[Data Lifecycle Management (DLM):" "The process by which data is moved to different mass storage devices based on its age." (Tom Petrocelli, "Data Protection and Information Lifecycle Management", 2005)
[master data lifecycle management:] "Supports the definition, creation, access, and management of master data. Master data must be managed and leveraged effectively throughout its entire lifecycle." (Allen Dreibelbis et al, "Enterprise Master Data Management", 2008)
[Data lifecycle management (DLM):] "Managing data as blocks without underlying knowledge of the content of the blocks, based on limited metadata (e.g., creation date, last accessed)." (David G Hill, "Data Protection: Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance", 2009)
"The data life cycle is the set of processes a dataset goes through from its origin through its use(s) to its retirement. Data that moves through multiple systems and multiple uses has a complex life cycle. Danette McGilvray’s POSMAD formulation identifies the phases of the life cycle as: planning for, obtaining, storing and sharing, maintaining, applying, and disposing of data." (Laura Sebastian-Coleman, "Measuring Data Quality for Ongoing Improvement ", 2012)
"The recognition that as data ages, that data takes on different characteristics" (Daniel Linstedt & W H Inmon, "Data Architecture: A Primer for the Data Scientist", 2014)
"The development of a record in the company’s IT systems from its creation until its deletion. This process may also be designated as 'CRUD', an acronym for the Create, Read/Retrieve, Update and Delete database operations." (Boris Otto & Hubert Österle, "Corporate Data Quality", 2015)
"The series of stages that data moves though from initiation, to creation, to destruction. Example: the data life cycle of customer data has four distinct phases and lasts approximately eight years." (Gregory Lampshire, "The Data and Analytics Playbook", 2016)
"covers the period of time from data origination to the time when data are no longer considered useful or otherwise disposed of. The data lifecycle includes three phases, the origination phase during which data are first collected, the active phase during which data are accumulating and changing, and the inactive phase during which data are no longer expected to accumulate or change, but during which data are maintained for possible use." (Meredith Zozus, "The Data Book: Collection and Management of Research Data", 2017)
"The complete set of development stages from creation to disposal, each with its own characteristics and management responsibilities, through which organizational data assets pass." (Kevin J Sweeney, "Re-Imagining Data Governance", 2018)
"An illustrative phrase describing the many manifestations of data from its raw, unanalyzed state, such as survey data, to intellectual property, such as blueprints." (Sue Milton, "Data Privacy vs. Data Security", 2021)
"Refers to all the stages in the existence of digital information from creation to destruction. A lifecycle view is used to enable active management of the data objects and resource over time, thus maintaining accessibility and usability." (CODATA)