26 October 2018

💎🏭SQL Reloaded: Trimming Strings (Before and After)

One of the annoying things when writing queries is the repetitive lengthy expressions that obfuscate in general the queries making them more difficult to read, understand and troubleshoot, and sometimes such expressions come with a performance penalty as well.    Loading data from Excel, text files and other sources involving poorly formatted data often requires trimming (all) the text values. In the early versions of SQL Server, the equivalent of a Trim function was obtained by using the combined LTrim and RTrim functions. This resumed in writing code like this (based on AdventureWorks 2014 database):

-- trimming via LTrim, RTrim 
SELECT LTrim(RTrim(AddressLine1)) AddressLine1
, LTrim(RTrim(AddressLine2)) AddressLine2
, LTrim(RTrim(City)) City
, LTrim(RTrim(PostalCode)) PostalCode
FROM Person.Address

This might not look much though imagine you have to deal with 30-50 text attributes, that the code is not written in a readable format (e.g. the way is stored in database), that some attributes require further processing (e.g. removal of special characters, splitting, concatenating).
 Often developers preferred encapsulating the call to the two functions within a user-defined function:

-- Trim user-defiend function
@string nvarchar(max))
RETURNS nvarchar(max)
    RETURN LTrim(RTrim(@string))

With it the code is somehow simplified, but not by much and includes the costs of calling a user-defined function:

-- trimming via dbo.Trim
SELECT dbo.Trim(AddressLine1) AddressLine1
, dbo.Trim(AddressLine2) AddressLine2
, dbo.Trim(City) City
, dbo.Trim(PostalCode) PostalCode
FROM Person.Address

In SQL Server 2017 was introduced the Trim function which not only replaces the combined use of LTrim and RTrim functions, but it also allows to replace other specified characters (including CR, LF, Tab) from the start or end of a string.

By default the function removes the space from both sides of a string:

-- trimming via Trim
SELECT Trim(AddressLine1) AddressLine1
, Trim(AddressLine2) AddressLine2
, Trim(City) City
, Trim(PostalCode) PostalCode
FROM Person.Address

When a set of characters is provided the function removes the specified characters:

SELECT Trim ('#' FROM '# 843984') Example1
, Trim ('[]' FROM '[843984]') Example2
, Trim ('+' FROM '+49127298000') Example3
, Trim ('+-' FROM '+ 49-12729-8000 ') + ';' Example4
, Trim ('+ ' FROM '+ 49-12729-8000 ') + ';' Example5
, ASCII(Left(Trim (char(13) FROM char(13) + '49127298000'), 1)) Example6

Example1   Example2     Example3        Example4            Example5            Example6
--------          --------          ------------           -----------------       -----------------        -----------
  843984      843984        49127298000   49-12729-8000 ;  49-12729-8000;    52

As can be seen, when is needed to remove other characters together with the space then is needed to include the space in the list of characters.

1) The dbo.Trim function can be created in SQL Server 2017 environments as well.
2) The collation of the database will affect the behavior of Trim function, therefore the results might look different when a case sensitive collection is used.
3)  The queries work also in SQL databases in Microsoft Fabric.

Happy coding!

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