25 December 2024

💎🏭SQL Reloaded: Microsoft Fabric's SQL Databases (Part II: Under the Hood) [new feature]

The first tests performed with Microsoft Fabric's SQL databases (see previous post) revealed that with small exceptions many of the objects and administration scripts I built for SQL Server 2005 up to 2022 worked until now with minimal changes, though the tests made focused only on the standard basic functionality - the use of user-defined functions, stored procedures, views, respectively DMVs. As usual, the devil probably hides in details.

First of all, one can easily check current database's configuration settings via the sys.configurations:

-- database configuration values
SELECT cnf.configuration_id
, cnf.name
, cnf.description
, cnf.value 
, cnf.minimum 
, cnf.maximum 
, cnf.value_in_use 
, cnf.is_dynamic 
, cnf.is_advanced 
FROM sys.configurations cnf
WHERE value <> 0 
--WHERE name LIKE 'data%'
ORDER BY cnf.name 

One can look also at the database-scoped configuration via the sys.database_scoped_configurations, especially at the records whose value deviates from the default:

-- SQL database - database scoped configuration
, value
, value_for_secondary
, is_value_default 
FROM sys.database_scoped_configurations
WHERE is_value_default <>1 --search for deviations from default
--WHERE name=N'MAXDOP' -- search for individual values
name value value_for_secondary is_value_default
MAXDOP 8 False

Querying the sys.databases revealed that there seems to be only one system database available, namely the master database used to retrieve the definition of the system objects. In what concerns the various properties, it's probably important to check the compatibility level, the collation name, and other settings that apply:

-- database information
SELECT db.database_id
, db.[name] AS database_name
, db.recovery_model_desc 
, db.log_reuse_wait_desc 
, db.[compatibility_level] 
, db.page_verify_option_desc 
, db.collation_name
, db.user_access_desc
, db.is_change_feed_enabled
, db.is_data_lake_replication_enabled
FROM sys.databases AS db
database_id database_name recovery_model_desc log_reuse_wait_desc compatibility_level page_verify_option_desc collation_name user_access_desc is_change_feed_enabled is_data_lake_replication_enabled
1 master FULL NOTHING 160 CHECKSUM SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS MULTI_USER False False
26 AdventureWorks01-... FULL NOTHING 160 CHECKSUM SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS MULTI_USER True True

Unfortunately, it's not possible to change a database's collation, though other collations on individual columns are supported [2]. Compared to the standard SQL Server, it's not possible to change the compatibility level to a previous value. It will be interesting to see whether an SQL database will use always the latest version of SQL Server or whether future compatibility levels are supported in parallel.

There is no tempdb listed, though querying directly the objects from tempdb by using 3-part references allows to retrieve their content. For example, the following query retrieves the various database files available currently:

-- SQL database: tempdb files 
SELECT dbf.file_id
, dbf.name file_name
--, dbf.physical_name
, dsp.name file_group
--, type 
, dbf.type_desc file_type
--, dbf.growth growth_kb
, Cast(dbf.growth/128.0  as decimal(18,2)) growth_mb
--, dbf.is_percent_growth
--, dbf.max_size max_size_kb
, Cast(NullIf(dbf.max_size, -1)/128.0  as decimal(18,2)) max_size_mb
--, dbf.size file_size_kb
, Cast(dbf.size/128.0 as decimal(18,2)) file_size_mb
, dbf.state_desc 
, dbf.is_read_only 
FROM tempdb.sys.database_files dbf
     LEFT JOIN tempdb.sys.data_spaces dsp
       ON dbf.data_space_id = dsp.data_space_id
ORDER BY dbf.Name
file_id file_name file_group file_type growth_mb max_size_mb file_size_mb state_desc is_read_only
1 tempdev PRIMARY ROWS 256.00 32768.00 16.00 ONLINE False
11 tempdev10 PRIMARY ROWS 256.00 32768.00 16.00 ONLINE False
12 tempdev11 PRIMARY ROWS 256.00 32768.00 16.00 ONLINE False
13 tempdev12 PRIMARY ROWS 256.00 32768.00 16.00 ONLINE False
14 tempdev13 PRIMARY ROWS 256.00 32768.00 16.00 ONLINE False
15 tempdev14 PRIMARY ROWS 256.00 32768.00 16.00 ONLINE False
16 tempdev15 PRIMARY ROWS 256.00 32768.00 16.00 ONLINE False
17 tempdev16 PRIMARY ROWS 256.00 32768.00 16.00 ONLINE False
3 tempdev2 PRIMARY ROWS 256.00 32768.00 16.00 ONLINE False
4 tempdev3 PRIMARY ROWS 256.00 32768.00 16.00 ONLINE False
5 tempdev4 PRIMARY ROWS 256.00 32768.00 16.00 ONLINE False
6 tempdev5 PRIMARY ROWS 256.00 32768.00 16.00 ONLINE False
7 tempdev6 PRIMARY ROWS 256.00 32768.00 16.00 ONLINE False
8 tempdev7 PRIMARY ROWS 256.00 32768.00 16.00 ONLINE False
9 tempdev8 PRIMARY ROWS 256.00 32768.00 16.00 ONLINE False
10 tempdev9 PRIMARY ROWS 256.00 32768.00 16.00 ONLINE False
2 templog LOG 64.00 216256.00 16.00 ONLINE False

By removing the reference to tempdb from the query, one can get the same information for the current database. For the SalesLT were created only two database and one log file. 

There seems to be no msdb database, used primarily by the SQL Server Agent for scheduling alerts and jobs. This implies that the functionality based on it won't work and one needs to find alternatives!

Looking at the feature comparison from [2], the most important are the lack of support for always encrypted, auditing, bulk inserts, change data capture (CDC), elastic queries, full-text search, in-memory optimization, ledger, OPENROWSET. In addition it supports cross-database three-part name queries via the SQL analytics endpoint [2].

Until now, the most annoying fact is that in the web UI results are returned in different "pages", and thus makes it a bit more challenging to navigate the output. However, using a cursor to iterate through the results and saving the content to a table solves the problem (see link). The last query from the post was used to retrieve the system objects together with the number of records returned. 

Happy coding!

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[1] Microsoft Learn (2024) Frequently asked questions for SQL database in Microsoft Fabric (preview) [link]
[2] Microsoft Learn (2024) Features comparison: Azure SQL Database and SQL database in Microsoft Fabric (preview) [link]

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Koeln, NRW, Germany
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