22 October 2018

💠🛠️SQL Server Administration: Troubleshooting Root Blocking Sessions

Unless special monitoring tools like Redgate’s SQL Monitor are available, when it comes to troubleshooting blocking sessions one can use the sp_who2 and sp_whoisactive stored procedures or the further available DMVs, which can prove useful upon case. In the case one just needs to find the root session that blocks other sessions, as it happens in poorly designed and/or heavily used databases, one can follow the chain of blockings provided by the sp_who2, though it requires time. Therefore, based on sp_who2 logic I put together a script that with the help of common tables expressions walks through the hierarchical chain to identify the root blocking session(s):

 ;WITH CTERequests
 AS ( -- taking a snapshot of requests  
	 SELECT ER.session_id  
	 , ER.request_id
	 , ER.blocking_session_id  
	 , ER.database_id   	  
	 , ER.status      
	 , ER.sql_handle   
	 , ER.command 
	 , ER.start_time
	 , ER.total_elapsed_time/(1000*1000) total_elapsed_time
	 , ER.cpu_time/(1000*1000) cpu_time
	 , ER.wait_type 
	 , ER.wait_time/(1000*1000) wait_time
	 , ER.reads 
	 , ER.writes 
	 , ER.granted_query_memory/128.0 granted_query_memory_mb
	 FROM sys.dm_exec_requests ER with (nolock)
	 WHERE ER.session_id > 50user sessions 
 AS ( -- building the tree  
	 SELECT ER.session_id  
	 , ER.request_id
	 , ER.blocking_session_id  
	 , ER.database_id 
	 , ER.status  
	 , ER.command   
	 , ER.sql_handle   
	 , Cast(NULL as varbinary(64)) blocking_sql_handle   
	 , 0 level  
	 , CAST(ER.session_id as nvarchar(max)) sessions_path 
	 , ER.start_time 
	 , ER.total_elapsed_time
	 , ER.cpu_time
	 , ER.wait_type 
	 , ER.wait_time
	 , ER.reads 
	 , ER.writes 
	 , ER.granted_query_memory_mb
	 FROM CTERequests ER
	 -- WHERE ER.blocking_session_id <>0 -- only blocked sessions 
	 SELECT ER.session_id  
	 , ER.request_id
	 , BR.blocking_session_id  
	 , ER.database_id  
	 , ER.status  
	 , ER.command   
	 , ER.sql_handle   
	 , BR.sql_handle blocking_sql_handle   
	 , ER.level + 1 level  
	 , ER.sessions_path + '/' + Cast(BR.session_id as nvarchar(10)) sessions_path 
	 , ER.start_time
	 , ER.total_elapsed_time
	 , ER.cpu_time
	 , ER.wait_type 
	 , ER.wait_time
	 , ER.reads 
	 , ER.writes 
	 , ER.granted_query_memory_mb
	 FROM CTERequests br  
			ON BR.session_id = ER.blocking_session_id   
		   AND BR.session_id <> ER.session_id  
 -- the final query   
 SELECT CTE.session_id 
 , CTE.blocking_session_id   
 , CTE.request_id
 , DB_NAME(CTE.database_id) database_name  
 , CTE.status   
 , CTE.start_time
 , BES.last_request_end_time   
 , CTE.level   
 , CTE.sessions_path   
 , CTE.command   
 , CTE.sql_handle   
 , est.text sql_text  
 , CTE.blocking_sql_handle   
 , best.text blocking_sql_text 
 , CTE.total_elapsed_time
 , CTE.cpu_time
 , CTE.wait_type 
 , CTE.wait_time
 , CTE.reads 
 , CTE.writes 
 , CTE.granted_query_memory_mb
 , TSU.request_internal_objects_alloc_page_count/128.0 allocated_mb
 , TSU.request_internal_objects_dealloc_page_count/128.0 deallocated_mb 
 , ES.login_name   
 , ES.[host_name]  
 , BES.[host_name] blocking_host_name  
      LEFT JOIN sys.dm_exec_sessions ES with (nolock)
        ON CTE.session_id = ES.session_id   
      LEFT JOIN sys.dm_exec_sessions BES with (nolock)
        ON CTE.blocking_session_id = BES.session_id        
      LEFT JOIN ( -- allocated space
	  SELECT session_id
	  , request_id
	  , SUM(internal_objects_alloc_page_count) AS request_internal_objects_alloc_page_count
	  , SUM(internal_objects_dealloc_page_count)AS request_internal_objects_dealloc_page_count 
	  FROM sys.dm_db_task_space_usage with (nolock)
	  WHERE session_id > 50 
	  GROUP BY session_id
	  , request_id
      ) TSU
        ON TSU.request_id = CTE.request_id
       AND TSU.session_id = CTE.session_id 
      OUTER APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(CTE.sql_handle) as est  
      OUTER APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(CTE.blocking_sql_handle) as best 
 WHERE CTE.level IN (SELECT MAX(B.level) -- longest path per session
                 FROM CTE B  
                 WHERE CTE.session_id = B.session_id  
                 GROUP by B.session_id)  
 ORDER BY CTE.session_id

The script considers only the user sessions (session_id>50), however the constraint can be left out in order to get also the system sessions.
Over the years I discovered also 1-2 exceptions where the logic didn’t work as expected. Unfortunately, not having historical data made it difficult to find the cause.
Killing the root blocking session usually makes the other blockings disappear, however it’s not always the case.
There can multiple root blocking sessions as well.
For the meaning of the above attributes see the MSDN documentation: sys.dm_exec_requests, sys.dm_exec_sessions, sys.dm_db_task_space_usage, sys.dm_exec_sql_text.
Be careful when killing the sessions (see my other blog post)!

Happy coding!

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Koeln, NRW, Germany
IT Professional with more than 25 years experience in IT in the area of full life-cycle of Web/Desktop/Database Applications Development, Software Engineering, Consultancy, Data Management, Data Quality, Data Migrations, Reporting, ERP implementations & support, Team/Project/IT Management, etc.