07 February 2010

🎡⌛SSIS: SQL Server to Oracle Data Export (Second Magic Class)

In a previous post I described the steps needed to be followed in order to export the data from SQL Server to Excel, this time I will describe the steps needed in order to export the data from SQL Server to Oracle. For this is requested to have Oracle database product installed on your computer, or in case you are having already an Oracle database server on the network then you’ll need only the Oracle Client installed locally, and a SQL Development Tool like SQL Developer or TOAD, with a plus for the later.

Like in the previous tutorial we’ll use the Production.Product table from AdventureWorks database coming with SQL Server.

Step 1: Create an Oracle User

If you already have an Oracle User created then you could skip this step, unless you want to create a User only for the current tutorial or for loading other AdventureWorks tables in Oracle. For this we will create first a permanent tablespace (e.g. AdventureWorks), an allocation of space in the database, then create the actual User (e.g. SQLServer) on the just created tablespace, action the will create a schema with the same name as the User, and finally grant the User ‘create session’, ‘create materialized view’ and ‘create table’ privileges.

Open your SQL Developer tool of choice and connect to the Oracle database, then type the following statements and run them one by one, do not forget to provide a strong-typed password in IDENTIFIED BY clause, then create a new connection using the just created User.
-- Create TableSpace
DATAFILE 'AdventureWorks.dat'

-- Create User CREATE USER SQLServer 
IDENTIFIED BY <your_password>
QUOTA 20M ON AdventureWorks; 

-- Grant privileges

Step 2
: Start SQL Server Import and Export Wizard

From SQL Server Management Studio choose the database from which you want to export the data (e.g. AdventureWorks), right click on it and from the floating menu choose Tasks/Export Data

Step 3: Choose a Data Source

In ‘Choose a Data Source’ step select the ‘Data Source’, SQL Server Native Client 10.0 for exporting data from SQL Server, choose ‘Server name’ from the list of SQL Server available, select the Authentication mode and the Database (e. g. AdventureWorks), then proceed to the next step by clicking ‘Next’.

Step 4: Choose a Destination

In ‘Choose a Destination’ step select the Destination, in this case ‘Oracle Provider for OLE DB’ and then click on ‘Properties’ in order to provide the connectivity details, in ‘Data Link Properties’ dialog just opened, enter the Data Source (the SID of your Oracle database), the ‘User name’ (e.g. SQLServer), the ‘Password’ and check ‘Allow saving password’ checkbox, without this last step being not possible to connect to the Oracle database. Then test the connection by clicking the ‘Test Connection’, and if the ‘Test connection succeeded’ proceed to the next step. 

Excepting ‘Oracle Provider for OLE DB’ there are three other drivers that allows you to connect to an Oracle database: ‘Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle’, ‘.Net Framework Data Provider for Oracle’, respectively ‘Oracle Data Provider for .Net’, each of them coming with their own downsizes and benefits.

Step 5: Specify Table Copy Or Query

In this step choose: ‘Copy data from one or more tables or views’ option.

Step 6: Select Source Tables and Views

In ‘Select Source Tables and Views’ step select the database objects (e.g. Production.vProducts) from which you’ll export the data. You could go with the provided Destination table, though if you are using the current settings Oracle table’s name will be “Product” (including quotes) and not Product as we’d expected. There are two options, go with the current settings and change table’s name and columns, they having also this problem, in Oracle, or create the table manually in Oracle. I prefer the second option because I could use the SQL script automatically generated by Oracle, for this with the just chosen table selected click on ‘Edit Mappings’ button that will bring the ‘Column Mappings’ dialog and click the ‘Edit SQL’ button, the query appearing as editable in ‘Create Table SQL Statement’ dialog. 

Copy the query and copy paste it in the Oracle SQL Developer, then do a replace of the quotes and delete the rowguid column as we don’t needed, in plus when attempting to dump the data, given the incompatibility of data types, an error will be raised. There is a second change we’ll have to make, to rename the Size column to ProductSize, this because Size is a reserved keyword.

CREATE TABLE sqlserver.Product (
ProductNumber NVARCHAR2(25) NOT NULL,
FinishedGoodsFlag NUMBER NOT NULL,
Color NVARCHAR2(15),
SafetyStockLevel INTEGER NOT NULL,
ProductSize NVARCHAR2(5),
SizeUnitMeasureCode NCHAR(3),
WeightUnitMeasureCode NCHAR(3),
Weight NUMBER,
DaysToManufacture INTEGER NOT NULL,
ProductLine NCHAR(2),
Class NCHAR(2),
Style NCHAR(2),
ProductSubcategoryID INTEGER,
ProductModelID INTEGER,
DiscontinuedDate TIMESTAMP,

Unfortunately this approach has a downside, we have to go two steps back in Choose a Destination, then click on ‘Properties’ again and without doing any change test the connection by clicking the ‘Test Connection’, then proceed forward to the current step, and in ‘Select Source Tables and Views’ step select again the database object (e.g. Production.vProducts) from which you’ll export the data but this time in Destination dropdown control search for the table just created (e.g. sqlserver.Product).

Because we have removed the rowguid column from the table created in Oracle, we’ll have to change the mappings, for this click on ‘Edit Mappings’ and in ‘Mapping’ list box from ‘Column Mappings’, in the Destination dropdown next to rowguid column select ‘’, thus the respective column being ignored from the mapping. Accept the change and proceed to the next step. 

You could choose to export more than one table, though for this you’ll have to create manually each table in Oracle and then map the created tables in ‘Select Source Tables and Views’ step.

Step 7: Review Data Type Mapping

Step 8: Save and Run Package

In ‘Save and Run Package’ check the ‘Run immediately’, respectively the ‘Save SSIS Package’ and ‘File System’ option, then proceed to the next step by clicking ‘Next’.

Step 9: Save SSIS Package

    In ‘Save SSIS Package’ step provide the intended Name (e.g. Export Products To Oracle) or Description of the Package, choose the location where the package will be saved, then proceed to the next step by clicking ‘Next’.

Step 10: Complete the Wizard

Step 11: Executing the Package

Step 12: Checking the Data

If the previous step completed successfully, then you can copy the following statement in Oracle SQL Developer and execute it, the table should be already populated.

FROM sqlserver.Product 


If you used other schema to connect to, then you’ll have to replace the above schema (e.g. SQLServer) with your schema.


Unknown said...

Hi there,
Can you tell me if it's possible to install AdventureWorks 2008 and then migrate/export all the DB with Oracle SQL Developer to a Oracle 11g DB?
I want to do a benchmark of Oracle11g and MSSQLServer2008 data mining tools, with the same DB schema and data.
What do you think about this?

Adrian said...

I think you have to install at least the SQL Server 2008 Express with Advanced Services or SQL Server 2008 trial version in order to have access to the SQL Server 2008 Sample Databases as the following prerequisites must be met: http://msftdbprodsamples.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Database%20Prerequisites&referringTitle=Installing%20Databases

As far I know the SQL Server 2008 Sample Databases are not ported on Oracle, Oracle coming actually with its own set of examples. The only vendor I'm aware that ported the examples is Sybase (see: http://blogs.msdn.com/reedme/archive/2009/01/22/sybase-loves-adventureworks2008.aspx), though there could be individual attempts to port the examples on oher RDBMS (for MySQL see http://forums.mysql.com/read.php?60,283903,283903).

Once you installed any of the two SQL Server products you can export the data with the Import/Export Wizard (or bcp utility) to text files or directly to Oracle as shown in the post. Exporting the data to text files introduces additional complexity because you'll have to create the tables' structures by yourself.

You could eventually check also with the SQL Server/CodePlex team whether there's a solution for porting the examples to Oracle.

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Koeln, NRW, Germany
IT Professional with more than 25 years experience in IT in the area of full life-cycle of Web/Desktop/Database Applications Development, Software Engineering, Consultancy, Data Management, Data Quality, Data Migrations, Reporting, ERP implementations & support, Team/Project/IT Management, etc.