16 March 2006

OOP: Generalization (Definitions)

"The activity of identifying commonality among concepts and defining a superclass (general concept) and subclass (specialized concept) relationships. It is a way to construct taxonomic classifications among concepts which are then illustrated in class hierarchies." (Craig Larman, "Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and the Unified Process", 1997)

"The activity of identifying commonality among concepts and defining a superclass (general concept) and subclass (specialized concept) relationships. It is a way to construct taxonomic classifications among concepts, which are then illustrated in class hierarchies. Conceptual subclasses conform to conceptual superclasses in terms of intension and extension." (Craig Larman, "Applying UML and Patterns", 2004)

"The process of forming a more comprehensive or less restrictive class (a superclass) from one or more entities (or classes, in Unified Modeling Language [UML])." (Sharon Allen & Evan Terry, "Beginning Relational Data Modeling 2nd Ed.", 2005)

"In extended ER model (EER model), generalization is a structure in which one object generally describes more specialized objects." (S. Sumathi & S. Esakkirajan, "Fundamentals of Relational Database Management Systems", 2007)

"A special type of abstraction relationship that specifies that several types of entities with certain common attributes can be generalized (or abstractly defined) with a higher-level entity type, a supertype entity; an 'is-a' type relationship. For example, employee is a generalization of engineer, manager, and administrative assistant, based on the common attribute job-title. A tool often used to make view integration possible." (Toby J Teorey, ", Database Modeling and Design" 4th Ed., 2010)

"In a specialization hierarchy, the grouping together of common attributes into a supertype entity. See specialization hierarchy." (Carlos Coronel et al, "Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and Management 9th Ed", 2011)

"The process of evaluating multiple relationships between entities in a set into fewer relationships. Usually necessary after other generalization activities have taken place, which carry the relationships of the specialized entities into the generalized entities. For example, two 1:M relationships between two entities, each having a different parent, can be generalized into a M:N relationship." (DAMA International, "The DAMA Dictionary of Data Management", 2011)

"The process of recognizing commonalities, and combining similar types of entities or objects into a less specialized type based on common attributes and behaviors, creating a supertype for two or more specialized subtypes. Contrast with specialization." (DAMA International, "The DAMA Dictionary of Data Management", 2011)

"The abstraction, reduction, and simplification of features and feature classes for deriving a simpler model of reality or decreasing stored." (GRC Data Intelligence)

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