18 January 2014

🕸Systems Engineering: Self-Organization (Definitions)

"Self-organization can be defined as the spontaneous creation of a globally coherent pattern out of local interactions." (Francis Heylighen, "The Science Of Self-Organization And Adaptivity", 1970)

"Self-organization refers to the spontaneous formation of patterns and pattern change in open, nonequilibrium systems." (J A Scott Kelso, "Dynamic Patterns : The Self-organization of Brain and Behavior", 1995)

"[…] self-organization is the spontaneous emergence of new structures and new forms of behavior in open systems far from equilibrium, characterized by internal feedback loops and described mathematically by nonlinear equations." (Fritjof  Capra, "The web of life: a new scientific understanding of living  systems", 1996)

"A system described as self-organizing is one in which elements interact in order to achieve dynamically a global function or behavior." (Carlos Gershenson, "A general methodology for designing self-organizing systems", 2006)

"In engineering, a self-organizing system would be one in which elements are designed to dynamically and autonomously solve a problem or perform a function at the system level." (Carlos Gershenson, "Design and Control of Self-organizing Systems", 2007)

"The components of a system make local decisions that have a coherent, organizing impact on the system as a whole. Therefore, the system displays organization without any external organizing principle being applied." (Ani Calinescu & Janet Efstathiou, "Measures of Network Structure", Encyclopedia of Networked and Virtual Organizations, 2008) 

"The process by which a system chooses way at a bifurcation point as a result of both individual variability and communication between individuals." (Tomas Backström & Marianne Döös, "Relatonics as a Key Concept for Networked Organizations", Encyclopedia of Networked and Virtual Organizations, 2008)

"A characteristic of complex and adaptive systems that display emergent behavior. A structure that self-organizes and gets its smarts from below; agents residing on a scale start producing behavior that lies one scale above them (e.g., ants create colonies, learners create learning communities)." (Daniel Burgos et al, Design Guidelines for Collaboration and Participation with Examples from the LN4LD, Handbook of Research on Learning Design and Learning Objects, 2009)

"It is a process in which the internal organization of a system, normally an open system, increases in complexity without being guided or managed by an outside source. Self-organizing systems typically exhibit emergent behavior." (Vineet R Khare & Frank Z Wang, "Bio-Inspired Grid Resource Management", Handbook of Research on Grid Technologies and Utility Computing, 2009)

"Self-organization is a process typically occurring within complex systems where a system is continuously fed by energy, which is transformed into a new system state or operational mode by a dissipation of energy and/or information." (Jirí Kroc & Peter M A Sloot, "Complex Systems Modeling by Cellular Automata", Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence, 2009)

"The ability of a system to arrange and organize itself spontaneously under appropriate circumstances in a purposeful (non-random) manner without any help of external agencies." (Ali Diab & Andreas Mitschele-Thiel, "Self-Organization Activities in LTE-Advanced Networks", Handbook of Research on Progressive Trends in Wireless Communications and Networking, 2014)

"Self-organization is a dynamical process by which a system spontaneously forms nontrivial macroscopic structures and/or behaviors over time." (Hiroki Sayama, "Introduction to the Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems", 2015)

"Refers to how a system of agents organizes itself into a higher order and emerges from a set of simple rules in an interconnected network." (Wassim J Aloulou, "Understanding Entrepreneurship through Chaos and Complexity Perspectives", Handbook of Research on Chaos and Complexity Theory in the Social Sciences, 2016)

"The ability of a system to spontaneously arrange its components in a purposeful (non-random) manner, under appropriate conditions but without the help of an external agency." (Kijpokin Kasemsap, "Utilizing Complexity Theory and Complex Adaptive Systems in Global Business", Handbook of Research on Chaos and Complexity Theory in the Social Sciences, 2016)

"A process where a form of global order in a system (emergence of patterns at the global scale) arises by means and as a consequence of local interactions." (Alessio Erioli, "Anexact Paths: Computation, Continuity, and Tectonics in the Design Process", Handbook of Research on Form and Morphogenesis in Modern Architectural Contexts, 2018)

"This is a phenomenon, where elements self-organize under the influence of stimuli. In an organisation for self-organisation three elements are crucial: the purpose, values (principles) and the motivation of employees that is results from their responsibility." (Edyta Abramek, "Training Company Self-Organization", Handbook of Research on Autopoiesis and Self-Sustaining Processes for Organizational Success, 2021)

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