25 March 2010

🧊Data Warehousing: Mea Culpa (Part I: A Personal Journey)

Data Warehousing

Any discussion on data warehousing topics, even unconventional, can’t avoid to mention the two most widely adopted concepts in data warehousing, B. Inmon vs. R. Kimball’s methodologies. There is lot of ink consumed already on this topic and is difficult to come with something new, however I can insert in between my experience and personal views on the topic. From the beginning I have to state that I can’t take any of the two sides because from a philosophical viewpoint I am the adept of “the middle way” and, in addition, when choosing a methodology we have to consider business’ requirements and objectives, the infrastructure, the experience of resources, and many other factors. I don’t believe one method fits all purposes, therefore some flexibility is needed into this concern even from most virulent advocates. After all in the end it counts the degree to which the final solution fits the purpose, and no matter how complex and perfect is a methodology, no matter of the precautions taken, given the complexity of software development projects there is always the risk for failure.


B. Inmon defines the data warehouse as a “subject-oriented, integrated, non-volatile and time-varying collection of data in support of the management’s decisions” [3] - subject-oriented because is focused on an organization’s strategic subject areas, integrated because the data are coming from multiple legacy systems in order to provide a single overview, time-variant because data warehouse’s content is time dependent, and non-volatile because in theory data warehouse’s content is not updated but refreshed. 

Within my small library and the internet articles I read on this topic, especially the ones from Kimball University cycle,  I can’t say I found a similar direct definition for data warehouse given by R. Kimball, the closest I could get to something in this direction is the data warehouse as a union of data marts, in his definition a data mart is “a process-oriented subset of the overall organization’s data based on a foundation of atomic data, and that depends only on the physics of the data-measurement events, not on the anticipated user’s questions” [2]. This reflects also an important difference between the two approaches, in Inmon’s philosophy the data marts are updated through the data warehouse, the data in the warehouse being stored in a 3rd normal form, while in data marts are multidimensional and thus denormalized.

Even if it’s a nice conceptual tool intended to simplify data manipulation, I can’t say I’m a big fan of dimensional modeling, mainly because it can be easily misused to create awful (inflexible) monster models that can be barely used, sometimes being impossible to go around them without redesigning them. Also the relational models could be easily misused though they are less complex as physical design, easier to model and they offer greater flexibility even if in theory data’s normalization could add further complexity, however there is always a trade between flexibility, complexity, performance, scalability, usability and reusability, to mention just a few of the dimensions associated with data in general and data quality in particular.


In order to overcome dimensional modeling issues R. Kimball recommends a four step approach – first identifying the business processes corresponding to a business measurement or event, secondly declaring the grain (level of detail) and only after that defining the dimensions and facts [1]. I have to admit that starting from the business process adds a plus to this framework because in theory it allows better visibility over the processes, supporting processed-based data analysis, though given the fact that a process could span over multiple data elements or that multiple processes could partition the same data elements, this increases the complexity of such models. I find that a model based directly on the data elements allows more flexibility in the detriment of the work needed to bring the data together, though they should cover also the processes in scope.


Building a data warehouse it’s quite a complex task, especially if we take into consideration the huge percentage of software projects failure that holds also in data warehousing area. On the other side not sure how much such statistics about software projects failure can be taken ad literam because different project methodologies and data collection methods are used, not always detailed information are given about the particularities of each project, it would be however interesting to know what the failure rate per methodology. Occasionally there are some numbers advanced that sustain the benefit of using one or another methodology, and ignoring the subjective approach of such justifications they often lack adequate details to support them.

My first contact with building a data warehouse was almost 8 years ago, when as part of the Asset Management System I was supposed to work on, the project included also the creation of a data warehouse. Frankly few things are more scaring than seeing two IT professionals fighting on what approach to use in order to design a data warehouse, and is needless to say that the fight lasted for several days, calls with the customer, nerves, management involved, whole arsenal of negotiations that looked like a never ending story. 

Such fights are sometimes part of the landscape and they should be avoided, the simplest alternative being to put together the advantages and disadvantages of most important approaches and balance between them, unfortunately there are still professionals who don’t know how or not willing to do that. The main problem in such cases is the time which instead of being used constructively was wasted on futile fights. When lot of time is waisted and a tight schedule applies, one is forced to do the whole work in less time, leading maybe to sloppy solutions. 


A few years back I had the occasion to develop one data warehouse around the two ERP systems and the other smaller systems one of the customers I worked for was having in place, SQL Server 2000 and its DTS (Data Transformation Services) functionality being of great help for this purpose. Even if I was having some basic knowledge on the two data warehousing approaches, I had to build the initial data warehouse from scratch evolving the initial solution in time along several years. 

The design was quite simple, the DTS packages extracting the data from the legacy systems and dumping them in staging tables in normalized or denormalized form, after several simple transformations loading the data in the production tables, the role of the multidimensional data marts being played successfully by views that were scaling pretty well to the existing demands. Maybe many data warehouse developers would disregard such a solution, though it was quite an useful exercise and helped me to easier understand later the literature on this topic and the issues related to it. In addition, while working on the data conversion of two ERP implementations I had to perform more complex ETL (Extract Transform Load) tasks that the ones consider in the data warehouse itself.

In what concerns software development I am an adept of rapid evolutional prototyping because it allows getting customers’ feedback in early stages and thus being possible to identify earlier the issues as per customers’ perceptions, in plus allowing customers to get a feeling of what’s possible, how the application looks like. The prototyping method proved to be useful most of the times, I would actually say all the times, and often was interesting to see how customers’ conceptualization about what they need changed with time, changes that looked simple leading to partial redesign of the application. In other development approaches with long releases (e.g. waterfall) the customer gets a glimpse of the application late in the process, often being impossible to redesign the application so the customer has to live with what he got. Call me “old fashion” but I am the adept of rapid evolutional prototyping also in what concerns the creation of data warehouses, and even if people might argue that a data warehousing project is totally different than a typical development project, it should not be forgotten that almost all software development projects share many particularities from planning to deployment and further to maintenance.

Even if also B. Inmon embraces the evolutional/iterative approach in building a data warehouse, from a philosophical standpoint the rapid evolutional prototyping applied to data warehouses I feel it’s closer to R. Kimball’s methodology, resuming in choosing a functional key area and its essential business processes, building a data mart and starting from there building other data marts for the other functional key areas, eventually integrating and aligning them in a common solution – the data warehouse. On the other side when designing a software component or a module of one application you have also to consider the final goal, as the respective component or module will be part of a broader system, even if in some cases it could exist in isolation. Same can be said also about data marts’ creation, even if sometimes a data mart is rooted in the needs of a department, you have to look also at the final goal and address the requirements from that perspective or at least be aware of them.

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[1] M. Ross R. Kimball, (2004) Fables and Facts: Do you know the difference between dimensional modeling truth and fiction? [Online] Available from: http://intelligent-enterprise.informationweek.com/info_centers/data_warehousing/showArticle.jhtml;jsessionid=530A0V30XJXTDQE1GHPSKH4ATMY32JVN?articleID=49400912 (Accessed: 18 March 2010)

[2] R. Kimball, J. Caserta (2004). The Data Warehouse ETL Toolkit: Practical Techniques for Extracting, Cleaning, Conforming, and Delivering Data. Wiley Publishing Inc. ISBN: 0-7645-7923 -1

[3] Inmon W.H. (2005) Building the Data Warehouse, 4th Ed. Wiley Publishing. ISBN: 978-0-7645-9944-6 

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Koeln, NRW, Germany
IT Professional with more than 25 years experience in IT in the area of full life-cycle of Web/Desktop/Database Applications Development, Software Engineering, Consultancy, Data Management, Data Quality, Data Migrations, Reporting, ERP implementations & support, Team/Project/IT Management, etc.