18 November 2005

💎SQL Reloaded: Prime Numbers

I was just thinking about prime numbers and why people had such a fascination about them. In mysticism every number has a powerful meaning, a power coming from inside, and therewith attracts certain powers from exterior. It's strange and probably hard to understand the reduction of numbers between 1 and 9. Probably, each philosophy has a little truth in it. 
I was trying to find a nice article on number reduction, for example the one from sourceryforge could be useful. Last week I implemented a function which returns the reduction of any sequence, could be date or number. I was intending to apply it on prime numbers, but even if it can be observed certain similarities between different chains, it's difficult to believe this will lead anywhere. 

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.NumberReduction( 
   @text varchar(50)) 
RETURNS smallint 
/* Purpose: reduces to number a sequence of digits Parameters: @text varchar(50) - digits sequence 
   Notes: the function works with any sequnce of alphanumeric, not numeric values being ignored Sample: 
	DECLARE @index smallint = 1 
	DECLARE @total int = 0 

	WHILE (@index<=len(@text))   
		IF IsNumeric(Substring(@text, @index, 1)) = 1         
			SET @total = @total + Cast(Substring(@text, @index, 1) as smallint)  
		SET @index = @index+1    

	--if the number is not in 1..9 range, it calls further the NumberReduction for the new total    
	IF len(@total)>1       
		SET @total = dbo.NumberReduction(@total) 
	RETURN @total 

-- testing the function
SELECT dbo.NumberReduction('11/17/2005') 
SELECT dbo.NumberReduction('1234') 
SELECT dbo.NumberReduction('1234 8993 90003 3456') 

Now, let's look at the number of 9592 primes found in the first 100.000 numbers:

-- number of primes in each thousands numbers 
SELECT PrimeNumber/1000+1 DataSet 
, count(*) NumberPrimeNumbers 
FROM PrimeNumbers 
GROUP BY PrimeNumber/1000+1

As it seems the maximum number of prime numbers is reached for the first thousand and decreases until is stabilizes somehow. It's more interesting what happens when the numbers are really big, however special techniques are used for testing such big numbers. The record is currently held by 2^136,279,841-1 with 41,024,320 digits (see Wikipedia). There are also interesting visualizations on prime numbers: see Ulam's spiral.

Here's a chart with the number of prime numbers and the table generated from the above script:

Thousands Number Primes
1 169
2 135
3 127
4 120
5 119
6 114
7 117
8 107
9 110
10 112
11 106
12 103
13 109
14 105
15 102
16 108
17 98
18 104
19 94
20 104
21 98
22 104
23 100
24 104
25 94
26 98
27 101
28 94
29 98
30 92
31 95
32 92
33 106
34 100
35 94
36 92
37 99
38 94
39 90
40 96
41 88
42 101
43 102
44 85
45 96
46 86
47 90
48 95
49 89
50 98
51 89
52 97
53 89
54 92
55 90
56 93
57 99
58 91
59 90
60 94
61 88
62 87
63 88
64 93
65 80
66 98
67 84
68 99
69 80
70 81
71 98
72 95
73 90
74 83
75 92
76 91
77 83
78 95
79 84
80 91
81 88
82 92
83 89
84 84
85 87
86 85
87 88
88 93
89 76
90 94
91 89
92 85
93 97
94 86
95 87
96 95
97 84
98 82
99 87
100 87

Happy coding!

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