17 May 2020

💎🏭SQL Reloaded: Query Patterns in SQL Server (Part IV: Window Functions)

For a long time aggregate functions were the only tool for statistical purposes available for raw SQL scripting. Their limitations become more evident with the introduction of window functions, which allow to apply the aggregates over a defined partition. Besides aggregate window functions, the use of ranking, respectively value window functions, opened the door to a new set of techniques. Here are a few examples based on the tables defined in a previous post.

Ranking windows functions allow ranking a record within the whole dataset or a partition by providing a sorting key:

-- Ranking window functions (RANK, DENSE_RANK, ROW_NUMBER)
SELECT A.CourseId 
, C.CourseName 
, A.StudentId 
, S.StudentName 
, A.StartDate 
, A.EndDate 
, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY A.Mark) [Rank over whole set]
, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY A.Mark) [Dense Rank over whole set]
, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY A.Mark) [Row Number over whole set]
--, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY A.CourseId ORDER BY A.StartDate) [Rank over Course]
--, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY A.StudentId ORDER BY A.StartDate) [Rank over Student]
--, DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY A.CourseId ORDER BY A.StartDate) [Dense Rank over Course]
--, DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY A.StudentId ORDER BY A.StartDate) [Dense Rank over Student]
--, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY A.CourseId ORDER BY A.StartDate) [Dense Rank over Course]
--, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY A.StudentId ORDER BY A.StartDate) [Dense Rank over Student]
FROM dbo.T_Allocations A
     JOIN dbo.T_Courses C
       ON A.CourseId = C.CourseId 
     JOIN dbo.T_Students S
       ON A.StudentId = S.StudentId 
ORDER BY C.CourseName 
, S.StudentName 

Being able to rank records allows to easier select the last, respectively the first records from a dataset or a given partition:

-- first course 
, A.StartDate 
FROM dbo.T_Students S
     LEFT JOIN (
		SELECT A.CourseId
		, A.StudentId 
		, A.StartDate 
		, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY A.StudentId ORDER BY A.StartDate) Ranking 
		FROM dbo.T_Allocations A
    ) A
   ON S.StudentId = A.StudentId 
  AND A.Ranking = 1 
ORDER BY S.StudentName

The aggregate window functions function similarly as their simple counterparts, except that they are valid over a partition. If the partition is left out, the functions apply over the whole data set.

-- aggregate window functions 
SELECT A.CourseId 
, C.CourseName 
, A.StudentId 
, S.StudentName 
, A.StartDate 
, A.EndDate 
, SUM(A.Mark) OVER (PARTITION BY A.StudentId) [Sum]
, MAX(A.Mark) OVER (PARTITION BY A.StudentId) [Max]
, MIN(A.Mark) OVER (PARTITION BY A.StudentId) [Min]
, AVG(A.Mark) OVER (PARTITION BY A.StudentId) [Avg]
, COUNT(A.Mark) OVER (PARTITION BY A.StudentId) [Count]
FROM dbo.T_Allocations A
     JOIN dbo.T_Courses C
       ON A.CourseId = C.CourseId 
     JOIN dbo.T_Students S
       ON A.StudentId = S.StudentId 
ORDER BY C.CourseName 
, S.StudentName 

When the ordering attributes are specified, running averages, respectively sums derive:

-- Running averages/sums and ranking via Sum and ORDER BY
SELECT A.StudentId 
, A.CourseId
, A.StartDate
, A.EndDate
, A.Mark 
, AVG(Cast(Mark as decimal(4,2))) OVER (PARTITION BY A.StudentId ORDER BY A.StartDate, A.AllocationId) AvgGrade
, SUM(Mark) OVER (PARTITION BY A.StudentId ORDER BY A.StartDate, A.AllocationId) SumGrade
, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY A.StudentId ORDER BY A.StartDate, A.AllocationId) Ranking
FROM dbo.T_Allocations A
ORDER BY A.StudentId
, A.StartDate

Running averages were introduced only with SQL Server 2008. Previously, one could still calculate them using common table expressions and a ranking function:
-- Running averages/sums and ranking via common table expressions 
	SELECT A.StudentId 
	, A.CourseId
	, A.StartDate
	, A.EndDate
	, A.Mark 
	, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY A.StudentId ORDER BY A.StartDate, A.AllocationId) Ranking
	FROM dbo.T_Allocations A
	SELECT A.StudentId 
	, A.CourseId
	, A.StartDate
	, A.EndDate
	, A.Mark 
	, A.Ranking
	, A.Mark SumMark
	WHERE A.Ranking = 1
	SELECT CTE.StudentId 
	, CTE.CourseId
	, CTE.StartDate
	, CTE.EndDate
	, CTE.Mark 
	, CTE.Ranking
	, CTE.Mark + DAT.Mark SumMark 
		   ON CTE.StudentID = DAT.StudentId 
		  AND CTE.Ranking-1 = DAT.Ranking 
, DAT.CourseId
, DAT.StartDate
, DAT.EndDate
, DAT.Mark 
, cast(DAT.SumMark/DAT.Ranking as decimal(4,2)) AvgMark
, DAT.SumMark
, DAT.Ranking
, DAT.StartDate

The queries work also in SQL databases in Microsoft Fabric.

Happy coding!

💎🏭SQL Reloaded: Query Patterns in SQL Server (Part III: Aggregate Functions)

As their names denote, aggregate functions are used to summarize information across the whole data set or based on several attributes. The following queries exemplify the use of aggregates based on the tables created in a previous post:

-- aggreates over the whole table 
SELECT COUNT(*) NoRecords 
, MIN(StartDate) StartDate
, MAX(EndDate) EndDate
, DateDiff(d, MIN(StartDate), MAX(EndDate)) [DiffDays]
FROM dbo.T_Allocations A

-- aggregates based on several several attributes 
 SELECT A.CourseId
 , A.StudentId 
 , COUNT(*) NoRecords 
 , MIN(StartDate) StartDate
 , MAX(EndDate) EndDate
 , DateDiff(d, MIN(StartDate), MAX(EndDate)) [DiffDays]
 FROM dbo.T_Allocations A
 , A.StudentId 

Correlated subqueries can be of help either inside of a SELECT or an CROSS, respectively OUTER APPLY: 

-- correlated subquery within a SELECT 
 , (SELECT COUNT(*) NoRecords 
     FROM dbo.T_Allocations A
     WHERE C.CourseId = A.CourseId
     GROUP BY A.CourseId) NoRecords 
 FROM dbo.T_Courses C

 -- CROSS APPLY (correlated subquery)
 , A.NoRecords
 , A.StartDate
 FROM dbo.T_Courses C
         SELECT A.CourseId
         , COUNT(*) NoRecords 
         , MIN(StartDate) StartDate
         FROM dbo.T_Allocations A
         WHERE C.CourseId = A.CourseId
         GROUP BY A.CourseId
     ) A
 ORDER BY C.CourseName

-- OUTER APPLY (correlated subquery)
 , A.NoRecords
 , A.StartDate
 FROM dbo.T_Courses C
         SELECT A.CourseId
         , COUNT(*) NoRecords 
         , MIN(StartDate) StartDate
         FROM dbo.T_Allocations A
         WHERE C.CourseId = A.CourseId
         GROUP BY A.CourseId
     ) A
 ORDER BY C.CourseName

Aggregates are useful in a series of techniques like the listing of duplicates:

-- identifying duplicates via an aggregate 
FROM dbo.T_Allocations A
     JOIN (
  SELECT A.CourseId
  , A.StudentId 
  , COUNT(*) NoRecords 
  FROM dbo.T_Allocations A
  GROUP BY A.CourseId
  , A.StudentId 
  ) DUP
   ON A.CourseId = DUP.CourseId 
  AND A.StudentId = DUP.Studentid
, A.StudentId 

A similar technique can be used to remove the duplicates from the base table:

-- removing the duplicates except the last record  
 DELETE dbo.T_Allocations 
 SELECT A.StudentId 
 , A.CourseId
 , A.StartDate
 , A.EndDate
 , Max(A.AllocationId) AllocationId
 FROM dbo.T_Allocations A
 GROUP BY A.StudentId 
 , A.CourseId
 , A.StartDate
 , A.EndDate
 HAVING count(*)>1
  ) A
WHERE dbo.T_Allocations.CourseId = A.CourseId
  AND dbo.T_Allocations.StudentId = A.StudentId
  AND dbo.T_Allocations.StartDate = A.StartDate
  AND dbo.T_Allocations.EndDate = A.EndDate
  AND dbo.T_Allocations.AllocationId <> A.AllocationId

When the number of values is fixed and unique within a grouping, one can use aggregate functions to display the values within a matrix:

-- Matrix display via aggregates 
SELECT S.StudentId 
, S.StudentName 
, CASE WHEN A.Course1 = 1 THEN 'x' ELSE '-' END Course1
, CASE WHEN A.Course2 = 1 THEN 'x' ELSE '-' END Course2
, CASE WHEN A.Course3 = 1 THEN 'x' ELSE '-' END Course3
, CASE WHEN A.Course4 = 1 THEN 'x' ELSE '-' END Course4
, CASE WHEN A.Course5 = 1 THEN 'x' ELSE '-' END Course5
FROM dbo.T_Students S
     LEFT JOIN (
  SELECT A.StudentId 
  , Max(CASE WHEN A.CourseId = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) Course1
  , Max(CASE WHEN A.CourseId = 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) Course2
  , Max(CASE WHEN A.CourseId = 3 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) Course3
  , Max(CASE WHEN A.CourseId = 4 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) Course4
  , Max(CASE WHEN A.CourseId = 5 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) Course5
  FROM dbo.T_Allocations A
  GROUP BY A.StudentId
    ) A
   ON S.StudentId = A.StudentId 
ORDER BY S.StudentName 

The queries work also in SQL databases in Microsoft Fabric.

Happy coding!

16 May 2020

💎🏭SQL Reloaded: Query Patterns in SQL Server (Part II: Joins and Subqueries)

The basis for being able to manipulate data via SQL scripting is a good knowledge of using joins and subqueries as seems fit for the purpose and data models. The following scripts are based on the tables created in a previous post.

FROM dbo.T_Courses C
     JOIN dbo.T_Students S
        ON C.CourseId = S.CourseId
 ORDER BY C.CourseName
 , S.StudentName 

-- FULL JOIN (deprecated)
 FROM dbo.T_Courses C
 , dbo.T_Students S
 WHERE C.CourseId = S.CourseId
 ORDER BY C.CourseName
 , S.StudentName 

 FROM dbo.T_Courses C
      LEFT JOIN dbo.T_Students S
        ON C.CourseId = S.CourseId 
 ORDER BY C.CourseName
 , S.StudentName 

 FROM dbo.T_Courses C
      RIGHT JOIN dbo.T_Students S
       ON C.CourseId = S.CourseId 
 ORDER BY C.CourseName
 , S.StudentName 

 FROM dbo.T_Courses C
      FULL OUTER JOIN dbo.T_Students S
        ON C.CourseId = S.CourseId 
 --WHERE (C.CourseId IS NULL OR S.StudentId IS NULL)
 --WHERE (C.CourseId IS NULL AND S.StudentId IS NULL)
 ORDER BY C.CourseName
 , S.StudentName 

The IN, NOT IN, EXISTS and NOT EXISTS allow using correlated queries, their use being indicated when there are no actual data needed from the tables involved in the correlated queries:

-- EXISTS (correlated subquery)
FROM dbo.T_Courses C
        FROM dbo.T_Students S
        WHERE C.CourseId = S.CourseId)
ORDER BY C.CourseName

-- NOT EXISTS (correlated subquery)
 FROM dbo.T_Courses C
        FROM dbo.T_Students S
        WHERE C.CourseId = S.CourseId)
 ORDER BY C.CourseName

-- IN (subquery)
 FROM dbo.T_Courses C
 WHERE CourseId IN (SELECT CourseId 
        FROM dbo.T_Students S)
 ORDER BY C.CourseName

Joining multiples tables is done using the same principles as above:

-- joins with more tables 
SELECT A.CourseId 
, C.CourseName 
, A.StudentId 
, S.StudentName 
 , A.StartDate 
 , A.EndDate 
FROM dbo.T_Allocations A
      JOIN dbo.T_Courses C
        ON A.CourseId = C.CourseId 
      JOIN dbo.T_Students S
        ON A.StudentId = S.StudentId 
 ORDER BY C.CourseName 
 , S.StudentName 

One can obtain the same result via correlated subqueries (a technique often met between Oracle developers). From readability reasons I avoid writing such queries, unless there’s a special purpose to do so.

-- correlated subquery for individual values
SELECT A.CourseId 
, (SELECT C.CourseName 
    FROM dbo.T_Courses C
    WHERE A.CourseId = C.CourseId) CourseName
 , A.StudentId 
 , (SELECT S.StudentName 
    FROM dbo.T_Students S
    WHERE A.StudentId = S.StudentId) StudentName
 , A.StartDate 
 , A.EndDate 
FROM dbo.T_Allocations A
 ORDER BY CourseName 
 , StudentName 

When displaying values within a SELECT via a correlated subqueries, some developers feel the need to use MAX or MIN functions to make sure only one value will be returned. For data analysis it may be acceptable, however if the data model imposes it, then a redesign of the solution is more likely necessary.

-- correlated subquery for individual values
 SELECT A.CourseId 
 , (SELECT Max(C.CourseName)
    FROM dbo.T_Courses C
    WHERE A.CourseId = C.CourseId) CourseName
 , A.StudentId 
 , (SELECT Max(S.StudentName)
    FROM dbo.T_Students S
    WHERE A.StudentId = S.StudentId) StudentName
 , A.StartDate 
 , A.EndDate 
 FROM dbo.T_Allocations A
 ORDER BY CourseName 
 , StudentName 

Another technique not recommended is displaying one or more attributes from the same table with the same conditions via individual correlated queries. The use of aggregate functions is more appropriate however with numerical or date values.

The queries work also in SQL databases in Microsoft Fabric.

Happy coding!

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💎🏭SQL Reloaded: Query Patterns in SQL Server (Part I: Inserts)

Independently on whether one is a database developer, administrator, or any other professional in the data area, as part of the job is important to be able to manipulate data on the fly. From the availability of DTS (Data Transformation Services) replaced since SQL Server 2005 with SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services), the use of packages for data import become one of the simplest and fastest ways of importing data into a database. It still is, however when dealing with small volume of data, it’s easier to import the data over a few SQL scripts, like in the below examples.
The old-fashion way of loading data is by defining first the target table based on the source’s definition:

-- Course data 

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[T_Courses](
     [CourseId] [int] NOT NULL,
     [CourseName] [varchar](50) NOT NULL

-- old-fashioned invidual inserts(SQL Server 2000)
INSERT INTO dbo.T_Courses
VALUES (1, 'Course 1')

INSERT INTO dbo.T_Courses(CourseId, CourseName)
VALUES (2, 'Course 2')

-- inserting multiple rows to a table at once (SQL Server 2005)
INSERT INTO dbo.T_Courses
--OUTPUT inserted.CourseId, inserted.CourseName -- 
VALUES (3, 'Course 3')
 , (4, 'Course 4')
 , (5, 'Course 5')
 , (6, 'Course 6')
 , (7, 'Course 7')

 FROM dbo.T_Courses

Sometimes the definition of the table is not important. With SQL Server 2008 it was possible to create the table on the fly, and thus the inserts can be simplified as follows:

-- Course data 

INTO dbo.T_Courses
  VALUES (1, 'Course 1')
 , (2, 'Course 2')
 , (3, 'Course 3')
 , (4, 'Course 4')
 , (5, 'Course 5')
 , (6, 'Course 6')
 , (7, 'Course 7')
 ) C (CourseId, CourseName)

 FROM dbo.T_Courses

Now, to demonstrate further techniques it is useful to define besides Courses also a Students, respectively an Allocation table, the later storing the relation between a Course and a Student. As can be seen there is in the Students table a reference to the Courses, showing the course in which the student is enrolled currently  The model is only for demonstration purposes:

-- Student data with current courses
-- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dbo.T_Students

SELECT StudentId
 , StudentName
 , CourseId
 , Cast(StartDate as Date) StartDate
 , Cast(EndDate as Date) EndDate
 INTO dbo.T_Students
  VALUES (1, 'Student 1', 1, '20170201', '20170228')
 , (2, 'Student 2', 1, '20170201', '20170228')
 , (3, 'Student 3', 2, '20170201', '20170228')
 , (4, 'Student 4', 3, '20170201', '20170228')
 , (5, 'Student 5', NULL, NULL, NULL)
 , (6, 'Student 6', NULL, NULL, NULL)
 , (7, 'Student 7', NULL, NULL, NULL)
 ) S (StudentId, StudentName, CourseId, StartDate, EndDate)

 FROM dbo.T_Students

-- Course allocations 
-- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dbo.T_Allocations

 , StudentId
 , Cast(StartDate as Date) StartDate
 , Cast(EndDate as Date) EndDate
 , Hours
 , Mark 
 INTO dbo.T_Allocations
  VALUES  (1, 1, '20170101', '20170131', 4, 1)
 , (1, 2, '20170101', '20170131', 5, 2)
 , (1, 3, '20170101', '20170131', 12, 3)
 , (2, 1, '20170201', '20170128', 23, 1)
 , (2, 3, '20170201', '20170128', 12, 3)
 , (2, 4, '20170201', '20170128', 21, 1)
 , (1, 5, '20170201', '20170128', 12, 1)
 , (4, 1, '20170101', '20170131', 5, 2)
 , (4, 1, '20170101', '20170131', 4, 2)
 ) A(CourseId, StudentId, StartDate, EndDate, Hours, Mark)

ALTER TABLE dbo.T_Allocations 
ADD AllocationId int IDENTITY(1,1) 

FROM dbo.T_Allocations

With this the data model is ready for use. By the initial design the courses in which the Students are currents enrolled were not supposed to be into the Allocations table. The following query repairs this:

-- insert data from query
INSERT INTO dbo.T_Allocations (CourseId, StudentId, StartDate, EndDate, Hours)
, C.StudentId
, C.StartDate
 , C.EndDate
 , 0 Hours
 FROM dbo.T_Students C
      LEFT JOIN dbo.T_Allocations A
        ON C.CourseId = A.CourseId
       AND C.StudentId = A.Studentid 

If is needed to append more data, one can modify the corresponding query from above as follows:

-- insert data from values with check against existing data 
INSERT INTO dbo.T_Allocations
 , DAT.StudentId
 , Cast(DAT.StartDate as Date) StartDate
 , Cast(DAT.EndDate as Date) EndDate
 , DAT.Hours
 , DAT.Mark 
  VALUES  (5, 5, '20170101', '20170131', 4, 2)
 , (5, 5, '20170101', '20170131', 5, 3)
 , (5, 5, '20170101', '20170131', 12, 4)
 , (4, 1, '20170101', '20170131', 4, 2) --already exists 
 ) DAT(CourseId, StudentId, StartDate, EndDate, Hours, Mark)
   LEFT JOIN dbo.T_Allocations A
     ON DAT.CourseId = A.CourseId
    AND DAT.StudentId = A.Studentid 

Starting with the 2008 version, a MERGE statement was introduced in SQL Server, which allows adding further behavior within the same statement for INSERTS, UPDATES or DELETES. The above insert based on a MERGE becomes:
-- insert data via a merge
 MERGE INTO dbo.T_Allocations A USING
     SELECT DAT.CourseId
     , DAT.StudentId
     , Cast(DAT.StartDate as Date) StartDate
     , Cast(DAT.EndDate as Date) EndDate
     , DAT.Hours
     , DAT.Mark 
     FROM (
      VALUES  (5, 5, '20170101', '20170131', 4, 2)
     , (5, 5, '20170101', '20170131', 5, 3)
     , (5, 5, '20170101', '20170131', 12, 4)
     , (4, 1, '20170101', '20170131', 4, 2) --already exists 
     ) DAT(CourseId, StudentId, StartDate, EndDate, Hours, Mark)
 ) DAT
   ON DAT.CourseId = A.CourseId
  AND DAT.StudentId = A.Studentid 
 INSERT (CourseId, StudentId, StartDate, EndDate, Hours, Mark)
 VALUES (DAT.CourseId, DAT.StudentId, DAT.StartDate, DAT.EndDate, DAT.Hours, DAT.Mark);

These are the types of scripts I typically use to insert data into a database, and this independently of tables’ size. For more check Microsoft’s documentation on INSERT. The preparation of the data to be imported can be easily done in Excel with a few macros.

The queries work also in SQL databases in Microsoft Fabric.

Happy coding!

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01 February 2020

#️⃣☯Software Engineering: Concept Documents (The Good, the Bad and the Ugly)

Software Engineering

A concept document (simply a concept) is a document that describes at high level the set of necessary steps and their implications in order to achieve a desired result, typically making the object of a project. In other words, it describes how something can be done or achieved, respectively how a problem can be solved.

The GoodThe main aim of the document is to give all the important aspects and to assure that the idea is worthy of consideration, that the steps considered provide a good basis for further work, respectively to provide a good understanding for the various parties involved, Therefore, concepts are used as a basis for the sign-off, respectively for the implementation of software and hardware solutions.

 A concept provides information about the context, design, architecture, security, usage, purpose and/or objectives of the future solution together with the set of assumptions, constraints and implications. A concept is not necessarily a recipe because it attempts providing a solution for a given problem or situation that needs a solution. Even if it bears many similarities in content and structure a concept it also not a strategy, because the strategy offers an interpretation of the problem, and also not a business case, because the later focuses mainly on the financial aspects.

A concept proves thus to be a good basis for implementing the described solution, being often an important enabler. On the other side, a written concept is not always necessary, even if conceptualization must exist in implementers’ head.

The Bad: From these considerations projects often consider the elaboration of a concept before further work can be attempted. To write such a document is needed to understand the problem/situation and be capable of sketching a solution in which the various steps or components fit together as the pieces of a puzzle. The problem is that the more complex the problem to be solved, the fuzzier the view and understanding of the various pieces becomes, respectively, the more challenging it becomes to fit the pieces together. In certain situations, it becomes almost impossible for a single person to understand and handle all the pieces. Solving the puzzle becomes a collective approach where the complexity is broken in manageable parts in the detriment of other aspects.

Writing a concept is a time-consuming task. The more accuracy and details are needed, the longer it takes to write and review the document, time that’s usually stolen from other project phases, especially when the phases are considered as sequential. It takes about 20% from the total effort needed to write a ‘perfect’ concept for writing a concept that covers only 80% of the facts, while 80% from the effort to consider the remaining 20% of the facts as the later involve multiple iterations. In extremis, aiming for perfection will make one start the implementation late or not start at all. It’s a not understandable pedantry with an important impact on projects'
 timeline and quality in the hope of a quality increase, which is sometimes even illusory.

The Ugly: The concept-based approach is brought to extreme in ERP implementations where for each process or business area is needed to write a concept, which often carries fancy names – solution design document, technical design document, business process document, etc. Independently how it is called, the purpose is to describe how the solution is implemented. The problem is that the conceptualization phase tends to take much longer than planned given the dependencies between the various business area in terms of functionality and activities. The complexity can become overwhelming, with an important impact on project’s budget, time and quality.

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Koeln, NRW, Germany
IT Professional with more than 24 years experience in IT in the area of full life-cycle of Web/Desktop/Database Applications Development, Software Engineering, Consultancy, Data Management, Data Quality, Data Migrations, Reporting, ERP implementations & support, Team/Project/IT Management, etc.