"Errors, like straws, upon the surface flow;
He who would search for pearls must dive below."
(John Dryden)
Life of a programmer is full of things that stopped working overnight. What’s beautiful about such experiences is that always there is a logical explanation for such “happenings”. There are two aspects - one is how to troubleshoot such problems, and the second – how to avoid such situations, and this is typically done through what we refer as defensive programming. On one side avoiding issues makes one’s life simpler, while issues make it fuller.
I can say that I had plenty such types of challenges in my life, most of them self-created, mainly in the learning process, but also a good share of challenges created by others. Independently of the time spent on troubleshooting such issues, it’s the experience that counts, the little wins against the “dark” side of programming. In the following series of posts I will describe some of the issues I was confronted directly or indirectly over time. In an ad-hoc characterization they can be split in syntax, logical, data, design and systemic errors.
Syntax Errors
"Watch your language young man!"
(anonymous mother)
Syntax in natural languages like English is the sequence in which words are put together, word’s order indicating the relationship existing between words. Based on the meaning the words carry and the relationships formed between words we are capable to interpret sentences. SQL, initially called SEQUEL (Structured English Query Language) is an English-like language designed to manipulate and retrieve data. Same as natural languages, artificial languages like SQL have their own set of (grammar) rules that when violated lead to runtime errors, leading to interruption in code execution or there can be cases when the code runs further leading to inconsistencies in data. Unlike natural languages, artificial languages interpreters are quite sensitive to syntax errors.
Syntax errors are common to beginners, though a moment of inattention or misspelling can happen to anyone, no matter how versatile one’s coding is. Some are more frequent or have a bigger negative impact than others. Here are some of the typical types of syntax errors:
- missing brackets and quotes, especially in complex formulas;
- misspelled commands, table or column names;
- omitting table aliases or database names;
- missing objects or incorrectly referenced objects or other resources;
- incorrect statement order;
- relying on implicit conversion;
- incompatible data types;
- incorrect parameters’ order;
- missing or misplaced semicolons;
- usage of deprecated syntax.
Typically, syntax errors are easy to track at runtime with minimal testing as long the query is static. Dynamic queries on the other side require sometimes a larger number of combinations to be tested. The higher the number of attributes to be combined and the more complex the logic behind them, the more difficult is to test all combinations. The more combinations not tested, the higher the probability that an error might lurk in the code. Dynamics queries can thus easily become (syntax) error generators.
Logical Errors
"Students are often able to use algorithms to solve numerical problems
without completely understanding the underlying scientific concept."
(Eric Mazur)
One beautiful aspect of the human mind is that it needs only a rough understanding about how a tool works in order to make use of it up to an acceptable level. Therefore often it settles for the minimum of understanding that allows it to use a tool. Aspects like the limits of a tool, contexts of applicability, how it can be used efficiently to get the job done, or available alternatives, all these can be ignored in the process. As the devil lies in details, misunderstanding how a piece of technology works can prove to be our Achilles’ heel. For example, misunderstanding how sets and the different types of joins work, that lexical order differ from logical order and further to order of execution, when is appropriate or inappropriate to use a certain technique or functionality can make us make poor choices.
One of these poor choices is the method used to solve a problem. A mature programming language can offer sometimes two or more alternatives for solving a problem. Choosing the inadequate solution can lead to performance issues in time. This type of errors can be rooted in the lack of understanding of the data, of how an application is used, or how a piece of technology works.
"I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer,
to treat everything as if it were a nail."
(Abraham Maslow)
Some of the errors derive from the difference between how different programming languages work with data. There can be considerable differences between procedural, relational and vector languages. When jumping from one language to another, one can be tempted to apply the same old techniques to the new language. The solution might work, though (by far) not optimal.
The capital mistake is to be the man of one tool, and use it in all the cases, even when not appropriate. For example. when one learned working with views, attempts to apply them all over the code in order to reuse logic, creating thus chains of views which even prove to be flexible, their complexity sooner or later will kick back. Same can happen with stored procedures and other object types as well. A sign of mastery is when the developer adapts his tools to the purpose.
"For every complex problem there is an answer
that is clear, simple, and wrong."
(Henry L Mencken)
One can build elegant solutions but solve the wrong problem. Misunderstanding the problem at hand is one type of error sometimes quite difficult to identify. Typically, they can be found through thorough testing. Sometimes the unavailability of (quality) data can impede the process of testing, such errors being found late in the process.
At the opposite side, one can attempt to solve the right problem but with logic flaws – wrong steps order, wrong algorithm, wrong set of tools, or even missing facts/assumptions. A special type of logical errors are the programmatic errors, which occur when SQL code encounters a logic or behavioral error during processing (e.g. infinite loop, out of range input). [1]
Data Errors
"Data quality requires certain level of sophistication within a company
to even understand that it’s a problem."
(Colleen Graham)
Poor data quality is the source for all evil, or at least for some of the evil. Typically, a good designed database makes use of a mix of techniques to reduce the chances for inconsistencies: appropriate data types and data granularity, explicit transactions, check constraints, default values, triggers or integrity constraints. Some of these techniques can be too restrictive, therefore in design one has to provide a certain flexibility in the detriment of one of the above techniques, fact that makes the design vulnerable to same range of issues: missing values, missing or duplicate records.
No matter how good a database was designed, sometimes is difficult to cope with users’ ingenuity – misusage of functionality, typically resulting in deviations from standard processes, that can invalidate an existing query. Similar effects have the changes to processes or usage of new processed not addressed in existing queries or reports.
Another topic that have a considerable impact on queries’ correctness is the existence, or better said the inexistence of master data policies and a board to regulate the maintenance of master data. Without proper governance of master data one might end up with a big mess with no way to bring some order in it without addressing the quality of data adequately.
Designed to Fail
"The weakest spot in a good defense is designed to fail."
(Mark Lawrence)
In IT one can often meet systems designed to fail, the occurrences of errors being just a question of time, kind of a ticking bomb. In such situations, a system is only as good as its weakest link(s). Issues can be traced back to following aspects:
- systems used for what they were not designed to do – typically misusing a tool for a purpose for which another tool would be more appropriate (e.g. using Excel as database, using SSIS for real-time, using a reporting tool for data entry);
- poor performing systems - systems not adequately designed for the tasks supposed to handle (e.g. handling large volume of data/transactions);
- systems not coping with user’s inventiveness or mistakes (e.g. not validating adequately user input or not confirming critical actions like deletion of records);
- systems not configurable (e.g. usage of hardcoded values instead of parameters or configurable values);
- systems for which one of the design presumptions were invalidated by reality (e.g. input data don’t have the expected format, a certain resource always exists);
- systems not being able to handle changes in environment (e.g. changing user settings for language, numeric or data values);
- systems succumbing in their own complexity (e.g. overgeneralization, wrong mix of technologies);
- fault intolerant systems – system not handling adequately more or less unexpected errors or exceptions (e.g. division by zero, handling of nulls, network interruptions, out of memory).
Systemic Errors
Systemic errors can be found at the borders of the "impossible", situations in which the errors defy the common sense. Such errors are not determined by chance but are introduced by an inaccuracy inherent to the system/environment.
A systemic error occurs when a SQL program encounters a deficiency or unexpected condition with a system resource (e.g. a program encountered insufficient space in tempdb to process a large query, database/transaction log running out of space). [1]
Such errors are often difficult but not impossible to reproduce. The difficulty resides primarily in figuring out what happened, what caused the error. Once one found the cause, with a little resourcefulness one can come with an example to reproduce the error.
"To err is human; to try to prevent recurrence of error is science."
When one thinks about it, there are so many ways to fail. In the end to err is human and nobody is exempted from making mistakes, no matter how good or wise. The quest of a (good) programmer is to limit errors’ occurrences, and to correct them early in process, before they start becoming a nightmare.
[1] Transact-SQL Programming: Covers Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 /7.0 and Sybase, by Kevin Kline, Lee Gould & Andrew Zanevsky, O’Reilly, ISBN 10: 1565924010, 1999