful investigation of the different lines of play. This process is analogous to the everyday work of a scientist." (Diego Rasskin-Gutman, "Chess Metaphors: Artificial Intelligence and the Human Mind", 2009)

"Still, it is good to realize how the synthesis between strategy and tactics is established. Therefore, we must always consider the activity of the pieces on both sides. A player may have a fantastic pawn formation, control a beautiful open file and possess a strong square, but if he goes down to a direct mating attack on the other side of the board, all his strategic advantages come to naught." (Herman Grooten, "Chess Strategy for Club Players: The Road to Positional Advantage", 2009)

"tactics and strategy hold together, as it were. With tactics, a combination is a 'random picture' in the game. For example, a piece is unprotected and this can immediately be exploited. Strategy means longer-term thinking." (Herman Grooten, "Chess Strategy for Club Players: The Road to Positional Advantage", 2009)

"The problem of identifying the subset of good moves is much more complicated than simply counting the total number of possibilities and falls completely into the domain of strategy and tactics of chess as a game." (Diego Rasskin-Gutman, "Chess Metaphors: Artificial Intelligence and the Human Mind", 2009)

"Vision is a capacity to understand a position and to generate solid strategic plans. And a good base of chess knowledge is needed to understand what it means to play with brilliance or elegance." (Diego Rasskin-Gutman, "Chess Metaphors: Artificial Intelligence and the Human Mind", 2009)

"[...] we can gather that strategy and tactics are in constant conflict with each other. For example, a strategically beautiful set-up can be spoilt by an 'accidental combination' at any moment. But it is also true that a well-built-up game in most cases needs to be crowned with a tactical turn. In practice it has turned out that many players find it difficult to combine long-term play with a timely discovery of tactical finesses. Only the strongest players manage to find a kind of balance between these two components of the game." (Herman Grooten, "Chess Strategy for Club Players: The Road to Positional Advantage", 2009)

"Strategy must show us how to fight against players of our own strength and how to make progress. It must help us play a bit better this week than last week, not just by studying opening variations because, as Petrosian pointed out: 'to study opening variations without reference to the strategic concepts that develop from them in the middlegame is, in effect, to separate the head from the body." (Mihai Suba, "Dynamic Chess Strategy", 2010)

"A good strategy is one that takes into account not only the requirements of the position, but also the opponent's strategy and tactics. Strategy lies between science and art. It supports the ability to evaluate positions, recognize patterns and imagine adequate plans. Modern chess both offers and requires more 'move-to-move' combat." (Mihai Suba, "Dynamic Chess Strategy", 2010)

"Chess strategy must lose some of its grandness, some of its sentential character, must come back to earth and become practical, so that we can make it work for us move by move." (Mihai Suba, "Dynamic Chess Strategy", 2010)

"Discovering the truth about a specific variation is a trial-and-error process. A complete strategy must consider human reactions as part of it." (Mihai Suba, "Dynamic Chess Strategy", 2010)

"Dynamic strategy is not only a reconciliation of classical strategy with the new problems raised in competitive chess, but also an escape from the circle of slow manoeuvres which rarely produce more than half points. It aims to promote fighting and uncompromising chess. The history of chess shows clearly that players who are afraid of losing rarely obtain outstanding results. Dynamic strategy is an attempt to revise the standard, static, conservative opinion on what strategy should be (a collection of rules about the centre, fixed pawn structure, open files, minority attack, queen- or kingside majority, two bishops, weak pawns and squares, and the standard plans to cope with these occurrences) and highlight strategy as a continuous process dealing with the present, the near future, and the distant future of modern chess positions." (Mihai Suba, "Dynamic Chess Strategy", 2010)

"Some theoreticians define tactics as combinations with sacrifices." (Mihai Suba, "Dynamic Chess Strategy", 2010)

"Strategy places an arsenal of efficient weapons in our conscious as well as (hopefully) our subconscious mind; the better this arsenal, the less superficial the assessment of the actual and emergent set-ups. By associating the general aspects of a position with some concepts, our strategic knowledge builds the foundations for suitable plans." (Mihai Suba, "Dynamic Chess Strategy", 2010)

"Strategy should neither be imparted nor perceived as a surrogate for ultimate truth, but as an organizer which turns an amorphous mass of perceptual concepts into a collection." (Mihai Suba, "Dynamic Chess Strategy", 2010)

"Strategy shouldn't set rules to be followed blindly; nonetheless, any theory can declare its stepping-stone concepts." (Mihai Suba, "Dynamic Chess Strategy", 2010)

"The main goal of dynamic strategy is to develop the personality of a player, to discover everyone's uniqueness and turn it to good account. Social dynamism and the human personality are two assets of our day, and this is reflected in chess. Tactics and dynamics are becoming predominant in chess. (Mihai Suba, "Dynamic Chess Strategy", 2010)

"The true task of strategy is to help evaluate chess positions, their present state and their future possibilities. The ability to evaluate correctly is at least as important as tactical skill. Evaluation is, to an extent, subjective (it depends on which side of the board Tal is on!) and a strategy which claims 100% objectivity is utopian. A player must be flexible enough to adapt himself to the strategy, the strategy must be flexible enough to adapt itself to the player and both, in turn, must be flexible enough to adapt themselves to the position." (Mihai Suba, "Dynamic Chess Strategy", 2010)

"The basic functions of strategy are to help the player: to reach a superficial evaluation of the position; to understand and/ or anticipate the opponent's plan; to understand and/ or anticipate the opponent's other weapons, especially when his play doesn't seem to obey a logical plan; to establish his own plan." (Mihai Suba, "Dynamic Chess Strategy", 2010)

"In chess we use the term strategy as opposed to tactics and we assimilate it with positional play. I must show from the beginning that the use of these terms can be confusing. Strategy is not the opposite of tactics; it is the theory of tactics. It tries to clarify the general lines of tactics as well as its directions. In other words, it gives pointers for discovering plans, and plans, in their turn, direct the moves in given positions." (Mihai Suba, "Dynamic Chess Strategy", 2010)

"Appreciation of both strategy and tactics are the 'Ying and Yang' of a strong chess player. They sit side by side, in harmony with each other and you cannot hope to improve your play without working on both aspects of the game." (Adam Hunt, "Chess Strategy: Move by move", 2013)

"Chess strategy is concerned with the correct evaluation of a position and the formulation of an effective plan based upon its characteristic features. When the word 'strategy' is mentioned, people tend to jump to the conclusion that we are talking about long-term middlegame planning, and that you have to be some sort of psychic who can see the future, but that is rarely the case. Many features of a given position which are strategically important will evolve out of the opening and finish in the endgame, so it would be foolish to completely ignore these phases of the game. Plans can be short or long term, depending on how the landscape in front of you is changing as the game progresses. This is why the subject is so complex and so much material is available on it." (Adam Hunt, "Chess Strategy: Move by move", 2013)

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