22 December 2007

🏗️Software Engineering: Automation (Just the Quotes)

"I consider computer science to be the art and science of exploiting automatic digital computers, and of creating the technology necessary to understand their use. It deals with such related problems as the design of better machines using known components:, the design and implementation of adequate software systems for communication between man and machine, and the design and analysis of methods of representing information by abstract symbols and of processes for manipulating these symbols." (George E Forsythe, "Stanford University's Program in Computer Science", 1965) 

"Recursion represents no saving of time or storage. Somewhere in the computer must be maintained a list of all the places a recursive routine is called, so the program can eventually find its way back. But the storage for that list is shared among many different uses. More important, it is managed automatically; many of the burdens of storage management and control flow are placed on the compiler, not on the programmer. And since bookkeeping details are hidden, the program can be much easier to understand. Learning to think recursively takes some effort, but it is repaid with smaller and simpler programs." (Brian W Kernighan & Phillip J Plauger, "The Elements of Programming Style", 1974)

"A computer is an interpreted automatic formal system - that is to say, a symbol-manipulating machine." (John Haugeland, "Artificial intelligence: The very idea", 1985)

"Apart from power laws, iteration is one of the prime sources of self-similarity. Iteration here means the repeated application of some rule or operation - doing the same thing over and over again. [...] A concept closely related to iteration is recursion. In an age of increasing automation and computation, many processes and calculations are recursive, and if a recursive algorithm is in fact repetitious, self-similarity is waiting in the wings.(Manfred Schroeder, "Fractals, Chaos, Power Laws Minutes from an Infinite Paradise", 1990)

"At the heart of reengineering is the notion of discontinuous thinking - of recognizing and breaking away from the outdated rules and fundamental assumptions that underlie operations. Unless we change these rules, we are merely rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. We cannot achieve breakthroughs in performance by cutting fat or automating existing processes. Rather, we must challenge old assumptions and shed the old rules that made the business underperform in the first place." (Michael M Hammer, "Reengineering Work: Don't Automate, Obliterate", Magazine, 1990)

"Developing fewer features allows you to conserve development resources and spend more time refining those features that users really need. Fewer features mean fewer things to confuse users, less risk of user errors, less description and documentation, and therefore simpler Help content. Removing any one feature automatically increases the usability of the remaining ones." (Jakob Nielsen, "Prioritizing Web Usability", 2006)

"Acceptance testing relies on the ability to execute automated tests in a productionlike environment. However, a vital property of such a test environment is that it is able to successfully support automated testing. Automated acceptance testing is not the same as user acceptance testing. One of the differences is that automated acceptance tests should not run in an environment that includes integration to all external systems. Instead, your acceptance testing should be focused on providing a controllable environment in which the system under test can be run. 'Controllable' in this context means that you are able to create the correct initial state for our tests. Integrating with real external systems removes our ability to do this." (David Farley & Jez Humble, "Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation", 2010)

"Many processes in software development are repetitive and easily automated. The DRY principle applies in these contexts, as well as in the source code of the application. Manual testing is slow, error-prone, and difficult to repeat, so automated test suites should be used where possible. Integrating software can be time consuming and error-prone if done manually, so a build process should be run as frequently as possible, ideally with every check-in. Wherever painful manual processes exist that can be automated, they should be automated and standardized. The goal is to ensure that there is only one way of accomplishing the task, and it is as painless as possible." (Steve Smith, [in Kevlin Henney’s "97 Things Every Programmer Should Know", 2010])

"Releasing software should be easy. It should be easy because you have tested every single part of the release process hundreds of times before. It should be as simple as pressing a button. The repeatability and reliability derive from two principles: automate almost everything, and keep everything you need to build, deploy, test, and release your application in version control." (David Farley & Jez Humble, "Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation", 2010)

"So, when should you think about automating a process? The simplest answer is, 'When you have to do it a second time.' The third time you do something, it should be done using an automated process. This fine-grained incremental approach rapidly creates a system for automating the repeated parts of your development, build, test, and deployment process." (David Farley & Jez Humble, "Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation", 2010)

"The deployment pipeline has its foundations in the process of continuous integration and is in essence the principle of continuous integration taken to its logical conclusion. The aim of the deployment pipeline is threefold. First, it makes every part of the process of building, deploying, testing, and releasing software visible to everybody involved, aiding collaboration. Second, it improves feedback so that problems are identified, and so resolved, as early in the process as possible. Finally, it enables teams to deploy and release any version of their software to any environment at will through a fully automated process." (David Farley & Jez Humble, "Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation", 2010)

"What can you do to actually make your code tell the truth as clearly as possible? Strive for good names. Structure your code with respect to cohesive functionality, which also eases naming. Decouple your code to achieve orthogonality. Write automated tests explaining the intended behavior and check the interfaces. Refactor mercilessly when you learn how to code a simpler, better solution. Make your code as simple as possible to read and understand." (Peter Sommerlad, [in Kevlin Henney’s "97 Things Every Programmer Should Know", 2010])

"In essence, Continuous Integration is about reducing risk by providing faster feedback. First and foremost, it is designed to help identify and fix integration and regression issues faster, resulting in smoother, quicker delivery, and fewer bugs. By providing better visibility for both technical and non-technical team members on the state of the project, Continuous Integration can open and facilitate communication channels between team members and encourage collaborative problem solving and process improvement. And, by automating the deployment process, Continuous Integration helps you get your software into the hands of the testers and the end users faster, more reliably, and with less effort." (John F Smart, "Jenkins: The Definitive Guide", 2011)

"Automation is an essential backbone of DevOps. Automation is the use of solutions to reduce the need for human work. Automation can ensure that the software is built the same way each time, that the team sees every change made to the software, and that the software is tested and reviewed in the same way every day so that no defects slip through or are introduced through human error." (Michael Hüttermann et al, "DevOps for Developers", 2013)

"DevOps recognizes the importance of culture. The acronym CAMS (culture, automation, measurement, and sharing) is used to encapsulate its key themes. Culture is acknowledged as all important in making development and IT operations work together effectively. But what is culture in this context? It is not so much about an informal dress code, flexible hours, or a free in-house cafeteria as it is about how decisions are taken, norms of behavior, protocols of communication, and the ways of navigating hierarchy and bureaucracy to get things done." (Sriram Narayan, "Agile IT Organization Design: For Digital Transformation and Continuous Delivery", 2015)

"Automated testing is a safety net that protects the program from its programmers." (Yegor Bugayenko, "Code Ahead", 2018)

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Koeln, NRW, Germany
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