22 February 2014

🕸Systems Engineering: Resilience (Definitions)

"The ability of a system, community, or society exposed to hazards to resist, absorb, accommodate to and recover from the effects of a hazard in a timely and efficient manner, including through the preservation and restoration of its essential basic structures and functions." (ISDR, 2009)

"The quality of being able to absorb systemic 'shocks' without being destroyed even if recovery produces an altered state to that of the status quo ante." (Philip Cooke, "Regional Innovation Systems in Centralised States: Challenges, Chances, and Crossovers", 2015)

"A swarm is resilient if the loss of individual agents has little impact on the success of the task of the swarm." (Thalia M Laing et al, "Security in Swarm Robotics", 2016)

"Resilience is the capacity of organism or system to withstand stress and catastrophe." (Sunil L Londhe, "Climate Change and Agriculture: Impacts, Adoption, and Mitigation", 2016)

"System resilience is an ability of the system to withstand a major disruption within acceptable degradation parameters and to recover within an acceptable time." (Denis Čaleta, "Cyber Threats to Critical Infrastructure Protection: Public Private Aspects of Resilience", 2016) 

"The capacity for self-organization, and to adapt to impact factors." (Ahmed Karmaoui, Environmental Vulnerability to Climate Change in Mediterranean Basin: Socio-Ecological Interactions between North and South, 2016)

"The capacity of ecosystem to absorb disturbance, reorganize and return to an equilibrium or steady-state while undergoing some change or perturbation so that still retain essentially the same function, structure, identity, and feedbacks." (Susmita Lahiri et al, "Role of Microbes in Eco-Remediation of Perturbed Aquatic Ecosystem", 2017)

"A capability to anticipate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from significant multi-hazard threats with minimum damage to social well-being, the economy, and the environment." (Carolyn N Stevenson, "Addressing the Sustainable Development Goals Through Environmental Education", 2019)

"The conventional understanding of resilience applied to socioeconomic studies regards the bouncing-back ability of a socioeconomic system to recover from a shock or disruption. Today resilience is being influenced by an evolutionary perspective, underlining it as the bouncing-forward ability of the system to undergo anticipatory or reactionary reorganization to minimize the impact of destabilizing shocks and create new growth trajectories." (Hugo Pinto & André Guerreiro, "Resilience, Innovation, and Knowledge Transfer: Conceptual Considerations and Future Research Directions", 2019)

"Is the system capacity to rebalance after a perturbation." (Ahmed Karmaoui et al, "Composite Indicators as Decision Support Method for Flood Analysis: Flood Vulnerability Index Category", 2020)

"The ability of human or natural systems to cope with adverse events and be able to effect a quick recovery." (Maria F Casado-Claro, "Fostering Resilience by Empowering Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses in Local Communities in Post-Disaster Scenarios", 2021)

"The word resilience refers to the ability to overcome critical moments and adapt after experiencing some unusual and unexpected situation. It also indicates return to normal." (José G Vargas-Hernández, "Urban Socio-Ecosystems Green Resilience", 2021)

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