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Showing posts sorted by date for query Software Engineering. Sort by relevance Show all posts

17 September 2024

Software Engineering: Mea Culpa (Part V: All-Knowing Developers are Back in Demand?)

Software Engineering Series

I’ve been reading many job descriptions lately related to my experience and curiously or not I observed that many organizations look for developers with Microsoft Dynamics experience in the CRM, respectively Finance and Operations (F&O) and Business Central (BC) areas. It’s a good sign that the adoption of Microsoft solutions for CRM and ERP increases, especially when one considers the progress made in the BI and AI areas with the introduction of Microsoft Fabric, which gives Microsoft a considerable boost. Conversely, it seems that the "developers are good for everything" syntagma is back, at least from what one reads in job descriptions. 

Of course, it’s useful to have an inhouse developer who can address all the aspects of an implementation, though that’s a lot to ask considering the different non-programming areas that need to be addressed. It’s true that a developer with experience can handle Requirements, Data and Process Management, respectively Data Migrations and Business Intelligence topics, though if one considers that each of the topics can easily become a full-time job before, during and post-project implementations. I’ve been there and I (hopefully) know that the jobs imply. Even if an experienced programmer can easily handle the different aspects, there will be also times when all the topics combined will be too much for a person!

It's not a novelty that job descriptions are treated like Christmas lists, but it’s difficult to differentiate between essential and nonessential skillset. I read many jobs descriptions lately in which among a huge list of demands, one of the requirements is to program in the F&O framework, sign that D365 programmers are in high demand. I worked for many years as programmer and Software Engineer, respectively in the BI area, where SQL and non-SQL code is needed. Even if I can understand the code in F&O, does it make sense to learn now to program in X++ and the whole framework? 

It's never too late to learn new tricks, respectively another programming language and/or framework. It even helps to provide better solutions in other areas, though frankly I would invest my time in other areas, and AI-related topics like AI prompting or Data Science seem to be more interesting in the long term, especially when they are already in demand!

There seems to be a tendency for Data Science professionals to do everything, building their own solutions, ignoring the experience accumulated respectively the data models built in BI and Data Analytics areas, as if the topics and data models are unrelated! It’s also true that AI-modeling comes with its own requirements in what concerns data modeling (e.g. translating non-numeric to numeric values), though I believe that common ground can be found!

Similarly, the notebook-based programming seems to replicate logic in each solution, which occasionally makes sense, though personally I wouldn’t recommend it as practice! The other day, I was looking at code developed in Python to mimic the joining of tables, when a view with the same could be easier (re)used, maintained, read and probably more efficient, even if different engines will be used. It will be interesting to see how the mix of spaghetti solutions will evolve over time. There are developers already complaining of the number of objects used in the process by building logic for each layer from the medallion architecture! Even if it makes sense from architectural considerations, it will become a nightmare in time.

One can wonder also about nomenclature used – Data Engineer or Prompt Engineering for the simple manipulation of data between structures in data transformations, respectively for structuring the prompts for AI. I believe that engineering involves more than this, no matter the context! 

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18 August 2024

Business Intelligence: Mea Culpa (Part III: Problem Solving)

Business Intelligence Series
Business Intelligence Series

I've been working for more than 20 years in BI and Data Analytics area, in combination with Software Engineering, ERP implementations, Project Management, IT services and several other areas, which allowed me to look at many recurring problems from different perspectives. One of the things I learnt is that problems are more complex and more dynamic than they seem, respectively that they may require tailored dynamic solutions. Unfortunately, people usually focus on one or two immediate perspectives, ignoring the dynamics and the multilayered character of the problems!

Sometimes, a quick fix and limited perspective is what we need to get started and fix the symptoms, and problem-solvers usually stop there. When left unsupervised, the problems tend to kick back, build up momentum and appear under more complex forms in various places. Moreover, the symptoms can remain hidden until is too late. To this also adds the political agendas and the further limitations existing in organizations (people, money, know-how, etc.).

It seems much easier to involve external people (individual experts, consultancy companies) to solve the problem(s), though unless they get a deep understanding of the business and the issues existing in it, the chances are high that they solve the wrong problems and/or implement the wrong solutions. Therefore, it's more advisable to have internal experts, when feasible, and that's the point where business people with technical expertise and/or IT people with business expertise can help. Ideally, one should have a good mix and the so called competency centers can do a great job in handling the challenges of organizations. 

Between business and IT people there's a gap that can be higher or lower depending on resources know-how or the effort made by organizations to reduce it. To this adds the nature of the issues existing in organizations, which can vary considerable across departments, organizations or any other form of establishment. Conversely, the specific skillset can be transmuted where needed, which might happen naturally, though upon case also considerable effort needs to be involved in the process.

Being involved in similar tasks, one may get the impression that one can do whatever the others can do. This can happen in IT as well on the business side. There can be activities that can be done by parties from the other group, though there are also many exceptions in both directions, especially when one considers that one can’t generalize the applicability and/or transmutation of skillset. 

A more concrete example is the know-how needed by a businessperson to use the BI infrastructure for answering business questions, and ideally for doing all or at least most of the activities a BI professional can do. Ideally, as part of the learning path, it would be helpful to have a pursuable path in between the two points. The mastery of tools helps in the process though there are different mindsets involved.

Unfortunately, the data-related fields are full of overconfident people who get the problem-solving process wrong. Data-based problem-solving resumes in gathering the right facts and data, building the right conceptual model, identifying the right questions to ask, collecting more data, refining methods and solutions, etc. There’s aways an easy wrong way to solve a problem!

The mastery of tools doesn’t imply the mastery of business domains! What people from the business side can bring is deeper insight in the business problems, though getting from there to implementing solutions can prove a long way, especially when problems require different approaches, different levels of approximations, etc. No tool alone can bridge such gaps yet! Frankly, this is the most difficult to learn and unfortunately many data professionals seem to get this wrong!

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22 March 2024

Business Intelligence: Monolithic vs. Distributed Architecture (Part III: Architectural Applications)


Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence Series

Now considering the 500 houses and the skyscraper model introduced in thee previous post, which do you think will be built first? A skyscraper takes 2-10 years to build, depending on the city in which is built and the architecture characteristics. A house may take 6-12 months depending on similar factors. But one needs to build 500 houses. For sure the process can be optimized when the houses look the same, though there are many constraints one needs to consider - the number of workers, tools, and the construction material available at a given time, the volume of planning, etc. 

Within a rough estimate, it can take 2-5 years for each architecture to be built considering that on the average the advantages and disadvantages from the various areas can balance each other out. Historical data are in general needed for estimating the actual development time. One can start with a rough estimate and reevaluate the estimates up and down as more information are gathered. This usually happens in Software Engineering as well. 

Monolith vs. Distributed Architecture
Monolith vs. Distributed Architecture - 500 families

There are multiple ways in which the work can be assigned to the contractors. When the houses are split between domains, each domain can have its own contractor(s) or the contractors can be specialized by knowledge areas, or a combination of the two. Contractors’ performance should be the same, though in practice no two contractors are the same. Conversely, the chances are higher for some contractors to deliver at the expected quality. It would be useful to have worked before with the contractors and have a partnership that spans years back. There are risks on both sides, even if the risks might favor one architecture over the other, and this depends also on the quality of the contractors, designs, and planning. 

The planning must be good if not perfect to assure smooth development and each day can cost money when contractors are involved. The first planning must be done for the whole project and then split individually for each contractor and/or group of buildings. A back-and-forth check between the various plans is needed. Managing by exception can work, though it can also go terribly wrong. 

Lot of communication must occur between domains to make sure that everything fits together. Especially at the beginning, all the parties must plan together, must make sure that the rules of the games (best practices, policies, procedures, processes, methodologies) are agreed upon. Oversight (governance) needs to happen at a small scale as well on aggregate to makes sure that the rules of the game are followed. 

Now, which of the architectures do you think will fit a data warehouse (DWH)? Probably multiple voices will opt for the skyscraper, at least this is how a DWH looks from the outside. However, when one evaluates the architecture behind it, it can resemble a residential complex in which parts are bound together, but there are parts that can be distributed if needed. For example, in a DWH the HR department has its own area that's isolated from the other areas as it has higher security demands. There can be 2-3 other areas that don't share objects, and they can be distributed as well. The reasons why all infrastructure is on one machine are the costs associated with the licenses, respectively the reporting tools point to only one address. 

In data marts based DWHs, there are multiple buildings within the architecture, and thus the data marts can be distributed across a wider infrastructure, with each domain responsible for its own data mart(s). The data marts are by definition domain-dependent, and this is one of the downsides imputed to this architecture. 

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13 March 2024

Book Review: Zhamak Dehghani's Data Mesh: Delivering Data-Driven Value at Scale (2021)

Zhamak Dehghani's "Data Mesh: Delivering Data-Driven Value at Scale" (2021)

Zhamak Dehghani's "Data Mesh: Delivering Data-Driven Value at Scale" (2021) is a must read book for the data professional. So, here I am, finally managing to read it and give it some thought, even if it will probably take more time and a few more reads for the ideas to grow. Working in the fields of Business Intelligence and Software Engineering for almost a quarter-century, I think I can understand the historical background and the direction of the ideas presented in the book. There are many good ideas but also formulations that make me circumspect about the applicability of some assumptions and requirements considered. 

So, after data marts, warehouses, lakes and lakehouses, the data mesh paradigm seems to be the new shiny thing that will bring organizations beyond the inflection point with tipping potential from where organization's growth will have an exponential effect. At least this seems to be the first impression when reading the first chapters. 

The book follows to some degree the advocative tone of promoting that "our shiny thing is much better than previous thing", or "how bad the previous architectures or paradigms were and how good the new ones are" (see [2]). Architectures and paradigms evolve with the available technologies and our perception of what is important for businesses. Old and new have their place in the order of things, and the old will continue to exist, at least until the new proves its feasibility.  

The definition of the data mash as "a sociotechnical approach to share, access and manage analytical data in complex and large-scale environments - within or across organizations" [1] is too abstract even if it reflects at high level what the concept is about. Compared to other material I read on the topic, the book succeeds in explaining the related concepts as well the goals (called definitions) and benefits (called motivations) associated with the principles behind the data mesh, making the book approachable also by non-professionals. 

Built around four principles "data as a product", "domain-oriented ownership", "self-serve data platform" and "federated governance", the data mesh is the paradigm on which data as products are developed; where the products are "the smallest unit of architecture that can be independently deployed and managed", providing by design the information necessary to be discovered, understood, debugged, and audited.

It's possible to create Lego-like data products, data contracts and/or manifests that address product's usability characteristics, though unless the latter are generated automatically, put in the context of ERP and other complex systems, everything becomes quite an endeavor that requires time and adequate testing, increasing the overall timeframe until a data product becomes available. 

The data mesh describes data products in terms of microservices that structure architectures in terms of a collection of services that are independently deployable and loosely coupled. Asking from data products to behave in this way is probably too hard a constraint, given the complexity and interdependency of the data models behind business processes and their needs. Does all the effort make sense? Is this the "agility" the data mesh solutions are looking for?

Many pioneering organizations are still fighting with the concept of data mesh as it proves to be challenging to implement. At a high level everything makes sense, but the way data products are expected to function makes the concept challenging to implement to the full extent. Moreover, as occasionally implied, the data mesh is about scaling data analytics solutions with the size and complexity of organizations. The effort makes sense when the organizations have a certain size and the departments have a certain autonomy, therefore, it might not apply to small to medium businesses.

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[1] Zhamak Dehghani (2021) "Data Mesh: Delivering Data-Driven Value at Scale" (link)
[2] SQL-troubles (2024) Zhamak Dehghani's Data Mesh - Monolithic Warehouses and Lakes (link)

17 February 2024

Business Intelligence: A Software Engineer's Perspective I (Houston, we have a Problem!)

Business Intelligence Series
Business Intelligence Series

One of the critics addressed to the BI/Data Analytics, Data Engineering and even Data Science fields is their resistance to applying Software Engineering (SE) methods in practice. SE can be regarded as the application of sound methods, methodologies, techniques, principles, and practices to obtain high quality economic software in a reproducible manner. At minimum, should be applied SE techniques and practices proven to work, for example the use of best practices, reference technologies, standardized processes for requirements gathering and management, etc. This doesn't mean that one should apply the full extent of SE but consider a minimum that makes sense to adopt.

Unfortunately, the creation of data artifacts (queries, reports, data models, data pipelines, data visualizations, etc.) as process seem to be done after the principle of least action, though least action means here the minimum interaction to push pieces on a board rather than getting the things done. At high level, the process is as follows: get the requirements, build something, present results, get more requirements, do changes, present the results, and the process is repeated ad infinitum.

Given that data artifact's creation finds itself at the intersection of two or more knowledge areas in which knowledge is exchanged in several iterations between the parties involved until a common ground is achieved, this process is totally inefficient from multiple perspectives. First of all, it takes considerably more time than planned to reach a solution, resources being wasted in the process, multiple forms of waste being involved. Secondly, the exchange and retention of knowledge resulting from the process is minimal, mainly on a need by basis. This might look as an efficient approach on the short term, but is inefficient overall.

BI reflects the general issues from SE - most of the issues can be traced back to requirements - if the requirements are incorrect and there's no magic involved in between, then one can't expect for the solution to be correct. The bigger the difference between the initial and final requirements elicited in the process, the more resources are wasted. The more time passes between the start of the development phase and the time a solution is presented to the customer, the longer it takes to build the final solution. Same impact have the time it takes to establish a common ground and other critical factors for success involved in the process.

One can address these issues through better requirements elicitation, rapid prototyping, the use of agile methodologies and similar approaches, though the general feeling is that even if they bring improvements, they don't address the root causes - lack of data literacy skills, lack of knowledge about the business, lack of maturity in planning and executing tasks, the inexistence of well-designed processes and procedures, respectively the lack of an engineering mindset.

These inefficiencies have low impact when building a report occasionally, though they accumulate and tend to create systemic issues in what concerns the overall BI effort. They are addressed locally by experts and in general through a strategic approach like the elaboration of a BI strategy, though organizations seldom pay attention to them. Some organizations consider that they are automatically addressed as part of the data culture, though data culture focuses in general on data literacy and not on the whole set of assumptions mentioned above.

An experienced data professional sees more likely the inefficiencies, tries to address them locally in his interactions with the various stakeholders, he/she can build a business case for addressing them, though it depends on organizations to recognize that they have a problem, respective address the inefficiencies in a strategic and systemic manner!

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Business Intelligence: Microsoft Fabric's Notebooks

Business Intelligence Series
Business Intelligence Series 

When several technologies make their entrance in a data-related field like Data Warehousing, Data Analitics or Data Science, one is forced to understand how the respective technologies can be used or misused, respectively what's their place in the bigger picture. Microsoft Fabric introduces several important technologies that will change the way data are stored, processed and consumed. 

The first important technology is the notebook - a web document-like cell-based container for writing and executing code in a collaborative manner. The concept is not new, Jupyter notebooks have been around for almost a decade. In Microsof Fabric, notebooks support multiple languages, from which a default one applies to the whole notebook, while on cell level any of the supported languages can be used. 

One can execute a single cell, multiple cells or the entire notebook in a sequential manner, mix languages for the various operations - load, transform, save, and visualize data when needed. Notebooks can be parametrized and run via the homonymous activity in Data Factory pipelines, automating thus data processing. Probably more functionality is to come. 

Data engineers seems to have great flexibility, though usually flexibility implies constraints and/or mischiefs in other areas. I see for example in presentations the overuse of temporary data objects (mainly views) in Spark SQL as part of complex logic. That's acceptable during prototyping, though such code becomes a danger as soon the logic is deployed into production. Data objects should be created outside of the logic that uses them and should be treated as artifacts, with version control and proper documentation. It's maybe true that temporary objects reduce the volume of objects in the metastore, though is this the way to go?

Temporary objects tend to lead to wheel's reinvention or they get duplicated across multiple notebooks, which can easily create a maintenance nightmare. One needs to consider that the business logic changes a lot, the requirements and the data sources change, and on the long term, the cost of maintaining the code can easily overweight the benefits. 

Notebooks remind me of the beginnings of web programming when HTML was mixed up with client scripting languages like VB Script or Javascript, CSS, respectively server-side scripting languages. It was kind of a spaghetti code, modified repeatedly by multiple programmers, unendingly duplicated, and through a miracle it worked, until it stopped working unexpectedly in strangest situations. The strangest part was when after removing  commented code from a section made the code run again. 

The debugging of another person's code was a nightmare. Code developed by two people for similar purposes was looking unrecognizable different in terms of structure, programming techniques and layout. The technical debt was high, increasing in exponential manner. One was aware that the code needed refactoring, though there were more important things to do or no time allocated for it.

In the meantime the maturity of programming languages, frameworks, methodologies, best practices, and hopefully of programmers improved the overall quality of software (at least on average). Thinking of software from an Engineer's perspective improved the efficiency and effectiveness of a programmer's endeavor. The average programmer is able to write quality code, though there's a considerable minimum of "engineering" knowledge involved beside the mere knowledge of languages and tools. 

Notebooks are good up to a point, beyond which one needs to take a step back, restructure, move the code where it belongs, take a few more steps back and review the good practices and their application, disseminate the knowledge inside the team and use it in the next iterations, respectively refractor the code when needed! Hopefully, people learned from the mistakes of the past. 

[1] Microsoft Learn (2023) How to use Microsoft Fabric notebooks (link

13 February 2024

Business Intelligence: A One Man Show III (The Microsoft Fabric)

Business Intelligence Series
Business Intelligence Series

Announced at the end of the last year, Microsoft Fabric (MF) become a reality for the data professional, even if there are still many gaps in the overall architecture and some things don't work as they should. The Delta Lake and the various data consumption experiences seem to bring more flexibility but also raise questions on how one can use them adequately in building solutions for Data Analytics and/or Data Science. 

Currently, as it happens with new technologies, data professionals seem to try to explore the functionality, see what's possible, what's missing, and that's a considerable effort as everybody is more or less on his own. The material released by Microsoft and other professionals should facilitate in theory this effort, though the considerable number of features and the effort needed to review them do the opposite. Some professionals do this as part of their jobs, and exploring the feature seems to be a full job in each area, while others, like myself, do it in their own time. 

There are organizations that demand from their employees to regularly actualize their knowledge in their field of activity, respectively explore how new technologies can be integrated in organization's architecture. Having a few hours or even a day a weak for this can go a long way! Occasionally, I could take 1-2 hours a week during the program and take maybe a few many more hours from my own time. Unfortunately, most of the significant progress I made in a certain area (SQL Server, Dynamics 365, Software Engineering, Power BI, and now MF) it was done in my own time, which became in time more and more challenging to do given the pace with which new features and technologies develop.

By comparison, it was relatively easy to locally install SQL Server in its various CTP or community versions, deploy one of the readily-available databases, and start learning. I'm still doing it, playing with a SQL Server 2022 instance whenever I find the time. Similarly, I can use Power BI and a few other tools, depending again on the time available to make progress. However, with MF things start slowly to get blurry. The 60 days of trial won't cut it anymore as there are so many things to learn - Spark SQL, PySpark, Delta Lake, KQL, Dataflows, etc. Probably, there will be ways for learning any of this standalone, though not together in an integrated manner. 

The complexity of the tools demands more time, a proper infrastructure and a good project to accommodate them. This doesn't mean that the complexity of the solutions need to increase as well! Azure Synapse allowed me to reuse many of the techniques I used in the past to build a modern Data Analytics solution, while in other areas I had to accommodate the new. The solution wasn't perfect (only time will tell), though it provided the minimum of what was needed. I expect the same to happen in Microsoft Fabric, even if the number of choices is bigger. 

There's a considerable difference between building a minimal viable solution and exploring, respectively harnessing MF's capabilities. The challenge for many organizations is to determine what that minimum is about, how to build that knowledge into the team, especially when starting from zero. 

Conversely, this doesn't mean that the skillset and effort can't be covered by one person. It might be more challenging though achievable if the foundation is there, respectively if certain conditions are met. This depends also on organization's expectations, infrastructure and other characteristics. A whole team is more likely to succeed than one person, but not certainty! 

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22 August 2023

Book Review: Laurent Bossavit's The Leprechauns of Software Engineering (2015)

Software Engineering should be the "establishment and use of sound engineering principles to obtain economically software that is reliable and works on real machines efficiently" [2]. Working for more than 20 years in the field I feel sometimes that its foundation is a strange mix of sound and questionable ideas that take the form of methodologies, principles, standards, myths, folklore, statistics and other similar concepts that form its backbone.

I tend to look with critical eyes at the important numbers advanced in research and pseudo-scientific papers especially when they’re related to my job, this because I know that statistics are seldom what they appear to be - there are accidental and sometimes even intended errors made to support the facts. Unfortunately, the missing row data and often the information about the methodologies used in collecting and processing the respective data make numbers and/or graphics' understanding more challenging, not to mention the considerable amount of effort and time spent to uncover the evidence trail.
Fortunately, there are other professionals who went further down the path of bibliographical references and shared their findings in blogs, papers, books and other media content. It’s also the case of Laurent Bossavit, who in his book, "The Leprechauns of Software Engineering" (2015), looks behind some of the numbers that over time become part of the leprechaunish folklore of IT professionals, puts them into the historical context and provides in appendix the evidence trails for the reader to validate his findings. Over several chapters the author focuses mainly on the cost of defects, Boehm’s cone of uncertainty, the differences in productivity amount individual programmers (aka 10x claim), respectively the relation between poor requirements and defects.

His most important finding is that the references used in most of the researched sources advancing the above numbers were secondary, while the actual sources provide no direct information of empirical data or the methodology for its collection. The way the numbers are advanced and used makes one question the validity of the measurements performed, respectively the character of the mistakes the authors made. Many of the cited papers hardly match the academic requirements of other scientific fields, being a mix of false claims, improperly conducted research and citations.

Secondly, he argues that the small sample sizes used as basis for the experiments, the small population formed usually of students, respectively the way numbers were mixed without any reliable scientific character makes him (and the reader as well) question even more how the experiments were performed in the respective papers. With this, it is more likely that a bigger number of research based on these sources should raise further concerns. The reader can thus ask himself/herself how deep the domino effect goes inside of the Software Engineering field.

In author’s opinion Software Engineering as social process "needs to be studied with tools that borrow as much from the social and cognitive sciences as they do from the mathematical theories of computation". How much is possible to extend the theories and models of the respective fields is an open topic. The bottom line, the field of Software Engineering needs better and scientific empirical experiments that are based on commonly agreed definitions, data collection and processing techniques, respectively higher standards for research publications. Without this, we’ll continue to compare apples with peaches and mix them in calculations so we can get some stories that support our leprechaunish theories.

Overall, the book is a good read for software engineers as well as for other IT professionals. Even if it barely scratched the surface of software myths and folklore, there’s enough material for the readers who want to dive deeper.

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[1] Laurent Bossavit (2015) "The Leprechauns of Software Engineering"
[2] Friedrich Bauer (1972) "Software Engineering", Information Processing

19 October 2022

Performance Management: First Time Right (The Aim toward Operational Excellence)


Rooted in Six Sigma methodology as a step toward operational excellence, First Time Right (FTR) implies that any procedure is performed in the right manner the first time and every time. It equates to minimizing the waste in its various forms (inventory, motion, overprocessing, overproduction, waiting, transportation, defects). Like many quality concepts from the manufacturing industry, the concept was transported in the software development process as principle, process, goal and/or metric. Thus, it became part of Software Engineering, Project Management, Data Science, and any other similar endeavors whose outcome results in software products. 

Besides the quality aspect, FTR is rooted also in the economic imperative – the need to achieve something in the minimum amount of time with the minimum of effort. It’s about being efficient in delivering a product or achieving a given target. It can be associated with continuous improvement, learning and mastery, the aim being to encompass FTR as part of organization’s culture. 

Even if not explicitly declared, FTR lurks in each task planned. It seems that it became common practice to plan with the FTR in mind, however between this theoretical aim and practice there’s as usual an important gap. Unfortunately, planners, managers and even tasks' performers often forget that mistakes are made, that several iterations are needed to get the job done. It starts with the communication between people in clarifying the requirements and ends with the formal sign off. All the deviations from the FTR add up in the deviations between expected and actual effort, though probably more important are the deviations from the plan and all the consequences deriving from it. Especially in complex projects this adds up into a spiral of issues that can easily reinforce themselves. 

Many of the jobs that imply creativity, innovation, research or exploration require at least several iterations to get the job done and this is independent of participants’ professionalism and experience. Moreover, the more quality one needs, the higher the effort, the 80/20 being sometimes a good approximation of the effort needed. In extremis, aiming for perfection instead of excellence can make certain tasks a never-ending story. 

Achieving FTR requires practice - the more novelty, the higher the complexity, the communication or the synchronization needs, the more practice is needed. It starts with the individual to master the individual tasks and ends with the team, where communication, synchronization and other aspects need to be considered. The practice is usually achieved on hands-on work as part of the daily duties, project work, and so on. Unfortunately, it’s based primarily on individual experience, and seldom groomed in advance, as preparation for future tasks. That’s why sometimes when efficiency is needed in performing critical complex tasks, one also needs to consider the learning curve in achieving the required quality. 

Of course, many organizations demand from job applicants experience and, when possible, they hire people with experience, however the diversity, complexity and changing nature of tasks require further practice. This aspect is somehow recognized in the implementation in organizations of the various forms of DevOps, though how many organizations adopt it and enforce it on a regular basis? Moreover, a major requirement of nowadays businesses is to be agile, and besides the mere application of methodologies, being agile means to have also a FTR mindset. 

FTR starts with the wish for mastery at individual and team level and, with the right management attention, by allocating time for learning, self-development in the important areas, providing relevant feedback and building an infrastructure for knowledge sharing and harnessing, FTR can become part of organization’s culture. It’s up to each of us to do it!

04 April 2021

Strategic Management: Between Value and Waste I (Introduction)


Independently on whether Lean Management is considered in the context of Manufacturing, Software Development (SD), Project Management (PM) or any other business-related areas, there are three fundamental business concepts on which the whole scaffolding of the Lean philosophies is built upon, namely the ones of value, value stream and waste. 

From an economic standpoint, value refers to the monetary worth of a product, asset or service (further referred as product) to an organization, while from a qualitative perspective, it refers to the perceived benefit associated with its usage. The value is thus reflected in the costs associated with a product’s delivery (producer’s perspective), respectively the price paid on acquiring it and the degree to which the product can fulfill a demand (customer’s perspective).

Without diving too deep into theory of product valuation, the challenges revolve around reducing the costs associated with a product’s delivery, respectively selling it to a price the customer is willing to pay for, typically to address a given set of needs. Moreover, the customer is willing to pay only for the functions that satisfy the needs a product is thought to cover. From this friction of opposing driving forces, a product is designed and valued.

The value stream is the sequence of activities (also steps or processes) needed to deliver a product to customers. This formulation includes value-added and non-value-added activities, internal and external customers, respectively covers the full lifecycle of products and/or services in whatever form it occurs, either if is or not perceived by the customers.  

Waste is any activity that consumes resources but creates no value for the customers or, generally, for the stakeholders, be it internal or external. The waste is typically associated with the non-added value activities, activities that don’t produce value for stakeholders, and can increase directly or indirectly the costs of products especially when no attention is given to it and/or not recognized as such. Therefore, eliminating the waste can have an important impact on products’ costs and become one of the goals of Lean Management. Moreover, eliminating the waste is an incremental process that, when put in the context of continuous improvement, can lead to processes redesign and re-engineering.

Taiichi Ohno, the ‘father’ of the Toyota Production System (TPS), originally identified seven forms of waste (Japanese: muda): overproduction, waiting, transporting, inappropriate processing, unnecessary inventory, unnecessary/excess motion, and defects. Within the context of SD and PM, Tom and Marry Poppendieck [1] translated the types of wastes in concepts closer to the language of software developers: partially done work, extra processes, extra features, task switching, waiting, motion and, of course, defects. To this list were added later further types of waste associated with resources, confusion and work conditions.

Defects in form of errors and bugs, ineffective communication, rework and overwork, waiting, repetitive activities like handoffs or even unnecessary meetings are usually the visible part of products and projects and important from the perspective of stakeholders, which in extremis can become sensitive when their volume increases out of proportion.

Unfortunately, lurking in the deep waters of projects and wrecking everything that stands in their way are the other forms of waste less perceivable from stakeholders’ side: unclear requirements/goals, code not released or not tested, specifications not implemented, scrapped code, overutilized/underutilized resources, bureaucracy, suboptimal processes, unnecessary optimization, searching for information, mismanagement, task switching, improper work condition, confusion, to mention just the important activities associated to waste.

Through their elusive nature, independently on whether they are or not visible to stakeholders, they all impact the costs of projects and products when the proper attention is not given to them and not handled accordingly.

Lean Management - The Waste Iceberg

[1] Mary Poppendieck & Tom Poppendieck (2003) Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit, Addison Wesley, ISBN: 0-321-15078-3

07 March 2021

Project Management: Agile Manifesto Reloaded I (Introduction)


Project Management

There are so many books written on agile methodologies, each attempting to depict the realities of software development projects. There are many truths considered in them, though they seem to blend in a complex texture in which the writer takes usually the position of a preacher in which the sins of the traditional technologies are contrasted with the agile principles. In extremis everything done in the past seems to be wrong, while the agile methods seem to be a panacea, which is seldom the case.

There are already 20 years since the agile manifesto was published and the methodologies adhering to the respective principles don’t seem to provide the expected success, suffering from the same chronical symptoms of their predecessors - they are poorly understood and implemented, tend to function after hammer’s principle, respectively the software development projects still deliver poor results. Moreover, there are more and more professionals who raise their voice against agile practices.

Frankly, the principles behind the agile manifesto make sense. A project should by definition satisfy stakeholders’ requirements, ideally through regular deliveries that incorporate the needed functionality while gradually seeking to get early feedback from customers, respectively involve the customer through all project’s duration, working together to deliver a feasible product. Moreover, self-organizing teams, face-to-face meetings, constant pace, technical excellence should allow minimizing the waste, respectively maximizing the efficiency in the project. Further aspects like simplicity, good design and architecture should establish a basis for success.

Re-reading the agile manifesto, even if each read pulls from experience more and more pro and cons, the manifesto continues to look like a Christmas wish-list. Even if the represented ideas make sense and satisfy a specific need, they are difficult to achieve in a project’s context and setup. Each wish introduces a constraint that brings with it its own limitations. Unfortunately, each policy introduced by a methodology follows the same pattern, no matter of the methodology considered. Moreover, the wishes cover only a small subset from a project’s texture, are general and let lot of space for interpretation and implementation, though the same can be said about any principles that don’t provide a coherent worldview or a conceptual model.

The software development industry needs a coherent worldview that reflects its assumptions, models, characteristics, laws and challenges. Software Engineering (SE) attempts providing such a worldview though unfortunately is too complex for many and there seem to be a big divide when considered in respect to the worldviews introduced by the various Project Management (PM) methodologies. Studying one or two PM methodologies, learning a few programming languages and even the hand on experience on a few projects won’t fill the gaps in knowledge associated with the SE worldview.

Organizations don’t seem to see the need for professionals of having a formal education in SE. On the other side is expected from employees to have by default some of the skillset required, which is not the case. Besides understanding and implementing a technology there are a set of knowledge areas in which the IT professional must have at least a high-level knowledge if it’s expected from him/her to think critically about the respective areas. Unfortunately, the lack of such knowledge leads sometimes to situations which can impact negatively projects.

Almost each important word from the agile manifesto pulls with it a set of concepts from a SE’ worldview – customer satisfaction, software delivery, working software, requirements management, change management, cooperation, teamwork, trust, motivation, communication, metrics, stakeholders’ management, good design, good architecture, lessons learned, performance management, etc. The manifesto needs to be regarded from a SE’s eyeglasses if one expects value from it.

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27 December 2020

Data Warehousing: Data Vault 2.0 (The Good, the Bad and the Ugly)

Data Warehousing
Data Warehousing Series

One of the interesting concepts that seems to gain adepts in Data Warehousing is the Data Vault – a methodology, architecture and implementation for Data Warehouses (DWH) developed by Dan Linstedt between 1990 and 2000, and evolved into an open standard with the 2.0 version.

According to its creator, the Data Vault is a detail-oriented, historical tracking and uniquely linked set of normalized tables that support one or more business functional areas [2]. To hold data at the lowest grain of detail from the source system(s) and track the changes occurred in the data, it splits the fact and dimension tables into hubs (business keys), links (the relationships between business keys), satellites (descriptions of the business keys), and reference (dropdown values) tables [3], while adopting a hybrid approach between 3rd normal form and star schemas. In addition, it provides a two- or three-layered data integration architecture, a series of standards, methods and best practices supposed to facilitate its use.

It integrates several other methodologies that allow bridging the gap between the technical, logistic and execution parts of the DWH life-cycle – the PMI methodology is used for the various levels of planning and execution, while the Scrum methodology is used for coordinating the day-to-day project tasks. Six Sigma is used together with Total Quality Management for the design and continuous improvement of DWH and data-related processes. In addition, it follows the CMMI maturity model for providing a clear baseline for benchmarking an organization’s DWH capabilities in development, acquisition and service areas.

The Good: The decomposition of the source data models into hub, link and satellite tables provides traceability and auditability at raw data level, allowing thus to address the compliance requirements of Sarabanes-Oxley, HIPPA and Basel II by design.

The considered standards, methods, principles and best practices are leveraged from Software Engineering [1], establishing common ground and a standardized approach to DWH design, implementation and testing. It also narrows down the learning and implementation paths, while allowing an incremental approach to the various phases.

Data Vault 2.0 offers support for real-time, near-real-time and unstructured data, while new technologies like MapReduce, NoSQL can be integrated within its architecture, though the same can be said about other approaches as long there’s compatibility between the considered technologies. In fact, except business entities’ decomposition, many of the notions used are common to DWH design.

The Bad: Further decomposing the fact and dimension tables can impact the performance of the queries run against the tables as more joins are required to gather the data from the various tables. The further denormalization of tables can lead to higher data storage needs, though this can be neglectable compared with the volume of additional objects that need to be created in DWH. For an ERP system with a few hundred of meaningful tables the complexity can become overwhelming.

Unless one uses a COTS tool which automates some part of the design and creation process, building everything from scratch can be time-consuming, increasing thus the time-to-market for solutions. However, the COTS tools can introduce restrictions of their own, which can negatively impact the overall experience with the methodology.

The incorporation of non-technical methodologies can have positive impact, though unless one has experience with the respective methodologies, the disadvantages can easily overshadow the (theoretical) advantages.

The Ugly: The dangers of using Data Vault can be corroborated as usual with the poor understanding of the methodology, poor level of skillset or the attempt of implementing the methodology without allowing some flexibility when required. Unless one knows what he is doing, bringing more complexity in a field which is already complex, can easily impact negatively projects’ outcomes.

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[1] Dan Linstedt & Michael Olschimke (2015) Building a Scalable Data Warehouse with Data Vault 2.0
[2] Dan Linstedt (?) Data Vault Basics [source]
[3] Dan Linstedt (2018) Data Vault: Data Modeling Specification v 2.0.2 [source]

24 June 2020

Strategic Management: Simplicity I (Simple, but not that Simple)

Strategic Management
Strategic Management Series

Simplicity of design has been for centuries the wholly grail of architects, while software designers seem to situate themselves in opposition with the trend, as they aim using a mix of technologies that usually increase architecture’s complexity (sometimes the many, the newer and fancier, the better). Unfortunately, despite the implied but not necessarily reachable potential, each component added to an information system or infrastructure has the potential of increasing the overall complexity by a factor proportional to the degree of interactions it creates, respectively by the number of issues it creates or allows to propagate through these interactions.

Conversely, one talks about simplicity in IT without stating what is intended by it, and it can mean many things. Quite often the aim is packed within the ‘keep it simple stupid’ (aka KISS) mantra, a modern and pejorative alternative of Occam’s razor. KISS became a principle in software architecture design, and it can mean that a simple solution works better than a complex one, or that pursuing something in the simplest manner possible is usually better. The nuances are wide enough to cover a wide spectrum of solutions, arriving at statements that the simplest choice to make is the most appropriate one to make, thing that’s not necessarily true in IT, where complexity finds itself home.

Starting with the important number of technologies coexisting in integrations and ending with the exceptions existing in processes or the quality of data, things are almost never as simple as one may wish. An IT infrastructure’s complexity is dependent on the number of existing components, on whether they come from different generations or come from different vendor, on whether are deployed on different operating systems or are supported by different service providers, on the number of customizations made, on the degree of overlapping of the data and integrations needed to keep the data in synch, respectively of the differences existing in data models, quality and use. In general, the more variance, randomness, and challenges one has, the higher the overall complexity.

Paraphrasing Saint Exupéry, in IT simplicity is reached when there is no longer anything to add or anything to take away, or in Hans Hofmann’s words, simplicity is reflected in ‘the ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak’. This refers to the features, what a piece of software can do, respectively the functionality, how a certain outcome is reached, which arrive to be packed in various logical aggregations (function point, functional requirement, story, epic, model, product, etc.) or physical aggregations (classes, components, packages, services, models, etc.). These are the levels at which one needs to address simplicity adequately.

To make something simple one must be able either to design a solution up to the detail that there’s nothing to add or remove, or to start with something and remove or things to reach simplicity. Both approaches involve a considerable effort, time, and multiple iterations, however the first approach can easily become utopian as some architectures are so complex that sooner or later the second approach comes into play. Therefore, one needs in general to focus on what seems an optimal solution and optimize it continuously in further iterations. Aiming for perfection from the beginning or also later in the improvement process is a foolhardy wish.

Even if simplicity is hard to achieve, one can still talk about the elegance of a solution, scenarios in which the various components fit together like the pieces of a puzzle, or about robustness, reliability, correctness, maintainability, (re)usability, or learnability. These latter characteristics are known in Software Engineering as (software) quality attributes.

01 February 2020

Application Architecture: Concept Documents (The Good, the Bad and the Ugly)

Software Engineering

A concept document (simply a concept) is a document that describes at high level the set of necessary steps and their implications in order to achieve a desired result, typically making the object of a project. In other words, it describes how something can be done or achieved, respectively how a problem can be solved.

The GoodThe main aim of the document is to give all the important aspects and to assure that the idea is worthy of consideration, that the steps considered provide a good basis for further work, respectively to provide a good understanding for the various parties involved, Therefore, concepts are used as a basis for the sign-off, respectively for the implementation of software and hardware solutions.

 A concept provides information about the context, design, architecture, security, usage, purpose and/or objectives of the future solution together with the set of assumptions, constraints and implications. A concept is not necessarily a recipe because it attempts providing a solution for a given problem or situation that needs a solution. Even if it bears many similarities in content and structure a concept it also not a strategy, because the strategy offers an interpretation of the problem, and also not a business case, because the later focuses mainly on the financial aspects.

A concept proves thus to be a good basis for implementing the described solution, being often an important enabler. On the other side, a written concept is not always necessary, even if conceptualization must exist in implementers’ head.

The Bad: From these considerations projects often consider the elaboration of a concept before further work can be attempted. To write such a document is needed to understand the problem/situation and be capable of sketching a solution in which the various steps or components fit together as the pieces of a puzzle. The problem is that the more complex the problem to be solved, the fuzzier the view and understanding of the various pieces becomes, respectively, the more challenging it becomes to fit the pieces together. In certain situations, it becomes almost impossible for a single person to understand and handle all the pieces. Solving the puzzle becomes a collective approach where the complexity is broken in manageable parts in the detriment of other aspects.

Writing a concept is a time-consuming task. The more accuracy and details are needed, the longer it takes to write and review the document, time that’s usually stolen from other project phases, especially when the phases are considered as sequential. It takes about 20% from the total effort needed to write a ‘perfect’ concept for writing a concept that covers only 80% of the facts, while 80% from the effort to consider the remaining 20% of the facts as the later involve multiple iterations. In extremis, aiming for perfection will make one start the implementation late or not start at all. It’s a not understandable pedantry with an important impact on projects'
 timeline and quality in the hope of a quality increase, which is sometimes even illusory.

The Ugly: The concept-based approach is brought to extreme in ERP implementations where for each process or business area is needed to write a concept, which often carries fancy names – solution design document, technical design document, business process document, etc. Independently how it is called, the purpose is to describe how the solution is implemented. The problem is that the conceptualization phase tends to take much longer than planned given the dependencies between the various business area in terms of functionality and activities. The complexity can become overwhelming, with an important impact on project’s budget, time and quality.

25 December 2019

Software Engineering: Mea Culpa (Part II: The Beginnings)

Software Engineering
Software Engineering Series

I started programming at 14-15 years old with logical schemas made on paper, based mainly on simple mathematical algorithms like solving equations of second degree, finding prime or special numbers, and other simple tricks from the mathematical world available for a student at that age. It was challenging to learn programming based only on schemas, though, looking back, I think it was the best learning basis a programmer could have, because it allowed me thinking logically and it was also a good exercise, as one was forced to validate mentally or on paper the outputs.

Then I moved to learning Basic and later Pascal on old generation Spectrum computers, mainly having a keyboard with 64K memory and an improvised monitor. It felt almost like a holiday when one had the chance to work 45 minutes or so on an IBM computer with just 640K memory. It was also a motivation to stay long after hours to write a few more lines of code. Even if it made no big difference in what concerns the speed, the simple idea of using a more advanced computer was a big deal.

The jump from logical schemas to actual programming was huge, as we moved from static formulas to exploratory methods like the ones of finding the roots of equations of upper degrees by using approximation methods, working with permutations and a few other combinatoric tools, interpolation methods, and so on. Once I got my own 64K Spectrum keyboard, a new world opened, having more time to play with 2- and 3-dimensional figures, location problems and so on. It was probably the time I got most interesting exposure to things not found in the curricula.  

Further on, during the university years I moved to Fortran, back to Pascal and dBASE, and later to C and C++, the focus being further on mathematical and sorting algorithms, working with matrices, and so on. I have to admit that it was a big difference between the students who came from 2-3 hours of Informatics per week (like I did) and the ones coming from lyceums specialized on Informatics, this especially during years in which learning materials were almost inexistent. In the end all went well.

The jumping through so many programming languages, some quite old for the respective times, even if allowed acquiring different perspectives, it felt sometimes like  a waste of time, especially when one was limited to using the campus computers, and that only during lab hours. That was the reality of those times. Fortunately, the university years went faster than they came. Almost one year after graduation, with a little help, some effort and benevolence, I managed to land a job as web developer, jumping from an interlude with Java to ASP, JavaScript, HTML, ColdFusion, ActionScript, SQL, XML and a few other programming languages ‘en vogue’ during the 2000.

Somewhere between graduation and my first job, my life changed when I was able to buy my own PC (a Pentium). It was the best investment I could make, mainly because it allowed me to be independent of what I was doing at work. It allowed me learning the basics of OOP programming based on Visual Basic and occasionally on Visual C++ and C#. Most of the meaningful learning happened after work, from the few books available, full of mistakes and other challenges.

That was my beginning. It is not my intent to brag about how much or how many programming languages I learned - knowledge is anyway relative - but to differentiate between the realities of then and today, as a bridge over time.

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16 December 2019

IT: Technology (Just the Quotes)

"Systems engineering embraces every scientific and technical concept known, including economics, management, operations, maintenance, etc. It is the job of integrating an entire problem or problem to arrive at one overall answer, and the breaking down of this answer into defined units which are selected to function compatibly to achieve the specified objectives. [...] Instrument and control engineering is but one aspect of systems engineering - a vitally important and highly publicized aspect, because the ability to create automatic controls within overall systems has made it possible to achieve objectives never before attainable, While automatic controls are vital to systems which are to be controlled, every aspect of a system is essential. Systems engineering is unbiased, it demands only what is logically required. Control engineers have been the leaders in pulling together a systems approach in the various technologies." (Instrumentation Technology, 1957)

"Doing engineering is practicing the art of the organized forcing of technological change." (George Spencer-Brown, Electronics, Vol. 32 (47),  1959)

"The decision which achieves organization objectives must be both (1) technologically sound and (2) carried out by people. If we lose sight of the second requirement or if we assume naively that people can be made to carry out whatever decisions are technically soundwe run the risk of decreasing rather than increasing the effectiveness of the organization." (Douglas McGregor, "The Human Side of Enterprise", 1960)

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." (Arthur C Clarke, "Profiles of the Future: An Inquiry into the Limits of the Possible", 1962)

"Science is the reduction of the bewildering diversity of unique events to manageable uniformity within one of a number of symbol systems, and technology is the art of using these symbol systems so as to control and organize unique events. Scientific observation is always a viewing of things through the refracting medium of a symbol system, and technological praxis is always handling of things in ways that some symbol system has dictated. Education in science and technology is essentially education on the symbol level." (Aldous L Huxley, "Essay", Daedalus, 1962)

"Engineering is the art of skillful approximation; the practice of gamesmanship in the highest form. In the end it is a method broad enough to tame the unknown, a means of combing disciplined judgment with intuition, courage with responsibility, and scientific competence within the practical aspects of time, of cost, and of talent. This is the exciting view of modern-day engineering that a vigorous profession can insist be the theme for education and training of its youth. It is an outlook that generates its strength and its grandeur not in the discovery of facts but in their application; not in receiving, but in giving. It is an outlook that requires many tools of science and the ability to manipulate them intelligently In the end, it is a welding of theory and practice to build an early, strong, and useful result. Except as a valuable discipline of the mind, a formal education in technology is sterile until it is applied." (Ronald B Smith, "Professional Responsibility of Engineering", Mechanical Engineering Vol. 86 (1), 1964)

"It is a commonplace of modern technology that there is a high measure of certainty that problems have solutions before there is knowledge of how they are to be solved." (John K Galbraith, "The New Industrial State", 1967)

"In many ways, project management is similar to functional or traditional management. The project manager, however, may have to accomplish his ends through the efforts of individuals who are paid and promoted by someone else in the chain of command. The pacing factor in acquiring a new plant, in building a bridge, or in developing a new product is often not technology, but management. The technology to accomplish an ad hoc project may be in hand but cannot be put to proper use because the approach to the management is inadequate and unrealistic. Too often this failure can be attributed to an attempt to fit the project to an existing management organization, rather than molding the management to fit the needs of the project. The project manager, therefore, is somewhat of a maverick in the business world. No set pattern exists by which he can operate. His philosophy of management may depart radically from traditional theory." (David I Cleland & William R King, "Systems Analysis and Project Management", 1968)

"Technological invention and innovation are the business of engineering. They are embodied in engineering change." (Daniel V DeSimone & Hardy Cross, "Education for Innovation", 1968)

"Advanced technology required the collaboration of diverse professions and organizations, often with ambiguous or highly interdependent jurisdictions. In such situations, many of our highly touted rational management techniques break down; and new non-engineering approaches are necessary for the solution of these 'systems' problems." (Leonard R Sayles &Margaret K Chandler, "Managing Large Systems: The Large-Scale Approach", 1971)

"It follows from this that man's most urgent and pre-emptive need is maximally to utilize cybernetic science and computer technology within a general systems framework, to build a meta-systemic reality which is now only dimly envisaged. Intelligent and purposeful application of rapidly developing telecommunications and teleprocessing technology should make possible a degree of worldwide value consensus heretofore unrealizable." (Richard F Ericson, "Visions of Cybernetic Organizations", 1972)

"Technology can relieve the symptoms of a problem without affecting the underlying causes. Faith in technology as the ultimate solution to all problems can thus divert our attention from the most fundamental problem - the problem of growth in a finite system." (Donella A Meadows, "The Limits to Growth", 1972)

"Modern scientific principle has been drawn from the investigation of natural laws, technology has developed from the experience of doing, and the two have been combined by means of mathematical system to form what we call engineering." (George S Emmerson, "Engineering Education: A Social History", 1973)

"The system of nature, of which man is a part, tends to be self-balancing, self-adjusting, self-cleansing. Not so with technology." (Ernst F Schumacher, "Small is Beautiful", 1973)

"Above all, innovation is not invention. It is a term of economics rather than of technology. [...] The measure of innovation is the impact on the environment. [...] To manage innovation, a manager has to be at least literate with respect to the dynamics of innovation." (Peter F Drucker, "People and Performance", 1977)

"Numeracy has two facets-reading and writing, or extracting numerical information and presenting it. The skills of data presentation may at first seem ad hoc and judgmental, a matter of style rather than of technology, but certain aspects can be formalized into explicit rules, the equivalent of elementary syntax." (Andrew Ehrenberg, "Rudiments of Numeracy", Journal of Royal Statistical Society, 1977)

"Engineering or Technology is the making of things that did not previously exist, whereas science is the discovering of things that have long existed." (David Billington, "The Tower and the Bridge: The New Art of Structural Engineering", 1983)

"No matter how high or how excellent technology may be and how much capital may be accumulated, unless the group of human beings which comprise the enterprise works together toward one unified goal, the enterprise is sure to go down the path of decline." (Takashi Ishihara, Cherry Blossoms and Robotics, 1983)

"People’s views of the world, of themselves, of their own capabilities, and of the tasks that they are asked to perform, or topics they are asked to learn, depend heavily on the conceptualizations that they bring to the task. In interacting with the environment, with others, and with the artifacts of technology, people form internal, mental models of themselves and of the things with which they are interacting. These models provide predictive and explanatory power for understanding the interaction." (Donald A Norman, "Some observations on Mental Models", 1983)

"With the changes in technological complexity, especially in information technology, the leadership task has changed. Leadership in a networked organization is a fundamentally different thing from leadership in a traditional hierarchy." (Edgar Schein, "Organizational Culture and Leadership", 1985)

"[Computer and other technical managers] must become business managers or risk landing on the technological rubbish heap." (Jim Leeke, PC Week, 1987)

"Most managers are not capable of making decisions involving complex technological matters without help - lots of it. [...] The finest technical people on the job should have a dual role: doing technical work and advising management." (Philip W Metzger, "Managing Programming People", 1987)

"People don't want to understand all the components; they just want to make it [the technology] happen." (Bernadine Nicodemus, PC Week, 1987)

"The major problems of our work are not so much technological as sociological in nature. Most managers are willing to concede the idea that they’​​​​​​ve got more people worries than technical worries. But they seldom manage that way. They manage as though technology were their principal concern. They spend their time puzzling over the most convoluted and most interesting puzzles that their people will have to solve, almost as though they themselves were going to do the work rather than manage it. […] The main reason we tend to focus on the technical rather than the human side of the work is not because it’​​​​​​s more crucial, but because it’​​​​​​s easier to do." (Tom DeMarco & Timothy Lister, "Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams", 1987)

"Information technology can capture and process data, and expert systems can to some extent supply knowledge, enabling people to make their own decisions. As the doers become self-managing and self-controlling, hierarchy - and the slowness and bureaucracy associated with it - disappears." (Michael M Hammer, "Reengineering Work: Don't Automate, Obliterate", Magazine, 1990) [source]

"The new information technologies can be seen to drive societies toward increasingly dynamic high-energy regions further and further from thermodynamical equilibrium, characterized by decreasing specific entropy and increasingly dense free-energy flows, accessed and processed by more and more complex social, economic, and political structures." (Ervin László, "Information Technology and Social Change: An Evolutionary Systems Analysis", Behavioral Science 37, 1992)

"Ignorance of science and technology is becoming the ultimate self-indulgent luxury." (Jeremy Bernstein, "Cranks, Quarks, and the Cosmos: Writings on Science", 1993)

"Technology is nothing. What’s important is that you have a faith in people, that they’re basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they’ll do wonderful things with them." (Steve Jobs, Rolling Stone, 1994)

"Now that knowledge is taking the place of capital as the driving force in organizations worldwide, it is all too easy to confuse data with knowledge and information technology with information." (Peter Drucker, "Managing in a Time of Great Change", 1995)

"Commonly, the threats to strategy are seen to emanate from outside a company because of changes in technology or the behavior of competitors. Although external changes can be the problem, the greater threat to strategy often comes from within. A sound strategy is undermined by a misguided view of competition, by organizational failures, and, especially, by the desire to grow." (Michael E Porter, "What is Strategy?", Harvard Business Review, 1996)

"Management is a set of processes that can keep a complicated system of people and technology running smoothly. The most important aspects of management include planning, budgeting, organizing, staffing, controlling, and problem solving. Leadership is a set of processes that creates organizations in the first place or adapts them to significantly changing circumstances. Leadership defines what the future should look like, aligns people with that vision, and inspires them to make it happen despite the obstacles." (John P Kotter, "Leading Change", 1996)

"Networks constitute the new social morphology of our societies, and the diffusion of networking logic substantially modifies the operation and outcomes in processes of production, experience, power, and culture. While the networking form of social organization has existed in other times and spaces, the new information technology paradigm provides the material basis for its pervasive expansion throughout the entire social structure." (Manuel Castells, "The Rise of the Network Society", 1996)

"Issues of quality, timeliness and change are the conditions that are forcing us to face up to the issues of enterprise architecture. The precedent of all the older disciplines known today establishes the concept of architecture as central to the ability to produce quality and timely results and to manage change in complex products. Architecture is the cornerstone for containing enterprise frustration and leveraging technology innovations to fulfill the expectations of a viable and dynamic Information Age enterprise." (John Zachman, "Enterprise Architecture: The Issue of The Century", 1997)

"The Enterprise Architecture is the explicit description of the current and desired relationships among business and management process and information technology. It describes the 'target' situation which the agency wishes to create and maintain by managing its IT portfolio." (Franklin D Raines, 1997)

"All things being equal, choose technology that connects. […] This aspect of technology has increasing importance, at times overshadowing such standbys as speed and price. If you are in doubt about what technology to purchase, get the stuff that will connect the most widely, the most often, and in the most ways. Avoid anything that resembles an island, no matter how well endowed that island is." (Kevin Kelly, "New Rules for the New Economy: 10 radical strategies for a connected world", 1998)

"Beauty is more important in computing than anywhere else in technology because software is so complicated. Beauty is the ultimate defense against complexity." (David Gelernter, "Machine Beauty: Elegance And The Heart Of Technolog", 1998)

"Modelling techniques on powerful computers allow us to simulate the behaviour of complex systems without having to understand them.  We can do with technology what we cannot do with science.  […] The rise of powerful technology is not an unconditional blessing.  We have  to deal with what we do not understand, and that demands new  ways of thinking." (Paul Cilliers,"Complexity and Postmodernism: Understanding Complex Systems", 1998)

"Technology is no panacea. It will never solve the ills or injustices of society. Technology can do only one thing for us - but it is an astonishing thing: Technology brings us an increase in opportunities." (Kevin Kelly, "New Rules for the New Economy: 10 radical strategies for a connected world", 1998)

"A primary reason that evolution - of life-forms or technology - speeds up is that it builds on its own increasing order." (Ray Kurzweil, "The Age of Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence", 1999) 

"As systems became more varied and more complex, we find that no single methodology suffices to deal with them. This is particularly true of what may be called information intelligent systems - systems which form the core of modern technology. To conceive, design, analyze and use such systems we frequently have to employ the totality of tools that are available. Among such tools are the techniques centered on fuzzy logic, neurocomputing, evolutionary computing, probabilistic computing and related methodologies. It is this conclusion that formed the genesis of the concept of soft computing." (Lotfi A Zadeh, "The Birth and Evolution of Fuzzy Logic: A personal perspective", 1999)

"Enterprise architecture is a family of related architecture components. This include information architecture, organization and business process architecture, and information technology architecture. Each consists of architectural representations, definitions of architecture entities, their relationships, and specification of function and purpose. Enterprise architecture guides the construction and development of business organizations and business processes, and the construction and development of supporting information systems." (Gordon B Davis, "The Blackwell encyclopedic dictionary of management information systems"‎, 1999)

"Enterprise architecture is a holistic representation of all the components of the enterprise and the use of graphics and schemes are used to emphasize all parts of the enterprise, and how they are interrelated. [...] Enterprise architectures are used to deal with intra-organizational processes, interorganizational cooperation and coordination, and their shared use of information and information technologies. Business developments, such as outsourcing, partnership, alliances and Electronic Data Interchange, extend the need for architecture across company boundaries." (Gordon B Davis," The Blackwell encyclopedic dictionary of management information systems"‎, 1999)

"We do not learn much from looking at a model - we learn more from building the model and manipulating it. Just as one needs to use or observe the use of a hammer in order to really understand its function, similarly, models have to be used before they will give up their secrets. In this sense, they have the quality of a technology - the power of the model only becomes apparent in the context of its use." (Margaret Morrison & Mary S Morgan, "Models as mediating instruments", 1999)

"Periods of rapid change and high exponential growth do not, typically, last long. A new equilibrium with a new dominant technology and/or competitor is likely to be established before long. Periods of punctuation are therefore exciting and exhibit unusual uncertainty. The payoff from establishing a dominant position in this short time is therefore extraordinarily high. Dominance is more likely to come from skill in marketing and positioning than from superior technology itself." (Richar Koch, "The Power Laws", 2000)

"The business changes. The technology changes. The team changes. The team members change. The problem isn't change, per se, because change is going to happen; the problem, rather, is the inability to cope with change when it comes." (Kent Beck, "Extreme Programming Explained", 2000)

"A well-functioning team of adequate people will complete a project almost regardless of the process or technology they are asked to use (although the process and technology may help or hinder them along the way)." (Alistair Cockburn, "Agile Software Development", 2001)

"An Enterprise Architecture is a dynamic and powerful tool that helps organisations understand their own structure and the way they work. It provides a ‘map’ of the enterprise and a ‘route planner’ for business and technology change. A well-constructed Enterprise Architecture provides a foundation for the ‘Agile’ business." (Bob Jarvis, "Enterprise Architecture: Understanding the Bigger Picture - A Best Practice Guide for Decision Makers in IT", 2003)

"Normally an EA takes the form of a comprehensive set of cohesive models that describe the structure and functions of an enterprise. An important use is in systematic IT planning and architecting, and in enhanced decision-making. The EA can be regarded as the ‘master architecture’ that contains all the subarchitectures for an enterprise. The individual models in an EA are arranged in a logical manner that provides an ever-increasing level of detail about the enterprise: its objectives and goals; its processes and organisation; its systems and data; the technology used and any other relevant spheres of interest." (Bob Jarvis, "Enterprise Architecture: Understanding the Bigger Picture - A Best Practice Guide for Decision Makers in IT", 2003)

"Technology can relieve the symptoms of a problem without affecting the underlying causes. Faith in technology as the ultimate solution to all problems can thus divert our attention from the most fundamental problem - the problem of growth in a finite system - and prevent us from taking effective action to solve it." (Donella H Meadows & Dennis L Meadows, "The Limits to Growth: The 30 Year Update", 2004)

"To turn really interesting ideas and fledgling technologies into a company that can continue to innovate for years, it requires a lot of disciplines."  (Steve Jobs, BusinessWeek, 2004)

"You need a very product-oriented culture, even in a technology company. Lots of companies have tons of great engineers and smart people. But ultimately, there needs to be some gravitational force that pulls it all together. Otherwise, you can get great pieces of technology all floating around the universe." (Steve Jobs, Newsweek, 2004)

"Although the Singularity has many faces, its most important implication is this: our technology will match and then vastly exceed the refinement and suppleness of what we regard as the best of human traits." (Ray Kurzweil, "The Singularity is Near", 2005)

"The Singularity will represent the culmination of the merger of our biological thinking and existence with our technology, resulting in a world that is still human but that transcends our biological roots. There will be no distinction, post-Singularity, between human and machine or between physical and virtual reality. If you wonder what will remain unequivocally human in such a world, it’s simply this quality: ours is the species that inherently seeks to extend its physical and mental reach beyond current limitations." (Ray Kurzweil, "The Singularity is Near", 2005)

"Businesses are themselves a form of design. The design of a business encompasses its strategy, organizational structure, management processes, culture, and a host of other factors. Business designs evolve over time through a process of differentiation, selection, and amplification, with the market as the ultimate arbiter of fitness [...] the three-way coevolution of physical technologies, social technologies, and business designs [...] accounts for the patterns of change and growth we see in the economy." (Eric D Beinhocker, "The Origin of Wealth. Evolution, complexity, and the radical remaking of economics", 2006)

"Enterprise architecture is the organizing logic for business processes and IT infrastructure reflecting the integration and standardization requirements of a company's operation model. […] The key to effective enterprise architecture is to identify the processes, data, technology, and customer interfaces that take the operating model from vision to reality." (Jeanne W Ross et al, "Enterprise architecture as strategy: creating a foundation for business", 2006)

"Chance is just as real as causation; both are modes of becoming.  The way to model a random process is to enrich the mathematical theory of probability with a model of a random mechanism. In the sciences, probabilities are never made up or 'elicited' by observing the choices people make, or the bets they are willing to place.  The reason is that, in science and technology, interpreted probability exactifies objective chance, not gut feeling or intuition. No randomness, no probability." (Mario Bunge, "Chasing Reality: Strife over Realism", 2006)

"Most dashboards fail to communicate efficiently and effectively, not because of inadequate technology (at least not primarily), but because of poorly designed implementations. No matter how great the technology, a dashboard's success as a medium of communication is a product of design, a result of a display that speaks clearly and immediately. Dashboards can tap into the tremendous power of visual perception to communicate, but only if those who implement them understand visual perception and apply that understanding through design principles and practices that are aligned with the way people see and think." (Stephen Few, "Information Dashboard Design", 2006)

"The big part of the challenge is that data quality does not improve by itself or as a result of general IT advancements. Over the years, the onus of data quality improvement was placed on modern database technologies and better information systems. [...] In reality, most IT processes affect data quality negatively, Thus, if we do nothing, data quality will continuously deteriorate to the point where the data will become a huge liability." (Arkady Maydanchik, "Data Quality Assessment", 2007)

"The corporate data universe consists of numerous databases linked by countless real-time and batch data feeds. The data continuously move about and change. The databases are endlessly redesigned and upgraded, as are the programs responsible for data exchange. The typical result of this dynamic is that information systems get better, while data deteriorates. This is very unfortunate since it is the data quality that determines the intrinsic value of the data to the business and consumers. Information technology serves only as a magnifier for this intrinsic value. Thus, high quality data combined with effective technology is a great asset, but poor quality data combined with effective technology is an equally great liability." (Arkady Maydanchik, "Data Quality Assessment", 2007)

"Enterprise architecture is the process of translating business vision and strategy into effective enterprise change by creating, communicating and improving the key requirements, principles and models that describe the enterprise's future state and enable its evolution. The scope of the enterprise architecture includes the people, processes, information and technology of the enterprise, and their relationships to one another and to the external environment. Enterprise architects compose holistic solutions that address the business challenges of the enterprise and support the governance needed to implement them." (Anne Lapkin et al, "Gartner Clarifies the Definition of the Term 'Enterprise Architecture", 2008)

"Synergy occurs when organizational parts interact to produce a joint effect that is greater than the sum of the parts acting alone. As a result the organization may attain a special advantage with respect to cost, market power, technology, or employee." (Richard L Daft, "The Leadership Experience" 4th Ed., 2008)

"The butterfly effect demonstrates that complex dynamical systems are highly responsive and interconnected webs of feedback loops. It reminds us that we live in a highly interconnected world. Thus our actions within an organization can lead to a range of unpredicted responses and unexpected outcomes. This seriously calls into doubt the wisdom of believing that a major organizational change intervention will necessarily achieve its pre-planned and highly desired outcomes. Small changes in the social, technological, political, ecological or economic conditions can have major implications over time for organizations, communities, societies and even nations." (Elizabeth McMillan, "Complexity, Management and the Dynamics of Change: Challenges for practice", 2008)

"What’s next for technology and design? A lot less thinking about technology for technology’s sake, and a lot more thinking about design. Art humanizes technology and makes it understandable. Design is needed to make sense of information overload. It is why art and design will rise in importance during this century as we try to make sense of all the possibilities that digital technology now affords." (John Maeda, "Why Apple Leads the Way in Design", 2010) 

"Enterprise Architecture presently appears to be a grossly misunderstood concept among management. It is NOT an Information Technology issue. It is an ENTERPRISE issue. It is likely perceived to be an Information Technology issue as opposed to a Management issue for two reasons: (1) Awareness of it tends to surface in the Enterprise through the Information Systems community. (2) Information Technology people seem to have the skills to do Enterprise Architecture if any Enterprise Architecture is being or is to be done." (John A Zachman, 2011)

"Today, technology has lowered the barrier for others to share their opinion about what we should be focusing on. It is not just information overload; it is opinion overload." (Greg McKeown, "Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less", 2014)

"We have let ourselves become enchanted by big data only because we exoticize technology. We’re impressed with small feats accomplished by computers alone, but we ignore big achievements from complementarity because the human contribution makes them less uncanny. Watson, Deep Blue, and ever-better machine learning algorithms are cool. But the most valuable companies in the future won’t ask what problems can be solved with computers alone. Instead, they’ll ask: how can computers help humans solve hard problems?" (Peter Thiel & Blake Masters, "Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future", 2014)

"Technological change is discontinuous and difficult. It is a radical change in that it forces people to deal with the world in a different way, that is, it changes the world of experience." (William Byers, "Deep Thinking: What Mathematics Can Teach Us About the Mind", 2015)

"The problem with artificial intelligence and information technology is that they promise a methodology that would lead to a way of solving all problems - a self-generating technology that would apply to all situations without the need for new human insights and leaps of creativity." (William Byers, "Deep Thinking: What Mathematics Can Teach Us About the Mind", 2015)

"Technology systems are difficult to wrangle. Our systems grow in accidental complexity and complication over time. Sometimes we can succumb to thinking that other people really hold the cards, that they have the puppet strings we don’t." (Eben Hewitt, "Technology Strategy Patterns: Architecture as strategy" 2nd Ed., 2019)

"Technology is not a magic pill that can solve inadequacies in processes." (Jared Lane, "Why Companies Should Stop Making Digital Transformation A Science Project", 2021) [source]

"Always remember what you originally wanted the system to accomplish. Having the latest, greatest system and a flashy data center to boot is not what data processing is supposed to be all about. It is supposed to help the bottom line, not hinder it." (Richard S Rubin)

"The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency." (Bill Gates)

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IT Professional with more than 24 years experience in IT in the area of full life-cycle of Web/Desktop/Database Applications Development, Software Engineering, Consultancy, Data Management, Data Quality, Data Migrations, Reporting, ERP implementations & support, Team/Project/IT Management, etc.