08 January 2023

💠🛠️SQL Server: DELETE vs. TRUNCATE TABLE Cheat Sheet

The comparison between the DELETE and TRUNCATE TABLE commands resumes to more than saying that one method is faster than the other or that one should always use TRUNCATE TABLE when deleting all the records from a table, which typically is not advisable in production environments. I tried to provide an overview of the two commands, though this should be considered as "work in progress".
Disclaimer: please refer to the SQL Server Docs for the complete set of features broken down on version.
DefinitionDML command that removes one or more rows from a table or viewDDL command that removes all rows from a table or specified partitions of a table, without logging the individual row deletions
Scopetables, views, memory-optimized tables, common table expressions, MERGE, sp_MSforEachTable, linked serverstables, partitions
Behavior• removes rows one at a time and records an entry in the transaction log for each deleted row
  - for big tables the transaction log fills fast and may reach its limit
• fully logged ⇒rollback supported
• executed using a row lock, though locks might be escalated to a larger scope ⇒ performance may degrade
• [views] deletes the records only from the base table
• allows outputting the deleted records (via OUTPUT clause)
• [heaps] pages made empty may remain allocated ⇒ can’t be reused by other objects
• equivalent of a DROP & CREATE TABLE
• uses an optimized logging mode:
   - removes the data by deallocating the data pages used to store the table data and records only the page deallocations in the transaction log
   - a deferred-drop mechanism unhooks the allocations for the table and putting them on the ‘deferred-drop queue’ for later processing by a background task deallocates all the pages and extents
• fully logged, however rollback supported only with explicit transactions
• leaves zero pages in the table
• resets the identity property
Syntax (simple form)
DELETE <table_name>
FROM <database>
[WHERE <search_condition>]   
[OPTION (<query_options>)]
TRUNCATE TABLE <table_name>
| <range> }))]
Performance• degrades with the numbers of records
• [large tables] can cause the transaction log to become full
• the operation completes almost instantaneously
• best practice because is faster and uses fewer system and transaction log resources
Constraints• a DELETE may fail if - violates a trigger - tries to remove a row referenced by data in another table with a FOREIGN KEY constraint
• TOP can’t be used in a DELETE statement against partitioned views • doesn’t reset the identity property
• can’t be used with views
• can’t be used on tables:
   - referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint, except self-references
   - participate in an indexed view - published using transactional or merge replication - system-versioned temporal.
   - referenced by an EDGE constraint
• can’t activate a trigger
• can’t be used on views & memory-optimized tables
Permissions• [minimum] DELETE permission on target table, and SELECT permission, it if includes a WHERE clause
• default to
   - table owner
   - members of the sysadmin fixed server role   
   - db_owner and db_datawriter fixed database roles
• table owners & members of sysadmin, db_owner & db_securityadmin roles can transfer permissions to other users
• [minimum] ALTER permission on target table
• default to
   - table owner - members of the sysadmin fixed server role
   - db_owner and db_ddladmin fixed database roles
• permissions are not transferable
• doesn’t support direct permissions (workaround: use TRUNCATE in stored procedure, and assign the required permission to it using the EXECUTE AS clause)
Scenarios• delete a set of records from a table
   - based on fix constraints
   - based on records from another table
   - based on a join with a source table
• empty a set of tables from a database
Recommendations• use a TRUNCATE when is safe to delete all the records ⇒ make sure that a backup or copy of the data is available
• [large tables] consider dropping the indexes before performing a DELETE when this covers all or most of the data, and recreate them afterwards
• [large tables] if the volume of data to be deleted is big compared with the remaining data, consider moving the data to a table with a similar structure, perform a TRUNCATE and then move the data back (see [5])
• [large tables] consider deleting data in batches with log truncation in single-user mode (be careful in production environments)
• [heaps] specify the TABLOCK hint in the DELETE statement
• [heaps] create a clustered index on the heap before deleting the row
Myths•TRUNCATE TABLE is a non-logged operation (see [4])
•TRUNCATE TABLE is a minimally logged operation (see [3])
Related conceptsnon-logged/minimally-logged/fully-logged operations, deferred-drop mechanism, sp_MSforEachTable stored procedure, transaction log, MERGE, DDL, DML

[1] Microsoft SQL Docs (2022) DELETE [link]
[2] Microsoft SQL Docs (2022) TRUNCATE TABLE [link]
[3] Microsoft TechNet (2017) SQL Server: Understanding Minimal Logging Under Bulk-Logged Recovery Model vs. Logging in Truncate Operation [link]
[4] Paul Randal (2013) The Myth that DROP and TRUNCATE TABLE are Non-Logged [link]
[5] SQL-troubles (2018) ERP Systems: Dynamics AX 2009 – Deleting Obsolete Companies [link]
[6] Microsoft TechNet (2014) SQL Server: An Examination of Logging in Truncate Table Statement and Its Comparison with Delete Statement [link]

19 November 2022

💎🏭SQL Reloaded: Tricks with Strings via STRING_SPLIT, PATINDEX and TRANSLATE

Searching for a list of words within a column can be easily achieved by using the LIKE operator:

-- searching for several words via LIKE (SQL Server 2000+)
FROM Production.Product 
WHERE Name LIKE '%chain%'
   OR Name LIKE '%lock%'
   OR Name LIKE '%rim%'
   OR Name LIKE '%spindle%'

The search is quite efficient, if on the column is defined an index, a clustered index scan being more likely chosen.

If the list of strings to search upon becomes bigger, the query becomes at least more difficult to maintain. Using regular expressions could be a solution. Unfortunately, SQL Server has its limitations in working with patterns. For example, it doesn't have a REGEXP_LIKE function, which is used something like (not tested):

-- Oracle 
FROM Production.Product 
WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(lower(Name), 'chain|lock|rim|spindle')

However, there's a PATINDEX function which returns the position of a pattern within a string, and which uses the same wildcards that can be used with the LIKE operator:

-- searching for a value via PATINDEX (SQL Server 2000+)
FROM [Production].[Product] 
WHERE PATINDEX('%rim%', Name)>0

Even if together with the Name can be provided only one of the values, retrieving the values from a table or a table-valued function (TVF) would do the trick. If the values need to be reused in several places, they can be stored in a table or view. If needed only once, a common table expression is more indicated:

-- filtering for several words via PATHINDEX (SQL Server 2008+)
AS (
  -- table from list of values (SQL Server 2008+)
SELECT * FROM (VALUES ('chain') , ('lock') , ('rim') , ('spindle')) DAT(words) ) SELECT * FROM Production.Product PRD WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM CTE WHERE PATINDEX('%'+ CTE.words +'%', PRD.Name)>0 )

The query should return the same records as above in the first query!

Besides own's UDFs (see SplitListWithIndex or SplitList), starting with SQL Server 2017 can be used the STRING_SPLIT function to return the same values as a TVF:

-- filtering for several words via PATHINDEX & STRING_SPLIT (SQL Server 2017+)
FROM Production.Product PRD
	FROM STRING_SPLIT('chain|lock|rim|spindle', '|') SPL
	WHERE PATINDEX('%'+ SPL.value +'%', PRD.Name)>0

A dynamic list of values can be built as well. For example, the list of words can be obtained from a table and the STRING_SPLIT function:

-- listing the words appearing in a column (SQL Server 2017+)
FROM Production.Product PRD

One can remove the special characters, the numeric values, respectively the 1- and 2-letters words:

-- listing the words appearing in a column (SQL Server 2017+)
FROM Production.Product PRD
     CROSS APPLY STRING_SPLIT(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Name, '-', ' '), ',', ' '), '/', ' '), '''', ' '), ' ') SPL
WHERE IsNumeric(SPL.value) = 0 -- removing numbers
  AND Len(SPL.value)>2 -- removing single/double letters

The output looks better, though the more complex the text, the more replacements need to be made. An alternative to a UDF (see ReplaceSpecialChars) is the TRANSLATE function, which replaces a list of characters with another. One needs to be careful and have a 1:1 mapping, the REPLICATE function doing the trick:

-- replacing special characters via TRANSLATE (SQL Server 2017+)
SELECT TRANSLATE(Name, '-,/''', Replicate(' ', 4))
FROM Production.Product PRD

Now the query becomes:

-- listing the words appearing in a column using TRANSLATE (SQL Server 2017+)
FROM Production.Product PRD
     CROSS APPLY STRING_SPLIT(TRANSLATE(Name, '-,/''', Replicate(' ', 4)), ' ') SPL
WHERE IsNumeric(SPL.value) = 0 -- removing numbers
  AND Len(SPL.value)>2 -- removing single/double letters

1) The SQL Server-based queries work also in a SQL databases in Microsoft Fabric. Just replace the Production with SalesLT schema (see post, respectively GitHub repository with the changed code).

Happy coding!

05 November 2022

💎SQL Reloaded: STRING_AGG and STRING_SPLIT at Work, and a Bit of Pivoting

Working with strings across records was for long a nightmare for SQL developers until Microsoft introduced STRING_SPLIT in SQL Server 2016, respectively STRING_AGG in SQL Server 2017.  Previously, one was forced to write procedural language or use workarounds until SQL Server 2015, when recursive CTEs (common table expressions), Ranking and PIVOT were introduced, which allowed handling many scenarios. 

Microsoft provides several examples for the usage of STRING_SPLIT and STRING_AGG functions based on AdventureWorks database, though let's look at another example based on the same database. 

Let's say we want to show the concatenated Contacts for a store, result which can now easily be obtained by using the STRING_AGG:

-- concatenating names per store via STRING_AGG (SQL Server 2017+)
SELECT BusinessEntityID
, STRING_AGG(Concat(FirstName, ' ', LastName), ';') Contacts
FROM Sales.vStoreWithContacts
GROUP BY BusinessEntityID
HAVING count(*)>1

Observe that is needed to use a GROUP BY to show one record per Store. Unfortunately, there isn't yet a window function available for the same. 

The inverse operation can be performed with the help of STRING_SPLIT table-valued function (TVF). (If you wonder why is needed a TVF, it is because the initial record needs to be multiplied by the generated output.)

-- reversing the concatenation (SQL Server 2017+)
AS (
	-- concatenating names per store
	SELECT BusinessEntityID
	, STRING_AGG(Concat(FirstName, ' ', LastName), ';') Contacts
	FROM Sales.vStoreWithContacts
	GROUP BY BusinessEntityID
	HAVING count(*)>1
SELECT CTE.BusinessEntityID
, DAT.Value
, DAT.Ordinal 
    CROSS APPLY STRING_SPLIT(Contacts, ';', 1) DAT

STRING_SPLIT provides also an ordinal field, which can be used in theory in pivoting the values, though we'd return then from where we started. Instead of using the query just generated, let's exemplify an alternative solution which is available with SQL Server 2005 for concatenating strings across records:
-- concatenating names per store via PIVOT (SQL Server 2012+)
SELECT BusinessEntityID
, [1] Contact1
, [2] Contact2
, [3] Contact3
, [4] Contact4
, Concat([1], IsNull(';' + [2], ''), IsNull(';' + [3], ''), IsNull(';' + [4], '')) Contacts
	-- concatenating names and adding a rank
	SELECT BusinessEntityID
	, Concat(FirstName, ' ', LastName) Contact
	, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY BusinessEntityID ORDER BY FirstName) Ranking
	FROM Sales.vStoreWithContacts
	FOR Ranking IN ([1], [2], [3], [4])

It's needed to rewrite the Concat function to port the code on SQL Server 2005 though. 

Talking about workarounds for splitting strings, in certain scenarios I used a combination of CutLeft & CutRight functions, which proved to be useful in data migrations, or use my own version of STRING_SPLIT (see SplitListWithIndex or SplitList). For concatenations I used mainly CTEs (see example) or cursors for exceptional cases (see example).

Happy coding!

30 October 2022

💎SQL Reloaded: The WINDOW Clause in SQL Server 2022 (Part III: Ranking)

In two previous posts I shown how to use the newly introduced WINDOW clause in SQL Server 2022 for simple aggregations, respectively running totals, by providing some historical context concerning what it took to do the same simple aggregations as SUM or AVG within previous versions of SQL Server. Let's look at another scenario based on the previously created Sales.vSalesOrders view - ranking records within a partition. 

There are 4 ranking functions that work across partitions: Row_Number, Rank, Dense_Rank and NTile. However, in SQL Server 2000 only Row_Number could be easily implemented, and this only if there is a unique identifier (or one needed to create one on the fly):

-- ranking based on correlated subquery (SQL Server 2000+)
SELECT SOL.SalesOrderId 
, SOL.ProductId
, SOL.OrderDate
, SOL.[Year]
, SOL.[Month]
, SOL.OrderQty
, (-- correlated subquery
  SELECT count(SRT.SalesOrderId)
  FROM Sales.vSalesOrders SRT
  WHERE SRT.ProductId = SOL.ProductId 
    AND SRT.[Year] = SOL.[Year]
	AND SRT.[Month] = SOL.[Month]
    AND SRT.SalesOrderId <= SOL.SalesOrderId
   ) RowNumberByDate
FROM Sales.vSalesOrders SOL
WHERE SOL.ProductId IN (745)
  AND SOL.[Year] = 2012
, SOL.[Month]
, SOL.OrderDate ASC

As alternative for implementing the other ranking functions, one could use procedural language for looping, though this approach was not recommendable given the performance concerns.

SQL Server 2005 introduced all 4 ranking functions, as they are in use also today:

-- ranking functions (SQL Server 2005+)
SELECT SOL.SalesOrderId 
, SOL.ProductId
, SOL.OrderDate
, SOL.[Year]
, SOL.[Month]
, SOL.OrderQty
-- rankings
, Row_Number() OVER (PARTITION BY SOL.ProductId, SOL.[Year], SOL.[Month] ORDER BY SOL.OrderQty DESC) RowNumberQty
, Rank() OVER (PARTITION BY SOL.ProductId, SOL.[Year], SOL.[Month] ORDER BY SOL.OrderQty DESC) AS RankQty
, Dense_Rank() OVER (PARTITION BY SOL.ProductId, SOL.[Year], SOL.[Month] ORDER BY SOL.OrderQty DESC) AS DenseRankQty
, NTile(4) OVER (PARTITION BY SOL.ProductId, SOL.[Year], SOL.[Month] ORDER BY SOL.OrderQty DESC) AS NTileQty
FROM Sales.vSalesOrders SOL
WHERE SOL.ProductId IN (745)
  AND SOL.[Year] = 2012
, SOL.[Month]
, SOL.OrderQty DESC

Now, in SQL Server 2022 the WINDOW clause allows simplifying the query as follows by defining the partition only once:

-- ranking functions (SQL Server 2022+)
SELECT SOL.SalesOrderId 
, SOL.ProductId
, SOL.OrderDate
, SOL.[Year]
, SOL.[Month]
, SOL.OrderQty
-- rankings
, Row_Number() OVER SalesByMonth AS RowNumberQty
, Rank() OVER SalesByMonth AS RankQty , Dense_Rank() OVER SalesByMonth AS DenseRankQty , NTile(4) OVER SalesByMonth AS NTileQty FROM Sales.vSalesOrders SOL WHERE SOL.ProductId IN (745) AND SOL.[Year] = 2012 AND SOL.[Month] BETWEEN 1 AND 3 WINDOW SalesByMonth AS (PARTITION BY SOL.ProductId, SOL.[Year], SOL.[Month] ORDER BY SOL.OrderQty DESC) ORDER BY SOL.[Year] , SOL.[Month] , SOL.OrderQty DESC

Forward (and backward) referencing of one window into the other can be used with ranking functions as well:
-- ranking functions with ascending/descending sorting (SQL Server 2022+)
SELECT SOL.SalesOrderId 
, SOL.ProductId
, SOL.OrderDate
, SOL.[Year]
, SOL.[Month]
, SOL.OrderQty
-- rankings (descending)
, Row_Number() OVER SalesByMonthSortedDESC AS DescRowNumberQty
, Rank() OVER SalesByMonthSortedDESC AS DescRankQty
, Dense_Rank() OVER SalesByMonthSortedDESC AS DescDenseRankQty
, NTile(4) OVER SalesByMonthSortedDESC AS DescNTileQty
-- rankings (ascending)
, Row_Number() OVER SalesByMonthSortedASC AS AscRowNumberQty
, Rank() OVER SalesByMonthSortedASC AS AscRankQty
, Dense_Rank() OVER SalesByMonthSortedASC AS AscDenseRankQty
, NTile(4) OVER SalesByMonthSortedASC AS AscNTileQty
FROM Sales.vSalesOrders SOL
WHERE SOL.ProductId IN (745)
  AND SOL.[Year] = 2012
WINDOW SalesByMonth AS (PARTITION BY SOL.ProductId, SOL.[Year], SOL.[Month])
, SalesByMonthSortedDESC AS (SalesByMonth ORDER BY SOL.OrderQty DESC)
, SalesByMonthSortedASC AS (SalesByMonth ORDER BY SOL.OrderQty ASC)
, SOL.[Month]
, SOL.OrderQty DESC

Happy coding!

💎SQL Reloaded: The WINDOW Clause in SQL Server 2022 (Part II: Running Totals)

In the previous post I shown how to use the newly introduced WINDOW clause in SQL Server 2022 by providing some historical context concerning what it took to do the same simple aggregations as SUM or AVG within previous versions of SQL Server. Let's look at another scenario based on the previously created Sales.vSalesOrders view - using the same two functions in providing running totals. 

A running total is a summation of a sequence of values (e.g. OrderQty) ordered by a key, typically one or more columns that uniquely define the sequence, something like a unique record identifier (e.g. SalesOrderId). Moreover, the running total can be defined within a partition (e.g. Year/Month).

In SQL Server 2000, to calculate the running total and average for a value within a partition would resume implementing the logic for each attribute in correlated subqueries. One needed thus one subquery for each attribute, resulting in multiple processing of the base tables. Even if the dataset was already in the memory, it still involves a major overhead.

-- running total/average based on correlated subquery (SQL Server 2000+)
SELECT SOL.SalesOrderId 
, SOL.ProductId
, SOL.OrderDate
, SOL.[Year]
, SOL.[Month]
, SOL.OrderQty
, (-- correlated subquery
  FROM Sales.vSalesOrders SRT
  WHERE SRT.ProductId = SOL.ProductId 
    AND SRT.[Year] = SOL.[Year]
	AND SRT.[Month] = SOL.[Month]
	AND SRT.SalesOrderId <= SOL.SalesOrderId
   ) RunningTotalQty
, (-- correlated subquery
  FROM Sales.vSalesOrders SRT
  WHERE SRT.ProductId = SOL.ProductId 
    AND SRT.[Year] = SOL.[Year]
	AND SRT.[Month] = SOL.[Month]
	AND SRT.SalesOrderId <= SOL.SalesOrderId
   ) RunningAvgQty
FROM Sales.vSalesOrders SOL
WHERE SOL.ProductId IN (745)
  AND SOL.[Year] = 2012
ORDER BY SOL.SalesOrderId 

Then SQL Server 2005 allowed consolidating the different correlated subqueries into one by using the CROSS APPLY join:

-- running total/average based on correlated subquery with CROSS APPLY (SQL Server 2005+)
SELECT SOL.SalesOrderId 
, SOL.ProductId
, SOL.OrderDate
, SOL.[Year]
, SOL.[Month]
, SOL.OrderQty
, SRT.RunningTotalQty
, SRT.RunningAvgQty
FROM Sales.vSalesOrders SOL
     CROSS APPLY (-- correlated subquery
	  SELECT SUM(SRT.OrderQty) RunningTotalQty
	  , AVG(SRT.OrderQty) RunningAvgQty
	  FROM Sales.vSalesOrders SRT
	  WHERE SRT.ProductId = SOL.ProductId 
		AND SRT.[Year] = SOL.[Year]
		AND SRT.[Month] = SOL.[Month]
		AND SRT.SalesOrderId <= SOL.SalesOrderId
   ) SRT
WHERE SOL.ProductId IN (745)
  AND SOL.[Year] = 2012
ORDER BY SOL.SalesOrderId 

Even if SQL Server 2005 introduced window functions that work on a partition, an ORDER BY clause was supported only with SQL Server 2012:

-- running total/average based on window functions (SQL Server 2012+)
SELECT SOL.SalesOrderId 
, SOL.ProductId
, SOL.OrderDate
, SOL.[Year]
, SOL.[Month]
, SOL.OrderQty
, SUM(SOL.OrderQty) OVER (PARTITION BY SOL.ProductId, SOL.[Year], SOL.[Month] ORDER BY SOL.SalesOrderId) RunningTotalQty
, AVG(SOL.OrderQty) OVER (PARTITION BY SOL.ProductId, SOL.[Year], SOL.[Month] ORDER BY SOL.SalesOrderId) RunningAvgQty
FROM Sales.vSalesOrders SOL
WHERE SOL.ProductId IN (745)
  AND SOL.[Year] = 2012
ORDER BY SOL.SalesOrderId 

Now, in SQL Server 2022 the WINDOW clause allows simplifying the query as follows by defining the partition only once:

-- running total/average based on window functions and clause (SQL Server 2022+)
SELECT SOL.SalesOrderId 
, SOL.ProductId
, SOL.OrderDate
, SOL.[Year]
, SOL.[Month]
, SOL.OrderQty
, SUM(SOL.OrderQty) OVER SalesByMonth AS RunningTotalQty
, AVG(SOL.OrderQty) OVER SalesByMonth AS RunningAvgQty
FROM Sales.vSalesOrders SOL
WHERE SOL.ProductId IN (745)
  AND SOL.[Year] = 2012
WINDOW SalesByMonth AS (PARTITION BY SOL.ProductId, SOL.[Year], SOL.[Month] ORDER BY SOL.SalesOrderId)
ORDER BY SOL.SalesOrderId 

Moreover, the WINDOW clause allows forward (and backward) referencing of one window into the other:

-- running total/average based on window functions and clause (SQL Server 2022+)
SELECT SOL.SalesOrderId 
, SOL.ProductId
, SOL.OrderDate
, SOL.[Year]
, SOL.[Month]
, SOL.OrderQty
-- simple aggregations
, SUM(SOL.OrderQty) OVER SalesByMonth AS TotalQty
, AVG(SOL.OrderQty) OVER SalesByMonth AS AvgQty
-- running totals
, SUM(SOL.OrderQty) OVER SalesByMonthSorted AS RunningTotalQty
, AVG(SOL.OrderQty) OVER SalesByMonthSorted AS RunningAvgQty
FROM Sales.vSalesOrders SOL
WHERE SOL.ProductId IN (745)
  AND SOL.[Year] = 2012
WINDOW SalesByMonth AS (PARTITION BY SOL.ProductId, SOL.[Year], SOL.[Month])
, SalesByMonthSorted AS (SalesByMonth ORDER BY SOL.SalesOrderId)
ORDER BY SOL.SalesOrderId 

Happy coding!

💎💫SQL Reloaded: Querying Azure Synapse Metadata for the D365 CRM & FO Tables Exported via Azure Synapse Link for Dataverse

Enabling Azure Synapse Link for Dataverse for Dynamics 365 CRM (D365 CRM) or for Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations (D365 FO) allows to have all the needed tables for reporting in a CDM structure, however the csv files with data don’t have any headers, which makes it challenging to use directly the files without the corresponding metadata. For example, attempting to define external tables would be useless without proper headers and data types. Fortunately, attribute’s name and data types are available in JSON files and can be queried. 

D365 CRM 

For CRM the files start with tables’ names and have the EntityMetadata.json postfix, the files being stored in the Microsoft.Athena.TrickleFeedService folder which lies with the other folders containing the data. Given that all files are in the same folder, the following query can be used to export the metadata for all or some of the tables. Just replace "(container name)" and "(data source)" with the corresponding values for your environment.
-- export definition for D365 CRM' CDM (all attributes, all tables)
, DAT.AttributeName
, DAT.Timestamp
, DAT.AttributeType
, DAT.MetadataId
, DAT.Precision
, DAT.MaxLength
FROM openrowset(
        bulk '/(container name)/Microsoft.Athena.TrickleFeedService/*-EntityMetadata.json',
        data_source = '(data source)',
        format = 'csv',
        fieldterminator ='0x0b',
        fieldquote = '0x0b',
        rowterminator = '0x0b' --> You need to override rowterminator to read classic JSON
    ) with (doc nvarchar(max)) as rows
       CROSS APPLY OPENJSON(doc, '$.AttributeMetadata')--definitions[0].hasAttributes
       with (
         EntityName nvarchar(255) '$.EntityName'
        , AttributeName nvarchar(255) '$.AttributeName'
        , Timestamp nvarchar(50) '$.Timestamp'
        , AttributeType nvarchar(50) '$.AttributeType'
        , MetadataId nvarchar(100) '$.MetadataId'
        , Precision int '$.Precision'
        , MaxLength int '$.MaxLength'
     ) as DAT
WHERE DAT.EntityName IN ('lead', 'opportunity', 'product')

D365 FO

For Finance & Operations folders’ structure is more complex, a whole hierarchy of folders being built based on a set of predefined categories. One would need to traverse the hierarchy structure to find the files. Thus, it might be easier to generate the metadata for each table. Files’ names start with tables’ names and have the .cdm.json postfix. The below query generates the metadata for the InventTable table. Just replace the "(container name)", "(instance name)" and "(data source)" with the values for your environment.
-- export definition for D365 FO's CDM (all attributes, specific table)
, DAT.dataFormat
FROM openrowset(
        bulk '/(container name)/(instance name)/Tables/SupplyChain/ProductInformationManagement/Main/InventTable.cdm.json',
        data_source = '(data source)',
        format = 'csv',
        fieldterminator ='0x0b',
        fieldquote = '0x0b',
        rowterminator = '0x0b' --> You need to override rowterminator to read classic JSON
    ) with (doc nvarchar(max)) as rows
       CROSS APPLY OPENJSON(doc, '$.definitions[0].hasAttributes')
       with (
          name nvarchar(255) '$.name'
        , dataFormat nvarchar(50) '$.dataFormat'
     ) as DAT

Further Steps

One can obtain thus the needed metadata, however after a first inspection, the data types are too general compared with the ones considered for the data source attributes. One can work probably with these data types as well, though there's a Microsoft recommendation to minimize the row length by using the smallest possible column size, which leads to better query performance. Exporting the metadata from the source system and matching the two datasets based on tables and attributes’ names would allow addressing this recommendation, even if this implies checking from time to time whether their definition changed. The trick is to keep the same sorting order like in the Synapse files. Unfortunately, not all SQL Server data types are supported (e.g. text, ntext, sql_variant, etc.) or are ideal to work with (e.g. money), however there are alternative data types that can be used. 

Happy coding!

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Koeln, NRW, Germany
IT Professional with more than 24 years experience in IT in the area of full life-cycle of Web/Desktop/Database Applications Development, Software Engineering, Consultancy, Data Management, Data Quality, Data Migrations, Reporting, ERP implementations & support, Team/Project/IT Management, etc.