22 April 2006

🖍️Foster Provost - Collected Quotes

"Data mining is a craft. As with many crafts, there is a well-defined process that can help to increase the likelihood of a successful result. This process is a crucial conceptual tool for thinking about data science projects. [...] data mining is an exploratory undertaking closer to research and development than it is to engineering." (Foster Provost, "Data Science for Business", 2013)

"Formulating data mining solutions and evaluating the results involves thinking carefully about the context in which they will be used." (Foster Provost, "Data Science for Business", 2013)

"[…] framing a business problem in terms of expected value can allow us to systematically decompose it into data mining tasks." (Foster Provost & Tom Fawcett, "Data Science for Business", 2013)

"If you look too hard at a set of data, you will find something - but it might not generalize beyond the data you’re looking at. This is referred to as overfitting a dataset. Data mining techniques can be very powerful, and the need to detect and avoid overfitting is one of the most important concepts to grasp when applying data mining to real problems. The concept of overfitting and its avoidance permeates data science processes, algorithms, and evaluation methods." (Foster Provost & Tom Fawcett, "Data Science for Business", 2013)

"In analytics, it’s more important for individuals to be able to formulate problems well, to prototype solutions quickly, to make reasonable assumptions in the face of ill-structured problems, to design experiments that represent good investments, and to analyze results." (Foster Provost & Tom Fawcett, "Data Science for Business", 2013)

"In common usage, prediction means to forecast a future event. In data science, prediction more generally means to estimate an unknown value. This value could be something in the future (in common usage, true prediction), but it could also be something in the present or in the past. Indeed, since data mining usually deals with historical data, models very often are built and tested using events from the past." (Foster Provost & Tom Fawcett, "Data Science for Business", 2013)

"In data science, a predictive model is a formula for estimating the unknown value of interest: the target. The formula could be mathematical, or it could be a logical statement such as a rule. Often it is a hybrid of the two." (Foster Provost & Tom Fawcett, "Data Science for Business", 2013)

"There is another important distinction pertaining to mining data: the difference between (1) mining the data to find patterns and build models, and (2) using the results of data mining. Students often confuse these two processes when studying data science, and managers sometimes confuse them when discussing business analytics. The use of data mining results should influence and inform the data mining process itself, but the two should be kept distinct." (Foster Provost & Tom Fawcett, "Data Science for Business", 2013)

"There is convincing evidence that data-driven decision-making and big data technologies substantially improve business performance. Data science supports data-driven decision-making - and sometimes conducts such decision-making automatically - and depends upon technologies for 'big data' storage and engineering, but its principles are separate." (Foster Provost & Tom Fawcett, "Data Science for Business", 2013)

"Unfortunately, creating an objective function that matches the true goal of the data mining is usually impossible, so data scientists often choose based on faith and experience." (Foster Provost & Tom Fawcett, "Data Science for Business", 2013)

🖍️Joseph P Bigus - Collected Quotes

"Data mining is the efficient discovery of valuable, nonobvious information from a large collection of data. […] Data mining centers on the automated discovery of new facts and relationships in data. The idea is that the raw material is the business data, and the data mining algorithm is the excavator, sifting through the vast quantities of raw data looking for the valuable nuggets of business information." (Joseph P Bigus,"Data Mining with Neural Networks: Solving business problems from application development to decision support", 1996)

"Like modeling, which involves making a static one-time prediction based on current information, time-series prediction involves looking at current information and predicting what is going to happen. However, with time-series predictions, we typically are looking at what has happened for some period back through time and predicting for some point in the future. The temporal or time element makes time-series prediction both more difficult and more rewarding. Someone who can predict the future based on what has occurred in the past can clearly have tremendous advantages over someone who cannot." (Joseph P Bigus,"Data Mining with Neural Networks: Solving business problems from application development to decision support", 1996)

"Many of the basic functions performed by neural networks are mirrored by human abilities. These include making distinctions between items (classification), dividing similar things into groups (clustering), associating two or more things (associative memory), learning to predict outcomes based on examples (modeling), being able to predict into the future (time-series forecasting), and finally juggling multiple goals and coming up with a good- enough solution (constraint satisfaction)." (Joseph P Bigus,"Data Mining with Neural Networks: Solving business problems from application development to decision support", 1996)

"More than just a new computing architecture, neural networks offer a completely different paradigm for solving problems with computers. […] The process of learning in neural networks is to use feedback to adjust internal connections, which in turn affect the output or answer produced. The neural processing element combines all of the inputs to it and produces an output, which is essentially a measure of the match between the input pattern and its connection weights. When hundreds of these neural processors are combined, we have the ability to solve difficult problems such as credit scoring." (Joseph P Bigus,"Data Mining with Neural Networks: Solving business problems from application development to decision support", 1996)

"Neural networks are a computing model grounded on the ability to recognize patterns in data. As a consequence, they have many applications to data mining and analysis." (Joseph P Bigus,"Data Mining with Neural Networks: Solving business problems from application development to decision support", 1996)

"Neural networks are a computing technology whose fundamental purpose is to recognize patterns in data. Based on a computing model similar to the underlying structure of the human brain, neural networks share the brains ability to learn or adapt in response to external inputs. When exposed to a stream of training data, neural networks can discover previously unknown relationships and learn complex nonlinear mappings in the data. Neural networks provide some fundamental, new capabilities for processing business data. However, tapping these new neural network data mining functions requires a completely different application development process from traditional programming." (Joseph P Bigus, "Data Mining with Neural Networks: Solving business problems from application development to decision support", 1996)

"People build practical, useful mental models all of the time. Seldom do they resort to writing a complex set of mathematical equations or use other formal methods. Rather, most people build models relating inputs and outputs based on the examples they have seen in their everyday life. These models can be rather trivial, such as knowing that when there are dark clouds in the sky and the wind starts picking up that a storm is probably on the way. Or they can be more complex, like a stock trader who watches plots of leading economic indicators to know when to buy or sell. The ability to make accurate predictions from complex examples involving many variables is a great asset." (Joseph P Bigus,"Data Mining with Neural Networks: Solving business problems from application development to decision support", 1996)

"Unfortunately, just collecting the data in one place and making it easily available isn’t enough. When operational data from transactions is loaded into the data warehouse, it often contains missing or inaccurate data. How good or bad the data is a function of the amount of input checking done in the application that generates the transaction. Unfortunately, many deployed applications are less than stellar when it comes to validating the inputs. To overcome this problem, the operational data must go through a 'cleansing' process, which takes care of missing or out-of-range values. If this cleansing step is not done before the data is loaded into the data warehouse, it will have to be performed repeatedly whenever that data is used in a data mining operation." (Joseph P Bigus,"Data Mining with Neural Networks: Solving business problems from application development to decision support", 1996)

"When training a neural network, it is important to understand when to stop. […] If the same training patterns or examples are given to the neural network over and over, and the weights are adjusted to match the desired outputs, we are essentially telling the network to memorize the patterns, rather than to extract the essence of the relationships. What happens is that the neural network performs extremely well on the training data. However, when it is presented with patterns it hasn't seen before, it cannot generalize and does not perform well. What is the problem? It is called overtraining." (Joseph P Bigus,"Data Mining with Neural Networks: Solving business problems from application development to decision support", 1996)

"While classification is important, it can certainly be overdone. Making too fine a distinction between things can be as serious a problem as not being able to decide at all. Because we have limited storage capacity in our brain (we still haven't figured out how to add an extender card), it is important for us to be able to cluster similar items or things together. Not only is clustering useful from an efficiency standpoint, but the ability to group like things together (called chunking by artificial intelligence practitioners) is a very important reasoning tool. It is through clustering that we can think in terms of higher abstractions, solving broader problems by getting above all of the nitty-gritty details." (Joseph P Bigus,"Data Mining with Neural Networks: Solving business problems from application development to decision support", 1996)

🖍️Richard E Nisbett - Collected Quotes

"Multiple regression, like all statistical techniques based on correlation, has a severe limitation due to the fact that correlation doesn't prove causation. And no amount of measuring of 'control' variables can untangle the web of causality. What nature hath joined together, multiple regression cannot put asunder." (Richard Nisbett, "2014: What scientific idea is ready for retirement?", 2013)

"What nature hath joined together, multiple regression cannot put asunder."  (Richard Nisbett, "2014: What scientific idea is ready for retirement?", 2013)

"A basic problem with MRA is that it typically assumes that the independent variables can be regarded as building blocks, with each variable taken by itself being logically independent of all the others. This is usually not the case, at least for behavioral data. […] Just as correlation doesn’t prove causation, absence of correlation fails to prove absence of causation. False-negative findings can occur using MRA just as false-positive findings do - because of the hidden web of causation that we’ve failed to identify." (Richard E Nisbett, "Mindware: Tools for Smart Thinking", 2015)

"Deductive and inductive reasoning schemas essentially regulate inferences. They tell us what kinds of inferences are valid and what kinds are invalid. […] Dialectical reasoning isn’t formal or deductive and usually doesn’t deal in abstractions. It’s concerned with reaching true and useful conclusions rather than valid conclusions. In fact, conclusions based on dialectical reasoning can actually be opposed to those based on formal logic." (Richard E Nisbett, "Mindware: Tools for Smart Thinking", 2015)

"Multiple regression analysis (MRA) examines the association between an independent variable and a dependent variable, controlling for the association between the independent variable and other variables, as well as the association of those other variables with the dependent variable. The method can tell us about causality only if all possible causal influences have been identified and measured reliably and validly. In practice, these conditions are rarely met." (Richard E Nisbett, "Mindware: Tools for Smart Thinking", 2015)

"One technique employing correlational analysis is multiple regression analysis (MRA), in which a number of independent variables are correlated simultaneously (or sometimes sequentially, but we won’t talk about that variant of MRA) with some dependent variable. The predictor variable of interest is examined along with other independent variables that are referred to as control variables. The goal is to show that variable A influences variable B 'net of' the effects of all the other variables. That is to say, the relationship holds even when the effects of the control variables on the dependent variable are taken into account." (Richard E Nisbett, "Mindware: Tools for Smart Thinking", 2015)

"Science is often described as a 'seamless web'. What’s meant by that is that the facts, methods, theories, and rules of inference discovered in one field can be helpful for other fields. And philosophy and logic can affect reasoning in literally every field of science."(Richard E Nisbett, "Mindware: Tools for Smart Thinking", 2015)

"The closer that sample-selection procedures approach the gold standard of random selection - for which the definition is that every individual in the population has an equal chance of appearing in the sample - the more we should trust them. If we don’t know whether a sample is random, any statistical measure we conduct may be biased in some unknown way." (Richard E Nisbett, "Mindware: Tools for Smart Thinking", 2015)

"The correlational technique known as multiple regression is used frequently in medical and social science research. This technique essentially correlates many independent (or predictor) variables simultaneously with a given dependent variable (outcome or output). It asks, 'Net of the effects of all the other variables, what is the effect of variable A on the dependent variable?' Despite its popularity, the technique is inherently weak and often yields misleading results. The problem is due to self-selection. If we don’t assign cases to a particular treatment, the cases may differ in any number of ways that could be causing them to differ along some dimension related to the dependent variable. We can know that the answer given by a multiple regression analysis is wrong because randomized control experiments, frequently referred to as the gold standard of research techniques, may give answers that are quite different from those obtained by multiple regression analysis." (Richard E Nisbett, "Mindware: Tools for Smart Thinking", 2015)

"The fundamental problem with MRA, as with all correlational methods, is self-selection. The investigator doesn’t choose the value for the independent variable for each subject (or case). This means that any number of variables correlated with the independent variable of interest have been dragged along with it. In most cases, we will fail to identify all these variables. In the case of behavioral research, it’s normally certain that we can’t be confident that we’ve identified all the plausibly relevant variables." (Richard E Nisbett, "Mindware: Tools for Smart Thinking", 2015)

"The theory behind multiple regression analysis is that if you control for everything that is related to the independent variable and the dependent variable by pulling their correlations out of the mix, you can get at the true causal relation between the predictor variable and the outcome variable. That’s the theory. In practice, many things prevent this ideal case from being the norm." (Richard E Nisbett, "Mindware: Tools for Smart Thinking", 2015)

"We are superb causal-hypothesis generators. Given an effect, we are rarely at a loss for an explanation. Seeing a difference in observations over time, we readily come up with a causal interpretation. Much of the time, no causality at all is going on—just random variation. The compulsion to explain is particularly strong when we habitually see that one event typically occurs in conjunction with another event. Seeing such a correlation almost automatically provokes a causal explanation. It’s tremendously useful to be on our toes looking for causal relationships that explain our world. But there are two problems: (1) The explanations come too easily. If we recognized how facile our causal hypotheses were, we’d place less confidence in them. (2) Much of the time, no causal interpretation at all is appropriate and wouldn’t even be made if we had a better understanding of randomness." (Richard E Nisbett, "Mindware: Tools for Smart Thinking", 2015)

"We don’t recognize how easy it is to generate hypotheses about the world. If we did, we’d generate fewer of them, or at least hold them more tentatively. We sprout causal theories in abundance when we learn of a correlation, and we readily find causal explanations for the failure of the world to confirm our hypotheses. We don’t realize how easy it is for us to explain away evidence that would seem on the surface to contradict our hypotheses. And we fail to generate tests of a hypothesis that could falsify the hypothesis if in fact the hypothesis is wrong. This is one type of confirmation bias." (Richard E Nisbett, "Mindware: Tools for Smart Thinking", 2015)

🖍️Mike Barlow - Collected Quotes

"Applying data science principles to solve social problems and improve the lives of ordinary people seems like a logical idea, but it is by no means a given. Using data science to elevate the human condition won’t happen by accident; groups of people will have to envision it, develop the routine processes and underlying infrastructures required to make it practical, and then commit the time and energy necessary to make it all work." (Mike Barlow, "Learning to Love Data Science", 2015)

"Hollywood loves the myth of a lone scientist working late nights in a dark laboratory on a mysterious island, but the truth is far less melodramatic. Real science is almost always a team sport. Groups of people, collaborating with other groups of people, are the norm in science - and data science is no exception to the rule. When large groups of people work together for extended periods of time, a culture begins to emerge." (Mike Barlow, "Learning to Love Data Science", 2015)

"In other words, real-time denotes the ability to process data as it arrives, rather than storing the data and retrieving it at some point in the future. That’s the primary significance of the term - real-time means that you’re processing data in the present, rather than in the future." (Mike Barlow, "Learning to Love Data Science", 2015)

"The ability to manage large and complex sets of data hasn’t diminished the appetite for more size and greater speed. Every day it seems that a new technique or application is introduced that pushes the edges of the speed-size envelope even further." (Mike Barlow, "Learning to Love Data Science", 2015)

"The cultural component of big data is neither trivial nor free. It is not a list of 'feel-good' or 'fluffy' attributes that are posted on a corporate website. Culture (that is, people and processes) is integral and critical to the success of any new technology deployment or implementation." (Mike Barlow, "Learning to Love Data Science", 2015)

"The whole point of machine learning is automating the learning process itself, enabling the computer program to get better as it consumes more data, without requiring the continual intervention of a programmer." (Mike Barlow, "Learning to Love Data Science", 2015)

🖍️Peter C Bruce - Collected Quotes

"A popular misconception holds that the era of Big Data means the end of a need for sampling. In fact, the proliferation of data of varying quality and relevance reinforces the need for sampling as a tool to work efficiently with a variety of data, and minimize bias. Even in a Big Data project, predictive models are typically developed and piloted with samples." (Peter C Bruce & Andrew G Bruce, "Statistics for Data Scientists: 50 Essential Concepts", 2016)

"Do not confuse standard deviation (which measures the variability of individual data points) with standard error (which measures the variability of a sample metric)." (Peter C Bruce & Andrew G Bruce, "Statistics for Data Scientists: 50 Essential Concepts", 2016)

"In statistical theory, location and variability are referred to as the first and second moments of a distribution. The third and fourth moments are called skewness and kurtosis. Skewness refers to whether the data is skewed to larger or smaller values and kurtosis indicates the propensity of the data to have extreme values. Generally, metrics are not used to measure skewness and kurtosis; instead, these are discovered through visual displays [...]" (Peter C Bruce & Andrew G Bruce, "Statistics for Data Scientists: 50 Essential Concepts", 2016)

"Machine learning tends to be more focused on developing efficient algorithms that scale to large data in order to optimize the predictive model. Statistics generally pays more attention to the probabilistic theory and underlying structure of the model." (Peter C Bruce & Andrew G Bruce, "Statistics for Data Scientists: 50 Essential Concepts", 2016)

"Many classification and regression algorithms optimize a certain criteria or loss function. For example, logistic regression attempts to minimize the deviance. In the literature, some propose to modify the loss function in order to avoid the problems caused by a rare class. In practice, this is hard to do: classification algorithms can be complex and difficult to modify. Weighting is an easy way to change the loss function, discounting errors for records with low weights in favor of records of higher weights." (Peter C Bruce & Andrew G Bruce, "Statistics for Data Scientists: 50 Essential Concepts", 2016)

"Moreover, data science (and business in general) is not so worried about statistical significance, but more concerned with optimizing overall effort and results." (Peter C Bruce & Andrew G Bruce, "Statistics for Data Scientists: 50 Essential Concepts", 2016)

"Statisticians often use the term estimates for values calculated from the data at hand, to draw a distinction between what we see from the data, and the theoretical true or exact state of affairs. Data scientists and business analysts are more likely to refer to such values as a metric. The difference reflects the approach of statistics versus data science: accounting for uncertainty lies at the heart of the discipline of statistics, whereas concrete business or organizational objectives are the focus of data science. Hence, statisticians estimate, and data scientists measure." (Peter C Bruce & Andrew G Bruce, "Statistics for Data Scientists: 50 Essential Concepts", 2016)

"The bootstrap does not compensate for a small sample size; it does not create new data, nor does it fill in holes in an existing data set. It merely informs us about how lots of additional samples would behave when drawn from a population like our original sample." (Peter C Bruce & Andrew G Bruce, "Statistics for Data Scientists: 50 Essential Concepts", 2016)

"The tension between oversmoothing and overfitting is an instance of the bias-variance tradeoff, an ubiquitous problem in statistical model fitting. Variance refers to the modeling error that occurs because of the choice of training data; that is, if you were to choose a different set of training data, the resulting model would be different. Bias refers to the modeling error that occurs because you have not properly identified the underlying real-world scenario; this error would not disappear if you simply added more training data. When a flexible model is overfit, the variance increases. You can reduce this by using a simpler model, but the bias may increase due to the loss of flexibility in modeling the real underlying situation." (Peter C Bruce & Andrew G Bruce, "Statistics for Data Scientists: 50 Essential Concepts", 2016)

"The variance, the standard deviation, mean absolute deviation, and median absolute deviation from the median are not equivalent estimates, even in the case where the data comes from a normal distribution. In fact, the standard deviation is always greater than the mean absolute deviation, which itself is greater than the median absolute deviation. Sometimes, the median absolute deviation is multiplied by a constant scaling factor (it happens to work out to 1.4826) to put MAD on the same scale as the standard deviation in the case of a normal distribution." (Peter C Bruce & Andrew G Bruce, "Statistics for Data Scientists: 50 Essential Concepts", 2016)

"When analysts and researchers use the term regression by itself, they are typically referring to linear regression; the focus is usually on developing a linear model to explain the relationship between predictor variables and a numeric outcome variable. In its formal statistical sense, regression also includes nonlinear models that yield a functional relationship between predictors and outcome variables. In the machine learning community, the term is also occasionally used loosely to refer to the use of any predictive model that produces a predicted numeric outcome (standing in distinction from classification methods that predict a binary or categorical outcome)." (Peter C Bruce & Andrew G Bruce, "Statistics for Data Scientists: 50 Essential Concepts", 2016)

21 April 2006

🖍️Pedro Domingos - Collected Quotes

"A learner that uses Bayes’ theorem and assumes the effects are independent given the cause is called a Naïve Bayes classifier. That’s because, well, that’s such a naïve assumption." (Pedro Domingos, "The Master Algorithm", 2015)

"An algorithm is not just any set of instructions: they have to be precise and unambiguous enough to be executed by a computer. [...] The computer has to know how to execute the algorithm all the way down to turning specific transistors on and off." (Pedro Domingos, "The Master Algorithm", 2015)

"As so often happens in computer science, we’re willing to sacrifice efficiency for generality." (Pedro Domingos, "The Master Algorithm", 2015)

"Believe it or not, every algorithm, no matter how complex, can be reduced to just these three operations: AND, OR, and NOT." (Pedro Domingos, "The Master Algorithm", 2015)

"Designing an algorithm is not easy. Pitfalls abound, and nothing can be taken for granted. Some of your intuitions will turn out to have been wrong, and you’ll have to find another way. On top of designing the algorithm, you have to write it down in a language computers can understand, like Java or Python (at which point it’s called a program). Then you have to debug it: find every error and fix it until the computer runs your program without screwing up. But once you have a program that does what you want, you can really go to town." (Pedro Domingos, "The Master Algorithm", 2015)

"Dimensionality reduction is essential for coping with big data—like the data coming in through your senses every second. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but it’s also a million times more costly to process and remember. [...] A common complaint about big data is that the more data you have, the easier it is to find spurious patterns in it. This may be true if the data is just a huge set of disconnected entities, but if they’re interrelated, the picture changes." (Pedro Domingos, "The Master Algorithm", 2015)

"Every algorithm has an input and an output: the data goes into the computer, the algorithm does what it will with it, and out comes the result. Machine learning turns this around: in goes the data and the desired result and out comes the algorithm that turns one into the other. Learning algorithms - also known as learners - are algorithms that make other algorithms. With machine learning, computers write their own programs, so we don’t have to." (Pedro Domingos, "The Master Algorithm", 2015)

"In machine learning, knowledge is often in the form of statistical models, because most knowledge is statistical [...] Machine learning is a kind of knowledge pump: we can use it to extract a lot of knowledge from data, but first we have to prime the pump." (Pedro Domingos, "The Master Algorithm", 2015)

"Learning is forgetting the details as much as it is remembering the important parts." (Pedro Domingos, "The Master Algorithm", 2015)

"Machine learning takes many different forms and goes by many different names: pattern recognition, statistical modeling, data mining, knowledge discovery, predictive analytics, data science, adaptive systems, self-organizing systems, and more. Each of these is used by different communities and has different associations. Some have a long half-life, some less so." (Pedro Domingos, "The Master Algorithm", 2015)

"Our beliefs are based on our experience, which gives us a very incomplete picture of the world, and it's easy to jump to false conclusions." (Pedro Domingos, "The Master Algorithm", 2015)

"People often think computers are all about numbers, but they’re not. Computers are all about logic." (Pedro Domingos, "The Master Algorithm", 2015)

"Science’s predictions are more trustworthy, but they are limited to what we can systematically observe and tractably model. Big data and machine learning greatly expand that scope. Some everyday things can be predicted by the unaided mind, from catching a ball to carrying on a conversation. Some things, try as we might, are just unpredictable. For the vast middle ground between the two, there’s machine learning." (Pedro Domingos, "The Master Algorithm", 2015)

"To make progress, every field of science needs to have data commensurate with the complexity of the phenomena it studies. [...] With big data and machine learning, you can understand much more complex phenomena than before. In most fields, scientists have traditionally used only very limited kinds of models, like linear regression, where the curve you fit to the data is always a straight line. Unfortunately, most phenomena in the world are nonlinear. [...] Machine learning opens up a vast new world of nonlinear models." (Pedro Domingos, "The Master Algorithm", 2015)

"Today we routinely learn models with millions of parameters, enough to give each elephant in the world his own distinctive wiggle. It’s even been said that data mining means 'torturing the data until it confesses'." (Pedro Domingos, "The Master Algorithm", 2015)

"Traditionally, the only way to get a computer to do something - from adding two numbers to flying an airplane - was to write down an algorithm explaining how, in painstaking detail. But machine-learning algorithms, also known as learners, are different: they figure it out on their own, by making inferences from data. And the more data they have, the better they get. Now we don’t have to program computers; they program themselves." (Pedro Domingos, "The Master Algorithm", 2015)

"Whoever has the best algorithms and the most data wins. A new type of network effect takes hold: whoever has the most customers accumulates the most data, learns the best models, wins the most new customers, and so on in a virtuous circle (or a vicious one, if you’re the competition)." (Pedro Domingos, "The Master Algorithm", 2015)

20 April 2006

🖍️Amit Ray - Collected Quotes

"Artificial intelligence is defined as the branch of science and technology that is concerned with the study of software and hardware to provide machines the ability to learn insights from data and the environment, and the ability to adapt in changing situations with high precision, accuracy and speed." (Amit Ray, "Compassionate Artificial Intelligence", 2018)

"Artificial Intelligence is not just learning patterns from data, but understanding human emotions and its evolution from its depth and not just fulfilling the surface level human requirements, but sensitivity towards human pain, happiness, mistakes, sufferings and well-being of the society are the parts of the evolving new AI systems." (Amit Ray, "Compassionate Artificial Intelligence", 2018)

"Quantum Machine Learning is defined as the branch of science and technology that is concerned with the application of quantum mechanical phenomena such as superposition, entanglement and tunneling for designing software and hardware to provide machines the ability to learn insights and patterns from data and the environment, and the ability to adapt automatically to changing situations with high precision, accuracy and speed." (Amit Ray, "Quantum Computing Algorithms for Artificial Intelligence", 2018)

"Quantum machine learning promises to discover the optimal network topologies and hyperparameters automatically without human intervention. (Amit Ray, "Quantum Computing Algorithms for Artificial Intelligence", 2018)

"The beauty of quantum machine learning is that we do not need to depend on an algorithm like gradient descent or convex objective function. The objective function can be nonconvex or something else." (Amit Ray, "Quantum Computing Algorithms for Artificial Intelligence", 2018)

"You can't understand depth of science, unless you challenge the published scientific data." (Amit Ray)

🖍️Aleksander Molak - Collected Quotes

"An important concept in complexity science is emergence – a phenomenon in which we can observe certain properties at the system level that cannot be observed at its constituent parts’ level. This property is sometimes described as a system being more than the sum of its parts." (Aleksander Molak, "Causal Inference and Discovery in Python", 2023)

"Any time you run regression analysis on arbitrary real-world observational data, there’s a significant risk that there’s hidden confounding in your dataset and so causal conclusions from such analysis are likely to be (causally) biased." (Aleksander Molak, "Causal Inference and Discovery in Python", 2023)

"Expert knowledge is a term covering various types of knowledge that can help define or disambiguate causal relations between two or more variables. Depending on the context, expert knowledge might refer to knowledge from randomized controlled trials, laws of physics, a broad scope of experiences in a given area, and more." (Aleksander Molak, "Causal Inference and Discovery in Python", 2023)

"In statistical inference and machine learning, we often talk about estimates and estimators. Estimates are basically our best guesses regarding some quantities of interest given (finite) data. Estimators are computational devices or procedures that allow us to map between a given (finite) data sample and an estimate of interest." (Aleksander Molak, "Causal Inference and Discovery in Python", 2023)

"In summary, the relationship between different branches of contemporary machine learning and causality is nuanced. That said, most broadly adopted machine learning models operate on rung one, not having a causal world model." (Aleksander Molak, "Causal Inference and Discovery in Python", 2023)

"'Let the data speak'" is a catchy and powerful slogan, but [...] data itself is not always enough. It’s worth remembering that in many cases 'data cannot speak for themselves' and we might need more information than just observations to address some of our questions." (Aleksander Molak, "Causal Inference and Discovery in Python", 2023)

"Matching is a family of methods for estimating causal effects by matching similar observations (or units) in the treatment and non-treatment groups. The goal of matching is to make comparisons between similar units in order to achieve as precise an estimate of the true causal effect as possible." (Aleksander Molak, "Causal Inference and Discovery in Python", 2023)

"Multiple regression provides scientists and analysts with a tool to perform statistical control - a procedure to remove unwanted influence from certain variables in the model." (Aleksander Molak, "Causal Inference and Discovery in Python", 2023)

"Non-linear associations are also quantifiable. Even linear regression can be used to model some non-linear relationships. This is possible because linear regression has to be linear in parameters, not necessarily in the data. More complex relationships can be quantified using entropy-based metrics such as mutual information. Linear models can also handle interaction terms. We talk about interaction when the model’s output depends on a multiplicative relationship between two or more variables." (Aleksander Molak, "Causal Inference and Discovery in Python", 2023)

"The basic goal of causal inference is to estimate the causal effect of one set of variables on another. In most cases, to do it accurately, we need to know which variables we should control for. [...] to accurately control for confounders, we need to go beyond the realm of pure statistics and use the information about the data-generating process, which can be encoded as a (causal) graph. In this sense, the ability to translate between graphical and statistical properties is central to causal inference." (Aleksander Molak, "Causal Inference and Discovery in Python", 2023)

"The causal interpretation of linear regression only holds when there are no spurious relationships in your data. This is the case in two scenarios: when you control for a set of all necessary variables (sometimes this set can be empty) or when your data comes from a properly designed randomized experiment." (Aleksander Molak, "Causal Inference and Discovery in Python", 2023)

"The first level of creativity [for evaluating causal models] is to use the refutation tests [...] The second level of creativity is available when you have access to historical data coming from randomized experiments. You can compare your observational model with the experimental results and try to adjust your model accordingly. The third level of creativity is to evaluate your modeling approach on simulated data with known outcomes. [...] The fourth level of creativity is sensitivity analysis." (Aleksander Molak, "Causal Inference and Discovery in Python", 2023)

"[...] the modularity assumption states that when we perform a (perfect) intervention on one variable in the system, the only structural change that takes place in this system is the removal of this variable’s incoming edges (which is equivalent to the modification of its structural equation) and the rest of the system remains structurally unchanged." (Aleksander Molak, "Causal Inference and Discovery in Python", 2023)

🖍️Manfred Drosg - Collected Quotes

"A histogram consists of the outline of bars of equal width and appropriate length next to each other. By connecting the frequency values at the position of the nominal values (the midpoints of the intervals) with straight lines, a frequency polygon is obtained. Attaching classes with frequency zero at either end makes the area (the integral) under the frequency polygon equal  to that under the histogram." (Manfred Drosg, "Dealing with Uncertainties: A Guide to Error Analysis", 2007)

"A valid digit is not necessarily a significant digit. The significance of numbers is a result of its scientific context." (Manfred Drosg, "Dealing with Uncertainties: A Guide to Error Analysis", 2007)

"[myth:] Accuracy is more important than precision. For single best estimates, be it a mean value or a single data value, this question does not arise because in that case there is no difference between accuracy and precision. (Think of a single shot aimed at a target.) Generally, it is good practice to balance precision and accuracy. The actual requirements will differ from case to case." (Manfred Drosg, "Dealing with Uncertainties: A Guide to Error Analysis", 2007)

"Any scientific data without (a stated) uncertainty is of no avail. Therefore the analysis and description of uncertainty are almost as important as those of the data value itself . It should be clear that the uncertainty itself also has an uncertainty – due to its nature as a scientific quantity – and so on. The uncertainty of an uncertainty is generally not determined." (Manfred Drosg, "Dealing with Uncertainties: A Guide to Error Analysis", 2007)

"As uncertainties of scientific data values are nearly as important as the data values themselves, it is usually not acceptable that a best estimate is only accompanied by an estimated uncertainty. Therefore, only the size of nondominant uncertainties should be estimated. For estimating the size of a nondominant uncertainty we need to find its upper limit, i.e., we want to be as sure as possible that the uncertainty does not exceed a certain value." (Manfred Drosg, "Dealing with Uncertainties: A Guide to Error Analysis", 2007)

"Before best estimates are extracted from data sets by way of a regression analysis, the uncertainties of the individual data values must be determined.In this case care must be taken to recognize which uncertainty components are common to all the values, i.e., those that are correlated (systematic)." (Manfred Drosg, "Dealing with Uncertainties: A Guide to Error Analysis", 2007)

"Before discarding a data point one should investigate the possible reasons for this faulty data value." (Manfred Drosg, "Dealing with Uncertainties: A Guide to Error Analysis", 2007)

"Correlation analysis can help us find the size of the formal relation between two properties. An equidirectional variation is present if we observe high values of one variable together with high values of the other variable (or low ones combined with low ones). In this case there is a positive correlation. If high values are combined with low values and low values with high values, the variation is counterdirectional, and the correlation is negative." (Manfred Drosg, "Dealing with Uncertainties: A Guide to Error Analysis", 2007)

"[myth:] Counting can be done without error. Usually, the counted number is an integer and therefore without (rounding) error. However, the best estimate of a scientifically relevant value obtained by counting will always have an error. These errors can be very small in cases of consecutive counting, in particular of regular events, e.g., when measuring frequencies." (Manfred Drosg, "Dealing with Uncertainties: A Guide to Error Analysis", 2007)

"Due to the theory that underlies uncertainties an infinite number of data values would be necessary to determine the true value of any quantity. In reality the number of available data values will be relatively small and thus this requirement can never be fully met; all one can get is the best estimate of the true value." (Manfred Drosg, "Dealing with Uncertainties: A Guide to Error Analysis", 2007)

"For linear dependences the main information usually lies in the slope. It is obvious that those points that lie far apart have the strongest influence on the slope if all points have the same uncertainty. In this context we speak of the strong leverage of distant points; when determining the parameter “slope” these distant points carry more effective weight. Naturally, this weight is distinct from the “statistical” weight usually used in regression analysis." (Manfred Drosg, "Dealing with Uncertainties: A Guide to Error Analysis", 2007)

"For some scientific data the true value cannot be given by a constant or some straightforward mathematical function but by a probability distribution or an expectation value. Such data are called probabilistic. Even so, their true value does not change with time or place, making them distinctly different from  most statistical data of everyday life." (Manfred Drosg, "Dealing with Uncertainties: A Guide to Error Analysis", 2007)

"If there is an outlier there are two possibilities: The model is wrong– after all, a theory is the basis on which we decide whether a data point is an outlier (an unexpected value) or not. The value of the data point is wrong because of a failure of the apparatus or a human mistake. There is a third possibility, though: The data point might not be an actual  outlier, but part of a (legitimate) statistical fluctuation." (Manfred Drosg, "Dealing with Uncertainties: A Guide to Error Analysis", 2007)

"In error analysis the so-called 'chi-squared' is a measure of the agreement between the uncorrelated internal and the external uncertainties of a measured functional relation. The simplest such relation would be time independence. Theory of the chi-squared requires that the uncertainties be normally distributed. Nevertheless, it was found that the test can be applied to most probability distributions encountered in practice." (Manfred Drosg, "Dealing with Uncertainties: A Guide to Error Analysis", 2007)

"In many cases systematic errors are interpreted as the systematic difference between nature (which is being questioned by the experimenter in his experiment) and the model (which is used to describe nature). If the model used is not good enough, but the measurement result is interpreted using this model, the final result (the interpretation) will be wrong because it is biased, i.e., it has a systematic deviation (not uncertainty). If we do not use the best model (the best theory) available for the description of a certain phenomenon this procedure is just wrong. It has nothing to do with an uncertainty." (Manfred Drosg, "Dealing with Uncertainties: A Guide to Error Analysis", 2007)

"In science we try to explain reality by using models (theories). This is necessary because reality itself is too complex. So we need to come up with a model for that aspect of reality we want to understand – usually with the help of mathematics. Of course, these models or theories can only be simplifications of that part of reality we are looking at. A model can never be a perfect description of reality, and there can never be a part of reality perfectly mirroring a model." (Manfred Drosg, "Dealing with Uncertainties: A Guide to Error Analysis", 2007)

"It is also inevitable for any model or theory to have an uncertainty (a difference between model and reality). Such uncertainties apply both to the numerical parameters of the model and to the inadequacy of the model as well. Because it is much harder to get a grip on these types of uncertainties, they are disregarded, usually." (Manfred Drosg, "Dealing with Uncertainties: A Guide to Error Analysis", 2007)

"It is important that uncertainty components that are independent of each other are added quadratically. This is also true for correlated uncertainty components, provided they are independent of each other, i.e., as long as there is no correlation between the components." (Manfred Drosg, "Dealing with Uncertainties: A Guide to Error Analysis", 2007)

"It is important to pay heed to the following detail: a disadvantage of logarithmic diagrams is that a graphical integration is not possible, i.e., the area under the curve (the integral) is of no relevance." (Manfred Drosg, "Dealing with Uncertainties: A Guide to Error Analysis", 2007)

"It is the aim of all data analysis that a result is given in form of the best estimate of the true value. Only in simple cases is it possible to use the data value itself as result and thus as best estimate." (Manfred Drosg, "Dealing with Uncertainties: A Guide to Error Analysis", 2007)

"It is the nature of an uncertainty that it is not known and can never be known, whether the best estimate is greater or less than the true value." (Manfred Drosg, "Dealing with Uncertainties: A Guide to Error Analysis", 2007)

"Outliers or flyers are those data points in a set that do not quite fit within the rest of the data, that agree with the model in use. The uncertainty of such an outlier is seemingly too small. The discrepancy between outliers and the model should be subject to thorough examination and should be given much thought. Isolated data points, i.e., data points that are at some distance from the bulk of the data are not outliers if their values are in agreement with the model in use." (Manfred Drosg, "Dealing with Uncertainties: A Guide to Error Analysis", 2007)

"[myth:] Random errors can always be determined by repeating measurements under identical conditions. […] this statement is true only for time-related random errors ." (Manfred Drosg, "Dealing with Uncertainties: A Guide to Error Analysis", 2007)

"[myth:] Systematic errors can be determined inductively. It should be quite obvious that it is not possible to determine the scale error from the pattern of data values." (Manfred Drosg, "Dealing with Uncertainties: A Guide to Error Analysis", 2007)

"The fact that the same uncertainty (e.g., scale uncertainty) is uncorrelated if we are dealing with only one measurement, but correlated (i.e., systematic) if we look at more than one measurement using the same instrument shows that both types of uncertainties are of the same nature. Of course, an uncertainty keeps its characteristics (e.g., Poisson distributed), independent of the fact whether it occurs only once or more often." (Manfred Drosg, "Dealing with Uncertainties: A Guide to Error Analysis", 2007)

"To fulfill the requirements of the theory underlying uncertainties, variables with random uncertainties must be independent of each other and identically distributed. In the limiting case of an infinite number of such variables, these are called normally distributed. However, one usually speaks of normally distributed variables even if their number is finite." (Manfred Drosg, "Dealing with Uncertainties: A Guide to Error Analysis", 2007)

19 April 2006

🖍️Jesús Rogel-Salazar - Collected Quotes

"[...] a data scientist role goes beyond the collection and reporting on data; it must involve looking at a business The role of a data scientist goes beyond the collection and reporting on data. application or process from multiple vantage points and determining what the main questions and follow-ups are, as well as recommending the most appropriate ways to employ the data at hand." (Jesús Rogel-Salazar, "Data Science and Analytics with Python", 2017)

"High-bias models typically produce simpler models that do not overfit and in those cases the danger is that of underfitting. Models with low-bias are typically more complex and that complexity enables us to represent the training data in a more accurate way. The danger here is that the flexibility provided by higher complexity may end up representing not only a relationship in the data but also the noise. Another way of portraying the bias-variance trade-off is in terms of complexity v simplicity." (Jesús Rogel-Salazar, "Data Science and Analytics with Python", 2017) 

"In terms of characteristics, a data scientist has an inquisitive mind and is prepared to explore and ask questions, examine assumptions and analyse processes, test hypotheses and try out solutions and, based on evidence, communicate informed conclusions, recommendations and caveats to stakeholders and decision makers." (Jesús Rogel-Salazar, "Data Science and Analytics with Python", 2017)

"Munging, or wrangling data is actually the most time-consuming task in the data science workflow. [...] Data preparation is key to the extraction of valuable insight and although some may prefer to concentrate only on the much more fun modelling part, the fact that you get to know your dataset inside out while munging it implies that any new or follow-up questions can probably be attained with less effort." (Jesús Rogel-Salazar, "Data Science and Analytics with Python", 2017)

"The tension between bias and variance, simplicity and complexity, or underfitting and overfitting is an area in the data science and analytics process that can be closer to a craft than a fixed rule. The main challenge is that not only is each dataset different, but also there are data points that we have not yet seen at the moment of constructing the model. Instead, we are interested in building a strategy that enables us to tell something about data from the sample used in building the model." (Jesús Rogel-Salazar, "Data Science and Analytics with Python", 2017)

"One important thing to bear in mind about the outputs of data science and analytics is that in the vast majority of cases they do not uncover hidden patterns or relationships as if by magic, and in the case of predictive analytics they do not tell us exactly what will happen in the future. Instead, they enable us to forecast what may come. In other words, once we have carried out some modelling there is still a lot of work to do to make sense out of the results obtained, taking into account the constraints and assumptions in the model, as well as considering what an acceptable level of reliability is in each scenario." (Jesús Rogel-Salazar, "Data Science and Analytics with Python", 2017)

🖍️Francis Galton - Collected Quotes

"A visual image is the most perfect form of mental representation wherever the shape, position, and relations of objects in space are concerned. It is of importance in every handicraft and profession where design is required." (Francis Galton, "Mental Imagery" [in "Inquiries into Human Faculty and Development"] 1883)

"The object of statistical science is to discover methods of condensing information concerning large groups of allied facts into brief and compendious expressions suitable for discussion. The possibility of doing this is based on the constancy and continuity with which objects of the same species are found to vary." (Sir Francis Galton, "Inquiries into Human Faculty and Its Development, Statistical Methods", 1883) 

"It is always well to retain a clear geometric view of the facts when we are dealing with statistical problems, which abound with dangerous pitfalls, easily overlooked by the unwary, while they are cantering gaily along upon their arithmetic." (Sir Francis Galton, "Natural Inheritance", 1889)

"It is difficult to understand why statisticians commonly limit their inquiries to Averages, and do not revel in more comprehensive views. […] An Average is but a solitary fact, whereas if a single other fact be added to it, an entire Normal Scheme, which nearly corresponds to the observed one, starts potentially into existence. Some people hate the very name of statistics, but I find them full of beauty and interest. Whenever they are not brutalised, but delicately handled by the higher methods, and are warily interpreted, their power of dealing with complicated phenomena is extraordinary. They are the only tools by which an opening can be cut through the formidable thicket of difficulties that bars the path of those who pursue the Science of man." (Sir Francis Galton, "Natural Inheritance", 1889)

"It is difficult to understand why statisticians commonly limit their inquiries to Averages, and do not revel in more comprehensive views. Their souls seem as dull to the charm of variety as that of the native of one of our flat English counties, whose retrospect of Switzerland was that, if its mountains could be thrown into its lakes, two nuisances would be got rid of at once. An Average is but a solitary fact, whereas if a single other fact be added to it, an entire Normal Scheme, which nearly corresponds to the observed one, starts potentially into existence." (Sir Francis Galton, "Natural Inheritance", 1889)

"[Statistics] are the only tools by which an opening can be cut through the formidable thicket of difficulties that bars the path of those who pursue the Science of man." (Sir Francis Galton, "Natural Inheritance", 1889)

"Every statistician wants now and then to test the practical value of some theoretical process, it may be of smoothing, or of interpola- tion, or of obtaining a measure of variability, or of making some particular deduction or inference." (Francis Galton, Nature vol. 42, [letter] 1890)

"It is now beginning to be generally understood, even by merely practical statisticians, that there is truth in the theory that all variability is much the same kind." (Francis Galton, "Kinship and Correlation", North American Review Vol. 150 (11), 1890)

"Reflection soon made it clear to me that not only were the two new problems identical in principle with the old one of kinship which I had already solved, but that all three of them were no more than special cases of a much more general problem - namely, that of Correlation." (Francis Galton,"Kinship and Correlation", 1890) 

"It had appeared from observation, and it was fully confirmed by this theory, that such a thing existed as an 'Index of Correlation', that is to say, a fraction, now commonly written T, that connects with close approximation every value of the deviation on the part of the subject, with the average of all the associated deviations of the Relative [...]" (Francis Galton, "Memories of My Life", 1908)

"[Statistics are] the only tools by which an opening can be cut through the formidable thicket of difficulties that bars the path of those who pursue the Science of Man." (Sir Ronald Galton)

More quotes from the author at quotablemath.blogspot.com

🖍️Frederick Mosteller - Collected Quotes

"As usual we may make the errors of I) rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true, II) accepting the null hypothesis when it is false. But there is a third kind of error which is of interest because the present test of significance is tied up closely with the idea of making a correct decision about which distribution function has slipped furthest to the right. We may make the error of III) correctly rejecting the null hypothesis for the wrong reason." (Frederick Mosteller, "A k-Sample Slippage Test for an Extreme Population", The Annals of Mathematical Statistics 19, 1948)

"Errors of the third kind happen in conventional tests of differences of means, but they are usually not considered, although their existence is probably recognized. It seems to the author that there may be several reasons for this among which are 1) a preoccupation on the part of mathematical statisticians with the formal questions of acceptance and rejection of null hypotheses without adequate consideration of the implications of the error of the third kind for the practical experimenter, 2) the rarity with which an error of the third kind arises in the usual tests of significance." (Frederick Mosteller, "A k-Sample Slippage Test for an Extreme Population", The Annals of Mathematical Statistics 19, 1948)

"For many purposes graphical accuracy is sufficient. The speed of graphical processes, and more especially the advantages of visual presentation in pointing out facts or clues which might otherwise be overlooked, make graphical analysis very valuable." (Frederick Mosteller & John W Tukey, "The Uses and Usefulness of Binomial Probability Paper?", Journal of the American Statistical Association 44, 1949)

"If significance tests are required for still larger samples, graphical accuracy is insufficient, and arithmetical methods are advised. A word to the wise is in order here, however. Almost never does it make sense to use exact binomial significance tests on such data - for the inevitable small deviations from the mathematical model of independence and constant split have piled up to such an extent that the binomial variability is deeply buried and unnoticeable. Graphical treatment of such large samples may still be worthwhile because it brings the results more vividly to the eye." (Frederick Mosteller & John W Tukey, "The Uses and Usefulness of Binomial Probability Paper?", Journal of the American Statistical Association 44, 1949)

"Scientific and technological advances have made the world we live in complex and hard to understand. […] Science itself shows the same growing complexity. We often hear that 'one man can no longer cover a broad enough field' and that 'there is too much narrow specialization'. And yet these complexities must be met - and resolved. At all levels, decisions must be made which involve consideration of more than a single field." (Frederick Mosteller et al, "The Education of a Scientific Generalist", Science 109,1949)

"Mathematical models for empirical phenomena aid the development of a science when a sufficient body of quantitative information has been accumulated. This accumulation can be used to point the direction in which models should be constructed and to test the adequacy of such models in their interim states. Models, in turn, frequently are useful in organizing and interpreting experimental data and in suggesting new directions for experimental research." (Robert R. Bush & Frederick Mosteller, "A Mathematical Model for Simple Learning", Psychological Review 58, 1951)

"Almost any sort of inquiry that is general and not particular involves both sampling and measurement […]. Further, both the measurement and the sampling will be imperfect in almost every case. We can define away either imperfection in certain cases. But the resulting appearance of perfection is usually only an illusion." (Frederick Mosteller et al, "Principles of Sampling", Journal of the American Statistical Association Vol. 49 (265), 1954)

"Because representativeness is inherent in the sampling plan and not in the particular sample at hand, we can never make adequate use of sample results without some measure of how well the results of this particular sample are likely to agree with the results of other samples which the same sampling plan might have provided. The ability to assess stability fairly is as important as the ability to represent the population fairly. Modern sampling plans concentrate on both." (Frederick Mosteller et al, "Principles of Sampling", Journal of the American Statistical Association Vol. 49 (265), 1954)

"By sampling we can learn only about collective properties of populations, not about properties of individuals. We can study the average height, the percentage who wear hats, or the variability in weight of college juniors [...]. The population we study may be small or large, but there must be a population - and what we are studying must be a population characteristic. By sampling, we cannot study individuals as particular entities with unique idiosyncrasies; we can study regularities (including typical variabilities as well as typical levels) in a population as exemplified by the individuals in the sample." (Frederick Mosteller et al, "Principles of Sampling", Journal of the American Statistical Association Vol. 49 (265), 1954)

"In many cases general probability samples can be thought of in terms of (1) a subdivision of the population into strata, (2) a self-weighting probability sample in each stratum, and (3) combination of the stratum sample means weighted by the size of the stratum." (Frederick Mosteller et al, "Principles of Sampling", Journal of the American Statistical Association Vol. 49 (265), 1954)

"That which can be and should be representative is the sampling plan, which includes the manner in which the sample was drawn (essentially a specification of what other samples might have been drawn and what the relative chances of selection were for any two possible samples) and how it is to be analyzed. [...] It is clear that many [...] groups fail to be represented in any particular sample, yet this is not a criticism of that sample. Representation is not, and should not be, by groups. It is, and should be, by individuals as members of the sampled population. Representation is not, and should not be, in any particular sample. It is, and should be, in the sampling plan." (Frederick Mosteller et al, "Principles of Sampling", Journal of the American Statistical Association Vol. 49 (265), 1954)

"The main purpose of a significance test is to inhibit the natural enthusiasm of the investigator." (Frederick Mosteller, "Selected Quantitative Techniques", 1954)

"We must emphasize that such terms as 'select at random', 'choose at random', and the like, always mean that some mechanical device, such as coins, cards, dice, or tables of random numbers, is used." (Frederick Mosteller et al, "Principles of Sampling", Journal of the American Statistical Association Vol. 49 (265), 1954)

"We have made the sampling plan representative, not by giving each individual an equal chance to enter the sample and then weighting them equally, but by a more noticeable process of compensation, where those individuals very likely to enter the sample are weighted less, while those unlikely to enter are weighted more when they do appear. The net result is to give each individual an equal chance of affecting the (weighted) sample mean." (Frederick Mosteller et al, "Principles of Sampling", Journal of the American Statistical Association Vol. 49 (265), 1954)

"We realize that if someone just 'grabs a handful', the individuals in the handful almost always resemble one another (on the average) more than do the members of a simple random sample. Even if the 'grabs' [sampling] are randomly spread around so that every individual has an equal chance of entering the sample, there are difficulties. Since the individuals of grab samples resemble one another more than do individuals of random samples, it follows (by a simple mathematical argument) that the means of grab samples resemble one another less than the means of random samples of the same size. From a grab sample, therefore, we tend to underestimate the variability in the population, although we should have to overestimate it in order to obtain valid estimates of variability of grab sample means by substituting such an estimate into the formula for the variability of means of simple random samples. Thus using simple random sample formulas for grab sample means introduces a double bias, both parts of which lead to an unwarranted appearance of higher stability." (Frederick Mosteller et al, "Principles of Sampling", Journal of the American Statistical Association Vol. 49 (265), 1954)

"Weighing a sample appropriately is no more fudging the data than is correcting a gas volume for barometric pressure." (Frederick Mosteller et al, "Principles of Sampling", Journal of the American Statistical Association Vol. 49 (265), 1954)

"A primary goal of any learning model is to predict correctly the learning curve - proportions of correct responses versus trials. Almost any sensible model with two or three free parameters, however, can closely fit the curve, and so other criteria must be invoked when one is comparing several models." (Robert R Bush & Frederick Mosteller, "A Comparison of Eight Models?", Studies in Mathematical Learning Theory, 1959)

"A satisfactory prediction of the sequential properties of learning data from a single experiment is by no means a final test of a model. Numerous other criteria - and some more demanding - can be specified. For example, a model with specific numerical parameter values should be invariant to changes in independent variables that explicitly enter in the model." (Robert R Bush & Frederick Mosteller,"A Comparison of Eight Models?", Studies in Mathematical Learning Theory, 1959)

"In the testing of a scientific model or theory, one rarely has a general measure of goodness-of-fit, a universal yardstick by which one accepts or rejects the model. Indeed, science does not and should not work this way; a theory is kept until a better one is found. One way that science does work is by comparing two or more theories to determine their relative merits in handling relevant data."(Robert R Bush & Frederick Mosteller, "A Comparison of Eight Models?", Studies in Mathematical Learning Theory, 1959)

"In a problem, the great thing is the challenge. A problem can be challenging for many reasons: because the subject matter is intriguing, because the answer defies unsophisticated intuition, because it illustrates an important principle, because of its vast generality, because of its difficulty, because of a clever solution, or even because of the simplicity or beauty of the answer." (Frederick Mosteller, "Fifty Challenging Problems in Probability with Solutions", 1965)

"Using data from the population as it stands is a dangerous substitute for testing." (Frederick Mosteller & Gale Mosteller, "New Statistical Methods in Public Policy. Part I: Experimentation", Journal of Contemporary Business 8, 1979)

"Although we often hear that data speak for themselves, their voices can be soft and sly." (Frederick Mosteller, "Beginning Statistics with Data Analysis", 1983)

"The law of truly large numbers states: With a large enough sample, any outrageous thing is likely to happen." (Frederick Mosteller, "Methods for Studying Coincidences", Journal of the American Statistical Association Vol. 84, 1989)

"It is easy to lie with statistics, but easier to lie without them [...]" (Frederick Mosteller)

18 April 2006

🖍️Leo Breiman - Collected Quotes

"Probability theory has a right and a left hand. On the right is the rigorous foundational work using the tools of measure theory. The left hand 'thinks probabilistically', reduces problems to gambling situations, coin-tossing, motions of a physical particle." (Leo Breiman, "Probability", 1992) 

"Approaching problems by looking for a data model imposes an a priori straight jacket that restricts the ability of statisticians to deal with a wide range of statistical problems. The best available solution to a data problem might be a data model; then again it might be an algorithmic model. The data and the problem guide the solution. To solve a wider range of data problems, a larger set of tools is needed." (Leo Breiman, "Statistical Modeling: The Two Cultures", Statistical Science 16(3), 2001)

"Data modeling has given the statistics field many successes in analyzing data and getting information about the mechanisms producing the data. But there is also misuse leading to questionable conclusions about the underlying mechanism." (Leo Breiman, "Statistical Modeling: The Two Cultures", Statistical Science 16(3), 2001)

"One goal of statistics is to extract information from the data about the underlying mechanism producing the data. The greatest plus of data modeling is that it produces a simple and understandable picture of the relationship between the input variables and responses." (Leo Breiman, "Statistical Modeling: The Two Cultures", Statistical Science 16(3), 2001)

"Prediction is rarely perfect. There are usually many unmeasured variables whose effect is referred to as 'noise'. But the extent to which the model box emulates nature's box is a measure of how well our model can reproduce the natural phenomenon producing the data." (Leo Breiman, "Statistical Modeling: The Two Cultures", Statistical Science 16(3), 2001)

"The goals in statistics are to use data to predict and to get information about the underlying data mechanism. Nowhere is it written on a stone tablet what kind of model should be used to solve problems involving data. To make my position clear, I am not against data models per se. In some situations they are the most appropriate way to solve the problem. But the emphasis needs to be on the problem and on the data." (Leo Breiman, "Statistical Modeling: The Two Cultures", Statistical Science 16(3), 2001)

"The greatest plus of data modeling is that it produces a simple and understandable picture of the relationship between the input variables and responses [...] different models, all of them equally good, may give different pictures of the relation between the predictor and response variables [...] One reason for this multiplicity is that goodness-of-fit tests and other methods for checking fit give a yes–no answer. With the lack of power of these tests with data having more than a small number of dimensions, there will be a large number of models whose fit is acceptable. There is no way, among the yes–no methods for gauging fit, of determining which is the better model." (Leo Breiman, "Statistical Modeling: The two cultures", Statistical Science 16(3), 2001)

"The point of a model is to get useful information about the relation between the response and predictor variables. Interpretability is a way of getting information. But a model does not have to be simple to provide reliable information about the relation between predictor and response variables; neither does it have to be a data model." (Leo Breiman, "Statistical Modeling: The Two Cultures", Statistical Science 16(3), 2001)

"The roots of statistics, as in science, lie in working with data and checking theory against data." (Leo Breiman, "Statistical Modeling: The Two Cultures", Statistical Science 16(3), 2001)

"There are two cultures in the use of statistical modeling to reach conclusions from data. One assumes that the data are generated by a given stochastic data model. The other uses algorithmic models and treats the data mechanism as unknown. The statistical community has been committed to the almost exclusive use of data models. This commitment has led to irrelevant theory, questionable conclusions, and has kept statisticians from working on a large range of interesting current problems. Algorithmic modeling, both in theory and practice, has developed rapidly in fields outside statistics. It can be used both on large complex data sets and as a more accurate and informative alternative to data modeling on smaller data sets. If our goal as a field is to use data to solve problems, then we need to move away from exclusive dependence on data models and adopt a more diverse set of tools." (Leo Breiman, "Statistical Modeling: The Two Cultures", Statistical Science 16(3), 2001)

🖍️Charu C Aggarwal - Collected Quotes

"A major advantage of probabilistic models is that they can be easily applied to virtually any data type (or mixed data type), as long as an appropriate generative model is available for each mixture component. [...] A downside of probabilistic models is that they try to fit the data to a particular kind of distribution, which may often not be appropriate for the underlying data. Furthermore, as the number of model parameters increases, over-fitting becomes more common. In such cases, the outliers may fit the underlying model of normal data. Many parametric models are also harder to interpret in terms of intensional knowledge, especially when the parameters of the model cannot be intuitively presented to an analyst in terms of underlying attributes. This can defeat one of the important purposes of anomaly detection, which is to provide diagnostic understanding of the abnormal data generative process." (Charu C Aggarwal, "Outlier Analysis", 2013)

"An attempt to use the wrong model for a given data set is likely to provide poor results. Therefore, the core principle of discovering outliers is based on assumptions about the structure of the normal patterns in a given data set. Clearly, the choice of the 'normal' model depends highly upon the analyst’s understanding of the natural data patterns in that particular domain." (Charu C Aggarwal, "Outlier Analysis", 2013)

"Dimensionality reduction and regression modeling are particularly hard to interpret in terms of original attributes, when the underlying data dimensionality is high. This is because the subspace embedding is defined as a linear combination of attributes with positive or negative coefficients. This cannot easily be intuitively interpreted in terms specific properties of the data attributes." (Charu C Aggarwal, "Outlier Analysis", 2013)

"Typically, most outlier detection algorithms use some quantified measure of the outlierness of a data point, such as the sparsity of the underlying region, nearest neighbor based distance, or the fit to the underlying data distribution. Every data point lies on a continuous spectrum from normal data to noise, and finally to anomalies [...] The separation of the different regions of this spectrum is often not precisely defined, and is chosen on an ad-hoc basis according to application-specific criteria. Furthermore, the separation between noise and anomalies is not pure, and many data points created by a noisy generative process may be deviant enough to be interpreted as anomalies on the basis of the outlier score. Thus, anomalies will typically have a much higher outlier score than noise, but this is not a distinguishing factor between the two as a matter of definition. Rather, it is the interest of the analyst, which regulates the distinction between noise and an anomaly." (Charu C Aggarwal, "Outlier Analysis", 2013) 

"Even though a natural way of avoiding overfitting is to simply build smaller networks (with fewer units and parameters), it has often been observed that it is better to build large networks and then regularize them in order to avoid overfitting. This is because large networks retain the option of building a more complex model if it is truly warranted. At the same time, the regularization process can smooth out the random artifacts that are not supported by sufficient data. By using this approach, we are giving the model the choice to decide what complexity it needs, rather than making a rigid decision for the model up front (which might even underfit the data)." (Charu C Aggarwal, "Neural Networks and Deep Learning: A Textbook", 2018)

"Regularization is particularly important when the amount of available data is limited. A neat biological interpretation of regularization is that it corresponds to gradual forgetting, as a result of which 'less important' (i.e., noisy) patterns are removed. In general, it is often advisable to use more complex models with regularization rather than simpler models without regularization." (Charu C Aggarwal, "Neural Networks and Deep Learning: A Textbook", 2018)

"The high generalization error in a neural network may be caused by several reasons. First, the data itself might have a lot of noise, in which case there is little one can do in order to improve accuracy. Second, neural networks are hard to train, and the large error might be caused by the poor convergence behavior of the algorithm. The error might also be caused by high bias, which is referred to as underfitting. Finally, overfitting (i.e., high variance) may cause a large part of the generalization error. In most cases, the error is a combination of more than one of these different factors." (Charu C Aggarwal, "Neural Networks and Deep Learning: A Textbook", 2018)

"The idea behind deeper architectures is that they can better leverage repeated regularities in the data patterns in order to reduce the number of computational units and therefore generalize the learning even to areas of the data space where one does not have examples. Often these repeated regularities are learned by the neural network within the weights as the basis vectors of hierarchical features." (Charu C Aggarwal, "Neural Networks and Deep Learning: A Textbook", 2018)

"A key point is that an increased number of attributes relative to training points provides additional degrees of freedom to the optimization problem, as a result of which irrelevant solutions become more likely. Therefore, a natural solution is to add a penalty for using additional features." (Charu C Aggarwal, "Artificial Intelligence: A Textbook", 2021)

"In general, the more complex the data, the more the analyst has to make prior inferences of what is considered normal for modeling purposes." (Charu C Aggarwal, "Artificial Intelligence: A Textbook", 2021)

"The ability to go beyond human domain knowledge is usually achieved by inductive learning methods that are unfettered from the imperfections in the domain knowledge of deductive methods." (Charu C Aggarwal, "Artificial Intelligence: A Textbook", 2021)

"The Monte Carlo tree search method is naturally suited to non-deterministic settings such as card games or backgammon. Minimax trees are not well suited to non-deterministic settings because of the inability to predict the opponent’s moves while building the tree. On the other hand, Monte Carlo tree search is naturally suited to handling such settings, since the desirability of moves is always evaluated in an expected sense. The randomness in the game can be naturally combined with the randomness in move sampling in order to learn the expected outcomes from each choice of move." (Charu C Aggarwal, "Artificial Intelligence: A Textbook", 2021)

🖍️Umesh R Hodeghatta - Collected Quotes

"A histogram represents the frequency distribution of the data. Histograms are similar to bar charts but group numbers into ranges. Also, a histogram lets you show the frequency distribution of continuous data. This helps in analyzing the distribution (for example, normal or Gaussian), any outliers present in the data, and skewness." (Umesh R Hodeghatta & Umesha Nayak, "Business Analytics Using R: A Practical Approach", 2017)

"Bias occurs normally when the model is underfitted and has failed to learn enough from the training data. It is the difference between the mean of the probability distribution and the actual correct value. Hence, the accuracy of the model is different for different data sets (test and training sets). To reduce the bias error, data scientists repeat the model-building process by resampling the data to obtain better prediction values." (Umesh R Hodeghatta & Umesha Nayak, "Business Analytics Using R: A Practical Approach", 2017)

"Clustering analysis is performed on data to identify hidden groups or to form different sectors. The objective of the clusters is to enable meaningful analysis in ways that help business. Clustering can uncover previously undetected relationships in a data set." (Umesh R Hodeghatta & Umesha Nayak, "Business Analytics Using R: A Practical Approach", 2017)

"Correlation explains the extent of change in one of the variables given the unit change in the value of another variable. Correlation assumes a very significant role in statistics and hence in the field of business analytics as any business cannot make any decision without understanding the relationship between various forces acting in favor of or against it." (Umesh R Hodeghatta & Umesha Nayak, "Business Analytics Using R: A Practical Approach", 2017)

"Graphs represent data visually and provide more details about the data, enabling you to identify outliers in the data, distribute data for each column variable, provide a statistical description of the data, and present the relationship between the two or more variables." (Umesh R Hodeghatta & Umesha Nayak, "Business Analytics Using R: A Practical Approach", 2017)

"If either bias or variance is high, the model can be very far off from reality. In general, there is a trade-off between bias and variance. The goal of any machine-learning algorithm is to achieve low bias and low variance such that it gives good prediction performance. In reality, because of so many other hidden parameters in the model, it is hard to calculate the real bias and variance error. Nevertheless, the bias and variance provide a measure to understand the behavior of the machine-learning algorithm so that the model model can be adjusted to provide good prediction performance." (Umesh R Hodeghatta & Umesha Nayak, "Business Analytics Using R: A Practical Approach", 2017)

"In machine learning, a model is defined as a function, and we describe the learning function from the training data as inductive learning. Generalization refers to how well the concepts are learned by the model by applying them to data not seen before. The goal of a good machine-learning model is to reduce generalization errors and thus make good predictions on data that the model has never seen." (Umesh R Hodeghatta & Umesha Nayak, "Business Analytics Using R: A Practical Approach", 2017)

"Machine learning is about making computers learn and perform tasks better based on past historical data. Learning is always based on observations from the data available. The emphasis is on making computers build mathematical models based on that learning and perform tasks automatically without the intervention of humans." (Umesh R Hodeghatta & Umesha Nayak, "Business Analytics Using R: A Practical Approach", 2017)

"Overfitting and underfitting are two important factors that could impact the performance of machine-learning models. Overfitting occurs when the model performs well with training data and poorly with test data. Underfitting occurs when the model is so simple that it performs poorly with both training and test data. [...]  When the model does not capture and fit the data, it results in poor performance. We call this underfitting. Underfitting is the result of a poor model that typically does not perform well for any data." (Umesh R Hodeghatta & Umesha Nayak, "Business Analytics Using R: A Practical Approach", 2017)

"Variance is a prediction error due to different sets of training samples. Ideally, the error should not vary from one training sample to another sample, and the model should be stable enough to handle hidden variations between input and output variables. Normally this occurs with the overfitted model." (Umesh R Hodeghatta & Umesha Nayak, "Business Analytics Using R: A Practical Approach", 2017)

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