If m is not a divisor for p then we could write: p/m = n + r, r> 0, this is in mathematics, but in programming even if is SQL, C++ or any programming language, when working with integers, by p/m is understood n while by p mod m is r.
Respecting the order of operations (p/m)*m = p only if m is a divisor for p. Now, is it really necessary to check all the numbers between 2 and p-1 if they are or not divisors for p? Probably not, when m increases, p/m decreases, and also the range of possible divisors, which is between m+1 and p/m-1 until m becomes greater or equal with p/m. m=p/m only when m is the square from p, so is necessary and sufficient to check only the values between 2 and √p.
To summarize, if all the numbers m betwen 2 and √p are not divisors of p then p is prime. This is the test approach used in IsPrime function:
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.IsPrime( @number bigint) RETURNS smallint /* Purpose: checks if a positive integer is prime number Parameters: @number bigint - the number to be checked if prime Notes: Sample: SELECT dbo.IsPrime(1000) SELECT dbo.IsPrime(947) SELECT dbo.IsPrime(111913) SELECT dbo.IsPrime(113083) */ BEGIN DECLARE @index bigint DECLARE @result bit SET @index = 2 SET @result = 1 WHILE (@index<=sqrt(@number)) BEGIN IF (@number = (@number/@index)*@index) SET @result = 0 SET @index = @index+1 END RETURN @result END
The pListPrimeNumbers will be used to test the function:
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.pListPrimeNumbers( @startInterval bigint , @endInterval bigint) AS /* Purpose: lists the prime numbers from a the [@startInterval, @endInterval] interval Parameters: @startInterval bigint - the left side of the interval in which will be searched the prime numbers @endInterval bigint - the right side of the interval in which will be searched the prime numbers Notes: Sample: EXEC dbo.pListPrimeNumbers 900, 1000 EXEC dbo.pListPrimeNumbers 111900, 112900 */ DECLARE @index bigint SET @index = @startInterval --for each integer in interval WHILE (@index<=@endInterval) BEGIN -- list a number if prime IF (dbo.IsPrime(@index)=1) SELECT @index [Prime Numbers] SET @index = @index+1 END
One can use a simple table to store the results, which will allow further analyssis of the data:
-- creating the table CREATE TABLE PrimeNumbers (PrimeNumber bigint) -- inserting the data INSERT PrimeNumbers EXEC dbo.pListPrimeNumbers 1, 10000
1) The utility of IsPrime function is relative, primarily because there are not many the cases when such a function is needed in SQL, and secondarily because the performance gets poorer with the number tested. Programming languages like VB.Net or C# are more appropriate for such tasks. Initially I wanted to test the performance of implementing IsPrime in SQL vs implementing it as a managed function, but an error stopped me from the attempt:
"Msg 6505, Level 16, State 1, Procedure IsPrimeNumber, Line 1 Could not find Type 'UserDefinedFunctions' in assembly 'MyLibrary'."About 3 months ago the same piece of code worked without problems, but since then I had to reinstall the SQL Server because I couln't use DTS packages after I installed LINQ preview. Welcome to the "real" world of Microsoft :(.
2) The code has been tested successfully also on a SQL database in Microsoft Fabric.
Happy Coding!
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