09 December 2007

🏗️Software Engineering: Bugs (Just the Quotes)

"Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs, but never to show their absence!" (Edsger W Dijkstra, "Notes On Structured Programming", 1970)

"If you want more effective programmers, you will discover that they should not waste their time debugging, they should not introduce the bugs to start with." (Edsger W Dijkstra, "The Humble Programmer", 1972)

"In the good old days physicists repeated each other's experiments, just to be sure. Today they stick to FORTRAN, so that they can share each other's programs, bugs included." (Edsger W Dijkstra, "How do we tell truths that might hurt?", 1975)

"The fundamental problem with software maintenance is that fixing a defect has a substantial (20-50 percent) chance of introducing another. So the whole process is two steps forward and one step back. Why aren't defects fixed more cleanly? First, even a subtle defect shows itself as a local failure of some kind. In fact it often has system-wide ramifications, usually nonobvious. Any attempt to fix it with minimum effort will repair the local and obvious, but unless the structure is pure or the documentation very fine, the far-reaching effects of the repair will be overlooked. Second, the repairer is usually not the man who wrote the code, and often he is a junior programmer or trainee. (Frederick P. Brooks, "The Mythical Man-Month" , 1975)

"Each new user of a new system uncovers a new class of bugs." (Brian W Kernighan, "Programming Pearls", 1985)

"Code migrates to data. Because of this law there is increasing awareness that bugs in code are only half the battle and that data problems should be given equal attention."  (Boris Beizer, "Software Testing Techniques", 1990)

"Failure to initialize a shared object can lead to data-dependent bugs caused by residues from a previous use of that object by another transaction. Note that the culprit transaction is long gone when the bug's symptoms are discovered. Because the effect of corruption of dynamic data can be arbitrarily far removed from the cause, such bugs are among the most difficult to catch." (Boris Beizer, "Software Testing Techniques", 1990)

"The complexity barrier. Software complexity (and therefore that of bugs) grows to the limits of our ability to manage that complexity." (Boris Beizer, "Software Testing Techniques", 1990)

"The most common kind of coding bug, and often considered the least harmful, are documentation bugs (i.e., erroneous comments). Although many documentation bugs are simple spelling errors or the result of poor writing, many are actual errors - that is, misleading or erroneous comments. We can no longer afford to discount such bugs, because their consequences are as great as 'true' coding errors. Today programming labor is dominated by maintenance. This will increase as software becomes even longer-lived. Documentation bugs lead to incorrect maintenance actions and therefore cause the insertion of other bugs." (Boris Beizer, "Software Testing Techniques", 1990)

"The pesticide paradox. Every method you use to prevent or find bugs leaves a residue of subtler bugs against which those methods are ineffective."  (Boris Beizer, "Software Testing Techniques", 1990)

"Design bugs are often subtle and occur by evolution with early assumptions being forgotten as new features or uses are added to systems." (Fernando J Corbató, "On Building Systems That Will Fail", 1991)

"The real value of tests is not that they detect bugs in the code, but that they detect inadequacies in the methods, concentration, and skills of those who design and produce the code." (Charles A R Hoare, "How Did Software Get So Reliable Without Proof?", Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 1051, 1996)

"Beauty is more important in computing than anywhere else in technology because software is so complicated. Beauty is the ultimate defense against complexity." (David Gelernter, "Machine Beauty: Elegance And The Heart Of Technolog", 1998)

"Bug tracking will allow you to uncover 'smells' in code (to use a refactoring phrase). If there are a large number of problems in a particular segment of your project then you may want to really focus on that segment and stabilize it. How do you identify this clustering unless you keep track of the errors."(Ken Beck, 1999)

"Bugs are things that creep into your software against your will. Every defect in your code was put there by one of the programmers. Two of the programmers, with pair programming. With the customers we visit, when something goes wrong, they think it's a defect." (Ron Jeffries, "Extreme Programming Installed", 2001)

"The longer we wait between integrations and acceptance tests, the worse things get. Wait twice as long and we'll have four or more times the hassle. The reason is that one bug written just yesterday is pretty easy to find, while ten or a hundred written weeks ago can become almost impossible." (Ron Jeffries, "Extreme Programming Installed", 2001)

"Unit tests can be tedious to write, but they save you time in the future (by catching bugs after changes). Less obviously, but just as important, is that they can save you time now: tests focus your design and implementation on simplicity, they support refactoring, and they validate features as you develop." (Ron Jeffries, "Extreme Programming Installed, 2001)

"People also underestimate the time they spend debugging. They underestimate how much time they can spend chasing a long bug. With testing, I know straight away when I added a bug. That lets me fix the bug immediately, before it can crawl off and hide. There are few things more frustrating or time wasting than debugging. Wouldn't it be a hell of a lot quicker if we just didn't create the bugs in the first place?" (Martin Fowler, 2002)

"Refactoring is risky. It requires changes to working code that can introduce subtle bugs. Refactoring, if not done properly, can set you back days, even weeks. And refactoring becomes riskier when practiced informally or ad hoc." (Erich Gamma, 2002)

"Refactoring is the process of changing a software system in such a way that it does not alter the external behavior of the code yet improves its internal structure. It is a disciplined way to clean up code that minimizes the chances of introducing bugs. In essence when you refactor you are improving the design of the code after it has been written." (Martin Fowler et al, "Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code", 2002)

"Refactoring changes the programs in small steps. If you make a mistake, it is easy to find the bug." (Martin Fowler et al, "Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code", 2002)

"All OO languages show some tendency to suck programmers into the trap of excessive layering. Object frameworks and object browsers are not a substitute for good design or documentation, but they often get treated as one. Too many layers destroy transparency: It becomes too difficult to see down through them and mentally model what the code is actually doing. The Rules of Simplicity, Clarity, and Transparency get violated wholesale, and the result is code full of obscure bugs and continuing maintenance problems." (Eric S. Raymond, "The Art of Unix Programming", 2003)

"Old code rarely offers trendy graphics or flavor-of-the-month features, but it has one considerable ad - vantage: It tends to work. A program that has been well used is like an old garden that has been well tended or a vintage guitar that has been well played: Its rough edges have been filed away, its bugs have been found and fixed, and its performance is a known and valuable quantity." (Scott Rosenberg, "Dreaming in Code", 2007)

"Users may be annoyed by bugs, and software developers may be disappointed by their inability to perfect their work, and managers may be frustrated by the unreliability of their plans. But in the end, none of that matters as much as the simple fact that software does not work the way we think, and until it does, it is not worth trying to perfect." (Scott Rosenberg, "Dreaming in Code", 2007)

"Well-commented code is one hallmark of good programming practice; it shows that you care about what you’re doing, and it is considerate to those who will come after you to fix your bugs. But comments also serve as a kind of back channel for programmer-to-programmer communication and even occasionally as a competitive arena or an outlet for silliness." (Scott Rosenberg, "Dreaming in Code", 2007)

"It is unit tests that keep our code flexible, maintainable, and reusable. The reason is simple. If you have tests, you do not fear making changes to the code! Without tests every change is a possible bug."  (Robert C Martin, "Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship", 2008)

"But remember that refactoring should never be combined with modifying the functionality of the code, and that very definitely includes fixing bugs." (Paul Butcher, "Debug It! Find, Repair, and Prevent Bugs in Your Code", 2009)

"Crying that it's an application bug is like crying over the speed of light: you should deal with reality, not what you wish reality was." (Linus Torvalds, 2009)

"Every piece of code is built upon a platform of myriad assumptions - things that have to be true for it to behave as expected. More often than not, bugs arise because one or more of these assumptions are violated or turn out to be mistaken." (Paul Butcher, "Debug It! Find, Repair, and Prevent Bugs in Your Code", 2009)

"Most bugs are caused by simple oversights. Yes, occasionally you will be faced by something very subtle, but don’t overlook the simple things." (Paul Butcher, "Debug It! Find, Repair, and Prevent Bugs in Your Code", 2009)

"One final point - whether fixing bugs or implementing new functionality, it’s good practice to always examine exactly what it is that you’re about to check in before every check-in. It won’t take long, and every once in a while, you’ll catch a change that you really didn’t intend to make from slipping through."  (Paul Butcher, "Debug It! Find, Repair, and Prevent Bugs in Your Code", 2009)

"Successful reproduction [of bugs] is all about control. If you control all the relevant variables, you will reproduce your problem. The trick, of course, is identifying which variables are relevant to the bug at hand, discovering what you need to set them to, and finding a way to do so." (Paul Butcher, "Debug It! Find, Repair, and Prevent Bugs in Your Code", 2009)

"In many applications, integration or functional tests are used by default as the standard way to test almost all aspects of the system. However integration and functional tests are not the best way to detect and identify bugs. Because of the large number of components involved in a typical end-to-end test, it can be very hard to know where something has gone wrong. In addition, with so many moving parts, it is extremely difficult, if not completely unfeasible, to cover all of the possible paths through the application." (John F Smart, "Jenkins: The Definitive Guide", 2011)

"Few would deny the importance of writing quality code. High quality code contains less bugs, and is easier to understand and easier to maintain. However, the precise definitions of code quality can be more subjective, varying between organizations, teams, and even individuals within a team." (John F Smart, "Jenkins: The Definitive Guide", 2011)

"The fact that bugs will certainly occur in your code does not mean you aren’t responsible for them. The fact that the task to write perfect software is virtually impossible does not mean you aren’t responsible for the imperfection." (Robert C Martin,"The Clean Coder: A code of conduct for professional programmers", 2011)

"When you cannot concentrate and focus sufficiently, the code you write will be wrong. It will have bugs. It will have the wrong structure. It will be opaque and convoluted. It will not solve the customers’ real problems. In short, it will have to be reworked or redone. Working while distracted creates waste." (Robert C Martin,"The Clean Coder: A code of conduct for professional programmers", 2011)

"Agile teams often do not distinguish between bugs, enhancements, or change requests. They use a general unit called change to track progress. Change seems to be a valid unit for both development and operations because operations teams primarily think in terms of changes to the production system. Using changes as a shared term for both development and operations makes it easier to stream production issues back to a work backlog (that is ideally shared by both groups)." (Michael Hüttermann et al, "DevOps for Developers", 2013)

"Automation is an essential backbone of DevOps. Automation is the use of solutions to reduce the need for human work. Automation can ensure that the software is built the same way each time, that the team sees every change made to the software, and that the software is tested and reviewed in the same way every day so that no defects slip through or are introduced through human error." (Michael Hüttermann et al, "DevOps for Developers", 2013)

"The real bug here is that the design of the system even permits this class of bug. It is unconscionable that someone designing a critical piece of security infrastructure would design the system in such a way that it does not fail safe." (Jamie Zawinski, 2014)

"When you write a computer program you've got to not just list things out and sort of take an algorithm and translate it into a set of instructions. But when there's a bug - and all programs have bugs - you've got to debug it. You've got to go in, change it, and then re-execute … and you iterate. And that iteration is really a very, very good approximation of learning." (Nicholas Negroponte, "A 30-year history of the future", [Ted Talk] 2014)

"Attributing bugs to their authors doesn't make them more responsible, only more scared." (Yegor Bugayenko, "Code Ahead", 2018)

"The job of a tester is to prove that the software is bug free, while it has to be the other way around: The job of a tester is to prove that the software is broken. The better testers are doing their jobs, the more bugs they manage to find and report." (Yegor Bugayenko, "Code Ahead", 2018)

"We must not blame programmers for their bugs. They belong to them only until the code is merged to the repository. After that, all bugs are ours!" (Yegor Bugayenko, "Code Ahead", 2018)

"Fixing a bug is much like adding a new feature: the presence of the bug suggests that a case was missing from the initial test suite, and the bug fix should include that missing test case." (Titus Winters, "Software Engineering at Google: Lessons Learned from Programming Over Time", 2020)

"People are inherently imperfect - we like to say that humans are mostly a collection of intermittent bugs. But before you can understand the bugs in your coworkers, you need to understand the bugs in yourself. We’re going to ask you to think about your own reactions, behaviors, and attitudes - and in return, we hope you gain some real insight into how to become a more efficient and successful software engineer who spends less energy dealing with people-related problems and more time writing great code." (Titus Winters, "Software Engineering at Google: Lessons Learned from Programming Over Time", 2020)

"When program developers are not territorial about their code and encourage others to look for bugs and potential improvements, progress speeds up dramatically." (Gerald Weinberg)

🏗️Software Engineering: Solutions (Just the Quotes)

"Design problems - generating or discovering alternatives - are complex largely because they involve two spaces, an action space and a state space, that generally have completely different structures. To find a design requires mapping the former of these on the latter. For many, if not most, design problems in the real world systematic algorithms are not known that guarantee solutions with reasonable amounts of computing effort. Design uses a wide range of heuristic devices - like means-end analysis, satisficing, and the other procedures that have been outlined - that have been found by experience to enhance the efficiency of search. Much remains to be learned about the nature and effectiveness of these devices." (Herbert A Simon, "The Logic of Heuristic Decision Making", [in "The Logic of Decision and Action"], 1966)

"Of course the technological base on which one builds is always advancing. As soon as one freezes a design, it becomes obsolete in terms of its concepts. But implementation of real products demands phasing and quantizing. The obsolescence of an implementation must be measured against other existing implementations, not against unrealized concepts. The challenge and the mission are to find real solutions to real problems on actual schedules with available resources." (Fred P Brooks, "The Mythical Man-Month: Essays", 1975)

"If solutions could be offered within the existing system, there would be no need to design. Thus designers have to transcend the existing system. Their task is to create a different system or devise a new one. That is why designers say they can truly define the problem only in light of the solution. The solution informs them as to what the real problem is." (Béla H Bánáthy, "Systems Design of Education", 1991)

"The methods of science include controlled experiments, classification, pattern recognition, analysis, and deduction. In the humanities we apply analogy, metaphor, criticism, and (e)valuation. In design we devise alternatives, form patterns, synthesize, use conjecture, and model solutions." (Béla H Bánáthy, "Designing Social Systems in a Changing World", 1996)

"The purpose of a conceptual model is to provide a vocabulary of terms and concepts that can be used to describe problems and/or solutions of design. It is not the purpose of a model to address specific problems, and even less to propose solutions for them. Drawing an analogy with linguistics, a conceptual model is analogous to a language, while design patterns are analogous to rhetorical figures, which are predefined templates of language usages, suited particularly to specific problems." (Peter P Chen [Ed.], "Advances in Conceptual Modeling", 1999)

"Design patterns are standard solutions to recurring problems, named to help people discuss them easily and to think about design. [...] Patterns are abstract, core solutions to problems that recur in different contexts but encounter the same 'forces' each time." (Ian Graham & Alan O'Callaghan, "An introduction to patterns", 2003)

"Design patterns provide the cores of ready-made solutions that can be used to solve many of software's most common problems. Some software problems require solutions that are derived from first principles. But most problems are similar to past problems, and those can be solved using similar solutions, or patterns." (Steve C McConnell, "Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction" 2nd Ed., 2004)

"A heuristic is a rule applied to an existing solution represented in a perspective that generates a new" (and hopefully better) solution or a new set of possible solutions." (Scott E Page, "The Difference: How the Power of Diversity Creates Better Groups, Firms, Schools and Societies", 2008)

"Anti-patterns are the dark side of patterns - common mistakes we fall into repeatedly. Sometimes they seem to be good solutions that experience has demonstrated don' work in practice. On other occasions, we know that they're not a good idea, but we fall into them anyway." (Paul Butcher, "Debug It! Find, Repair, and Prevent Bugs in Your Code", 2009)

"Interim solutions, however, acquire inertia (or momentum, depending on your point of view). Because they are there, ultimately useful and widely accepted, there is no immediate need to do anything else. Whenever a stakeholder has to decide what action adds the most value, there will be many that are ranked higher than proper integration of an interim solution. Why? Because it is there, it works, and it is accepted. The only perceived downside is that it does not follow the chosen standards and guidelines - except for a few niche markets, this is not considered to be a significant force." (Klaus Marquardt, [in Kevlin Henney’s "97 Things Every Programmer Should Know", 2010])

"Design patterns are high-level abstractions that document successful design solutions. They are fundamental to design reuse in object-oriented development." (Ian Sommerville, "Software Engineering" 9th Ed., 2011)

"A software design pattern is a reusable solution to a reoccurring software design problem. […] A design pattern is not a concrete design or implementation, such as an algorithm that can be used as-is, but rather a gene." (Eddie Burris, "Programming in the Large with Design Patterns", 2012)

"Knowledge of design patterns simplifies software design by reducing the number of design problems that have to be solved from first principles. Design problems that match documented design patterns have ready-made solutions. The remaining. problems that don't match documented design patterns must be solved from first principles. Even here, knowledge of design patterns can potentially help with original design. Design patterns are paragons of good design. Studying design patterns helps to develop the intellectual concepts and principles needed to solve unique design problems from first principles." (Eddie Burris, "Programming in the Large with Design Patterns", 2012)

"Not all problem-solution pairs are patterns. If the concept of a pattern is applied too loosely, it could dilute what it means to be a pattern. Although there is no formal criteria or litmus test for what is and isn’t a pattern, there are a few problem-solution pairs that are not generally thought of as patterns." (Eddie Burris, "Programming in the Large with Design Patterns", 2012)

"What makes a design pattern unique is its intent. The intent of a pattern is the problem solved or reason for using it. […] What distinguishes one pattern from another is the problem solved. You can infer the solution structure and problem solved from the pattern name but you can’t infer the pattern name from the solution structure alone." (Eddie Burris, "Programming in the Large with Design Patterns", 2012) 

"Automation is an essential backbone of DevOps. Automation is the use of solutions to reduce the need for human work. Automation can ensure that the software is built the same way each time, that the team sees every change made to the software, and that the software is tested and reviewed in the same way every day so that no defects slip through or are introduced through human error." (Michael Hüttermann et al, "DevOps for Developers", 2013)

"In analytics, it's more important for individuals to be able to formulate problems well, to prototype solutions quickly, to make reasonable assumptions in the face of ill-structured problems, to design experiments that represent good investments, and to analyze results." (Foster Provost & Tom Fawcett, "Data Science for Business", 2013)

"A design pattern usually suggests a scheme for structuring the classes in a design solution and defines the required interactions among those classes. In other words, a design pattern describes some commonly recurring structure of communicating classes that can be used to solve some general design problems. Design pattern solutions are typically described in terms of classes, their instances, their roles and collaborations." (Rajib Mall, "Fundamentals of Software Engineering" 4th Ed., 2014)

"Sometimes you can't fit everything in. Remember that the sprint is great for testing risky solutions that might have a huge payoff. So you'll have to reverse the way you would normally prioritize. If a small fix is so good and low-risk that you're already planning to build it next week, then seeing it in a prototype won't teach you much. Skip those easy wins in favor of big, bold bets." (Jake Knapp et al, "Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days", 2016)

"The art of questioning is to ignite innovative thinking; the science of questioning is to frame system thinking, with the progressive pursuit of better solutions." (Pearl Zhu, "Leadership Master: Five Digital Trends to Leap Leadership Maturity", 2016)

"Programming is the process of taking an algorithm and encoding it into a notation that the computer can execute. These notation systems are referred to as programming languages. [...] Programming is an important part of what a computer scientist does. It is through programming that we create a representation of our solution. However, the solutions that we achieve are often affected by the process and language that we choose. [...] Programming languages must then provide a way to represent both the process and the data required by the solution." (Bradley N Miller et al, "Python Programming in Context", 2019)

"One of the limitations of data management solutions today is how we have attempted to manage its unwieldy complexity, how we have decomposed an ever-growing monolithic data platform and team to smaller partitions. We have chosen the path of least resistance, a technical partitioning." (Zhamak Dehghani, "Data Mesh: Delivering Data-Driven Value at Scale", 2021)

"Finding the right answer is important, of course. But more important is developing the ability to see that problems have multiple solutions, that getting from X to Y demands basic skills and mental agility, imagination, persistence, patience." (Mary H Futrell)

"Some problems are just too complicated for rational logical solutions. They admit of insights, not answers." (Jerome B Wiesner)

08 December 2007

🏗️Software Engineering: Performance (Just the Quotes)

"[...] when a variety of tasks have all to be performed in cooperation, synchronization, and communication, a business needs managers and a management. Otherwise, things go out of control; plans fail to turn into action; or, worse, different parts of the plans get going at different speeds, different times, and with different objectives and goals, and the favor of the 'boss' becomes more important than performance." (Peter F Drucker, "People and Performance", 1977)

"The design of a digital system starts with the specification of the architecture of the system and continues with its implementation and its subsequent realisation... the purpose of architecture is to provide a function. Once that function is established, the purpose of implementation is to give a proper cost-performance and the purpose of realisation is to build and maintain the appropriate logical organisation." (Gerrit A Blaauw, "Specification of Digital Systems", Proc. Seminar in Digital Systems Design, 1978)

"At the heart of reengineering is the notion of discontinuous thinking - of recognizing and breaking away from the outdated rules and fundamental assumptions that underlie operations. Unless we change these rules, we are merely rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. We cannot achieve breakthroughs in performance by cutting fat or automating existing processes. Rather, we must challenge old assumptions and shed the old rules that made the business underperform in the first place." (Michael M Hammer, "Reengineering Work: Don't Automate, Obliterate", Magazine, 1990)

"To us, analysis is the study of a problem domain, leading to a specification of externally observable behavior; a complete, consistent, and feasible statement of what is needed; a coverage of both functional and quantified operational characteristics (e. g. reliability, availability, performance)." (Edward Yourdon, Object-oriented design, 1991)

"Design patterns should not be applied indiscriminately. Often they achieve flexibility and variability by introducing additional levels of indirection, and that can complicate a design and/or cost you some performance. A design pattern should only be applied when the flexibility it affords is actually needed." (Erich Gamma et al, "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software", 1994)

"Our experience with designing and analyzing large and complex software-intensive systems has led us to recognize the role of business and organization in the design of the system and in its ultimate success or failure. Systems are built to satisfy an organization's requirements" (or assumed requirements in the case of shrink-wrapped products). These requirements dictate the system's performance, availability, security, compatibility with other systems, and the ability to accommodate change over its lifetime. The desire to satisfy these goals with software that has the requisite properties influences the design choices made by a software architect." (Len Bass et al, "Software Architecture in Practice", 1998)

"The physical design process is a key phase in the overall design process. It is too often ignored until the last minute in the vain hope that performance will be satisfactory. Without a good physical design, performance is rarely satisfactory and throwing hardware at the problem is rarely completely effective. There is no substitute for a good physical design, and the time and effort spent in the physical design process will be rewarded with an efficient and well-tuned database, not to mention happy users!" (Ken England, "Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Performance Optimization and Tuning Handbook", 2001)

"Old code rarely offers trendy graphics or flavor-of-the-month features, but it has one considerable ad - vantage: It tends to work. A program that has been well used is like an old garden that has been well tended or a vintage guitar that has been well played: Its rough edges have been filed away, its bugs have been found and fixed, and its performance is a known and valuable quantity." (Scott Rosenberg, "Dreaming in Code", 2007)

"Data migration is not just about moving data from one place to another; it should be focused on: realizing all the benefits promised by the new system when you entertained the concept of new software in the first place; creating the improved enterprise performance that was the driver for the project; importing the best, the most appropriate and the cleanest data you can so that you enhance business intelligence; maintaining all your regulatory, legal and governance compliance criteria; staying securely in control of the project." (John Morris, "Practical Data Migration", 2009)

"Modeling is the creation of abstractions or representations of the system to predict and analyze performance, costs, schedules, and risks and to provide guidelines for systems research, development, design, manufacture, and management. Modeling is the centerpiece of systems architecting - a mechanism of communication to clients and builders, of design management with engineers and designers, of maintaining system integrity with project management, and of learning for the architect, personally."" (Mark W Maier, "The Art Systems of Architecting" 3rd Ed., 2009)

"More often than not, performance tuning a system requires you to alter code. When we need to alter code, every chunk that is overly complex or highly coupled is a dirty code bomb lying in wait to derail the effort. The first casualty of dirty code will be your schedule. If the way forward is smooth, it will be easy to predict when you’ll finish. Unexpected encounters with dirty code will make it very difficult to make a sane prediction." (Kirk Pepperdine, [in Kevlin Henney’s "97 Things Every Programmer Should Know", 2010])

"When an engineer refactors the internals of a system without modifying its interface, whether for performance, clarity, or any other reason, the system's tests shouldn't need to change. The role of tests in this case is to ensure that the refactoring didn't change the system's behavior. Tests that need to be changed during a refactoring indicate that either the change is affecting the system's behavior and isn't a pure refactoring, or that the tests were not written at an appropriate level of abstraction." (Titus Winters, "Software Engineering at Google: Lessons Learned from Programming Over Time", 2020)

🏗️Software Engineering: Principles (Just the Quotes)

"There always is an architecture, whether it is defined in advance - as with modern computers - or found out after the fact - as with many older computers. For architecture is determined by behavior, not by words. Therefore, the term architecture, which rightly implies the notion of the arch, or prime structure, should not be understood as the vague overall idea. Rather, the product of the computer architecture, the principle of operations manual, should contain all detail which the user can know, and sooner or later is bound to know." (Gerrit A Blaauw, "Computer Architecture", 1972)

"All repairs tend to destroy the structure, to increase the entropy and disorder of the system. Less and less effort is spent on fixing the original design flaws; more and more is spent on fixing flaws introduced by earlier fixes. As time passes, the system becomes less and less well-ordered. Sooner or later the fixing ceases to gain any ground. Each forward step is matched by a backward one. Although in principle usable forever, the system has worn out as a base for progress." (Frederick P. Brooks, "The Mythical Man-Month", 1975)

"Cohesion can be put into effective practice with the introduction of the idea of an associative principle. In deciding to put certain processing elements into a module, the designer, in effect, invokes a principle that certain properties or characteristics relate the elements possessing it. [...] Ironically, this important design concept had to be developed after the fact when it was too late, politically or pragmatically, to change designs - by asking the designer/programmer why a certain processing element was combined with others into a module. It must be kept in mind that cohesion applies over the whole module - that  is, to all pairs of processing elements." (Edward Yourdon & Larry L Constantine, "Structured Design: Fundamentals of a discipline of computer program and systems design", 1978)

"Economic principles underlie the overall structure of the software lifecycle, and its primary refinements of prototyping, incremental development, and advancemanship. The primary economic driver of the life-cycle structure is the significantly increasing cost of making a software change or fixing a software problem, as a function of the phase in which the change or fix is made." (Barry Boehm, "Software Engineering Economics", 1981)

"It is a fundamental principle of testing that you must know in advance the answer each test case is supposed to produce. If you don't, you are not testing; you are experimenting." (Brian Kernighan, "Software Tools in Pascal", 1981)

"[By understanding] I mean simply a sufficient grasp of concepts, principles, or skills so that one can bring them to bear on new problems and situations, deciding in which ways one's present competencies can suffice and in which ways one may require new skills or knowledge." (Howard Gardner, "The Unschooled Mind", 1991) 

"Good design protects you from the need for too many highly accurate components in the system. But such design principles are still, to this date, ill-understood and need to be researched extensively. Not that good designers do not understand this intuitively, merely it is not easily incorporated into the design methods you were taught in school. Good minds are still needed in spite of all the computing tools we have developed." (Richard Hamming, "The Art of Doing Science and Engineering: Learning to Learn", 1997)

"The fundamental organization of a system embodied in its components, their relationships to each other, and to the environment, and the principles guiding its design and evolution." (ANSI/IEEE Std 1471: 2000)

"Extreme Programming is the most prominent new, light-weight" (or agile) methods, defined to contrast the current heavy-weight and partially overloaded object-oriented methods. It focuses on the core issues of software technology. One of its principles is not to rely on diagrams to document a system." (Bernhard Rumpe, "Executable Modeling with UML. A vision or a Nightmare", Issues & Trends of Information Technology Management in Contemporary Associations, 2002)

"Design patterns provide the cores of ready-made solutions that can be used to solve many of software's most common problems. Some software problems require solutions that are derived from first principles. But most problems are similar to past problems, and those can be solved using similar solutions, or patterns." (Steve C McConnell, "Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction" 2nd Ed., 2004)

"Engineering is, of course, all about bridging the gulf between art and science. Engineering is often defined as the application of scientific principles to serve human needs. But it also brings creativity to bear on those scientific principles, dragging them out of pristine abstraction into the compromised universe of our frustrations and wants." (Scott Rosenberg, "Dreaming in Code", 2007)

"There are two parts to learning craftsmanship: knowledge and work. You must gain the knowledge of principles, patterns, practices, and heuristics that a craftsman knows, and you must also grind that knowledge into your fingers, eyes, and gut by working hard and practicing." (Robert C Martin, "Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship", 2008)

"Enterprise architecture [is] a coherent whole of principles, methods, and models that are used in the design and realisation of an enterprise's organisational structure, business processes, information systems, and infrastructure. [... ] The most important characteristic of an enterprise architecture is that it provides a holistic view of the enterprise. [...] To achieve this quality in enterprise architecture, bringing together information from formerly unrelated domains necessitates an approach that is understood by all those involved from those different domains." (Marc Lankhorst, "Enterprise Architecture at Work: Modelling, Communication and Analysis", 2009)

"Everything you do is based upon a foundation of assumptions. You can't possibly avoid making them, and it's crazy to try - you can't work from first principles every time. But assumptions are dangerous, because they create blind spots - things you treat as true without necessarily having direct evidence." (Paul Butcher, "Debug It! Find, Repair, and Prevent Bugs in Your Code", 2009)

"Although it is focused on the code, refactoring has a large impact on the design of a system. It is vital for senior designers and architects to understand the principles of refactoring and to use them in their projects." (Jay Fields et al, "Refactoring: Ruby Edition", 2010)

"Of all the principles of programming, Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) is perhaps one of the most fundamental. […] The developer who learns to recognize duplication, and understands how to eliminate it through appropriate practice and proper abstraction, can produce much cleaner code than one who continuously infects the application with unnecessary repetition." (Steve Smith, [in Kevlin Henney’s "97 Things Every Programmer Should Know", 2010])

"Releasing software should be easy. It should be easy because you have tested every single part of the release process hundreds of times before. It should be as simple as pressing a button. The repeatability and reliability derive from two principles: automate almost everything, and keep everything you need to build, deploy, test, and release your application in version control." (David Farley & Jez Humble, "Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation", 2010)

"The deployment pipeline has its foundations in the process of continuous integration and is in essence the principle of continuous integration taken to its logical conclusion. The aim of the deployment pipeline is threefold. First, it makes every part of the process of building, deploying, testing, and releasing software visible to everybody involved, aiding collaboration. Second, it improves feedback so that problems are identified, and so resolved, as early in the process as possible. Finally, it enables teams to deploy and release any version of their software to any environment at will through a fully automated process." (David Farley & Jez Humble, "Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation", 2010)

"Most designers think of design patterns as a way of supporting object-oriented design. Patterns often rely on object characteristics such as inheritance and polymorphism to provide generality. However, the general principle of encapsulating experience in a pattern is one that is equally applicable to all software design approaches." (Ian Sommerville, "Software Engineering" 9th Ed., 2011)

"Knowledge of design patterns simplifies software design by reducing the number of design problems that have to be solved from first principles. Design problems that match documented design patterns have ready-made solutions. The remaining. problems that don't match documented design patterns must be solved from first principles. Even here, knowledge of design patterns can potentially help with original design. Design patterns are paragons of good design. Studying design patterns helps to develop the intellectual concepts and principles needed to solve unique design problems from first principles." (Eddie Burris, "Programming in the Large with Design Patterns", 2012)

"The primary intent behind the principle of encapsulation is to separate the interface and the implementation, which enables the two to change nearly independently. This separation of concerns allows the implementation details to be hidden from the clients who must depend only on the interface of the abstraction. If an abstraction exposes implementation details to the clients, it leads to undesirable coupling between the abstraction and its clients, which will impact the clients whenever the abstraction needs to change its implementation details. Providing more access than required can expose implementation details to the clients, thereby, violating the 'principle of hiding'." (Girish Suryanarayana et al, "Refactoring for Software Design Smells: Managing Technical Debt", 2015)

"The principle of abstraction advocates the simplification of entities through reduction and generalization: reduction is by elimination of unnecessary details and generalization is by identification and specification of common and important characteristics." (Girish Suryanarayana et al, "Refactoring for Software Design Smells: Managing Technical Debt", 2015)

"The principle of encapsulation advocates separation of concerns and information hiding through techniques such as hiding implementation details of abstractions and hiding variations." (Girish Suryanarayana et al, "Refactoring for Software Design Smells: Managing Technical Debt", 2015)

"The principle of modularization advocates the creation of cohesive and loosely coupled abstractions through techniques such as localization and decomposition." (Girish Suryanarayana et al, "Refactoring for Software Design Smells: Managing Technical Debt", 2015)

"Knowledge graphs use an organizing principle so that a user" (or a computer system) can reason about the underlying data. The organizing principle gives us an additional layer of organizing data" (metadata) that adds connected context to support reasoning and knowledge discovery. [...] Importantly, some processing can be done without knowledge of the domain, just by leveraging the features of the property graph model" (the organizing principle)." (Jesus Barrasa et al, "Knowledge Graphs: Data in Context for Responsive Businesses", 2021)

"Engineering managers have a responsibility to optimize their teams. They improve engineering workflows and reduce dependencies and repetitive tasks. Self-sustaining teams minimize dependencies that hinder them in their efforts to achieve their objectives. Scalable teams minimize software delivery steps and eliminate bottlenecks. The mechanisms to achieve this may include the use of tools, conventions, documentation, processes, or abstract things such as values and principles. Any action that produces a tangible improvement in the speed, reliability, or robustness of your team's work is worth your consideration." (Morgan Evans, "Engineering Manager's Handbook", 2023)

"Engineering is the art or science of utilizing, directing or instructing others in the utilization of the principles, forces, properties and substances of nature in the production, manufacture, construction, operation and use of things [...] or of means, methods, machines, devices and structures [...]" (Alfred W Kiddle)

🏗️Software Engineering: Testing (Just the Quotes)

"Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs, but never to show their absence!" (Edsger W Dijkstra, "Notes On Structured Programming", 1970)

"Test input for validity and plausibility. [...] Make sure input cannot violate the limits of the program. [...] Identify bad input; recover if possible. [...] Test programs at their boundary values." (Brian W Kernighan & Phillip J Plauger, "The Elements of Programming Style", 1974)

"Watch out for off-by-one errors. A common cause of off-by-one errors is an incorrect test, for example using "greater than" when "greater than or equal to" is actually needed. This program is a binary search routine, which looks for a particular element in a table by halving the interval in which the element might lie, until it ultimately either finds it, or deduces that it isn't present." (Brian W Kernighan & Phillip J Plauger, "The Elements of Programming Style", 1974)

"Write and test a big program in small pieces." (Brian W Kernighan & Phillip J Plauger, "The Elements of Programming Style", 1974)

"It is a fundamental principle of testing that you must know in advance the answer each test case is supposed to produce. If you don't, you are not testing; you are experimenting." (Brian Kernighan, "Software Tools in Pascal", 1981)

"The essence of a software entity is a construct of interlocking concepts: […] I believe the hard part of building software to be the specification, design, and testing of this conceptual construct, not the labor of representing it and testing the fidelity of the representation." (Fred Brooks, "No Silver Bullet", 1986)

"Object-oriented programming languages support encapsulation, thereby improving the ability of software to be reused, refined, tested, maintained, and extended. The full benefit of this support can only be realized if encapsulation is maximized during the design process. […] design practices which take a data-driven approach fail to maximize encapsulation because they focus too quickly on the implementation of objects." (Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, "Object-oriented Design: A. responsibility-driven approach", 1989)

"A design remedy that prevents bugs is always preferable to a test method that discovers them." (Boris Beizer, "Software Testing Techniques", 1990)

"A test that reveals a bug has succeeded, not failed." (Boris Beizer, "Software Testing Techniques", 1990)

"More than the act of testing, the act of designing tests is one of the best bug preventers known. The thinking that must be done to create a useful test can discover and eliminate bugs before they are coded - indeed, test-design thinking can discover and eliminate bugs at every stage in the creation of software, from conception to specification, to design, coding and the rest."  (Boris Beizer, "Software Testing Techniques", 1990)

"Programmers are responsible for software quality - quality in their own work, quality in the products that incorporate their work, and quality at the interfaces between components. Quality has never been and will never be tested in. The responsibility is both moral and professional." (Boris Beizer, "Software Testing Techniques", 1990)

"A problem with this 'waterfall' approach is that there will then be no user interface to test with real users until this last possible moment, since the 'intermediate work products' do not explicitly separate out the user interface in a prototype with which users can interact. Experience also shows that it is not possible to involve the users in the design process by showing them abstract specifications documents, since they will not understand them nearly as well as concrete prototypes." (Jakob Nielsen, "Usability Engineering", 1993)

"Testing by itself does not improve software quality. Test results are an indicator of quality, but in and of themselves, they don't improve it. Trying to improve software quality by increasing the amount of testing is like trying to lose weight by weighing yourself more often. What you eat before you step onto the scale determines how much you will weigh, and the software development techniques you use determine how many errors testing will find. If you want to lose weight, don't buy a new scale; change your diet. If you want to improve your software, don't test more; develop better." (Steve C McConnell, "Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction", 1993)

"The entire idea behind prototyping is to save on the time and cost to develop something that can be tested with real users. These savings can only be achieved by somehow reducing the prototype compared with the full system: either cutting down on the number of features in the prototype or reducing the level of functionality of the features such that they seem to work but do not actually do anything." (Jakob Nielsen, "Usability Engineering", 1993)

"The real value of tests is not that they detect bugs in the code, but that they detect inadequacies in the methods, concentration, and skills of those who design and produce the code." (Charles A R Hoare, "How Did Software Get So Reliable Without Proof?", Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 1051, 1996)

"The longer we wait between integrations and acceptance tests, the worse things get. Wait twice as long and we'll have four or more times the hassle. The reason is that one bug written just yesterday is pretty easy to find, while ten or a hundred written weeks ago can become almost impossible." (Ron Jeffries, "Extreme Programming Installed", 2001)

"Unit tests can be tedious to write, but they save you time in the future (by catching bugs after changes). Less obviously, but just as important, is that they can save you time now: tests focus your design and implementation on simplicity, they support refactoring, and they validate features as you develop." (Ron Jeffries, "Extreme Programming Installed, 2001)

"People also underestimate the time they spend debugging. They underestimate how much time they can spend chasing a long bug. With testing, I know straight away when I added a bug. That lets me fix the bug immediately, before it can crawl off and hide. There are few things more frustrating or time wasting than debugging. Wouldn't it be a hell of a lot quicker if we just didn't create the bugs in the first place?" (Martin Fowler, 2002)

"A system that is comprehensively tested and passes all of its tests all of the time is a testable system. That’s an obvious statement, but an important one. Systems that aren’t testable aren’t verifiable. Arguably, a system that cannot be verified should never be deployed." (Robert C Martin, "Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship", 2008)

"Features have a specification cost, a design cost, and a development cost. There is a testing cost and a reliability cost. […] Features have a documentation cost. Every feature adds pages to the manual increasing training costs." (Douglas Crockford, "JavaScript: The Good Parts: The Good Parts", 2008)

"If the discipline of requirements specification has taught us anything, it is that well-specified requirements are as formal as code and can act as executable tests of that code!"  (Robert C Martin, "Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship", 2008)

"It is a myth that we can get systems 'right the first time'. Instead, we should implement only today’s stories, then refactor and expand the system to implement new stories tomorrow. This is the essence of iterative and incremental agility. Test-driven development, refactoring, and the clean code they produce make this work at the code level." (Robert C Martin, "Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship", 2008) 

"It is unit tests that keep our code flexible, maintainable, and reusable. The reason is simple. If you have tests, you do not fear making changes to the code! Without tests every change is a possible bug."  (Robert C Martin, "Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship", 2008)

"It turns out that strong typing does not eliminate the need for careful testing. And I have found in my work that the sorts of errors that strong type checking finds are no the errors I worry about." (Douglas Crockford, "JavaScript: The Good Parts", 2008)

"Acceptance testing relies on the ability to execute automated tests in a productionlike environment. However, a vital property of such a test environment is that it is able to successfully support automated testing. Automated acceptance testing is not the same as user acceptance testing. One of the differences is that automated acceptance tests should not run in an environment that includes integration to all external systems. Instead, your acceptance testing should be focused on providing a controllable environment in which the system under test can be run. 'Controllable' in this context means that you are able to create the correct initial state for our tests. Integrating with real external systems removes our ability to do this." (David Farley & Jez Humble, "Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation", 2010)

"[…] beautiful code is simple code. Each individual part is kept simple with simple responsibilities and simple relationships with the other parts of the system. This is the way we can keep our systems maintainable over time, with clean, simple, testable code, ensuring a high speed of development throughout the lifetime of the system. Beauty is born of and found in simplicity." (Jørn Ølmheim [in Kevlin Henney’s "97 Things Every Programmer Should Know", 2010])

"Many processes in software development are repetitive and easily automated. The DRY principle applies in these contexts, as well as in the source code of the application. Manual testing is slow, error-prone, and difficult to repeat, so automated test suites should be used where possible. Integrating software can be time consuming and error-prone if done manually, so a build process should be run as frequently as possible, ideally with every check-in. Wherever painful manual processes exist that can be automated, they should be automated and standardized. The goal is to ensure that there is only one way of accomplishing the task, and it is as painless as possible." (Steve Smith, [in Kevlin Henney’s "97 Things Every Programmer Should Know", 2010])

"In many applications, integration or functional tests are used by default as the standard way to test almost all aspects of the system. However integration and functional tests are not the best way to detect and identify bugs. Because of the large number of components involved in a typical end-to-end test, it can be very hard to know where something has gone wrong. In addition, with so many moving parts, it is extremely difficult, if not completely unfeasible, to cover all of the possible paths through the application." (John F Smart, "Jenkins: The Definitive Guide", 2011)

"Systems with high risks must be tested more thoroughly than systems that do not generate big losses if they fail. The risk assessment must be done for the individual system parts, or even for single error possibilities. If there is a high risk for failures by a system or subsystem, there must be a greater testing effort than for less critical (sub)systems. International standards for production of safety-critical systems use this approach to require that different test techniques be applied for software of different integrity levels." (Andreas Spillner et al, "Software Testing Foundations: A Study Guide for the Certified Tester Exam" 4th Ed., 2014)

"But perhaps the biggest problem is that the longer you spend working on something - whether it’s a prototype or a real product - the more attached you’ll become, and the less likely you’ll be to take negative test results to heart. After one day, you’re receptive to feedback. After three months, you’re committed." (Jake Knapp et al, "Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days", 2016)

"Sometimes you can’t fit everything in. Remember that the sprint is great for testing risky solutions that might have a huge payoff. So you’ll have to reverse the way you would normally prioritize. If a small fix is so good and low-risk that you’re already planning to build it next week, then seeing it in a prototype won’t teach you much. Skip those easy wins in favor of big, bold bets." (Jake Knapp et al, "Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days", 2016)

"Automated testing is a safety net that protects the program from its programmers." (Yegor Bugayenko, "Code Ahead", 2018)

"Quality is a product of a conflict between programmers and testers." (Yegor Bugayenko, "Code Ahead", 2018)

"Quality must be enforced, otherwise it won't happen. We programmers must be required to write tests, otherwise we won't do it." (Yegor Bugayenko, "Code Ahead", 2018)

"The job of a tester is to prove that the software is bug free, while it has to be the other way around: The job of a tester is to prove that the software is broken. The better testers are doing their jobs, the more bugs they manage to find and report." (Yegor Bugayenko, "Code Ahead", 2018)

"Code coverage can provide some insight into untested code, but it is not a substitute for thinking critically about how well your system is tested." (Titus Winters, "Software Engineering at Google: Lessons Learned from Programming Over Time", 2020)

"Fixing a bug is much like adding a new feature: the presence of the bug suggests that a case was missing from the initial test suite, and the bug fix should include that missing test case." (Titus Winters, "Software Engineering at Google: Lessons Learned from Programming Over Time", 2020)

"In addition to developing the proper culture, invest in your testing infrastructure by developing linters, documentation, or other assistance that makes it more difficult to write bad tests." (Titus Winters, "Software Engineering at Google: Lessons Learned from Programming Over Time", 2020)

"When an engineer refactors the internals of a system without modifying its interface, whether for performance, clarity, or any other reason, the system’s tests shouldn’t need to change. The role of tests in this case is to ensure that the refactoring didn’t change the system’s behavior. Tests that need to be changed during a refactoring indicate that either the change is affecting the system’s behavior and isn’t a pure refactoring, or that the tests were not written at an appropriate level of abstraction." (Titus Winters, "Software Engineering at Google: Lessons Learned from Programming Over Time", 2020)

07 December 2007

🏗️Software Engineering: Recursion (Just the Quotes)

"A powerful tool for reducing apparent complexity is recursion. In a recursive procedure, the method of solution is defined in terms of itself. That is, each part of the routine handles only a small piece of the strategy, then calls the other parts of the routine as needed to handle the rest. The trick is to reduce each hard case to one that is handled simply elsewhere." (Brian W Kernighan & Phillip J Plauger, "The Elements of Programming Style", 1974)

"Recursion represents no saving of time or storage. Somewhere in the computer must be maintained a list of all the places a recursive routine is called, so the program can eventually find its way back. But the storage for that list is shared among many different uses. More important, it is managed automatically; many of the burdens of storage management and control flow are placed on the compiler, not on the programmer. And since bookkeeping details are hidden, the program can be much easier to understand. Learning to think recursively takes some effort, but it is repaid with smaller and simpler programs." (Brian W Kernighan & Phillip J Plauger, "The Elements of Programming Style", 1974)

"Use recursive procedures for recursively-defined data structures." (Brian W Kernighan & Phillip J Plauger, "The Elements of Programming Style", 1974)

"Recursion is the root of computation since it trades description for time." (Alan J Perlis, "Epigrams on Programming", 1982)

"A deterministic process may be defined in terms of a mathematical function from its input channels to its output channels. Each channel is identified with the indefinitely extensible sequence of messages which pass along it. Such functions are defined in the usual way by recursion on the structure of the input sequences, except that the case of an empty input sequence is not considered." (C Anthony R Hoare, "Communicating Sequential Processes", 1985)

"Recursion permits the definition of a single process as the solution of a single equation. The technique is easily generalised to the solution of sets of simultaneous equations in more than one unknown. For this to work properly, all the right-hand sides must be guarded, and each unknown process must appear exactly once on the left-hand side of one of the equations." (C Anthony R Hoare, "Communicating Sequential Processes", 1985)

"Apart from power laws, iteration is one of the prime sources of self-similarity. Iteration here means the repeated application of some rule or operation - doing the same thing over and over again. […] A concept closely related to iteration is recursion. In an age of increasing automation and computation, many processes and calculations are recursive, and if a recursive algorithm is in fact repetitious, self-similarity is waiting in the wings."(Manfred Schroeder, "Fractals, Chaos, Power Laws Minutes from an Infinite Paradise", 1990)

"When we talk about software architecture, software is recursive and fractal in nature, etched and sketched in code. Everything is details. Interlocking levels of detail also contribute to a building’s architecture, but it doesn’t make sense to talk about physical scale in software. Software has structure - many structures and many kinds of structures-but its variety eclipses the range of physical structure found in buildings. You can even argue quite convincingly that there is more design activity and focus in software than in building architecture - in this sense, it’s not unreasonable to consider software architecture more architectural than building architecture!" (Robert C Martin, "Clean Architecture: A Craftsman's Guide to Software Structure and Design", 2017)

🏗️Software Engineering: Belief (Just the Quotes)

"The essence of a software entity is a construct of interlocking concepts: [... ] I believe the hard part of building software to be the specification, design, and testing of this conceptual construct, not the labor of representing it and testing the fidelity of the representation." (Fred Brooks, "No Silver Bullet", 1986)

"The obsession with methodologies in the workplace is another instance of the high-tech illusion. It stems from the belief that what really matters is the technology. [...] Whatever the technological advantage may be, it may come only at the price of a significant worsening of the team's sociology." (Tom DeMarco & Timothy Lister, "Peopleware", 1987)

"Good engineering is not a matter of creativity or centering or grounding or inspiration or lateral thinking, as useful as those might be, but of decoding the clever, even witty, messages the solution space carves on the corpses of the ideas in which you believed with all your heart, and then building the road to the next message." (Fred Hapgood, "Up the infinite Corridor: MIT and the Technical Imagination", 1993)

"There is a tendency to believe that good architecture leads to systems that perform better and are more secure, but such claims relate less to any given architectural principle than to the timing of big-picture deliberations in the design cycle and to the proper engagement of suitable stakeholders." (James O Coplien & Trygve Reenskaug, "The DCI Paradigm: Taking Object Orientation into the Architecture World", 2014)

"A lot of research in software engineering strikes me as hopelessly naive in one of two ways. Most of it fails entirely to account for the social and belief aspects altogether. It looks at its object of inquiry as if it was entirely material and inert; as if 'software' was some kind of naturally occurring substance, the properties of which can be revealed in the equivalent of a test tube." (Laurent Bossavit, "The Leprechauns of Software Engineering", 2015)

"It's wishful thinking to believe that all the code we write will be bug-free and work the first time. In actuality, much of our engineering time is spent either debugging issues or validating that what we're building behaves as expected. The sooner we internalize this reality, the sooner we will start to consciously invest in our iteration speed in debugging and validation loops." (Edmond Lau, "The Effective Engineer: How to Leverage Your Efforts In Software Engineering to Make a Disproportionate and Meaningful Impact", 2015)

"Beliefs must be reflected in actions to become a part of your leadership style. Your actions develop and strengthen the abilities that support your leadership style. Practicing your beliefs cements them into skills and resources." (Morgan Evans, "Engineering Manager's Handbook", 2023)

"Great engineering managers find ways to give work meaning and make that meaning broadly understood. They align the realities of the engineering work they are tasked with to the aspirations and beliefs of their team members. [...] For your engineers, translating the why in a way they can understand and accept is a powerful tool for alignment and guiding decisions in the direction you want. [...] Translating outside of your team and upward to leadership (managing up) is oftentimes the most impactful translation of all." (Morgan Evans, "Engineering Manager's Handbook", 2023) 

🏗️Software Engineering: Software (Just the Quotes)

"Since software construction is inherently a systems effort - an exercise in complex interrelationships - communication effort is great, and it quickly dominates the decrease in individual task time brought about by partitioning [increasing the workers]. Adding more people then lengthens, not shortens, the schedule." (Frederick Brook, "The Mythical Man-Month", 1975)

"The fundamental problem with software maintenance is that fixing a defect has a substantial (20-50 percent) chance of introducing another. So the whole process is two steps forward and one step back. Why aren't defects fixed more cleanly? First, even a subtle defect shows itself as a local failure of some kind. In fact it often has system-wide ramifications, usually nonobvious. Any attempt to fix it with minimum effort will repair the local and obvious, but unless the structure is pure or the documentation very fine, the far-reaching effects of the repair will be overlooked. Second, the repairer is usually not the man who wrote the code, and often he is a junior programmer or trainee. (Frederick P. Brooks, "The Mythical Man-Month" , 1975)

"The hardest single part of building a software system is deciding precisely what to build." (Frederick P. Brooks, "The Mythical Man-Month", 1975) 

"The essence of a software entity is a construct of interlocking concepts: […] I believe the hard part of building software to be the specification, design, and testing of this conceptual construct, not the labor of representing it and testing the fidelity of the representation." (Fred Brooks, "No Silver Bullet", 1986)

"The finest pieces of software are those where one individual has a complete sense of exactly how the program works. To have that, you have to really love the program and concentrate on keeping it simple, to an incredible degree." (Bill Gates , [interview], 1986)

"There are two ways of constructing a software design. One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies. And the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies." (Charles A R Hoare, [lecture] 1987)

"Object-oriented programming languages support encapsulation, thereby improving the ability of software to be reused, refined, tested, maintained, and extended. The full benefit of this support can only be realized if encapsulation is maximized during the design process. […] design practices which take a data-driven approach fail to maximize encapsulation because they focus too quickly on the implementation of objects." (Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, "Object-oriented Design: A. responsibility-driven approach", 1989)

"Programmers are responsible for software quality - quality in their own work, quality in the products that incorporate their work, and quality at the interfaces between components. Quality has never been and will never be tested in. The responsibility is both moral and professional." (Boris Beizer, "Software Testing Techniques", 1990)

"The complexity barrier. Software complexity (and therefore that of bugs) grows to the limits of our ability to manage that complexity." (Boris Beizer, "Software Testing Techniques", 1990)

"The most common kind of coding bug, and often considered the least harmful, are documentation bugs (i.e., erroneous comments). Although many documentation bugs are simple spelling errors or the result of poor writing, many are actual errors - that is, misleading or erroneous comments. We can no longer afford to discount such bugs, because their consequences are as great as 'true' coding errors. Today programming labor is dominated by maintenance. This will increase as software becomes even longer-lived. Documentation bugs lead to incorrect maintenance actions and therefore cause the insertion of other bugs." (Boris Beizer, "Software Testing Techniques", 1990)

"Every software system needs to have a simple yet powerful organizational philosophy (think of it as the software equivalent of a sound bite that describes the system's architecture). [A] step in [the] development process is to articulate this architectural framework, so that we might have a stable foundation upon which to evolve the system's function points." (Grady Booch, "Object-Oriented Design: with Applications", 1991)

"The fundamentals of language are not understood to this day. [...] Until we understand languages of communication involving humans as they are then it is unlikely many of our software problems will vanish." (Richard W Hamming, "The Art of Probability for Scientists and Engineers", 1991)

"As the size of software systems increases, the algorithms and data structures of the computation no longer constitute the major design problems. When systems are constructed from many components, the organization of the overall system - the software architecture - presents a new set of design problems. This level of design has been addressed in a number of ways including informal diagrams and descriptive terms, module interconnection languages, templates and frameworks for systems that serve the needs of specific domains, and formal models of component integration mechanisms." (David Garlan & Mary Shaw, "An introduction to software architecture", Advances in software engineering and knowledge engineering Vol 1, 1993)

"Testing by itself does not improve software quality. Test results are an indicator of quality, but in and of themselves, they don't improve it. Trying to improve software quality by increasing the amount of testing is like trying to lose weight by weighing yourself more often. What you eat before you step onto the scale determines how much you will weigh, and the software development techniques you use determine how many errors testing will find. If you want to lose weight, don't buy a new scale; change your diet. If you want to improve your software, don't test more; develop better." (Steve C McConnell, "Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction", 1993)

"Software architecture involves the description of elements from which systems are built, interactions among those elements, patterns that guide their composition, and constraints on these patterns. In general, a particular system is defined in terms of a collection of components and interactions among those components. Such a system may in turn be used as a (composite) element in a larger system design." (Mary Shaw & David Garlan,"Characteristics of Higher-Level Languages for Software Architecture", 1994)

"Our experience with designing and analyzing large and complex software-intensive systems has led us to recognize the role of business and organization in the design of the system and in its ultimate success or failure. Systems are built to satisfy an organization's requirements (or assumed requirements in the case of shrink-wrapped products). These requirements dictate the system's performance, availability, security, compatibility with other systems, and the ability to accommodate change over its lifetime. The desire to satisfy these goals with software that has the requisite properties influences the design choices made by a software architect." (Len Bass et al, "Software Architecture in Practice", 1998)

"Generically, an architecture is the description of the set of components and the relationships between them. […] A software architecture describes the layout of the software modules and the connections and relationships among them. A hardware architecture can describe how the hardware components are organized. However, both these definitions can apply to a single computer, a single information system, or a family of information systems. Thus 'architecture' can have a range of meanings, goals, and abstraction levels, depending on who’s speaking." (Frank J Armour et al, "A big-picture look at enterprise architectures", IT professional Vol 1 (1), 1999)

"Planning is not about predicting the future. When you make a plan for developing a piece of software, development is not going to go like that. Not ever. Your customers wouldn’t even be happy if it did, because by the time software gets there, the customers don’t want what was planned, they want something different." (Kent Beck & Martin Fowler, "Planning Extreme Programming", 2000)

"Design patterns provide the cores of ready-made solutions that can be used to solve many of software’s most common problems. Some software problems require solutions that are derived from first principles. But most problems are similar to past problems, and those can be solved using similar solutions, or patterns." (Steve C McConnell, "Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction" 2nd Ed., 2004)

"The software architecture of a system or a family of systems has one of the most significant impacts on the quality of an organization's enterprise architecture. While the design of software systems concentrates on satisfying the functional requirements for a system, the design of the software architecture for systems concentrates on the nonfunctional or quality requirements for systems. These quality requirements are concerns at the enterprise level. The better an organization specifies and characterizes the software architecture for its systems, the better it can characterize and manage its enterprise architecture. By explicitly defining the systems software architectures, an organization will be better able to reflect the priorities and trade-offs that are important to the organization in the software that it builds." (James McGovern et al, "A Practical Guide to Enterprise Architecture", 2004)

"A road plan can show the exact location, elevation, and dimensions of any part of the structure. The map corresponds to the structure, but it's not the same as the structure. Software, on the other hand, is just a codification of the behaviors that the programmers and users want to take place. The map is the same as the structure. […] This means that software can only be described accurately at the level of individual instructions. […] A map or a blueprint for a piece of software must greatly simplify the representation in order to be comprehensible. But by doing so, it becomes inaccurate and ultimately incorrect. This is an important realization: any architecture, design, or diagram we create for software is essentially inadequate. If we represent every detail, then we're merely duplicating the software in another form, and we're wasting our time and effort." (George Stepanek, "Software Project Secrets: Why Software Projects Fail", 2005)

"Software is abstract and therefore seems as if it should be infinitely malleable. And yet, for all its ethereal flexibility, it can be stubbornly, maddeningly intractable, and it is constantly surprising us with its rigidity." (Scott Rosenberg, "Dreaming in Code", 2007)

"Software is different; it has no core. It is onionlike, a thing of layers, each built painstakingly and precariously on the previous one, each counting on the one below not to move or change too much. Software builders like to talk about laying bricks; skeptics see a house of cards. Either way, there’s a steady accumulation going on. New layers pile on old. Programmers call these accretions 'layers of abstraction', because each time a new one is added, something complex and specific is being translated into something simpler and more general." (Scott Rosenberg, "Dreaming in Code", 2007)

"Software is easy to make, except when you want it to do something new. And then, of course, there is a corollary: The only software that's worth making is software that does something new." (Scott Rosenberg, "Dreaming in Code", 2007)

"The names programmers adopt for their abstractions are, as geeks like to say, 'nontrivial'. In software, labels and names matter; they are the handles by which you grab things." (Scott Rosenberg, "Dreaming in Code", 2007)

"There is almost always something you can pull off the shelf that will satisfy many of your needs. But usually the parts of what you need done that your off-the-shelf code won’t handle are the very parts that make your new project different, unique, innovative - and they’re why you’re building it in the first place." (Scott Rosenberg, "Dreaming in Code", 2007)

"We tend to form mental models that are simpler than reality; so if we create represented models that are simpler than the actual implementation model, we help the user achieve a better understanding. […] Understanding how software actually works always helps someone to use it, but this understanding usually comes at a significant cost. One of the most significant ways in which computers can assist human beings is by putting a simple face on complex processes and situations. As a result, user interfaces that are consistent with users’ mental models are vastly superior to those that are merely reflections of the implementation model." (Alan Cooper et al,  "About Face 3: The Essentials of Interaction Design", 2007)

"Part of the beauty of software is that it’s deterministic - the computer does exactly what you tell it to do, and, given the same starting point, it will do exactly the same thing every time." (Paul Butcher, "Debug It! Find, Repair, and Prevent Bugs in Your Code", 2009)

"Writing and (particularly) maintaining software is a continual battle against entropy. Keeping on top of quality is tough, requiring high levels of discipline. This discipline is difficult enough to maintain under the best of circumstances, let alone when faced with concrete evidence that the software is uncared for, such as a long-unfixed bug. As soon as discipline slips, quality can go into a self-reinforcing downward spiral, and you’re in real trouble." (Paul Butcher, "Debug It! Find, Repair, and Prevent Bugs in Your Code", 2009)

"We developers can easily develop blind spots. We necessarily have a different perspective from our users, and that can mean we miss important information that would be obvious to someone who understands things from their point of view. Furthermore, our focus tends to be on working out how to make the software work, not proving that it’s broken." (Paul Butcher, "Debug It! Find, Repair, and Prevent Bugs in Your Code", 2009)

"Refactoring is the process of changing a software system in such a way that it does not alter the external behavior of the code yet improves its internal structure. It is a disciplined way to clean up code that minimizes the chances of introducing bugs. In essence when you refactor you are improving the design of the code after it has been written." (Jay Fields et al, "Refactoring: Ruby Edition", 2010)

"An obsession with 'feature delivery' ignores the human-related and team-related dynamics inherent in modern software, leading to a lack of engagement from staff, especially when the cognitive load is exceeded." (Matthew Skelton, "Team Topologies: Organizing Business and Technology Teams for Fast Flow", 2019)

"Trying to determine the cognitive load of software using simple measures such as lines of code, number of modules, classes, or methods is misguided. […] When measuring cognitive load, what we really care about is the domain complexity - how complex is the problem that we’re trying to solve with software? A domain is a more largely applicable concept than software size." (Matthew Skelton, "Team Topologies: Organizing Business and Technology Teams for Fast Flow", 2019)

"One of the great enemies of design is when systems or objects become more complex than a person - or even a team of people - can keep in their heads. This is why software is generally beneath contempt." (Bran Ferren)

"The thing that makes software design difficult is that we must express thoughts about a problem and a solution we typically do not understand fully, using a language that does not contain many of our accustomed features of expression, to a system that is unforgiving of mistakes." (Alistair Cockburn)

06 December 2007

🏗️Software Engineering: Algorithms (Just the Quotes)

"Design problems - generating or discovering alternatives - are complex largely because they involve two spaces, an action space and a state space, that generally have completely different structures. To find a design requires mapping the former of these on the latter. For many, if not most, design problems in the real world systematic algorithms are not known that guarantee solutions with reasonable amounts of computing effort. Design uses a wide range of heuristic devices - like means-end analysis, satisficing, and the other procedures that have been outlined - that have been found by experience to enhance the efficiency of search. Much remains to be learned about the nature and effectiveness of these devices." (Herbert A Simon, "The Logic of Heuristic Decision Making", [in "The Logic of Decision and Action"], 1966)

"Rule 4. Fancy algorithms are buggier than simple ones, and they're much harder to implement. Use simple algorithms as well as simple data structures." (Rob Pike, "Notes on Programming in C" , 1989)

"Rule 5. Data dominates. If you've chosen the right data structures and organized things well, the algorithms will almost always be self-evident. Data structures, not algorithms, are central to programming." (Rob Pike, "Notes on Programming in C", 1989)

"Apart from power laws, iteration is one of the prime sources of self-similarity. Iteration here means the repeated application of some rule or operation - doing the same thing over and over again. [...] A concept closely related to iteration is recursion. In an age of increasing automation and computation, many processes and calculations are recursive, and if a recursive algorithm is in fact repetitious, self-similarity is waiting in the wings.(Manfred Schroeder, "Fractals, Chaos, Power Laws Minutes from an Infinite Paradise", 1990)

"An algorithm gives you the instructions directly. A heuristic tells you how to discover the instructions for yourself, or at least where to look for them." (Steve McConnell, "Code Complete", 1993)

"As the size of software systems increases, the algorithms and data structures of the computation no longer constitute the major design problems. When systems are constructed from many components, the organization of the overall system - the software architecture - presents a new set of design problems. This level of design has been addressed in a number of ways including informal diagrams and descriptive terms, module interconnection languages, templates and frameworks for systems that serve the needs of specific domains, and formal models of component integration mechanisms." (David Garlan & Mary Shaw, "An introduction to software architecture", Advances in software engineering and knowledge engineering Vol 1, 1993)

"From time to time, a complex algorithm will lead to a longer routine, and in those circumstances, the routine should be allowed to grow organically up to 100-200 lines. (A line is a noncomment, nonblank line of source code.) Decades of evidence say that routines of such length are no more error prone than shorter routines. Let issues such as the routine's cohesion, depth of nesting, number of variables, number of decision points, number of comments needed to explain the routine, and other complexity-related considerations dictate the length of the routine rather than imposing a length restriction per se." (Steve C McConnell," Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction", 1993)

"Heuristic methods may aim at local optimization rather than at global optimization, that is, the algorithm optimizes the solution stepwise, finding the best solution at each small step of the solution process and 'hoping' that the global solution, which comprises the local ones, would be satisfactory." (Nikola K Kasabov, "Foundations of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Knowledge Engineering", 1996)

"We all strive for simple and clear design, don't we? Of course we do. But in XP, we take it to extremes. At every moment in time, we want  the system to be as simple as possible. That means that we want no  additional functions that aren't used, no structures or algorithms that  are more complex than the current need would dictate." (Ron Jeffries, "Extreme Programming Installed", 2001)

"One of the essential parts of a formal training in programming is a long and demanding study of the large collection of algorithms that have already been discovered and analyzed, together with the Data Structures" (carefully tailored, seemingly unnatural ways of organizing data for effective access) that go with them. As with any other engineering profession, it is impossible to do a good job without a thorough knowledge of what has been tried before. If a programmer starts the job fully armed with what is already known, they will have some chance of finding something new. Inventiveness is important: not all problems have been seen before. A programmer who does not already know the standard algorithms and data structures is doomed to nothing more than rediscovering the basics." (Robert Plant & Stephen Murrell, "An Executive's Guide to Information Technology: Principles, Business Models, and Terminology", 2007)

"I find OOP methodologically wrong. It starts with classes. It is as if mathematicians would start with axioms. You do not start with axioms - you start with proofs. Only when you have found a bunch of related proofs, can you come up with axioms. You end with axioms. The same thing is true in programming: you have to start with interesting algorithms. Only when you understand them well, can you come up with an interface that will let them work." (Alexander Stepanov, [Interview with A. Stepanov] 2008)

"A second class of metaphors - mathematical algorithms, heuristics, and models - brings us closer to the world of computer science programs, simulations, and approximations of the brain and its cognitive processes." (Diego Rasskin-Gutman, "Chess Metaphors: Artificial Intelligence and the Human Mind", 2009)

"Making domain concepts explicit in your code means other programmers can gather the intent of the code much more easily than by trying to retrofit an algorithm into what they understand about a domain. It also means that when the domain model evolves - which it will, as your understanding of the domain grows - you are in a good position to evolve the code. Coupled with good encapsulation, the chances are good that the rule will exist in only one place, and that you can change it without any of the dependent code being any the wiser." (Dan North [in Kevlin Henney’s "97 Things Every Programmer Should Know", 2010]) 

"A software design pattern is a reusable solution to a reoccurring software design problem. […] A design pattern is not a concrete design or implementation, such as an algorithm that can be used as-is, but rather a gene." (Eddie Burris, "Programming in the Large with Design Patterns", 2012)

"Algorithm selection is often a design time decision but there are times when it is necessary or desirable to postpone algorithm selection until runtime. Runtime selection is preferable when the choice of algorithm depends on factors not available at design time. Such factors include: nature of input, source of input, user preferences and current conditions." (Eddie Burris, "Programming in the Large with Design Patterns", 2012)

"Programming is a science dressed up as art, because most of us don't understand the physics of software and it's rarely, if ever, taught. The physics of software is not algorithms, data structures, languages, and abstractions. These are just tools we make, use, and throw away. The real physics of software is the physics of people. Specifically, it's about our limitations when it comes to complexity and our desire to work together to solve large problems in pieces. This is the science of programming: make building blocks that people can understand and use easily, and people will work together to solve the very largest problems." (Pieter Hintjens, "ZeroMQ: Messaging for Many Applications", 2012)

"When you write a computer program you've got to not just list things out and sort of take an algorithm and translate it into a set of instructions. But when there's a bug - and all programs have bugs - you've got to debug it. You've got to go in, change it, and then re-execute - and you iterate. And that iteration is really a very, very good approximation of learning." (Nicholas Negroponte, "A 30-year history of the future", [Ted Talk] 2014)

"Programming is the process of taking an algorithm and encoding it into a notation that the computer can execute. These notation systems are referred to as programming languages. [...] Programming is an important part of what a computer scientist does. It is through programming that we create a representation of our solution. However, the solutions that we achieve are often affected by the process and language that we choose. [...] Programming languages must then provide a way to represent both the process and the data required by the solution." (Bradley N Miller et al, "Python Programming in Context", 2019)

05 December 2007

🏗️Software Engineering: Refactoring (Just the Quotes)

"When you feel the need to write a comment, first try to refactor the code so that any comment becomes superfluous." (Kent Beck, "Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code", 1999)

"When you find you have to add a feature to a program, and the program's code is not structured in a convenient way to add the feature, first refactor the program to make it easy to add the feature, then add the feature."  (Kent Beck, "Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code", 1999)

"Unit tests can be tedious to write, but they save you time in the future (by catching bugs after changes). Less obviously, but just as important, is that they can save you time now: tests focus your design and implementation on simplicity, they support refactoring, and they validate features as you develop." (Ron Jeffries, "Extreme Programming Installed, 2001)

"Before you start refactoring, check that you have a solid suite of tests. These tests must be self-checking." (Martin Fowler et al, "Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code", 2002)

"Given software engineers’ infatuation with indirection, it may not surprise you to learn that most refactoring introduces more indirection into a program. Refactoring tends to break big objects into several smaller ones and big methods into several smaller ones." (Kent Beck, "Indirection and Refactoring", 2002)

"One problem area for refactoring is databases. Most business applications are tightly coupled to the database schema that supports them. That's one reason that the database is difficult to change. Another reason is data migration. Even if you have carefully layered your system to minimize the dependencies between the database schema and the object model, changing the database schema forces you to migrate the data, which can be a long and fraught task." (Martin Fowler et al, "Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code", 2002)

"Refactoring is risky. It requires changes to working code that can introduce subtle bugs. Refactoring, if not done properly, can set you back days, even weeks. And refactoring becomes riskier when practiced informally or ad hoc." (Erich Gamma, 2002)

"Refactoring is the process of changing a software system in such a way that it does not alter the external behavior of the code yet improves its internal structure. It is a disciplined way to clean up code that minimizes the chances of introducing bugs. In essence when you refactor you are improving the design of the code after it has been written." (Martin Fowler et al, "Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code", 2002)

"Refactoring is the process of taking a running program and adding to its value, not by changing its behavior but by giving it more of these qualities that enable us to continue developing at speed." (Kent Beck, "Why Refactoring Works", 2002)

"Refactoring changes the programs in small steps. If you make a mistake, it is easy to find the bug." (Martin Fowler et al, "Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code", 2002)

"Without refactoring, the design of the program will decay. As people change code - changes to realize short-term goals or changes made without a full comprehension of the design of the code - the code loses its structure. It becomes harder to see the design by reading the code. Refactoring is rather like tidying up the code. Work is done to remove bits that aren't really in the right place. Loss of the structure of code has a cumulative effect. The harder it is to see the design in the code, the harder it is to preserve it, and the more rapidly it decays. Regular refactoring helps code retain its shape." (Martin Fowler et al, "Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code", 2002)

"A commitment to simplicity of design means addressing the essence of design - the abstractions on which software is built - explicitly and up front. Abstractions are articulated, explained, reviewed and examined deeply, in isolation from the details of the implementation. This doesn’t imply a waterfall process, in which all design and specification precedes all coding. But developers who have experienced the benefits of this separation of concerns are reluctant to rush to code, because they know that an hour spent on designing abstractions can save days of refactoring." (Daniel Jackson, "Software Abstractions", 2006)

"To programmers, refactoring means rewriting a chunk of code to make it briefer, clearer, and easier to read without changing what it actually does. Refactoring is often compared to gardening; it is never finished." (Scott Rosenberg, "Dreaming in Code", 2007)

"It is a myth that we can get systems 'right the first time'. Instead, we should implement only today’s stories, then refactor and expand the system to implement new stories tomorrow. This is the essence of iterative and incremental agility. Test-driven development, refactoring, and the clean code they produce make this work at the code level." (Robert C Martin, "Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship", 2008)

"Refactoring is a lot like solving a Rubik’s cube. There are lots of little steps required to achieve a large goal. Each step enables the next." (Robert C Martin, "Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship", 2008)

"Refactoring is the process of improving the design of existing code without changing its behavior. [...] Bug fixing often uncovers opportunities for refactoring. The very fact that you’re working with code that contains a bug indicates that there is a chance that it could be clearer or better structured." (Paul Butcher, "Debug It! Find, Repair, and Prevent Bugs in Your Code", 2009)

"Although it is focused on the code, refactoring has a large impact on the design of a system. It is vital for senior designers and architects to understand the principles of refactoring and to use them in their projects." (Jay Fields et al, "Refactoring: Ruby Edition", 2010)

"Don’t be afraid of your code. Who cares if something gets temporarily broken while you move things around? A paralyzing fear of change is what got your project into this state to begin with. Investing the time to refactor will pay for itself several times over the lifecycle of your project. An added benefit is that your team’s experience dealing with the sick system makes you all experts in knowing how it should work. Apply this knowledge rather than resent it. Working on a system you hate is not how anybody should have to spend his time." (Mike Lewis, [in Kevlin Henney’s "97 Things Every Programmer Should Know", 2010])

"New technology is an insufficient reason to refactor. One of the worst reasons to refactor is because the current code is way behind all the cool technology we have today, and we believe that a new language or framework can do things a lot more elegantly. Unless a cost-benefit analysis shows that a new language or framework will result in significant improvements in functionality, maintainability, or productivity, it is best to leave it as it is." (Rajith Attapattu [in Kevlin Henney’s "97 Things Every Programmer Should Know", 2010])

"Refactoring is the process of changing a software system in such a way that it does not alter the external behavior of the code yet improves its internal structure. It is a disciplined way to clean up code that minimizes the chances of introducing bugs. In essence when you refactor you are improving the design of the code after it has been written." (Jay Fields et al, "Refactoring: Ruby Edition", 2010)

"Technical debt is like a loan: you benefit from it in the short term, but you have to pay interest on it until it is fully paid off. Shortcuts in the code make it harder to add features or refactor your code. They are breeding grounds for defects and brittle test cases. The longer you leave it, the worse it gets." (Seb Rose [in Kevlin Henney’s "97 Things Every Programmer Should Know", 2010]) 

"What can you do to actually make your code tell the truth as clearly as possible? Strive for good names. Structure your code with respect to cohesive functionality, which also eases naming. Decouple your code to achieve orthogonality. Write automated tests explaining the intended behavior and check the interfaces. Refactor mercilessly when you learn how to code a simpler, better solution. Make your code as simple as possible to read and understand." (Peter Sommerlad, [in Kevlin Henney’s "97 Things Every Programmer Should Know", 2010])

"When an engineer refactors the internals of a system without modifying its interface, whether for performance, clarity, or any other reason, the system’s tests shouldn’t need to change. The role of tests in this case is to ensure that the refactoring didn’t change the system’s behavior. Tests that need to be changed during a refactoring indicate that either the change is affecting the system’s behavior and isn’t a pure refactoring, or that the tests were not written at an appropriate level of abstraction." (Titus Winters, "Software Engineering at Google: Lessons Learned from Programming Over Time", 2020)

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