04 April 2016

♜Strategic Management: Value Chain (Definitions)

"Sequence of processes that describe the movement of products or services through a pipeline from original creation to final sales." (Ralph Kimball & Margy Ross, "The Data Warehouse Toolkit 2nd Ed ", 2002)

"Framework for examining the strengths and weaknesses of an organization and for using the results of this analysis to improve performance." (Alan W Steiss, "Strategic Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations", 2003)

"An end-to-end set of activities in support of customer needs, usually beginning with a customer request and ending with customer receipt of benefits." (DAMA International, "The DAMA Dictionary of Data Management", 2011)

"Sequence of business processes in which value is added to a product or service. Encompasses customers and suppliers as well as, in some cases, the customers' customers and the suppliers' suppliers." (Leslie G Eldenburg & Susan K Wolcott, "Cost Management" 2nd Ed., 2011)

"A linked set of value-creating activities that begins with basic raw materials coming from suppliers and ends with distributors getting the final goods into the hands of the ultimate consumer." (Thomas L Wheelen & J David Hunger., "Strategic management and business policy: toward global sustainability 13th Ed.", 2012)

"Composed of all the stakeholders (designers, suppliers, manufacturers, customers, and others) who add value to or receive value from specific products or services." (Joan C Dessinger, "Fundamentals of Performance Improvement" 3rd Ed., 2012)

"The set of both primary and support activities or processes that an organization sets up to perform in order to achieve its mission and goals." (Andrew Pham et al, "From Business Strategy to Information Technology Roadmap", 2016)

"A value chain is a set of activities that an enterprise operating in a specific industry performs to deliver a valuable product or service for the market." (by Brian Johnson & Leon-Paul de Rouw, "Collaborative Business Design", 2017)

"The linked set of activities/functions within a firm that interact to enable the final value-creating offering (product/service) of the firm. At the industry level, it can also mean the total set of value-adding links from the first supplier to the final user of a product/service." (Duncan Angwin & Stephen Cummings, "The Strategy Pathfinder 3rd Ed.", 2017)

"A sequence of vertically related activities undertaken by a single firm or by a number of vertically related firms in order to produce a product or service." (Robert M Grant, "Contemporary Strategy Analysis" 10th Ed., 2018)

"A value chain is a set of linked activities that transform inputs into outputs that in turn add to at least one of the ecological, societal or economic bottom lines and help create competitive advantages." (Rick Edgeman, "Lean and Six Sigma Innovation and Design", Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology" 4th Ed., 2018)

"sequence of processes that creates a product/service that is of value to a customer" (ITIL)

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