14 September 2007

💎SQL Reloaded: Useful Functions in Data Conversion

    When working with data, even if it's about reporting, data conversion or data analysis, there are a few useful functions which makes life easier. They deal with three types of basic variables and their variations: strings (e.g. char, varchar), numeric (e.g. int, decimal) and date (e.g. smalldatetime, datetime).  

1. Case Function

CASE input_expression 
        WHEN when_expression 
        THEN result_expression [ ...n ] 
       [ELSE else_result_expression] 
Judging from experience, CASE is the most used function in data conversions, when the output value is based on on one or multiple constraints over the already existing values. 
CASE WHEN column1 = 'yes' OR column2 = 'other' THEN 'yes/other' END    

 Just be careful, when the ELSE is not provided, a null will be returned! 

Another important thing, the values returned must have the same base type, dates, strings or numeric values can't be mixed without conversion! 

--example 1 
    WHEN DateDiff(d, DateValue, GetDate())>0 THEN 'past' WHEN DateDiff(d, DateValue, GetDate())=0 THEN 'today' 
    ELSE 'future' 

--example 2 
     WHEN column1 BETWEEN 1 AND 100 THEN '1st range' 
     WHEN column1 BETWEEN 101 AND 1000 THEN '2nd range' 
     ELSE '3rd range' 

--example 3 
    WHEN column1 IN ('A', 'B', 'C') THEN '1st set' 
    WHEN column1 IN ('C', 'D', 'E') THEN '2nd set' 
    ELSE '3rd set' 

 There is a saying for DBAs and not only, "Know your data!". As each statement is checked until comparison operation evaluated True, it is better to arrange the WHEN expression in the descending order of highest occurrence. 

 2. IsNull Function

 It's always a good idea to check for NULL values, they could occur anytime when a default value is not provided for a value. One of the cases I often found was when joining two tables when one of the values from JOIN was NULL. 

-- example for string values 
FROM table1 A 
         LEFT JOIN table2 B 
             ON A.column1 = B.column1 
           AND IsNull(A.column2, ' ') = IsNull(B.column2, ' ') 
WHERE B.column1 IS NULL  

-- example for numeric values 
FROM table1 A 
      LEFT JOIN table2 B 
          ON A.column1 = B.column1  
        AND IsNull(A.column2, 0) = IsNull(B.column2, 0) 
WHERE B.column1 IS NULL 

The ' ' and 0 values should be used when they aren't found in the list of possible values or there is no impact on the result. Another used value for IsNull function is 'N/A', to point out the missing value. 

 3. Coalesce Function

COALESCE ( expression [ ,...n ] )  
There are cases when is needed to take the first not null value from a list of columns, could be dates or any type of other value. Instead of writting something like IsNull(Date1, IsNull(Date2, IsNull(Date3, GetDate()) it's much easier to write COALESCE(Date1, Date2, Date3, GetDate()) 

-- example coalesce 
FROM table1 
WHERE COALESCE(Column1, Column2, Column3) IS NOT NULL 

-- example IsNull alternative 
FROM table1 
        OR Column2 IS NOT NULL 
        OR Column3 IS NOT NULL 

 4. NullIf Function
NullIf ( expression , expression )    

NullIf function is handy especially when is not needed a certain value in output, for example 0 or the .  

-- example numeric values 
SELECT column1
, NullIf(column2, 0) column2
FROM table_name     

-- example string or date values 
SELECT column1
, NullIf(column2, '') column2
FROM table_name     

When multiple values are not needed, it's easier maybe to write 

-- example multiple checks 
 SELECT column1 
     WHEN column2 IN ('A', 'B', 'V') THEN NULL 
     ELSE column1 END 
FROM table_name 

-- alternative 
SELECT column1, NullIf(NullIf(NullIf(column2, 'A'), 'B'), 'V') 
FROM table_name

 5. Convert Function

CONVERT ( data_type [ ( length ) ] , expression [ , style ] )       

 I used to use CAST instead CONVERT, however CONVERT is more powerful, especially when it comes to dates. SQL Server comes with a few dates formats obtain by providing a value for style parameter: 

SELECT CONVERT(varchar(10), GetDate(),101) -- US format: mm/dd/yyyy
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(10), GetDate(),102) -- ANSI format: yyyy.mm.dd
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(10), GetDate(),103) -- British/French dd/mm/yyyy
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(10), GetDate(),104) -- German format: dd.mm.yyyy
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(12), GetDate(),105) -- Italian format: dd-mm-yyyy
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(12), GetDate(),106) -- dd mon yyyy
SELECT Upper(CONVERT(varchar(12), GetDate(),106))   -- upper case of: dd mon yyyy
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(8), GetDate(),112) -- ISO format (preferred): yyyymmdd
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(10), GetDate(), 23) -- yyyy-mm-dd
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(23), GetDate(),126) -- yyyy-mm-ddThh:mi:ss.mmm

The conversion of a date to a string is mainly required by the need to have the date in a special format or not allow Excel to format the date to its default. 

 6. IsNumeric Function

IsNumeric ( expression )     

This function shouldn't miss when casting string values to numeric values and doing operations with them. 

SELECT CAST(column1 as decimal(12,2)) + 101 
FROM table_name 
WHERE IsNumeric(column1)=1     

Please note that when multiple constraints are used, the IsNumeric function should appear first after the WHERE clause, a query like the next one might raise an error if one of the column1 values is not numeric. 

-- example 
SELECT CAST(column1 as decimal(12,2)) + 101 
FROM table_name 
WHERE column2 = 'value' 
AND IsNumeric(column1)=1

-- alternative writing (recommended)
SELECT CAST(column1 as decimal(12,2)) + 101 
FROM table_name WHERE IsNumeric(column1)=1 
   AND column2 = 'value' 

 7. IsDate Function

IsDate( expression )          

 It works the same way as IsNumeric, but on date data types. Thus if the provided values is a date, it will return 1, otherwise 0. 

  SELECT IsDate(GetDate()) 
  SELECT IsDate('11/31/2007') --november has only 30 days 
  SELECT CASE IsDate('11/31/2007') WHEN 1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END 

For more information on the function is always a good idea to consult Microsoft Technical documentation.

Happy coding!

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Koeln, NRW, Germany
IT Professional with more than 25 years experience in IT in the area of full life-cycle of Web/Desktop/Database Applications Development, Software Engineering, Consultancy, Data Management, Data Quality, Data Migrations, Reporting, ERP implementations & support, Team/Project/IT Management, etc.