19 January 2014

🕸Systems Engineering: Complex Systems (Definitions)

"Roughly, by a complex system I mean one made up of a large number of parts that interact in a nonsimple way." (Herbert Simon, "The Architecture of Complexity", Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society Vol. 106 (6), 1962)

"A complex system is one which possesses mathematical images which are not dynamical systems." (Robert Rosen, On complex systems, European Journal of Operational Research Vol. 30 (2), 1987)

"A complex system is a system formed out of many components whose behavior is emergent, that is, the behavior of the system cannot be simply inferred from the behavior of its components." (Yaneer Bar-Yamm, "Dynamics of Complexity", 1997)

"A system may be called complex here if its dimension (order) is too high and its model (if available) is nonlinear, interconnected, and information on the system is uncertain such that classical techniques can not easily handle the problem." (M Jamshidi, Autonomous Control on Complex Systems: Robotic Applications, Current Advances in Mechanical Design and Production VII, 2000)

"A highly coupled system where the outcomes of the system are the result of the interactions that occur between its different components." (David Lyell et al, "Health Systems Simulation", Encyclopedia of Healthcare Information Systems, 2008)

"Network-based systems characterized by feedback-driven flow of information, openness, self-organization, and emergence. (Ani Calinescu & Janet Efstathiou, "Measures of Network Structure", Encyclopedia of Networked and Virtual Organizations, 2008) 

"[a complex system is] a system in which large networks of components with no central control and simple rules of operation give rise to complex collective behavior, sophisticated information processing, and adaptation via learning or evolution." (Melanie Mitchell, "Complexity: A Guided Tour", 2009)

"Systems made of several interconnected simple parts which altogether exhibit a high degree of complexity from each emerges a higher order behaviour." (Radu Mutihac, "Mathematical Modeling of Artificial Neural Networks", Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence, 2009)

"CS [complex system] is a system composed of many heterogeneous agents, which are nonlinearly interconnected, while the final emergence of the system is completely different than the individual element`s performance." (Shahrooz V Manesha & Massimo Tadi, "Sustainable urban morphology emergence via complex adaptive system analysis: sustainable design in existing contex", Procedia Engineering 21, 2011)

"A system that exhibits a mutual interdependency of components and for which a change in the input parameter(s) can result in a non-proportional large or small change of the system output." (Alexander Kolker, Management Science for Healthcare Applications, Encyclopedia of Business Analytics and Optimization, 2014) 

"A system whose intricacy impedes the forecasting of its behaviour." (Valentina M Ghinea, "Modelling and Simulation of the Need for Harmonizing the European Higher Education Systems", Handbook of Research on Trends in European Higher Education Convergence, 2014)

"A system which is usually composed of large number of possibly heterogeneous interacting agents, which are seen to exhibit emergent behavior." (Stephen E Glavin & Abhijit Sengupta, "Modelling of Consumer Goods Markets: An Agent-Based Computational Approach", Handbook of Research on Managing and Influencing Consumer Behavior, 2015)

"Complex systems are networks made of a number of components that interact with each other, typically in a nonlinear fashion. Complex systems may arise and evolve through self-organization, such that they are neither completely regular nor completely random, permitting the development of emergent behavior at macroscopic scales." (Hiroki Sayama, "Introduction to the Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems", 2015)

"The occurrence of new phenomena generated unpredictably by the interaction of simple rules and individual mechanisms that are in constant flux and interaction. Emergence suggests something novel is perpetually emerging at a systems/global level as the world and environment constantly shifts and changes at a mechanistic/local level." (Kathy Sanford & Tim Hopper, "Digital Media in the Classroom: Emergent Perspectives for 21st Century Learners", Handbook of Research on Digital Media and Creative Technologies, 2015)

"A system characterized by the number of the elements that constitute it, and by the nature of the interactions between these elements." (Manuela Piscitelli, "Application of Complexity Theory in Representation of the City", Handbook of Research on Chaos and Complexity Theory in the Social Sciences, 2016)

"A complex system means a system whose perceived complicated behaviors can be attributed to one or more of the following characteristics: large number of element, large number of relationships among elements, non-linear and discontinuous relationship, and uncertain characteristics of elements." (Chunfang Zhou, "Fostering Creative Problem Solvers in Higher Education: A Response to Complexity of Societies", Handbook of Research on Creative Problem-Solving Skill Development in Higher Education, 2017)

"System made up of many interconnected elements on various levels; interactions on lower levels give rise to events on higher levels." (Naomi Thompson & Joshua Danish, "Designing BioSim: Playfully Encouraging Systems Thinking in Young Children", Handbook of Research on Serious Games for Educational Applications, 2017)

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