12 February 2007

🌁Software Engineering: Usability (Definitions)

"The ease with which a user can learn to operate, prepare inputs for, and interpret outputs of a system or component." (IEEE, "IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology", 1990)

"The characteristic of an information environment to be user-friendly in all its aspects (easy to learn, use, and remember)." (Martin J Eppler, "Managing Information Quality" 2nd Ed., 2006)

"The ability to use an element or work product in a different circumstance or environment." (Bruce P Douglass, "Real-Time Agility", 2009)

"A pragmatic quality characteristic that is a measure of the degree to which the information presentation is directly and efficiently usable for its purpose." (David C Hay, "Data Model Patterns: A Metadata Map", 2010)

"A multifaceted term that refers to how easy it is for users to accomplish whatever task they need to do." (Matt Telles, "Beginning Programming", 2014)

"A questionnaire-based usability test technique for measuring software quality from the end user's point of view. [Kirakowski93]" (Standard Glossary, "ISTQB", 2015)

"Computing the degree to which a software application or a website is easy to use with no specific training. Usability is the art and science of designing systems or web sites that are easy to learn, easy to remember how to use, efficient to use, error tolerant and engaging." (European Commission [Usability Glossary])

"Easiness with which an application, product or service can be used" (ITIL)

"Extent to which a product can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction in a specified context of use." (ISO/IEC 9241-11)

"The capability of the software to be understood, learned, used and attractive to the user when used under specified conditions." (ISO 9126, 25000)

"Usability is the degree to which something - software, hardware or anything else - is easy to use and a good fit for the people who use it." (Usability BoK)

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Koeln, NRW, Germany
IT Professional with more than 25 years experience in IT in the area of full life-cycle of Web/Desktop/Database Applications Development, Software Engineering, Consultancy, Data Management, Data Quality, Data Migrations, Reporting, ERP implementations & support, Team/Project/IT Management, etc.