06 February 2025

🌌🏭KQL Reloaded: First Steps (Part VI: Actual vs. Estimated Count)

More examples are available nowadays for developers, at least compared with 10-20 years ago when besides the scarce documentation, the blogs and source code from books were the only ways to find how a function or a piece of standard functionality works. Copying code without understanding it may lead to unexpected results, with all the consequences resulting from this. 

A recent example in this direction in KQL are the dcount and dcountif functions, which according to the documentation calculates an estimate of the number of distinct values that are taken by a scalar expression in the summary group. An estimate is not the actual number of records, trading performance for accuracy. The best example are the following pieces of code:

// counting records 
| summarize record_count = count() // values availanle 
    , aprox_distinct_count = dcount(CustomerKey) // estimated disting values
    , distinct_count = count_distinct(CustomerKey) // actual number of records
    , aprox_distict_count_by_value  = dcountif(CustomerKey, SalesAmount <> 0) //estimated count of records with not null amounts
    , distict_count_by_value  = count_distinctif(CustomerKey, SalesAmount <> 0) // count of records with not null amounts
    , aprox_distict_count_by_value2  = dcountif(CustomerKey, SalesAmount == 0) //estimated count of records with null amounts
    , distict_count_by_value2  = count_distinctif(CustomerKey, SalesAmount == 0) // count of records with not amounts
| extend error_aprox_distinct_count = distinct_count - aprox_distinct_count
    , error_aprox_distict_count_by_value = distict_count_by_value - aprox_distict_count_by_value
record_count aprox_distinct_count distinct_count aprox_distict_count_by_value distict_count_by_value aprox_distict_count_by_value2 distict_count_by_value2
2832193 18497 18484 18497 18484 10251 10219
error_aprox_distinct_count error_aprox_distict_count_by_value
-13 -13
It's interesting that the same difference is observable also when a narrower time interval is chosen (e.g. 1 month). When using estimate it's important to understand also how big is the error between the actual value and the estimate, and that's the purpose of the last two lines added to the query. In many scenarios the difference might be neglectable until is not. 

One can wonder whether the two functions are deterministic, in other words whether they return the same results if given the same input values. It would be also useful to understand what's the performance of the two estimative functions especially when further constraints are applied.

Moreover, the functions accept a third parameter which allows control over the trade between speed and accuracy (see provided table).

// counting records 
| summarize record_count = count() // values availanle 
    , distinct_count = count_distinct(CustomerKey) // actual number of records
    , aprox_distinct_count = dcount(CustomerKey) // estimated disting values (default)
    , aprox_distinct_count0 = dcount(CustomerKey, 0) // 0-based accuracy
    , aprox_distinct_count1 = dcount(CustomerKey, 1) // 1-based accuracy (default)
    , aprox_distinct_count2 = dcount(CustomerKey, 2) // 2-based accuracy
    , aprox_distinct_count3 = dcount(CustomerKey, 3) // 3-based accuracy
    , aprox_distinct_count4 = dcount(CustomerKey, 4) // 4-based accuracy
record_count distinct_count aprox_distinct_count aprox_distinct_count0 aprox_distinct_count1 aprox_distinct_count2 aprox_distinct_count3 aprox_distinct_count4
2832193 18484 18497 18793 18497 18500 18470 18487

It will be interesting to see which one of these parameters are used in practice. The problems usually start when different approximation parameters are used alternatively with no previous agreement. How could one argument in the favor of one parameter over the others? 

A natural question: how big will be the error introduced by each parameter? Usually, when approximating values, one needs to specify also the expected error somehow. The documentation provide some guiding value, though are these values enough? Do similar estimate functions make sense also for the other aggregate functions?

In exchange, the count_distinct and count_distinctif seem to be still in preview, with all the consequences derived from this. They are supposed to be more resource-intensive than the estimative counterparts. Conversely, the values returned can be still rounded in dashboards up to the meaningful unit (e.g. thousands), and this usually depends on the context. The question whether the values can be rounded can be put also in the context and the estimative counterparts. It would be interesting to check how far away are the rounded values from each other in the context of the two sets of functions.

In practice, counting is useful for calculating percentages (e.g. how many customers come from a certain zone compared to the total), which are more useful and easier to grasp than big numbers: 

// calculating percentages from totals
| where SalesAmount <> 0 and ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
| where DateKey >=date(2023-02-01) and DateKey < datetime(2023-03-01)
| summarize count_customers = count_distinct(CustomerKey)
    , count_customers_US = count_distinctif(CustomerKey, RegionCountryName == 'United States')
    , count_customers_CA = count_distinctif(CustomerKey, RegionCountryName == 'Canada')
    , count_customers_other = count_distinctif(CustomerKey, not(RegionCountryName in ('United States', 'Canada')))
| extend percent_customers_US = iif(count_customers<>0, round(100.00 * count_customers_US/count_customers, 2), 0.00)
    , percent_customers_CA = iif(count_customers<>0, round(100.00 * count_customers_CA/count_customers, 2), 0.00)
    , percent_customers_other = iif(count_customers<>0, round(100.00 * count_customers_other/count_customers,2), 0.00)
count_customers count_customers_US count_customers_CA count_customers_other percent_customers_US percent_customers_CA percent_customers_other
10317 3912 789 5616 37.92 7.65 54.43

When showing percentages it's important to provide also the "context", the actual count or amount. This allows to understand the scale associated with the percentages. 

Happy coding!

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[R1] Arcane Code (2022) Fun With KQL – DCount, by R C Cain [link]
[R2] M Morowczynsk et al (2024) "The Definitive Guide to KQL" [sample]
[R3] M Zorich (2022) Too much noise in your data? Summarize it! [link]

🌌🏭KQL Reloaded: First Steps (Part V: Database Metadata)

When working with a new data repository, one of the first things to do is to look at database's metadata, when available, and try to get a birds eye view of what's available, how big is the databases in terms of size, tables and user-defined objects, how the schema was defined, how the data are stored, eventually how often backup are taken, what users have access and to what, etc. 

So, after creating some queries in KQL and figuring out how things work, I tried to check what metadata are available, how it can be accessed, etc. The target is not to provide a full list of the available metadata, but to understand what information is available, in what format, how easy is to extract the important metadata, etc. 

So, the first set of metadata is related to database:

// get database metadata metadata
.show databases (ContosoSales)

// get database metadata metadata (multiple databases)
.show databases (ContosoSales, Samples)

// get database schema metadata
.show databases (ContosoSales) schema

// get database schema metadata (multiple databases) 
.show databases (ContosoSales, Samples) schema

// get database schema violations metadata
.show database ContosoSales schema violations

// get database entities metadata
.show databases entities with (showObfuscatedStrings=true)
| where DatabaseName == "ContosoSales"

// get database metadata 
.show databases entities with (resolveFunctionsSchema=true)
| where DatabaseName == "ContosoSales" and EntityType == "Table"
//| summarize count () //get the number of tables

// get a function's details
.show databases entities with (resolveFunctionsSchema=true)
| where DatabaseName == "ContosoSales" 
    and EntityType == "Function" 
    and EntityName == "SalesWithParams"

// get external tables metadata
.show external tables

// get materialized views metadata
.show materialized-views

// get query results metadata
.show stored_query_results

// get entities groups metadata
.show entity_groups

Then, it's useful to look at the database objects. 

// get all tables 
.show tables 
//| count

// get tables metadata
.show tables (Customers, NewSales)

// get tables schema
.show table Customers cslschema

// get schema as json
.show table Customers schema as json

// get table size: Customers
| extend sizeEstimateOfColumn = estimate_data_size(*)
| summarize totalSize_MB=round(sum(sizeEstimateOfColumn)/1024.00/1024.00,2)

Unfortunately, the public environment has restrictions in what concerns the creation of objects, while for the features available one needs to create some objects to query the corresponding metadata.

Furthermore, it would be interesting to understand who has access to the various repositories, what policies were defined, and so on. 

// get principal roles
.show database ContosoSales principal roles

// get principal roles for table
.show table Customers principal roles

// get principal roles for function:
.show function SalesWithParams principal roles

// get retention policies
.show table Customers policy retention

// get sharding policies
.show table Customers policy sharding

There are many more objects one can explore. It makes sense to document the features, respectively the objects used for the various purposes.

In addition, one should check also the best practices available for the data repository (see [2]).

Happy coding!

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[1] Microsoft Learn (2024) Management commands overview [link]
[2] Microsoft Learn (2024) Kusto: Best practices for schema management [link]

05 February 2025

🌌🏭KQL Reloaded: First Steps (Part IV: Left, Right, Anti-Joins and Unions)

In a standard scenario there is a fact table and multiple dimension table (see previous post), though one can look at the same data from multiple perspectives. In KQL it's recommended to start with the fact table, however in some reports one needs records from the dimension table independently whether there are any records in the fact tale.  

For example, it would be useful to show all the products, independently whether they were sold or not. It's what the below query does via a RIGHT JOIN between the fact table and the Customer dimension:

// totals by customer via right join
| where SalesAmount <> 0 and ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
| where DateKey >=date(2023-02-01) and DateKey < datetime(2023-03-01)
| summarize record_count = count()
    , TotalCost = sum(TotalCost) by CustomerKey
| join kind=rightouter (
    | where RegionCountryName in ('Canada', 'Australia')
    | project CustomerKey, RegionCountryName, CustomerName = strcat(FirstName, ' ', LastName)
    on CustomerKey
| project RegionCountryName, CustomerName, TotalCost
//| summarize record_count = count() 
| order by CustomerName asc

The Product details can be added then via a LEFT JOIN between the fact table and the Product dimension:

// total by customer via right join with product information
| where SalesAmount <> 0 and ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
| where DateKey >=date(2023-02-01) and DateKey < datetime(2023-03-01)
| summarize record_count = count()
    , TotalCost = sum(TotalCost)
    , FirstPurchaseDate = min(DateKey)
    , LastPurchaseDate = max(DateKey) by CustomerKey, ProductKey
| join kind=rightouter (
    | where RegionCountryName in ('Canada', 'Australia')
    | project CustomerKey, RegionCountryName, CustomerName = strcat(FirstName, ' ', LastName)
    on CustomerKey
| join kind=leftouter (
    | where  ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
    | project ProductKey, ProductName 
    on ProductKey
| project RegionCountryName, CustomerName, ProductName, TotalCost, FirstPurchaseDate, LastPurchaseDate, record_count
//| where record_count>1 // multiple purchases
| order by CustomerName asc, ProductName asc

These kind of queries need adequate validation and for this it might be needed to restructure the queries. 

// validating the multiple records (defailed)
| where SalesAmount <> 0 and ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
| where DateKey >=date(2023-02-01) and DateKey < datetime(2023-03-01)
| lookup Products on ProductKey
| lookup Customers on CustomerKey 
| where  FirstName == 'Alexandra' and LastName == 'Sanders'
| project CustomerName = strcat(FirstName, ' ', LastName), ProductName, TotalCost, DateKey, ProductKey, CustomerKey 

// validating the multiple records against the fact table (detailed)
| where SalesAmount <> 0 and ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
| where DateKey >=date(2023-02-01) and DateKey < datetime(2023-03-01)
| where CustomerKey == 14912

Mixing RIGHT and  LEFT joins in this way increases the complexity of the queries and sometimes comes with a burden for validating the logic. In SQL one could prefer to start with the Customer table, add the summary data and the other dimensions. In this way one can do a total count individually starting with the Customer table and adding each join which reviewing the record count for each change. 

In special scenario instead of a RIGHT JOIN one could use a FULL JOIN and add the Customers without any orders via a UNION. In some scenarios this approach can offer even a better performance. For this approach, one needs to get the Customers without Orders via an anti-join, more exactly a   rightanti:

// customers without orders
| where SalesAmount <> 0 and ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
| where DateKey >=date(2023-02-01) and DateKey < datetime(2023-03-01)
| summarize record_count = count()
    , TotalCost = sum(TotalCost)
    , FirstPurchaseDate = min(DateKey)
, LastPurchaseDate = max(DateKey) by CustomerKey, ProductKey
| join kind=rightanti (
    | project CustomerKey, RegionCountryName, CustomerName = strcat(FirstName, ' ', LastName)
    on CustomerKey
| project RegionCountryName, CustomerName, ProductName = '', TotalCost = 0
//| summarize count()
| order by CustomerName asc, ProductName asc

And now, joining the Customers with orders with the ones without orders gives an overview of all the customers:

// total by product via lookup with table alias
| where SalesAmount <> 0 and ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
| where DateKey >=date(2023-02-01) and DateKey < datetime(2023-03-01)
| summarize record_count = count()
    , TotalCost = sum(TotalCost) by CustomerKey //, ProductKey 
//| lookup Products on ProductKey 
| lookup Customers on CustomerKey
| project RegionCountryName
    , CustomerName = strcat(FirstName, ' ', LastName)
    //, ProductName
    , TotalCost
//| summarize count()
| union withsource=SourceTable kind=outer (
    // customers without orders
    | where SalesAmount <> 0 and ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
    | where DateKey >=date(2023-02-01) and DateKey < datetime(2023-03-01)
    | summarize record_count = count()
        , TotalCost = sum(TotalCost)
        , FirstPurchaseDate = min(DateKey)
        , LastPurchaseDate = max(DateKey) by CustomerKey
        //, ProductKey
    | join kind=rightanti (
        | project CustomerKey
            , RegionCountryName
            , CustomerName = strcat(FirstName, ' ', LastName)
        on CustomerKey
    | project RegionCountryName
        , CustomerName
        //, ProductName = ''
        , TotalCost = 0
    //| summarize count()
//| summarize count()
| order by CustomerName asc
//, ProductName asc

And, of course, the number of records returned by the three queries must match. The information related to the Product were left out for this version, though it can be added as needed. Unfortunately, there are queries more complex than this, which makes the queries more difficult to read, understand and troubleshoot. Inline views could be useful to structure the logic as needed. 

let T_customers_with_orders = view () { 
    | where SalesAmount <> 0 and ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
    | where DateKey >=date(2023-02-01) and DateKey < datetime(2023-03-01)
    | summarize record_count = count()
        , TotalCost = sum(TotalCost) 
        by CustomerKey
         //, ProductKey 
         //, DateKey
    //| lookup Products on ProductKey 
    | lookup Customers on CustomerKey
    | project RegionCountryName
        , CustomerName = strcat(FirstName, ' ', LastName)
        //, ProductName
        //, ProductCategoryName
        , TotalCost
        //, DateKey
let T_customers_without_orders = view () { 
   // customers without orders
    | where SalesAmount <> 0 and ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
    | where DateKey >=date(2023-02-01) and DateKey < datetime(2023-03-01)
    | summarize record_count = count()
        , TotalCost = sum(TotalCost)
        , FirstPurchaseDate = min(DateKey)
        , LastPurchaseDate = max(DateKey) by CustomerKey
        //, ProductKey
    | join kind=rightanti (
        | project CustomerKey
            , RegionCountryName
            , CustomerName = strcat(FirstName, ' ', LastName)
        on CustomerKey
    | project RegionCountryName
        , CustomerName
        //, ProductName = ''
        , TotalCost = 0
    //| summarize count()
| union withsource=SourceTable kind=outer T_customers_without_orders
| summarize count()

In this way the queries should be easier to troubleshoot and restructure the logic in more manageable pieces. 

It would be useful to save the definition of the view (aka stored view), however it's not possible to create views on the machine on which the tests are run:

"Principal 'aaduser=...' is not authorized to write database 'ContosoSales'."

Happy coding!

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04 February 2025

🌌🏭KQL Reloaded: First Steps (Part III: Basic Joins)

As data is usually dispersed over multiple tables, in any query languages is quintessential to know how to bring the data together for further analysis, joins allowing to achieve this is SQL as well in KQL. One usually starts with the main table and joins the further tables to it. In a data warehouse, the main table is a fact table to which the dimension tables are further joined to add details, respectively to filter on the dimensions. 

Before starting to build any logic, it's important to get an idea of tables' cardinality and which are the keys on which the data to be join. Some models, like the one in the ContosoSales model, are straightforward and the columns participating in the joins have the same names, or at least similar names.  

When writing and testing queries, one can start with a small subset of the data, join the tables together, and at the end validate the logic as needed. Selecting a small interval (e.g. a month, week, or even a day) and the records for 1-2 representative records from a dimensional table (e.g. Customers) helps in the process for minimizing the data movement and 

// check how many records are available 
// Sales table: 28980 based on the filter
| where SalesAmount <> 0 and ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
| where DateKey >=date(2023-02-01) and DateKey < datetime(2023-03-01)
| summarize record_count = count()

// Products: 2517 records
| summarize record_count = count()

// Customers: 18484 records
| summarize record_count = count()

In a second step one can look at the individual values, identify uniqque indentifiers, the columns that participate in joins, respectively other columns of interest. If needed, one can five deeper by checking the number for individual values. Selecting 10-100 records is usually enough for getting an idea about the dataset, though there are also many exceptions:
// review the data
// Sales table: 28980 based on the filter
| where SalesAmount <> 0 and ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
| where DateKey >=date(2023-02-01) and DateKey < datetime(2023-03-01)
| take 10

// Products: 2517 records
| take 10

// Customers: 18484 records
| take 10

In KQL one must start with the fact table (e.g NewSales) and add the dimensions accordingly. Alternatively, it's useful to group only by ProductKey, respectively by CustomerKey.

// review the basis output by Products & Customers
| where SalesAmount <> 0 and ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
| where DateKey >=date(2023-02-01) and DateKey < datetime(2023-03-01)
| summarize record_count = count()
    , TotalCost = sum(TotalCost) by ProductKey, CustomerKey
| order by TotalCost desc
| summarize result_record_count = count()

Now let's join the Product dimension table to the NewSales fact table via the join operator

// total by product via join
| where SalesAmount <> 0 and ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
| where DateKey >=date(2023-02-01) and DateKey < datetime(2023-03-01)
| summarize record_count = count()
    , TotalCost = sum(TotalCost) by ProductKey
| join kind=inner (
    | where  ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
    on ProductKey
| project ProductName, TotalCost
//| summarize record_count = count() 
| order by TotalCost desc

One can join now also the second dimension table and eventually select only the columns in scope, respectively do further calculations (see CustomerName):

// total by product & customer via joins
| where SalesAmount <> 0 and ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
| where DateKey >=date(2023-02-01) and DateKey < datetime(2023-03-01)
| summarize record_count = count()
    , TotalCost = sum(TotalCost) by ProductKey, CustomerKey
| join kind=inner (
    | where  ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
    | project ProductKey, ProductName 
    on ProductKey
| join kind=inner (
    | project CustomerKey, CustomerName = strcat(FirstName, ' ', LastName)
    on CustomerKey
| project CustomerName, ProductName, TotalCost
//| summarize record_count = count() 
| order by CustomerName asc, ProductName asc

Once the query built, one can go ahead and remove the pieces of logic not needed, an reevaluate the number of records with a count (see commented line).

Alternatively, one can rewrite the above query as follows via the lookup operators:

// total by Product & Customer via lookup
| where SalesAmount <> 0 and ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
| where DateKey >=date(2023-02-01) and DateKey < datetime(2023-03-01)
| summarize record_count = count()
    , TotalCost = sum(TotalCost) by ProductKey, CustomerKey
| lookup Products on ProductKey
| lookup Customers on CustomerKey 
//| summarize record_count = count() 
| project CustomerName = strcat(FirstName, ' ', LastName), ProductName, TotalCost

The two last queries should produce the same results. The first query allows more flexibility in what concerns the constraints applied, while the second is more compact while it also allows to easier test how the number of records changes by added each join. This set of tests is done to make sure that duplicates aren't created in the process, respectively that records are not removed unnecessarily from the logic. 

If the fields used in joins don't have the same name, which happens in data many models, one can use the $left and $right to refer to the table participating in the join. This syntax makes the query a bit more verbose, though it brings more clarity. Even if some vendors provide similar syntax (e.g. USING in Oracle), one may prefer the syntax that offers clarity.

// total by product via lookup with table alias
| where SalesAmount <> 0 and ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
| where DateKey >=date(2023-02-01) and DateKey < datetime(2023-03-01)
| summarize record_count = count()
    , TotalCost = sum(TotalCost) by ProductKey, CustomerKey
| lookup Products on $left.ProductKey == $right.ProductKey
| lookup Customers on $left.CustomerKey == $right.CustomerKey
| project CustomerName = strcat(FirstName, ' ', LastName), ProductName, TotalCost

1) For readability purposes, it might be useful to use indentation for the lines that are continuation of the previous line. Therefore, if the line doesn't start with a pipe ("|"), the next line starts a few characters (a tab) further.
2) According to the documentation (see [1]), the "lookup" operator optimizes the performance of queries where a fact table is enriched with data from a dimension table.

Happy coding!

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[1] Microsoft Learn (2024) Kusto Tutorial: Join data from multiple tables [link]

🧭Business Intelligence: Perspectives (Part XXVI: Monitoring - A Cockpit View)

Business Intelligence Series
Business Intelligence Series

The monitoring of business imperatives is sometimes compared metaphorically with piloting an airplane, where pilots look at the cockpit instruments to verify whether everything is under control and the flight ensues according to the expectations. The use of a cockpit is supported by the fact that an airplane is an almost "closed" system in which the components were developed under strict requirements and tested thoroughly under specific technical conditions. Many instruments were engineered and evolved over decades to operate as such. The processes are standardized, inputs and outputs are under strict control, otherwise the whole edifice would crumble under its own complexity. 

In organizational setups, a similar approach is attempted for monitoring the most important aspects of a business. A few dashboards and reports are thus built to monitor and control what’s happening in the areas which were identified as critical for the organization. The various gauges and other visuals were designed to provide similar perspectives as the ones provided by an airplane’s cockpit. At first sight the cockpit metaphor makes sense, though at careful analysis, there are major differences. 

Probably, the main difference is that businesses don’t necessarily have standardized processes that were brought under control (and thus have variation). Secondly, the data used doesn’t necessarily have the needed quality and occasionally isn’t fit for use in the business processes, including supporting processes like reporting or decision making. Thirdly, are high the chances that the monitoring within the BI infrastructures doesn’t address the critical aspects of the business, at least not at the needed level of focus, detail or frequency. The interplay between these three main aspects can lead to complex issues and a muddy ground for a business to build a stable edifice upon. 

The comparison with airplanes’ cockpit was chosen because the number of instruments available for monitoring is somewhat comparable with the number of visuals existing in an organization. In contrast, autos have a smaller number of controls simple enough to help the one(s) sitting in the cockpit. A car’s monitoring capabilities can probably reflect the needs of single departments or teams, though each unit needs its own gauges with specific business focus. The parallel is however limited because the areas of focus in organizations can change and shift in other directions, some topics may have a periodic character while others can regain momentum after a long time. 

There are further important aspects. At high level, the expectation is for software products and processes, including the ones related to BI topics, to have the same stability and quality as the mass production of automobiles, airplanes or other artifacts that have similar complexity and manufacturing characteristics. Even if the design process of software and manufacturing may share many characteristics, the similar aspects diverge as soon as the production processes start, respectively progress, and these are the areas where the most differences lie. Starting from the requirements and ending with the overall goals, everything resembles the characteristics of quick shifting sands on which is challenging to build any stabile edifice.

At micro level in manufacturing each piece was carefully designed and produced according to a set of characteristics that were proved to work. Everything must fit perfectly in the grand design and there are many tests and steps to make sure that happens. To some degree the same is attempted when building software products, though the processes break along the way with the many changes attempted, with the many cost, time and quality constraints. At some point the overall complexity kicks back; it might be still manageable though the overall effort is higher than what organizations bargained for. 

02 February 2025

🏭 💠Data Warehousing: Microsoft Fabric (Part VIII: More on SQL Databases)

Business Intelligence Series
Business Intelligence Series

Last week Microsoft had a great session [1] on the present and future of SQL databases, a “light” version of Azure SQL databases designed for Microsoft Fabric environments, respectively workloads. SQL databases are currently available for testing, and after the first tests the product looks promising. Even if there are several feature gaps, it’s expected that Microsoft will bridge the gaps over time. Conversely, there might be features that don’t make sense in Fabric, respectively new features that need to be considered for facilitating the work in OneLake and its ecosystem.

During the session several Microsoft professionals answered the audience’s questions, and they did a great job. Even if the answers and questions barely scratched the surface, they offered some insight into what Microsoft wants to do. Probably the expectation is that SQL databases won’t need any administration - indexes being maintained automatically, infrastructure scaling as needed, however everything sounds too nice to be true if one considers in general the experience with RDBMS – the devil hides usually in details.

Even if the solutions built follow the best practices in the field, which frankly seldom happens, transferring the existing knowledge to Fabric may encounter some important challenges revolving around performance, flexibility, accessibility and probably costs. Even if SQL databases are expected to fill some minor gaps, considering the lessons of the past, such solutions can easily grow. Even if a lot of processing power is thrown at the SQL queries and the various functionality, customers still need to write quality code and refactor otherwise the costs will explode sooner or later. 

As the practice has proven so many times while troubleshooting performance issues, sometimes one needs to use all the arsenal available – DBCC, DMVs and sometimes even undocumented features - to get a better understanding of what’s happening. Even if there are some voices stating that developers don’t need to know how the SQL engine works, just applying solutions blindly after a recipe can accidentally increase the value of code, though most likely it doesn’t exploit the full potential available. Unfortunately, this is a subjective topic without hard numbers to support it, and the stories told by developers and third-parties usually don’t tell the whole story. 

It’s also true that diving deep into a database’s internal working requires time, that’s quite often not available, and the value for such an effort doesn’t necessarily pay off. Above this, there’s a software engineer’s aim of understanding of how things work. Otherwise, one should drop the engineering word and just call it coding. Conversely, the data citizen just needs a high-level knowledge of how things work, though the past 20-30 years proved that that’s often not enough. The more people don’t have the required knowledge, the higher the chances that code needs refactoring. Just remember the past issues organizations had with MS Access and Excel when people started to create their own solutions, the whole infrastructure being invaded by poorly designed solutions that continue to haunt some organizations even today.

Even if lot of technical knowledge can be transported to Microsoft Fabric, the new environments may still require also adequate tools that can be used for monitoring and troubleshooting. Microsoft seems to work in this direction, though from the information available the tools don’t and can’t offer the whole perspective. It will be interesting to see how much the current, respectively the future dashboards and various reports can help; respectively what important gaps will surface. Until the gaps are addressed, probably the SQL professional must rely on SQL scripts and the DMVs available. All this can be summarized in a few words: it will not be boring!

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[1] Microsoft Reactor (2025) Ask The Expert - Fabric Edition - Fabric Databases [link]
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Koeln, NRW, Germany
IT Professional with more than 25 years experience in IT in the area of full life-cycle of Web/Desktop/Database Applications Development, Software Engineering, Consultancy, Data Management, Data Quality, Data Migrations, Reporting, ERP implementations & support, Team/Project/IT Management, etc.