18 December 2023

💫Process Management: "Invoice Capture" Process Diagram in Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations


Invoice Capture is a Power Apps-based application available in Dynamics 365 CRM and deeply integrated with Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations (D365 F&O, or simply F&O). The App is designed to provide end-to-end invoice automation of Vendor invoices (see previous post for an overview). The below diagram attempts to depict the corresponding process, typically performed by the AP Clerk role, however there are also steps that are "automated" and thus performed by the System, respectively that can be performed by both actors. In addition, there are optimization and setup activities that are performed by somebody with the Administrator role. 

Invoice Capture process diagram
Invoice Capture process diagram

(1) The process diagram focuses on the main flow of data and the main exceptions. Existing and new features in Invoice Capture might change the flow of data, making the whole diagram or parts of it obsolete. Please refer to the standard documentation [1].
(2) The diagram attempts to accommodate all types of Invoices types, however I haven't tested to the full extent the Purchase Order based scenarios.
(3) Once an invoice for the same Vendor, Address and lines was processed several times, the system should be capable in time to correctly process and transfer the Invoice to F&O without AP Clerk's involvement. 

Import/Upload Invoice

The Power App listens on the configured channels (e.g. Outlook, SharePoint, OneDrive) and the incoming documents (including signature images, receipt confirmations or reminders, other attachments) are imported in the App and made available under 'Received files' page. 

Alternatively, the invoices received in hard-paper format can be scanned and be either imported manually in Invoice Capture, respectively over the configured channels. 

Troubleshoot Invoice import

The Power Automate import flows might fail to import a file if any of the documented limitations applies, for example:

  • only JPG, JPEG, TIF, TIFF, PDF with a maximum of 20 MB are accepted;
  • in Outlook the email landed in other folder than Inbox.

To troubleshoot this, one can try to resend the email, or import the file manually in Invoice capture/ 
Check the documentation, for a complete list of the limitations!

Capture Invoice

Once imported, the files are processed by the OCR service and moved to the ‘Captured invoices’ page if their processing is successful. The extracted metadata is used to create the Invoice record (header, lines, charges, etc.).

Void document

Files that don’t qualify as Invoices (e.g. signature images, attachments) hang in the 'Received files' page and need to be voided by the AP Clerk on a regular basis. The voided files together with duplicates of the files already processes are available in the ‘Captured invoices (Voided)’ view from where can be deleted permanently.

Troubleshoot Invoice processing

It can happen that valid files hang in ‘Received files’ with one of the following statuses:

  • 'Cancelled': Use 'Retry' to restart their processing.
  • 'Processing': Export/download the file manually and reprocess it, while voiding the previous entry.

The files created via non-standard tools (e.g. PDF files) can lead to incorrect metadata extraction. In other cases, special formatting might impede metadata's extraction. Upon case, one can donate the file to Microsoft and have the AI model trained by them. 

Create Master Data (D365 F&O)

When the Vendor is not available, it needs to be created in F&O from where it will be synchronized in almost real-time to the App. At minimum, it needs to be provided the Vendor Number and Name, though Vendor's creation should be done according to the general policies available in the Organization. 

Similarly for new Products, however the setup must be complete at least for the Legal entity in scope, otherwise Invoice's processing in F&O might stop. See the "Create Product" process diagram. 

The setup for new Expense types (aka Procurement categories in F&O) must follow the standard setup. One can misuse an existing Expense type and do the correction in F&O, however this might lead to further issues if the correction isn't made.

Upon case other entities might be involved (e.g. Unit of Measure4) however they should be considered as part of the general setup for Invoice Capture.

Classify Invoice 

Classifying the invoice involves identifying the Legal entity (LE), assigning the Vendor, respectively providing the Invoice type. If a similar Invoice for the same Vendor was previously processed, the values will be taken as default, though they can be modified accordingly.

A channel can be linked to a LE, and in this case the respective LE is provided as default value. Secondly, a mapping rule can be defined for the LE when a unique keyword is expected to be available in the Address. Otherwise, the AP Clerk can assign the LE manually. 
Please note that the way the permissions were set up in CRM can affect what the members of the AP Clerk can see. E.g. users that have restricted roles in CRM will see only the records associated with the LE they were assigned to. In such cases, somebody else must assign the LE to a record without a LE. 

Similarly, a mapping rule can be defined also for the Vendors when a keyword in Vendor's name is unique.

Currently, there are 3 types of Invoices: 'PO invoice', 'Header-only invoice', respectively 'Cost invoice'. The first two can be used only in combination with a PO, while a Cost invoice is used for expenses for which no PO exists. 

Start Review

Once the Invoice was correctly classified, the AP Clerk can start reviewing the Invoice record generated from the extracted metadata. 

Correct Invoice

The AP Clerk must check the recognized metadata from the Invoice header, line and Charges against the invoice, correct or confirm the values, respectively complete the missing data. The financial dimensions, the Currency, the Item, the Expense type (aka Procurement Category in F&O) and the Unit of Measure. 

Unfortunately, there are complex Invoice layouts that make it challenging for OCR to correctly extract the line-based information. It might be needed to add or remove Lines and Charges individually or completely.

Complete Review

Once the errors and warnings are handled, the AP Clerk can complete the review, however further error may appear as part of the validation routine. 

Troubleshoot Invoice issues 

Besides the mandatory fields, several constraints apply:

  • The line total must match the header amount.
  • The Quantity and Net amount must have the same sign. Thus, if the amount must be negative, the Quantity must be also negative.
  • If not Invoice number is available, use a standard way for defining such values.
Several fields are already marked as mandatory. Consider extending the list with the attributes needed by the business. 

Transfer Invoice 

The Invoice can be transferred to F&O when no errors exist. F&O must be online for this step to be successful. 

Monitor Invoice Capture

Monitoring typically regards the whole process, though three points need special attention: (1) the import of Invoices into Invoice Capture; (2) the Invoices hanging in the 'Received files' area, respectively (3) the Invoices not transferred to F&O.

Ideally, there should be a set of reports and metrics on the CRM side to help in the process. 

Optimize Invoice Capture setup

There are several setup areas that can improve users experience while using Invoice Capture. The initial setup reflects one's knowledge about Invoice Capture, however in time optimizations can be identified especially in what concerns the mapping rules. 

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[1] Microsoft Learn (2023) Invoice capture overview (link)

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