27 January 2010

🧭Business Intelligence: Cognos & SQL Server 2008 - The First Report (Test Drive)

Yesterday evening I installed on my computer the IBM Cognos Express (V9) software, the newest Cognos version, available with a trial period of 30 days. The first attempt to install it was not errorless though as I had to observe several attempts later when I got the same error, the error was not fatal. So, once the instalation complete, the Express Manager started, finding out that I have to install manually the Manager, Advisor, Reporter and Xcelerator - quite easy to do.

Now I was ready to test the tool and create several reports, for this needing to create first a data source - a connection to an existing database with several tables on which the reports will be based. SQL Server 2008's AdventureWorks database seemed to be adequate for this test, in plus I know there are many SQL Server professionals already using it for testing or tutorials.

Step 1: Creating the SQL Server account

Reporting tools need in general only read access to data sources and as a good practice to enforce security and address the special requirements the reports are coming with, so it makes sense to create a new User for this. Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and from the root navigate to Security/New/Login…, this action brining Login – New window in which must be filled

a. the Login name (e.g. cognosuser)
b. the authentification – because Cognos doesn’t supports Windows-based authentication, choose SQL Server authentication, enter the Password and confirm it. By default the ‘Enforce password expiration’ is checked, though this option is not needed for the current requirement so unchek it.
c. Select the Default database, the database you’re intending to base your reports on (e.g. AdventureWorks)
d. Select the ‘Default Language’ (e.g. English)
Navigate to ‘Use Mapping’ tab and in ‘User mapped to this login’ choose the databases you would like to give access (e.g. AdventureWorks) and for each database selected you’ll have to select the schemas in scope (e.g. HumanResources, Person, Production, Purchasing and Sales), while in’Database role membership for’ select the db_datareader database level role name, then you can click ‘Ok’.
It’s always a good idea to test the new account before attempting to use it from an external application, this allows catching the eventual issues early in the process, saving your and others’ time!

Step 2: Creating a Data Source

Start the IBM Cognos Express Manager and from Data click on ‘Add…’ button, action that will bring the ‘Enter Data Source Information’ in which you’ll have to select the ‘Data Source Type’, in this case Microsoft SQL Server (SQL 2005 Native Client), fill the ‘Name’ (e.g. AdventureWorks), ‘Server Name’ (here comes your SQL Server name), ‘Database Name’ (e.g. AdventureWorks ), ‘User ID’ (e.g. cognosuser) and password (e.g. something you must guess). As can be seen from the below image, there is also a Databae Object control, which will be populated once you entered the before mentioned information and clicked on ‘Retrieve Database Objects’ button. Select one of the database objects (e.g. AdventureWorks ) and click ‘Ok’, Cognos creating the Data (Source) in the background.
Step 3: Creating a Report

Instead of using Report Studio, the standard tool for designing reports, for simple reports or queries could be used instead the Query Studio, an easy-to-use authoring tool, the creation of a report resuming to a simple drag and drop. For this you’ll have to open the Query Studio from the Launch item found on the top menu, this action opening a new browser window, in a next step following to select the package (actually the data source) you want to use. In ‘Insert Data’ mode select a table from the list (e.g. Location) and drag and drop it into the right section, all table’s columns being shown together with a sample set of data.

You could double click on each column and give it a meaningful name – is a good practice to separate the words with spaces though not really necessarily. By clicking on report’s Title you could change its actual value and add a Subtitle if necessary. In ‘Change Layout’ you could change report’s layout by applying different Font, Border and Conditional Styles, much like in Excel, show row numbers by clicking the ‘Show row numbers’ from Change Layout/Set Web Page Size, etc. Save the report once you’ve done the changes, the report will look something like the one from the below image:
Step 4: Running the Report

From ‘Run Report’ Menu item you could choose to run the report mainly in three modes – ‘Run with All Data’, ‘Preview with Limited Data’ or ‘Preview with No Data’. Additionally you can export the report to PDF (Portable Document Format), several versions of Excel (2000, 2002 and 2007), CSV (Comma Separated Values) and XML (eXtensible Markup Language).

Happy coding!

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Koeln, NRW, Germany
IT Professional with more than 25 years experience in IT in the area of full life-cycle of Web/Desktop/Database Applications Development, Software Engineering, Consultancy, Data Management, Data Quality, Data Migrations, Reporting, ERP implementations & support, Team/Project/IT Management, etc.