07 February 2024

💎🏭SQL Reloaded: Microsoft Fabric's Delta Tables in Action - Views and other Data Objects

One reads in the training material that the SQL Endpoint provides a read-only experience [1], meaning that no data can be written back to the delta lake tables. Playing with the metadata available in Spark SQL via Notebooks and the SQL Endpoint (see post), I realized that there is more to the statement! Even if one can query via the SQL Endpoint only delta tables, this doesn't mean that one can't build a semantic model on top of it, much like one was able to do via the Serverless SQL pool in Azure Synapse.

In Spark one can create via SQL, PySpark and the other supported languages views and functions, though they will not be available to the SQL Endpoint! To use the data generated in the process, the respective data needs to be saved to delta tables. Conversely, one can still create views, functions and stored procedures via the SQL Endpoint though the objects won't be available in Spark SQL! 

This has important implications, though in this post let's focus on the syntax and create several objects for testing purposes in the two environments. I'll use the Assets delta table created in a previous post. The Spark SQL code should be run in a notebook (e.g. one cell per group of statements), while the code for the SQL Endpoint should be run in SQL Server Management Studio.


/* test view's creation in the SQL Endpoint */

-- drop the test view 
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS dbo.vAssets_Microsoft2;

-- create the test view
CREATE VIEW dbo.vAssets_Microsoft2
--Microsoft assets
SELECT Id, CreationDate, Vendor, Asset, Model, Owner, Tag, Quantity
FROM dbo.Assets
WHERE Vendor = 'Microsoft';

-- test the viwe
FROM dbo.vAssets_Microsoft2;

/* test view's creation in Spark SQL */

-- drop test view 
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vAssets_Microsoft;

-- create test view
CREATE VIEW vAssets_Microsoft COMMENT 'Microsoft assets in scope (view)'
SELECT Id, CreationDate, Vendor, Asset, Model, Owner, Tag, Quantity
FROM assets
WHERE Vendor = 'Microsoft';

-- review data
FROM vAssets_Microsoft;

Table-Valued Functions

/* test function's creation in the SQL Endpoint */

-- drop the test function 
DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS dbo.fAssets_Microsoft2;

-- create the test function
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fAssets_Microsoft2(
    @Vendor nvarchar(max))
    SELECT Id, CreationDate, Vendor, Asset, Model, Owner, Tag, Quantity
    FROM dbo.Assets
    WHERE Vendor = @Vendor

-- test the function
FROM dbo.fAssets_Microsoft2('Microsoft');

FROM dbo.fAssets_Microsoft2('Dell');

Unfortunately, the Spark SQL code doesn't seem to work, its execution returning a PARSE_SYNTAX_ERROR error no matter how simple the code was (see also [2]).
/* test function's creation in Spark SQL */

-- drop test function 

-- create test function
CREATE FUNCTION fAssets_Microsoft(
    pVendor string)
    SELECT Id, CreationDate, Vendor, Asset, Model, Owner, Tag, Quantity
    FROM assets
    WHERE Vendor = pVendor;

-- review data
FROM fAssets_Microsoft('Microsoft');

Stored Procedure

Stored procedures aren't available in Spark SQL, though this doesn't mean that we can't test the code in the SQL Endpoint:

/* test procedure's creation in the SQL Endpoint */

-- drop the test procedure 
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS dbo.spAssets_Microsoft2;

-- create the test procedure
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.spAssets_Microsoft2(
@Vendor nvarchar(max) = NULL)
--Microsoft assets
SELECT Id, CreationDate, Vendor, Asset, Model, Owner, Tag, Quantity
FROM dbo.Assets
WHERE Vendor = IsNull(@Vendor, Vendor);

-- test the procedure
EXEC dbo.spAssets_Microsoft2 'Microsoft';
EXEC dbo.spAssets_Microsoft2 'Dell';
EXEC dbo.spAssets_Microsoft2;

1) I observed in documentation and some presentations that the common practice of prefixing data objects based on their type is seldom considered. I still find it useful when building solutions, even if object's type can be derived from the context and/or metadata. 
2) The examples were chosen to test the minimal functionality so that the differences between the two platforms are minimal - using the dbo schema and the GO command in the SQL Endpoint, COMMENT in Spark SQL. However, as soon specific functionality is used, extra code is needed to mitigate the differences.
3) The names between environments were kept different, just in case one needs to test objects' availability between platforms.

Happy coding!

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[1] Microsoft Learn (2023) Work with Delta Lake tables in Microsoft Fabric (link)
[2] Databricks (2023) CREATE FUNCTION (SQL and Python) (link)

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