14 December 2023

💫ERP Systems: Microsoft Dynamics 365's Invoice Capture (Some Thoughts to Start with)

Enterprise Resource Planning


It's almost the year end and it's time for reviewing what went good and not that good during the year. On the "successful projects" list I can put the Invoice Capture implementation. I wrote on a previous post a short review on what the feature is about.

I had the chance of configuring Invoice Capture for Cost invoices (invoices without Purchase orders) while it was still in public preview, and we went live soon after the feature became generally available. The implementation had its challenges though in the end it was a positive experience, learning a lot from my colleagues, from Microsoft, other consultants and business users who embarked on the same journey. 

Where to Start?

Usually, it's a good idea to start with the documentation and the standard training material, which provides a good overview of what Invoice Capture is about, the steps needed for configuration, the processes involved, permissions, etc. 

You should check also the "Invoice Capture for Dynamics 365" group on Yammer (aka Viva) because besides the latest version of the Implementation Guide document are published in there also the Release notes and training videos associated with them, to which other users provide (lot of) feedback and questions. Some information is first available in the group and much later made available in the documentation. If you're facing an error or a challenge, more likely there's a conversation in there and the answer you're looking for. Otherwise, you can start a thread and the others will try to help. At least until now, Microsoft was quite active in helping.

Via FastTrack, Microsoft provided several sessions in Dec-2022 (preview) and Sep-2023 (GA) that can be used to get a good overview about the feature and its implementation. Frankly, I would start with the last session and then explore the other resources. In the process I found useful several other resources, mainly YouTube content - see Dan's Corner (link), DAFTD365 - and LinkedIn - see Hendrik M Larsen's posts

You might want to also check the Release planner for Finance, to see what features are in the pipeline, respectively the Ideas for Dynamics to get an idea what kind of improvements others wish for. 

In parallel, one can start sketching the "AS IS" and "TO BE" processes, and eventually put together a business case for using Invoice Capture to digitize the processing of Vendor invoices. This isn't a simple Change request, therefore it makes sense to start a project, though its scope is relatively small. 

Bridging the Gap

One can look at the "TO BE" process based on the functionality provided, respectively planned by Microsoft for Invoice capture, or look at the broader picture and sketch how an ideal digitized process should look like. If the gap between the two pictures is big, then might be a good idea to look at alternatives, which anyway should be done as part of the business case. There might be third-party tools out there (e,g, ExFlow) which provide similar functionality, however on the long term it makes sense to go with Microsoft, even if the full extent of the functionality might be not available. 

A review of other tools might be good - to understand how the ISV's approached the integration, what kind of features they provide, respectively whether the ideal digitized process makes sense. Conversely, this will imply more effort.

The current version of Invoice capture provides a good basis to build upon. One can use Power Apps or Power Automate to address some of the gaps, some gaps can be discussed with Microsoft and stress their importance, while other gaps are maybe not that important and can be dismissed. One way or another one must be ready to compromise as long as this doesn't have an important impact on the business. 

The Project

The scope of the project might be relatively small, though one should follow the best practices of Project Management and make sure that all important stakeholders are involved, that the right resources are available when needed, manage the requirements adequately, assure that the changes are adequately tested, that the users are trained, the process documented, etc.

It's important to understand that the simple configuration of Invoice capture will not be the end of the effort. As Microsoft will release further features directly and indirectly related to Invoice Capture, additional effort might be involved after the implementation went live to address the gaps, opportunities, as well as the risks. Moreover, Invoice Capture requires a learning curve; addressing the lessons learned might involve further changes in the system's setup as well in data's management. Therefore, further effort must be planned accordingly. 

Even if we talk about a full implementation or the implementation of a feature, the overall success tends to be more dependent on how the implementation is approached than on the technology involved. 

Closing Thoughts

Some of the points made here can be applied to similar feature implementations. Overall, it's important to gather enough information to start the project and in time to reach the level of depth required by it. Don't expect for things to be perfect, start small and evolve, prioritize, cover the gaps, optimize!

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Koeln, NRW, Germany
IT Professional with more than 25 years experience in IT in the area of full life-cycle of Web/Desktop/Database Applications Development, Software Engineering, Consultancy, Data Management, Data Quality, Data Migrations, Reporting, ERP implementations & support, Team/Project/IT Management, etc.