06 February 2007

🌁Software Engineering: Concurrency (Definitions)

"The capability of having more than one computation in progress at the same time. These computations may be on separate cores or they may be sharing a single core by being swapped in and out by the operating system at intervals." (Clay Breshears, "The Art of Concurrency", 2009)

"the simultaneous or pseudo-simultaneous execution of multiple action sequences." (Bruce P Douglass, "Real-Time Agility: The Harmony/ESW Method for Real-Time and Embedded Systems Development", 2009)

"A model of computation with simultaneous sequences of computation and unpredictable interaction between the sequences. For example, two threads in an application that occasionally communicate. In contrast to parallelism, the apparent simultaneity might be an illusion, for example when the program executes on a single CPU with a single core. An example of the unpredictability of concurrency is the handling of asynchronous events, such as user input or network traffic. The precise sequence of execution steps that will occur in the entire program can’t be predicted in advance. Contrast with parallelism." (Dean Wampler, "Functional Programming for Java Developers", 2011)

"The shared use of resources by multiple interactive users or application processes at the same time." (IBM, "Informix Servers 12.1", 2014)

"measure of the number of users engaged in the same operation at the same time" (ITIL)

"performing and executing multiple tasks and processes at the same time." (Analytics Insight)

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