27 December 2007

🏗️Software Engineering: Data Structures (Just the Quotes)

"At the present time, choosing a programming language is equivalent to choosing a data structure, and if that data structure does not fit the data you want to manipulate then it is too bad. It would, in a sense, be more logical first to choose a data structure appropriate to the problem and then look around for, or construct with a kit of tools provided, a language suitable for manipulating that data structure." (Maurice V Wilkes, "Computers Then and Now", 1968)

"Choosing a better data structure is often an art, which we cannot teach. Often you must write a preliminary draft of the code before you can determine what changes in the data structure will help simplify control. [...] Choose a data representation that makes the program simple." (Brian W Kernighan & Phillip J Plauger, "The Elements of Programming Style", 1974)

"Let the data structure the program." (Brian W Kernighan & Phillip J Plauger, "The Elements of Programming Style", 1974)

"Use recursive procedures for recursively-defined data structures." (Brian W Kernighan & Phillip J Plauger, "The Elements of Programming Style", 1974)

"The programmer's primary weapon in the never-ending battle against slow system is to change the intramodular structure. Our first response should be to reorganize the modules' data structures." (Fred Brooks, "The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering", 1975)

"The representation of knowledge in symbolic form is a matter that has pre-occupied the world of documentation since its origin. The problem is now relevant in many situations other than documents and indexes. The structure of records and files in databases: data structures in computer programming; the syntactic and semantic structure of natural language; knowledge representation in artificial intelligence; models of human memory: in all these fields it is necessary to decide how knowledge may be represented so that the representations may be manipulated." (Brian C Vickery, "Concepts of documentation", 1978)

"Rule 4. Fancy algorithms are buggier than simple ones, and they're much harder to implement. Use simple algorithms as well as simple data structures." (Rob Pike, "Notes on Programming in C" , 1989)

"Rule 5. Data dominates. If you've chosen the right data structures and organized things well, the algorithms will almost always be self-evident. Data structures, not algorithms, are central to programming." (Rob Pike, "Notes on Programming in C", 1989)

"If a programmer designs a program, only half the job is done if they have only designed the data structures. They also have to design the procedures for operating on the structures. (Specifically, a programmer designs abstract data types.) Without the appropriate procedures for operating on data structures, a computer would literally get lost in the structures, even supposing it could start executing anything sensible." (Yin L Theng et al," 'Lost in hhyperspace': Psychological problem or bad design?", 1996)

"Often you'll see the same three or four data items together in lots of places: fields in a couple of classes, parameters in many method signatures. Bunches of data that hang around together really ought to be made into their own object." (Kent Beck, "Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code", 1999)

"Smart data structures and dumb code works a lot better than the other way around." (Eric S Raymond, "The Cathedral & the Bazaar: Musings on Linux and Open Source by an Accidental Revolutionary", 2001)

"In fact, I'm a huge proponent of designing your code around the data, rather than the other way around, and I think it's one of the reasons git has been fairly successful. […] I will, in fact, claim that the difference between a bad programmer and a good one is whether he considers his code or his data structures more important. Bad programmers worry about the code. Good programmers worry about data structures and their relationships." (Linus Torvalds, [email] 2006)

"Computation at its root consists of a data structure (for input, output, and perhaps something being stored in between) and some process. One cannot talk about the process without describing the data structure. More importantly, different data structures enable certain computations to be done easily, whereas other data structures support other computations. Thus, the choice of data structure (representation) helps explain why a problem-solver does or does not successfully engage in a given process (cognition/behavior) or perhaps why a process takes as long or as short as it does." (Christian D Schunn et al, "Complex Visual Data Analysis, Uncertainty, and Representation", 2007)

"One of the essential parts of a formal training in programming is a long and demanding study of the large collection of algorithms that have already been discovered and analyzed, together with the Data Structures (carefully tailored, seemingly unnatural ways of organizing data for effective access) that go with them. As with any other engineering profession, it is impossible to do a good job without a thorough knowledge of what has been tried before. If a programmer starts the job fully armed with what is already known, they will have some chance of finding something new. Inventiveness is important: not all problems have been seen before. A programmer who does not already know the standard algorithms and data structures is doomed to nothing more than rediscovering the basics." (Robert Plant & Stephen Murrell, "An Executive’s Guide to Information Technology: Principles, Business Models, and Terminology", 2007)

"A modeling language is usually based on some kind of computational model, such as a state machine, data flow, or data structure. The choice of this model, or a combination of many, depends on the modeling target. Most of us make this choice implicitly without further thinking: some systems call for capturing dynamics and thus we apply for example state machines, whereas other systems may be better specified by focusing on their static structures using feature diagrams or component diagrams. For these reasons a variety of modeling languages are available." (Steven Kelly & Juha-Pekka Tolvanen, "Domain-specific Modeling", 2008)

"Clearly, the search for a dividing line between code and data is fruitless—and not particularly flattering to our egos. Let’s abandon any attempt to find a higher truth here, and settle for a pragmatic definition. If a piece of generated text simply instantiates and provides values for a data structure, it’s data; otherwise, it’s code." (Steven Kelly & Juha-Pekka Tolvanen, "Domain-specific Modeling", 2008)

"Generally, the craft of programming is the factoring of a set of requirements into a a set of functions and data structures." (Douglas Crockford, "JavaScript: The Good Parts", 2008)

"If the data structure can’t be explained on a beer coaster, it’s too complex." (Felix von Leitner, "Source Code Optimization", 2009)

26 December 2007

🏗️Software Engineering: Programing Languages (Just the Quotes)

"The establishment of formal standards for proofs about programs [...] and the proposal that the semantics of a programming language may be defined independently of all processors for that language, by establishing standards of rigor for proofs about programs in the language, appears to be novel." (Robert Floyd, "Assigning Meanings to Programs", 1967)

"Computer languages of the future will be more concerned with goals and less with procedures specified by the programmer." (Marvin Minsky, "Form and Content in Computer Science", [Turing Award lecture] 1969)

"There is no programming language, no matter how structured, that will prevent programmers from making bad programs." (Larry Flon, "On research in structured programming", SIGPLAN 10(10), 1975)

"Most programming languages are decidedly inferior to mathematical notation and are little used as tools of thought in ways that would be considered significant by, say, an applied mathematician." (Kenneth E Iverson, "Notation as a Tool of Thought", 1979)

"The properties of executability and universality associated with programming languages can be combined, in a single language, with the well-known properties of mathematical notation which make it such an effective tool of thought." (Kenneth E Iverson, "Notation as a Tool of Thought", 1979)

"A language that doesn't affect the way you think about programming, is not worth knowing." (Alan Perlis, "Epigrams on Programming", 1982)

"A programming language is low level when its programs require attention to the irrelevant." (Alan J Perlis, "Epigrams on Programming", 1982)

"Some programming languages manage to absorb change, but withstand progress." (Alan J Perlis, "Epigrams on Programming", 1982)

"The only way to learn a new programming language is by writing programs in it." (Dennis Ritchie, "C Programming Language", 1988)

"A programming language is like a natural, human language in that it favors certain methaphors, images, and ways of thinking." (Seymour Papert, "Mindstorms: Children, Computers, And Powerful Ideas", 1993) 

"Although mathematical notation undoubtedly possesses parsing rules, they are rather loose, sometimes contradictory, and seldom clearly stated. [...] The proliferation of programming languages shows no more uniformity than mathematics. Nevertheless, programming languages do bring a different perspective. [...] Because of their application to a broad range of topics, their strict grammar, and their strict interpretation, programming languages can provide new insights into mathematical notation." (Kenneth E Iverson, "Math for the Layman", 1999) 

"Programming in an object-oriented language, however, does not ensure that the complexity of an application will be well encapsulated. Applying good programming techniques can improve encapsulation, but the full benefit of object-oriented programming can be realized only if encapsulation is a recognized goal of the design process." (Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, "Object-oriented Design: A responsibility-driven approach", 1989)

"Computer programs are complex by nature. Even if you could invent a programming language that operated exactly at the level of the problem domain, programming would be complicated because you would still need to precisely define relationships between real-world entities, identify exception cases, anticipate all possible state transitions, and so on. Strip away the accidental work involved in representing these factors in a specific programming language and in a specific computing environment, and you still have the essential difficulty of defining the underlying real-world concepts and debugging your understanding of them." (Steve C McConnell," After the Gold Rush : Creating a True Profession of Software Engineering", 1999)

“The precision provided (or enforced) by programming languages and their execution can identify lacunas, ambiguities, and other areas of potential confusion in conventional [mathematical] notation." (Kenneth E Iverson, "Math for the Layman", 1999)

"Programming languages on the whole are very much more complicated than they used to be: object orientation, inheritance, and other features are still not really being thought through from the point of view of a coherent and scientifically well-based discipline or a theory of correctness. My original postulate, which I have been pursuing as a scientist all my life, is that one uses the criteria of correctness as a means of converging on a decent programming language design - one which doesn’t set traps for its users, and ones in which the different components of the program correspond clearly to different components of its specification, so you can reason compositionally about it. [...] The tools, including the compiler, have to be based on some theory of what it means to write a correct program." (Charles A R Hoare, [interview] 2002)

"A programming language is for thinking of programs, not for expressing programs you've already thought of." (Paul Graham, "Hackers and Painters", 2003)

"All OO languages show some tendency to suck programmers into the trap of excessive layering. Object frameworks and object browsers are not a substitute for good design or documentation, but they often get treated as one. Too many layers destroy transparency: It becomes too difficult to see down through them and mentally model what the code is actually doing. The Rules of Simplicity, Clarity, and Transparency get violated wholesale, and the result is code full of obscure bugs and continuing maintenance problems." (Eric S Raymond, "The Art of Unix Programming", 2003)

"Few classical programmers found prototypal inheritance to be acceptable, and classically inspired syntax obscures the language’s true prototypal nature. It is the worst of both worlds." (Douglas Crockford, "JavaScript: The Good Parts", 2008)

"Most programming languages contain good parts and bad parts. I discovered that I could be better programmer by using only the good parts and avoiding the bad parts." (Douglas Crockford, "JavaScript: The Good Parts", 2008) 

25 December 2007

🏗️Software Engineering: Documentation (Just the Quotes)

"Amid a wash of paper, a small number of documents become the critical pivots around which every project's management revolves. These are the manager's chief personal tools." (William Bengough, "Scene in the old Congressional Library", 1897)

"Notice that even the data is commented. One of the most effective ways to document a program is simply to describe the data layout in detail. If you can specify for each important variable what values it can assume and how it gets changed, you have gone a long way to describing the program. [...] Document your data layouts." (Brian W Kernighan & Phillip J Plauger, "The Elements of Programming Style", 1974)

"The best documentation for a computer program is a clean structure. It also helps if the code is well formatted, with good mnemonic identifiers and labels (if any are needed), and a smattering of enlightening comments. Flowcharts and program descriptions are of secondary importance; the only reliable documentation of a computer program is the code itself. The reason is simple -whenever there are multiple representations of a program, the chance for discrepancy exists. If the code is in error, artistic flowcharts and detailed comments are to no avail. Only by reading the code can the programmer know for sure what the program does." (Brian W Kernighan & Phillip J Plauger, "The Elements of Programming Style", 1974)

"Writing a computer program eventually boils down to writing a sequence of statements in the language at hand. How each of those statements is expressed determines in large measure the intelligibility of the whole; no amount of commenting, formatting, or supplementary documentation can entirely replace well expressed statements. After all, they determine what the program actually does." (Brian W Kernighan & Phillip J Plauger, "The Elements of Programming Style", 1974)

"There is nothing in the programming field more despicable than an undocumented program." (Edward Yourdon, "Techniques of program structure and design", 1975)

"The representation of knowledge in symbolic form is a matter that has pre-occupied the world of documentation since its origin. The problem is now relevant in many situations other than documents and indexes. The structure of records and files in databases: data structures in computer programming; the syntactic and semantic structure of natural language; knowledge representation in artificial intelligence; models of human memory: in all these fields it is necessary to decide how knowledge may be represented so that the representations may be manipulated." (Brian C Vickery, "Concepts of Documentation", 1978)

"Even though it is better if the system can be used without documentation, it may be necessary to provide help and documentation. Any such information should be easy to search, focused on the user's task, list concrete steps to be carried out, and not be too large." (Jakob Nielsen, "Usability Engineering", 1994)

"The following two statements are usually both true: 
There's not enough documentation. 
There's too much documentation." (Larry Wall, [Usenet article], 1997)

"But code as a design document does have its limits. It can overwhelm the reader with detail. Although its behavior is unambiguous, that doesn’t mean it is obvious. And the meaning behind a behavior can be hard to convey. […] A document shouldn’t try to do what the code already does well. The code already supplies the detail. It is an exact specification of program behavior. Other documents need to illuminate meaning, to give insight into large-scale structures, and to focus attention on core elements. Documents can clarify design intent when the programming language does not support a straightforward implementation of a concept. Written documents should complement the code and the talking." (Eric Evans, "Domain-Driven Design: Tackling complexity in the heart of software", 2003)

"Good code is its own best documentation." (Steve McConnell, "Code Complete", 2004)

"Documentation is a love letter that you write to your future self." (Damian Conway, "Perl Best Practices", 2005)

"Developing fewer features allows you to conserve development resources and spend more time refining those features that users really need. Fewer features mean fewer things to confuse users, less risk of user errors, less description and documentation, and therefore simpler Help content. Removing any one feature automatically increases the usability of the remaining ones." (Jakob Nielsen, "Prioritizing Web Usability", 2006)

"Any comment that forces you to look in another module for the meaning of that comment has failed to communicate to you and is not worth the bits it consumes." (Robert C Martin, "Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship", 2008) 

"Features have a specification cost, a design cost, and a development cost. There is a testing cost and a reliability cost. […] Features have a documentation cost. Every feature adds pages to the manual increasing training costs." (Douglas Crockford, "JavaScript: The Good Parts: The Good Parts", 2008)

Software is usually accompanied by documentation in the form of big fat scary manuals that nobody ever reads. (Dave Barry, "Dave Barry in Cyberspace", 2010)

"In addition to developing the proper culture, invest in your testing infrastructure by developing linters, documentation, or other assistance that makes it more difficult to write bad tests." (Titus Winters, "Software Engineering at Google: Lessons Learned from Programming Over Time", 2020)

"Documentation is a practice concerned with all the processes involved in transferring documents from sources to users." (Brian C Vickery)

"Documentation is not understanding, process is not discipline, formality is not skill." (Jim Highsmith)

"The guy who knows about computers is the last person you want to have creating documentation for people who don't understand computers." (Adam Osborne)

"This is generally true: any sizeable piece of program, or even a complete program package, is only a useful tool that can be used in a reliable fashion, provided that the documentation pertinent for the user is much shorter than the program text. If any machine or system requires a very thick manual, its usefulness becomes for that very circumstance subject to doubt!" (Edsger W. Dijkstra, "On the reliability of programs")

🏗️Software Engineering: Object-Oriented Programming (Just the Quotes)

"Object-oriented programming languages support encapsulation, thereby improving the ability of software to be reused, refined, tested, maintained, and extended. The full benefit of this support can only be realized if encapsulation is maximized during the design process. […] design practices which take a data-driven approach fail to maximize encapsulation because they focus too quickly on the implementation of objects." (Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, "Object-oriented Design: A. responsibility-driven approach", 1989)

"Perhaps the greatest strength of an object-oriented approach to development is that it offers a mechanism that captures a model of the real world." (Grady Booch, "Software Engineering with Ada", 1986)

"Object-oriented programming increases the value of these metrics by managing this complexity. The most effective tool available for dealing with complexity is abstraction. Many types of abstraction can be used, but encapsulation is the main form of abstraction by which complexity is managed in object-oriented programming. Programming in an object-oriented language, however, does not ensure that the complexity of an application will be well encapsulated. Applying good programming techniques can improve encapsulation, but the full benefit of object-oriented programming can be realized only if encapsulation is a recognized goal of the design process." (Rebecca Wirfs-Brock," Object-Oriented Design: A responsibility-driven approach", 1989)

"Programming in an object-oriented language, however, does not ensure that the complexity of an application will be well encapsulated. Applying good programming techniques can improve encapsulation, but the full benefit of object-oriented programming can be realized only if encapsulation is a recognized goal of the design process." (Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, "Object-oriented Design: A responsibility-driven approach", 1989)

"In object-oriented analysis, we seek to model the world by identifying the classes and objects that form the vocabulary of the problem domain, and in object-oriented design, we invent the abstractions and mechanisms that provide the behavior that this model requires." (Grady Booch, "Object-Oriented Design: With Applications", 1991) 

"Object-oriented analysis is a method of analysis that examines requirements from the perspective of the classes and objects found in the vocabulary of the problem domain."(Grady Booch, "Object-oriented design: With Applications", 1991)

"[Object-oriented analysis is] the challenge of understanding the problem domain and then the system's responsibilities in that light." (Edward Yourdon, "Object-Oriented Design", 1991) 

"Object-oriented programming is a method of implementation in which programs are organized as cooperative collections of objects, each of which represents an instance of some class, and whose classes are all members of a hierarchy of classes united via inheritance relationships." (Grady Booch, "Object-oriented design: With Applications", 1991)

"Structured design does not scale up well for extremely complex systems, and this method is largely inappropriate for use with object-based and object-oriented programming languages." (Grady Booch, "Object-oriented design: With Applications", 1991) 

"The object-oriented paradigm is useful when building software systems where there is a hierarchy defined as a ranking or ordering of abstractions. (Grady Booch, "Object-Oriented Design: With Applications", 1991)

"Whereas object-oriented analysis typically focuses upon one specific problem at a time, domain analysis seeks to identify the classes and objects that are common to all applications within a given domain, such as missile avionics systems, compilers, or accounting software." (Grady Booch, "Object-oriented design: With Applications", 1991)

"Object-oriented methods tend to focus on the lowest-level building block: the class and its objects." (Peter Coad, "Object-oriented patterns", 1992)

"Object-oriented domain analysis seeks to identify reusable items localized around objects e. g., classes, instances, systems of interacting objects, and kits." (Edward V Berard, "Essays on object-oriented software engineering", 1993)

"All OO languages show some tendency to suck programmers into the trap of excessive layering. Object frameworks and object browsers are not a substitute for good design or documentation, but they often get treated as one. Too many layers destroy transparency: It becomes too difficult to see down through them and mentally model what the code is actually doing. The Rules of Simplicity, Clarity, and Transparency get violated wholesale, and the result is code full of obscure bugs and continuing maintenance problems." (Eric S. Raymond, "The Art of Unix Programming", 2003)

"Objects are the real and conceptual things we find in the world around us. An object may be hardware, software, a concept (e. g., velocity), or even 'flesh and blood'. Objects are complete entities, i. e., they are not 'simply information' or 'simply information and actions'. Software objects strive to capture as completely as possible the characteristics of the 'real world' objects which they represent. Finally, objects are 'black boxes', i. e., their internal implementations are hidden from the outside world, and all interactions with an object take place via a well-defined interface." (Edward V Berard, "Essays onObject-Oriented Software Engineering", 1993) 

"The combination of threads, remote-procedure-call interfaces, and heavyweight object-oriented design is especially dangerous [...] if you are ever invited onto a project that is supposed to feature all three, fleeing in terror might well be an appropriate reaction." (Eric S Raymond, "The Art of UNIX Programming", 2003)

"Abstraction is the ability to engage with a concept while safely ignoring some of its details - handling different details at different levels. Any time you work with an aggregate, you're working with an abstraction. […] From a complexity point of view, the principal benefit of abstraction is that it allows you to ignore irrelevant details. Most real-world objects are already abstractions of some kind." (Steve C McConnell, "Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction" 2nd Ed., 2004)

"Coupling describes how tightly a class or routine is related to other classes or routines. The goal is to create classes and routines with small, direct, visible, and flexible relations to other classes and routines, which is known as "loose coupling." The concept of coupling applies equally to classes and routines […] Good coupling between modules is loose enough that one module can easily be used by other modules." (Steve C McConnell, "Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction" 2nd Ed., 2004)

"Encapsulation picks up where abstraction leaves off. Abstraction says, ‘You're allowed to look at an object at a high level of detail’. Encapsulation says, ‘Furthermore, you aren't allowed to look at an object at any other level of detail’." (Steve C McConnell, "Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction" 2nd Ed., 2004)

"Object-oriented design is the roman numerals of computing." (Rob Pike, 2004)

"On a related topic, let me say that I'm not much of a fan of object-oriented design. I've seen some beautiful stuff done with OO, and I've even done some OO stuff myself, but it's just one way to approach a problem. For some problems, it's an ideal way; for others, it's not such a good fit. […] OO is great for problems where an interface applies naturally to a wide range of types, not so good for managing polymorphism (the machinations to get collections into OO languages are astounding to watch and can be hellish to work with), and remarkably ill-suited for network computing. That's why I reserve the right to match the language to the problem, and even - often - to coordinate software written in several languages towards solving a single problem. It's that last point - different languages for different subproblems - that sometimes seems lost to the OO crowd." (Rob Pike, [interview] 2004) 

"The steps in designing with objects are
- Identify the objects and their attributes (methods and data).
- Determine what can be done to each object.
- Determine what each object is allowed to do to other objects.
- Determine the parts of each object that will be visible to other objects—which parts will be public and which will be private.
- Define each object's public interface. 
These steps aren't necessarily performed in order, and they're often repeated. Iteration is important." (Steve C McConnell, "Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction" 2nd Ed., 2004)

"Every system is built from a domain-specific language designed by the programmers to describe that system. Functions are the verbs of that language, and classes are the nouns."  (Robert C Martin, "Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship", 2008)

"I find OOP methodologically wrong. It starts with classes. It is as if mathematicians would start with axioms. You do not start with axioms - you start with proofs. Only when you have found a bunch of related proofs, can you come up with axioms. You end with axioms. The same thing is true in programming: you have to start with interesting algorithms. Only when you understand them well, can you come up with an interface that will let them work." (Alexander Stepanov, [Interview with A. Stepanov] 2008)

"We do not want to expose the details of our data. Rather we want to express our data in abstract terms. This is not merely accomplished by using interfaces and/or getters and setters. Serious thought needs to be put into the best way to represent the data that an object contains. The worst option is to blithely add getters and setters." (Robert C Martin, "Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship", 2008)

"[Object-oriented analysis is] the challenge of understanding the problem domain and then the system's responsibilities in that light." (Ed Yourdon)

"Strive for class interfaces that are complete and minimal." (Scott Meyers) 

24 December 2007

🏗️Software Engineering: Design (Just the Quotes)

"The engineer must be able not only to design, but to execute. A draftsman may be able to design, but unless he is able to execute his designs to successful operation he cannot be classed as an engineer. The production engineer must be able to execute his work as he has planned it. This requires two qualifications in addition to technical engineering ability: He must know men, and he must have creative ability in applying good statistical, accounting, and 'system' methods to any particular production work he may undertake." (Hugo Diemer, "Industrial Engineering", 1905)

"A design may be called organic when there is an harmonious organization of the parts within the whole, according to structure, material, and purpose." (Eliot Noyes, "Organic Design in Home Furnishing", 1941)

"An engineering science aims to organize the design principles used in engineering practice into a discipline and thus to exhibit the similarities between different areas of engineering practice and to emphasize the power of fundamental concepts. In short, an engineering science is predominated by theoretical analysis and very often uses the tool of advanced mathematics." (Qian Xuesen, "Engineering Cybernetics", 1954)

"Design problems - generating or discovering alternatives - are complex largely because they involve two spaces, an action space and a state space, that generally have completely different structures. To find a design requires mapping the former of these on the latter. For many, if not most, design problems in the real world systematic algorithms are not known that guarantee solutions with reasonable amounts of computing effort. Design uses a wide range of heuristic devices - like means-end analysis, satisficing, and the other procedures that have been outlined - that have been found by experience to enhance the efficiency of search. Much remains to be learned about the nature and effectiveness of these devices." (Herbert A Simon, "The Logic of Heuristic Decision Making", [in "The Logic of Decision and Action"], 1966)

"But active programming consists of the design of new programs, rather than contemplation of old programs." (Niklaus Wirth, "Program Development by Stepwise Refinement", 1971) 

"Clearly, programming courses should teach methods of design and construction, and the selected examples should be such that a gradual development can be nicely demonstrated." (Niklaus Wirth, "Program Development by Stepwise Refinement", 1971)

"A clean design is more easily modified as requirements change or as more is learned about what parts of the code consume significant amounts of execution time. A 'clever' design that fails to work or to run fast enough can often be salvaged only at great cost. Efficiency does not have to be sacrificed in the interest of writing readable code - rather, writing readable code is often the only way to ensure efficient programs that are also easy to maintain and modify." (Brian W Kernighan & Phillip J Plauger, "The Elements of Programming Style", 1974)

"Conceptual integrity is the most important consideration in system design." (Frederick P Brooks, "The Mythical Man-Month" , 1975) 

"The hardest single part of building a software system is deciding precisely what to build." (Frederick P. Brooks, "The Mythical Man-Month", 1975) 

"From the point of view of modern science, design is nothing, but from the point of view of engineering, design is everything. It represents the purposive adaptation of means to reach a preconceived end, the very essence of engineering." (Edwin T Layton Jr., "American Ideologies of Science and Engineering", Technology and Culture No. 4, 1976)

"Systems with unknown behavioral properties require the implementation of iterations which are intrinsic to the design process but which are normally hidden from view. Certainly when a solution to a well-understood problem is synthesized, weak designs are mentally rejected by a competent designer in a matter of moments. On larger or more complicated efforts, alternative designs must be explicitly and iteratively implemented. The designers perhaps out of vanity, often are at pains to hide the many versions which were abandoned and if absolute failure occurs, of course one hears nothing. Thus the topic of design iteration is rarely discussed. Perhaps we should not be surprised to see this phenomenon with software, for it is a rare author indeed who publicizes the amount of editing or the number of drafts he took to produce a manuscript." (Fernando J Corbató, "A Managerial View of the Multics System Development", 1977)

"We try to solve the problem by rushing through the design process so that enough time is left at the end of the project to uncover the errors that were made because we rushed through the design process." (Glenford Myers, "Composite/structured design", 1978)

"A good scientist is a person with original ideas. A good engineer is a person who makes a design that works with as few original ideas as possible. There are no prima donnas in engineering." (Freeman Dyson, "Disturbing the Universe", 1979)

"Overemphasis of efficiency leads to an unfortunate circularity in design: for reasons of efficiency early programming languages reflected the characteristics of the early computers, and each generation of computers reflects the needs of the programming languages of the preceding generation." (Kenneth E Iverson, "Notation as a Tool of Thought", 1979) 

"Meta-design is much more difficult than design; it's easier to draw something than to explain how to draw it." (Donald E Knuth, "The METAFONTbook", 1986)

"The complexity of software is an essential property, not an accidental one. Hence, descriptions of a software entity that abstract away its complexity often abstracts away its essence." (Frederick P Brooks, "No Silver Bullet" , 1987)

"There are two ways of constructing a software design. One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies. And the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies." (Charles A R Hoare, [lecture] 1987)

"A design remedy that prevents bugs is always preferable to a test method that discovers them." (Boris Beizer, "Software Testing Techniques", 1990)

"Engineering knowledge reflects the fact that design does not take place for its own sake and in isolation." (Walter G Vincenti, "What Engineers Know and How They Know It", 1990)

"First law: The pesticide paradox. Every method you use to prevent or find bugs leaves a residue of subtler bugs against which those methods are ineffective."  (Boris Beizer, "Software Testing Techniques", 1990)

"Extra features were once considered desirable. We now recognize that 'free' features are rarely free. Any increase in generality that does not contribute to reliability, modularity, maintainability, and robustness should be suspected." (Boris Beizer, "Software Testing Techniques", 1990)

"More than the act of testing, the act of designing tests is one of the best bug preventers known. The thinking that must be done to create a useful test can discover and eliminate bugs before they are coded - indeed, test-design thinking can discover and eliminate bugs at every stage in the creation of software, from conception to specification, to design, coding and the rest."  (Boris Beizer, "Software Testing Techniques", 1990)

"Second law: The complexity barrier. Software complexity (and therefore that of bugs) grows to the limits of our ability to manage that complexity." (Boris Beizer, "Software Testing Techniques", 1990)

"If solutions could be offered within the existing system, there would be no need to design. Thus designers have to transcend the existing system. Their task is to create a different system or devise a new one. That is why designers say they can truly define the problem only in light of the solution. The solution informs them as to what the real problem is." (Béla H Bánáthy, "Systems Design of Education", 1991)

"No matter how vigorously a 'science' of design may be pushed, the successful design of real things in a contingent world will always be based more on art than on science. Unquantifiable judgments and choices are the elements that determine the way a design comes together. Engineering design is simply that kind of process. It always has been; it always will be. (Eugene S Ferguson , "Engineering and the Mind’s Eye", 1992)

"Design patterns are not about designs such as linked lists and hash tables that can be encoded in classes and reused as is. Nor are they complex, domain-specific designs for an entire application or subsystem. The design patterns [...] are descriptions of communicating objects and classes that are customized to solve a general design problem in a particular context." (Erich Gamma et al, "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software", 1994)

"Design patterns make it easier to reuse successful designs and architectures. Expressing proven techniques as design patterns makes them more accessible to developers of new systems. Design patterns help you choose design alternatives that make a system reusable and avoid alternatives that compromise reusability. Design patterns can even improve the documentation and maintenance of existing systems by furnishing an explicit specification of class and object interactions and their underlying intent. Put simply, design patterns help a designer get a design 'right' faster." (Erich Gamma et al, "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software", 1994)

"If a project has not achieved a system architecture, including its rationale, the project should not proceed to full-scale system development. Specifying the architecture as a deliverable enables its use throughout the development and maintenance process." (Barry Boehm, 1995)

"The methods of science include controlled experiments, classification, pattern recognition, analysis, and deduction. In the humanities we apply analogy, metaphor, criticism, and (e)valuation. In design we devise alternatives, form patterns, synthesize, use conjecture, and model solutions." (Béla H Bánáthy, "Designing Social Systems in a Changing World", 1996)

"Good design protects you from the need for too many highly accurate components in the system. But such design principles are still, to this date, ill-understood and need to be researched extensively. Not that good designers do not understand this intuitively, merely it is not easily incorporated into the design methods you were taught in school. Good minds are still needed in spite of all the computing tools we have developed." (Richard Hamming, "The Art of Doing Science and Engineering: Learning to Learn", 1997)

"The nature of our language tends to force us into 'yes-no', something is or is not, you either have a proof or you do not. But once we admit there is a changing standard of rigor we have to accept some proofs are more convincing than other proofs. If you view proofs on a scale much like probability, running from 0 to 1, then all proofs lie in the range and very likely never reach the upper limit of 1, certainty."  (Richard Hamming, "The Art of Doing Science and Engineering: Learning to Learn", 1997)

"The woes of software engineering are not due to lack of tools or proper management, but largely due to lack of sufficient technical competence. A good designer must rely on experience; on precise, logical thinking; and on pedantic exactness. No magic will do. In light of all this, it is particularly sad that, in many informatics curricula, programming in the large is badly neglected. Design has become a non-topic." (Niklaus Wirth, [interview in Software Development] 1997)

"It’s really hard to design products by focus groups. A lot of times, people don’t know what they want until you show it to them." (Steve Jobs, BusinessWeek, 1998)

"Good design is also an act of communication between the designer and the user, except that all the communication has to come about by the appearance of the device itself. The device must explain itself." (Donald Norman, "The Design of Everyday Things", 2002)

"Domain-driven design is both a way of thinking and a set of priorities, aimed at accelerating software projects that have to deal with complicated domains." (Eric Evans, "Domain-Driven Design: Tackling complexity in the heart of software", 2003)

"If the architecture isolates the domain-related code in a way that allows a cohesive domain design loosely coupled to the rest of the system, then that architecture can probably support domain-driven DESIGN." (Eric Evans, "Domain-Driven Design: Tackling complexity in the heart of software", 2003)

"If the design, or some central part of it, does not map to the domain model, that model is of little value, and the correctness of the software is suspect. At the same time, complex mappings between models and design functions are difficult to understand and, in practice, impossible to maintain as the design changes. A deadly divide opens between analysis and design so that insight gained in each of those activities does not feed into the other." (Eric Evans, "Domain-Driven Design: Tackling complexity in the heart of software", 2003)

"Many things can put a project off course: bureaucracy, unclear objectives, and lack of resources, to name a few. But it is the approach to design that largely determines how complex software can become. When complexity gets out of hand, developers can no longer understand the software well enough to change or extend it easily and safely. On the other hand, a good design can create opportunities to exploit those complex features." (Eric Evans, "Domain-Driven Design: Tackling complexity in the heart of software", 2003)

"Models come in many varieties and serve many roles, even those restricted to the context of a software development project. Domain-driven design calls for a model that doesn’t just aid early analysis but is the very foundation of the design […]  Tightly relating the code to an underlying model gives the code meaning and makes the model relevant." (Eric Evans, "Domain-Driven Design: Tackling complexity in the heart of software", 2003)

"Software design is a constant battle with complexity." (Eric Evans, "Domain-Driven Design: Tackling complexity in the heart of software", 2003)

"The aim of architectural design is to prepare overall specifications, derived from the needs and desires of the user, for subsequent design and construction stages. The first task for the architect in each design project is thus to determine what the real needs and desires of the user are […]" (George J Klir & Doug Elias, "Architecture of Systems Problem Solving" 2nd Ed, 2003)

"The effectiveness of an overall design is very sensitive to the quality and consistency of fine-grained design and implementation decisions. With a MODEL-DRIVEN DESIGN, a portion of the code is an expression of the model; changing that code changes the model. Programmers are modelers, whether anyone likes it or not. So it is better to set up the project so that the programmers do good modeling work." (Eric Evans, "Domain-Driven Design: Tackling complexity in the heart of software", 2003)

"Design is heuristic. Dogmatic adherence to any single methodology hurts creativity and hurts your programs." (Steve C McConnell, "Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction" 2nd Ed., 2004)

"Design patterns provide the cores of ready-made solutions that can be used to solve many of software’s most common problems. Some software problems require solutions that are derived from first principles. But most problems are similar to past problems, and those can be solved using similar solutions, or patterns." (Steve C McConnell, "Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction" 2nd Ed., 2004)

"In addition to their complexity-management benefit, design patterns can accelerate design discussions by allowing designers to think and discuss at a larger level of granularity." (Steve C McConnell, "Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction" 2nd Ed., 2004)

"On small, informal projects, a lot of design is done while the programmer sits at the keyboard. 'Design' might be just writing a class interface in pseudocode before writing the details. It might be drawing diagrams of a few class relationships before coding them. It might be asking another programmer which design pattern seems like a better choice. Regardless of how it’s done, small projects benefit from careful design just as larger projects do, and recognizing design as an explicit activity maximizes the benefit you will receive from it." (Steve C McConnell, "Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction" 2nd Ed., 2004)

"The flip side of the coin was that even good programmers and language designers tended to do terrible extensions when they were in the heat of programming, because design is something that is best done slowly and carefully." (Alan Kay, [ACM Queue A Conversation with Alan Kay Vol. 2 (9)] 2004-2005)

"A commitment to simplicity of design means addressing the essence of design - the abstractions on which software is built - explicitly and up front. Abstractions are articulated, explained, reviewed and examined deeply, in isolation from the details of the implementation. This doesn’t imply a waterfall process, in which all design and specification precedes all coding. But developers who have experienced the benefits of this separation of concerns are reluctant to rush to code, because they know that an hour spent on designing abstractions can save days of refactoring." (Daniel Jackson, "Software Abstractions", 2006)

"Abstractions matter to users too. Novice users want programs whose abstractions are simple and easy to understand; experts want abstractions that are robust and general enough to be combined in new ways. When good abstractions are missing from the design, or erode as the system evolves, the resulting program grows barnacles of complexity. The user is then forced to master a mass of spurious details, to develop workarounds, and to accept frequent, inexplicable failures." (Daniel Jackson, "Software Abstractions", 2006)

"Software is built on abstractions. Pick the right ones, and programming will flow naturally from design; modules will have small and simple interfaces; and new functionality will more likely fit in without extensive reorganization […] Pick the wrong ones, and programming will be a series of nasty surprises: interfaces will become baroque and clumsy as they are forced to accommodate unanticipated interactions, and even the simplest of changes will be hard to make." (Daniel Jackson, "Software Abstractions", 2006)

"Duplication is the primary enemy of a well-designed system. It represents additional work, additional risk, and additional unnecessary complexity."  (Robert C Martin, "Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship", 2008)

"Good software designs accommodate change without huge investments and rework. When we use code that is out of our control, special care must be taken to protect our investment and make sure future change is not too costly."  (Robert C Martin, "Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship", 2008)

"Whether you are designing systems or individual modules, never forget to use the simplest thing that can possibly work." (Robert C Martin, "Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship", 2008)

"We see a lot of feature-driven product design in which the cost of features is not properly accounted. Features can have a negative value to customers because they make the products more difficult to understand and use. We are finding that people like products that just work. It turns out that designs that just work are much harder to produce that designs that assemble long lists of features." (Douglas Crockford, "JavaScript: The Good Parts", 2008)

"A good system design is based on a sound conceptual model (architecture). A system design that has no conceptual structure and little logic to its organization is ultimately going to be unsuccessful. Good architecture will address all the requirements of the system at the right level of abstraction." (Vasudeva Varma, "Software Architecture: A Case Based Approach", 2009)

"A systems approach is one that focuses on the system as a whole, specifically linking value judgments (what is desired) and design decisions (what is feasible). A true systems approach means that the design process includes the 'problem' as well as the solution. The architect seeks a joint problem–solution pair and understands that the problem statement is not fixed when the architectural process starts. At the most fundamental level, systems are collections of different things that together produce results unachievable by the elements alone."  (Mark W Maier, "The Art Systems of Architecting" 3rd Ed., 2009)

"Design has the power to enrich our lives by engaging our emotions through image, form, texture, color, sound, and smell. The intrinsically human-centered nature of design thinking points to the next step: we can use our empathy and understanding of people to design experiences that create opportunities for active engagement and participation." (Tim Brown, "Change by Design: How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation", 2009)

"Design is the bridging activity between gathering and implementation of software requirements that satisfies the required needs. […] The fundamental goal of design is to reduce the number of dependencies between modules, thus reducing the complexity of the system. This is also known as coupling; lesser the coupling the better is the design. On the other hand, higher the binding between elements within a module (known as cohesion) the better is the design." (Vasudeva Varma, "Software Architecture: A Case Based Approach", 2009)

"Design thinking taps into capacities we all have but that are overlooked by more conventional problem-solving practices. It is not only human-centered; it is deeply human in and of itself. Design thinking relies on our ability to be intuitive, to recognize patterns, to construct ideas that have emotional meaning as well as functionality, to express ourselves in media other than words or symbols." (Tim Brown, "Change by Design: How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation", 2009)

"Modeling is the creation of abstractions or representations of the system to predict and analyze performance, costs, schedules, and risks and to provide guidelines for systems research, development, design, manufacture, and management. Modeling is the centerpiece of systems architecting - a mechanism of communication to clients and builders, of design management with engineers and designers, of maintaining system integrity with project management, and of learning for the architect, personally."  (Mark W Maier, "The Art Systems of Architecting" 3rd Ed., 2009)

"Mostly we rely on stories to put our ideas into context and give them meaning. It should be no surprise, then, that the human capacity for storytelling plays an important role in the intrinsically human-centered approach to problem solving, design thinking." (Tim Brown, "Change by Design: How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation", 2009)

"Taking a systems approach means paying close attention to results, the reasons we build a system. Architecture must be grounded in the client’s/user’s/customer’s purpose. Architecture is not just about the structure of components. One of the essential distinguishing features of architectural design versus other sorts of engineering design is the degree to which architectural design embraces results from the perspective of the client/user/customer. The architect does not assume some particular problem formulation, as “requirements” is fixed. The architect engages in joint exploration, ideally directly with the client/user/customer, of what system attributes will yield results worth paying for."  (Mark W Maier, "The Art Systems of Architecting" 3rd Ed., 2009)

"A software design can be described as a collection of design decisions. These design decisions include decisions about what classes should be included, how classes should behave, and how they should interact with each other. Each and every design decision is influenced by previously made design decisions, constraints on the design, and the requirements. In turn, every design decision also impacts the design; it can narrow down the set of future design decisions considerably or widen the scope of possible design decisions. In other words, each and every design decision impacts and even changes the context of the design." (Girish Suryanarayana et al, "Refactoring for Software Design Smells: Managing Technical Debt", 2015)

"Design is the process of taking something that appears in the mind’s eye, modeling it in one or more of a number of ways, predicting how that thing will behave if it is made, and then making it, sometimes modifying the design as we make it. Design is what engineering is about. Furthermore, modeling is how engineering design is done. This includes mental models, mathematical models, computer models, plans and drawings, written language, and (sometimes) physical models." (William M Bulleit, "The Engineering Way of Thinking: The Idea", Structure [magazine], 2015) 

"Development is a design process. Design processes are generally evaluated by the value they deliver rather than a conformance to plan. Therefore, it makes sense to move away from plan-driven projects and toward value-driven projects. […] The realization that the source code is part of the design, not the product, fundamentally rewires our understanding of software." (Sriram Narayan, "Agile IT Organization Design: For Digital Transformation and Continuous Delivery", 2015)

"How does a smell manifest in design? A smell occurs as a result of a combination of one or more design decisions. In other words, the design ecosystem itself is responsible for the creation of the smell. The presence of the smell in turn impacts the ecosystem in several ways. First, it is likely that the presence of the smell triggers new design decisions that are needed to address the smell! Second, the smell can potentially influence or constrain future design decisions as a result of which one or more new smells may manifest in the ecosystem. Third, smells also tend to have an effect on other smells. For instance, some smells amplify the effects of other smells, or co-occur with or act as precursors to other smells. Clearly, smells share a rich relationship with the ecosystem in which they occur." (Girish Suryanarayana et al, "Refactoring for Software Design Smells: Managing Technical Debt", 2015)

"Technical debt is the debt that accrues when you knowingly or unknowingly make wrong or non-optimal design decisions. [...] when a software developer opts for a quick fix rather than a proper well-designed solution, he introduces technical debt. It is okay if the developer pays back the debt on time. However, if the developer chooses not to pay or forgets about the debt created, the accrued interest on the technical debt piles up, just like financial debt, increasing the overall technical debt. The debt keeps increasing over time with each change to the software; thus, the later the developer pays off the debt, the more expensive it is to pay off. If the debt is not paid at all, then eventually the pile-up becomes so huge that it becomes immensely difficult to change the software. In extreme cases, the accumulated technical debt is so huge that it cannot be paid off anymore and the product has to be abandoned. Such a situation is called technical bankruptcy." (Girish Suryanarayana et al, "Refactoring for Software Design Smells: Managing Technical Debt", 2015)

"Designers need to be part engineer. Good design only exists in concert with engineering. That is because form has to follow function, so you focus on function and then give the object a shape to make it appealing." (Ferdinand A Porsche)

"One of the great enemies of design is when systems or objects become more complex than a person - or even a team of people - can keep in their heads. This is why software is generally beneath contempt." (Bran Ferren)

"Programming without an overall architecture or design in mind is like exploring a cave with only a flashlight: You don't know where you've been, you don't know where you're going, and you don't know quite where you are." (Danny Thorpe) 

"The broader one’s understanding of the human experience, the better design we will have." (Steve Jobs)

"The essence of engineering consists not so much in the mere construction of the spectacular layouts or developments, but in the invention required - the analysis of the problem, the design, the solution by the mind which directs it all." (William Hood)
"The purpose of abstraction is not to be vague, but to create a new semantic level in which one can be absolutely precise." (Edsger Dijkstra)

"The thing that makes software design difficult is that we must express thoughts about a problem and a solution we typically do not understand fully, using a language that does not contain many of our accustomed features of expression, to a system that is unforgiving of mistakes." (Alistair Cockburn)

23 December 2007

🏗️Software Engineering: Conceptual Models (Just the Quotes)

"Mere deductive logic, whether you clothe it in mathematical symbols and phraseology or whether you enlarge its scope into a more general symbolic technique, can never take the place of clear relevant initial concepts of the meaning of your symbols, and among symbols I include words. If you are dealing with nature, your meanings must directly relate to the immediate facts of observation. We have to analyse first the most general characteristics of things observed, and then the more casual contingent occurrences. There can be no true physical science which looks first to mathematics for the provision of a conceptual model. Such a procedure is to repeat the errors of the logicians of the middle-ages." (Alfred N Whitehead, "Principle of Relativity", 1922)

"Scientists whose work has no clear, practical implications would want to make their decisions considering such things as: the relative worth of (1) more observations, (2) greater scope of his conceptual model, (3) simplicity, (4) precision of language, (5) accuracy of the probability assignment." (C West Churchman, "Costs, Utilities, and Values", 1956)

"Model-making, the imaginative and logical steps which precede the experiment, may be judged the most valuable part of scientific method because skill and insight in these matters are rare. Without them we do not know what experiment to do. But it is the experiment which provides the raw material for scientific theory. Scientific theory cannot be built directly from the conclusions of conceptual models." (Herbert G Andrewartha," Introduction to the Study of Animal Population", 1961)

"As the least conscious layer of the user experience, the conceptual model has the paradoxical quality of also having the most impact on usability. If an appropriate conceptual model is faithfully represented throughout the interface, after users recognize and internalize the model, they will have a fundamental understanding of what the application does and how to operate it." (Bob Baxley, "Making the Web Work: Designing Effective Web Applications", 2002) 

"Sometimes, however, a conceptual model is only a first step, and the second step is a mathematical representation of the conceptual model." (Gregory N Derry, "What Science Is and How It Works", 2002) 

"A conceptual model is one which reflects reality by placing words which are concepts into the model in the same way that the model aeroplane builder puts wings, a fuselage, and a cockpit together." (Lynn Basford & ‎Oliver Slevin, "Theory and Practice of Nursing: An Integrated Approach to Caring Practice", 2003)

"Sometimes, however, a conceptual model is only a first step, and the second step is a mathematical representation of the conceptual model." (Gregory N Derry, "What Science Is and How It Works", 2002) 

"The role of conceptual modelling in information systems development during all these decades is seen as an approach for capturing fuzzy, ill-defined, informal 'real-world' descriptions and user requirements, and then transforming them to formal, in some sense complete, and consistent conceptual specifications." (Janis A Burbenko jr., "From Information Algebra to Enterprise Modelling and Ontologies", Conceptual Modelling in Information Systems Engineering, 2007) 

"Like a physical model, a conceptual model is an artificial system. It is however, made up of conceptual, and not physical components." (Ibrahim A Halloun, "Modeling Theory in Science Education", 2007) 

"The first function of a conceptual model is relating the research to the existing body of literature. With the help of a conceptual model a researcher can indicate in what way he is looking at the phenomenon of his research."(Jan Jonker & Bartjan Pennink, "The Essence of Research Methodology" , 2010)

"Conceptual models are best thought of as design-tools - a way for designers to straighten out and simplify the design and match it to the users’ task-domain, thereby making it clearer to users how they should think about the application. The designers’ responsibility is to devise a conceptual model that seems natural to users based on the users’ familiarity with the task domain. If designers do their job well, the conceptual model will be the basis for users’ mental models of the application." (Jeff Johnson & Austin Henderson, "Conceptual Models", 2011)

"The conceptual model is not the users’ mental model of the application. […] users of an application form mental models of it to allow them to predict its behavior. A mental model is the user’s high-level understanding of how the application works; it allows the user to predict what the application will do in response to various user-actions. Ideally, a user’s mental model of an application should be similar to the designers’ conceptual model, but in practice the two models may differ significantly. Even if a user’s mental model is the same as the designer’s conceptual model, they are distinct models." (Jeff Johnson & Austin Henderson, "Conceptual Models", 2011) 

"Once we understand our user's mental model, we can capture it in a conceptual model. The conceptual model is a representation of the mental model using elements, relationships, and conditions. Our design and final system will be the tangible result of this conceptual model." (Pau Giner & Pablo Perea, "UX Design for Mobile, 2017)

"A model or conceptual model is a schematic or representation that describes how something works. We create and adapt models all the time without realizing it. Over time, as you gain more information about a problem domain, your model will improve to better match reality." (James Padolsey, "Clean Code in JavaScript", 2020)

🏗️Software Engineering: Features (Just the Quotes)

"Extra features were once considered desirable. We now recognize that 'free' features are rarely free. Any increase in generality that does not contribute to reliability, modularity, maintainability, and robustness should be suspected." (Boris Beizer, "Software Testing Techniques", 1990)

"Design bugs are often subtle and occur by evolution with early assumptions being forgotten as new features or uses are added to systems." (Fernando J Corbató, "On Building Systems That Will Fail", 1991)

"When you find you have to add a feature to a program, and the program's code is not structured in a convenient way to add the feature, first refactor the program to make it easy to add the feature, then add the feature." (Martin Fowler, "Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code", 1999)

"One of the purposes of planning is we always want to work on the most valuable thing possible at any given time. We can’t pick features at random and expect them to be most valuable. We have to begin development by taking a quick look at everything that might be valuable, putting all our cards on the table. At the beginning of each iteration the business (remember the balance of power) will pick the most valuable features for the next iteration." (Kent Beck & Martin Fowler, "Planning Extreme Programming", 2000)

"Putting a new feature into a program is important, but refactoring so new features can be added in the future is equally important." (Ward Cunningham, "Crucible of Creativity", 2005)

"Developing fewer features allows you to conserve development resources and spend more time refining those features that users really need. Fewer features mean fewer things to confuse users, less risk of user errors, less description and documentation, and therefore simpler Help content. Removing any one feature automatically increases the usability of the remaining ones." (Jakob Nielsen, "Prioritizing Web Usability", 2006) 

"Features have a specification cost, a design cost, and a development cost. There is a testing cost and a reliability cost. […] Features have a documentation cost. Every feature adds pages to the manual increasing training costs." (Douglas Crockford, "JavaScript: The Good Parts: The Good Parts", 2008)

"Features that offer value to a minority of users impose a cost on all users." (Douglas Crockford, "JavaScript: The Good Parts", 2008)

"In an ideal system, we incorporate new features by extending the system, not by making modifications to existing code." (Robert C Martin, "Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship", 2008)

"We see a lot of feature-driven product design in which the cost of features is not properly accounted. Features can have a negative value to customers because they make the products more difficult to understand and use. We are finding that people like products that just work. It turns out that designs that just work are much harder to produce that designs that assemble long lists of features." (Douglas Crockford, "JavaScript: The Good Parts", 2008)

22 December 2007

🏗️Software Engineering: Software Engineering (Just the Quotes)

"Software engineering is the part of computer science which is too difficult for the computer scientist." (Friedrich Bauer, "Software Engineering", 1971)

"[Software engineering is the] establishment and use of sound engineering principles to obtain economically software that is reliable and works on real machines efficiently." (Friedrich Bauer, "Software Engineering", Information Processing, 1972)

"Throughout the software life cycle, there are many decision situations involving limited resources in which software engineering economics techniques provide useful assistance."(Barry Boehm, "Software Engineering Economics", 1984)

"Einstein repeatedly argued that there must be simplified explanations of nature, because God is not capricious or arbitrary. No such faith comforts the software engineer. Much of the complexity he must master is arbitrary complexity [… ] because they were designed by different people, rather than by God." (Fred Brooks, "No Silver Bullet", 1986) 

"Software engineering, of course, presents itself as another worthy cause, but that is eyewash: if you carefully read its literature and analyse what its devotees actually do, you will discover that software engineering has accepted as its charter 'How to program if you cannot'." (Edsger W Dijkstra, "On the cruelty of really teaching computing science", 1988)

"One principle problem of educating software engineers is that they will not use a new method until they believe it works and, more importantly, that they will not believe the method will work until they see it for themselves." (Watts S Humphrey, "The Personal Software Process", 1997) 

"Software is a great combination between artistry and engineering." (Bill Gates, "Bill Gates Speaks: Insight from the World's Greatest Entrepreneur", 1998)

"In all engineering disciplines nowadays, software engineering excluded, there exists an established engineering process to develop a system, which is accompanied by a number of suited modeling description techniques. Software engineering, being a rather new field, has not as yet established any clear methodical guidance or a fully standardized modeling notation." (Bernhard Rumpe, "Executable Modeling with UML: A Vision or a Nightmare", 2002)

"The entire history of software engineering is that of the rise in levels of abstraction." (Grady Booch, "The Limits of Software", 2003)

"Software engineering concerns methods and techniques to develop large software systems. The engineering metaphor is used to emphasize a systematic approach to develop systems that satisfy organizational requirements and constraints." (Hans van Vliet, "Software Engineering: Principles and Practice", 2007)

"The amateur software engineer is always in search of magic, some sensational method or tool whose application promises to render software development trivial. It is the mark of the professional software engineer to know that no such panacea exist." (Grady Booch et al, "Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications", 2007)

"A lot of research in software engineering strikes me as hopelessly naive in one of two ways. Most of it fails entirely to account for the social and belief aspects altogether. It looks at its object of inquiry as if it was entirely material and inert; as if 'software' was some kind of naturally occurring substance, the properties of which can be revealed in the equivalent of a test tube." (Laurent Bossavit, "The Leprechauns of Software Engineering", 2015)

"Design is the process of taking something that appears in the mind’s eye, modeling it in one or more of a number of ways, predicting how that thing will behave if it is made, and then making it, sometimes modifying the design as we make it. Design is what engineering is about. Furthermore, modeling is how engineering design is done. This includes mental models, mathematical models, computer models, plans and drawings, written language, and (sometimes) physical models." (William M Bulleit, "The Engineering Way of Thinking: The Idea", Structure [magazine], 2015)

"The fact that software engineering is not like other forms of engineering should really come as no surprise. Medicine is not like the law. Carpentry is not like baking. Software development is like one thing, and one thing only: software development. We need practices that make what we do more efficient, more verifiable, and easier to change. If we can do this, we can slash the short-term cost of building software, and all but eliminate the crippling long-term cost of maintaining it." (David S Bernstein, "Beyond Legacy Code", 2015)

"Over-engineering is a real disease of many engineers as they delight in design purity and ignore tradeoffs." (Alex Xu, "System Design Interview: An insider's guide", 2017)

"Good engineering is the difference between code running in eight minutes or eight hours. It affects real people in real ways. It's not a 'matter of opinion' any more than a bird taking flight is a 'matter of opinion'." (H W Kenton)

🏗️Software Engineering: Methodology (Just the Quotes)

"The obsession with methodologies in the workplace is another instance of the high-tech illusion. It stems from the belief that what really matters is the technology. [...] Whatever the technological advantage may be, it may come only at the price of a significant worsening of the team's sociology." (Tom DeMarco & Timothy Lister, "Peopleware", 1987)

"The future prospects of management science will be much enhanced if (a) the diversity of issues confronting managers is accepted, (b) work on developing a rich variety of problem-solving methodologies is undertaken, and (c) we continually ask the question: 'What kind of issue can be managed with which sort of methodology?'." (Robert L Flood & Michael C Jackson, "Creative Problem Solving: Total Systems Intervention", 1991)

"As systems became more varied and more complex, we find that no single methodology suffices to deal with them. This is particularly true of what may be called information intelligent systems - systems which form the core of modern technology. To conceive, design, analyze and use such systems we frequently have to employ the totality of tools that are available. Among such tools are the techniques centered on fuzzy logic, neurocomputing, evolutionary computing, probabilistic computing and related methodologies. It is this conclusion that formed the genesis of the concept of soft computing." (Lotfi A Zadeh, "The Birth and Evolution of Fuzzy Logic: A personal perspective", 1999)

"A methodology is the conventions that your group agrees to. 'The conventions your group agrees to' is a social construction." (Alistair Cockburn, "Agile Software Development", 2001)

"A methodology should be as simple as possible to get the job done. If you make the requirements a burden, rather than a help, then people will resist following them. You want to achieve a consistent, workable approach to managing projects, not hang a noose around the manager’s neck." (James P Lewis, "Project Planning, Scheduling, and Control" 3rd Ed., 2001)

"A project methodology must unambiguously specify what a manager must do to document, execute, and control a project. It must also specify what approvals are needed for various actions, such as procurement, changes to plan, budget variances, risks, and so on. It should tell who is responsible for various aspects of the project, and should spell out the limits of each stakeholder’s authority, responsibility, and accountability." (James P Lewis, "Project Planning, Scheduling, and Control" 3rd Ed., 2001)

"Project failures are not always the result of poor methodology; the problem may be poor implementation. Unrealistic objectives or poorly defined executive expectations are two common causes of poor implementation. Good methodologies do not guarantee success, but they do imply that the project will be managed correctly." (Harold Kerzner, "Strategic Planning for Project Management using a Project Management Maturity Model", 2001)

"Today, most project management practitioners focus on planning failure. If this aspect of the project can be compressed, or even eliminated, then the magnitude of the actual failure, should it occur, would be diminished. A good project management methodology helps to reduce planning failure. Today, we believe that planning failure, when it occurs, is due in large part to the project manager’s inability to perform effective risk management." (Harold Kerzner, "Strategic Planning for Project Management using a Project Management Maturity Model", 2001)

"Agile development methodologies promise higher customer satisfaction, lower defect rates, faster development times and a solution to rapidly changing requirements. Plan-driven approaches promise predictability, stability, and high assurance. However, both approaches have shortcomings that, if left unaddressed, can lead to project failure. The challenge is to balance the two approaches to take advantage of their strengths and compensate for their weaknesses." (Barry Boehm & Richard Turner, "Observations on balancing discipline and agility", Agile Development Conference, 2003)

"Design is heuristic. Dogmatic adherence to any single methodology hurts creativity and hurts your programs." (Steve C McConnell, "Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction" 2nd Ed., 2004)

"A project life cycle represents the highest-level project management approach, depicted as a series of periods and phases, each with a defined output. A project life cycle can be documented with a methodology, which is a system of practices, techniques, procedures, and rules used by those who work in a discipline." (Kathleen B Hass, "Professionalizing Business Analysis: Breaking the Cycle of Challenged Projects", 2007)

"Methodologies provide guidelines for the application development process. They specify analysis and design techniques as well as the stages in which they occur. They also develop event sequencing. Lastly, they specify milestones and work products that must be created and the appropriate documentation that should be generated." (Charles D Tupper, "Data Architecture: From Zen to Reality", 2011)

"Effective project and program management involves more than strict adherence to a prescriptive methodology. Leadership skills, judgement, common sense, initiative, effective communication, negotiation skills and a broad perspective on the surrounding environment are all essential. Project and program management is a creative and collaborative process." (Peter Shergold, "Learning from Failure", 2015)

"No methodology can guarantee success. But a good methodology can provide a feedback loop for continual improvement and learning." (Ash Maurya, "Scaling Lean: Mastering the Key Metrics for Startup Growth", 2016)

"Building a comprehensive problem-solving framework is about leveraging a structured methodology that allows you to frame problems systematically and solve problems creatively." (Pearl Zhu, "Problem Solving Master: Frame Problems Systematically and Solve Problem Creatively", 2017)

20 December 2007

IT: Computers (Just the Quotes)

"Let it be remarked [...] that an important difference between the way in which we use the brain and the machine is that the machine is intended for many successive runs, either with no reference to each other, or with a minimal, limited reference, and that it can be cleared between such runs; while the brain, in the course of nature, never even approximately clears out its past records. Thus the brain, under normal circumstances, is not the complete analogue of the computing machine but rather the analogue of a single run on such a machine." (Norbert Wiener, "Cybernetics: Or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine", 1948)

"A computer would deserve to be called intelligent if it could deceive a human into believing that it was human." (Alan Turing, "Computing Machinery and Intelligence" , Mind Vol. 59, 1950)

"It is interesting to consider what a thinking machine will be like. It seems clear that as soon as the machines become able to solve intellectual problems of the highest difficulty which can be solved by humans they will be able to solve most of the problems enormously faster than a human." (John F Nash, "Parallel Control", 1954)

"We could define the intelligence of a machine in terms of the time needed to do a typical problem and the time needed for the programmer to instruct the machine to do it." (John F Nash, "Parallel Control", 1954)

"A computer is a person or machine that is able to take in information (problems and data), perform reasonable operations on the iformation, and put out answers. A computer is identified by the fact that it (or he) handles information reasonably." (Edmund C Berkeley & Lawrence Wainwright, Computers: Their Operation and Applications", 1956)

"An information retrieval system is therefore defined here as any device which aids access to documents specified by subject, and the operations associated with it. The documents can be books, journals, reports, atlases, or other records of thought, or any parts of such records - articles, chapters, sections, tables, diagrams, or even particular words. The retrieval devices can range from a bare list of contents to a large digital computer and its accessories. The operations can range from simple visual scanning to the most detailed programming." (Brian C Vickery, "The Structure of Information Retrieval Systems", 1959)

"Computers do not decrease the need for mathematical analysis, but rather greatly increase this need. They actually extend the use of analysis into the fields of computers and computation, the former area being almost unknown until recently, the latter never having been as intensively investigated as its importance warrants. Finally, it is up to the user of computational equipment to define his needs in terms of his problems, In any case, computers can never eliminate the need for problem-solving through human ingenuity and intelligence." (Richard E Bellman & Paul Brock, "On the Concepts of a Problem and Problem-Solving", American Mathematical Monthly 67, 1960)

"There is the very real danger that a number of problems which could profitably be subjected to analysis, and so treated by simpler and more revealing techniques. will instead be routinely shunted to the computing machines [...] The role of computing machines as a mathematical tool is not that of a panacea for all computational ills." (Richard E Bellman & Paul Brock, "On the Concepts of a Problem and Problem-Solving", American Mathematical Monthly 67, 1960)

"These machines have no common sense; they have not yet learned to 'think', and they do exactly as they are told, no more and no less. This fact is the hardest concept to grasp when one first tries to use a computer." (Donald Knuth, "The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms", 1968)

 "Because the subject matter of cybernetics is the propositional or informational aspect of the events and objects in the natural world, this science is forced to procedures rather different from those of the other sciences. The differentiation, for example, between map and territory, which the semanticists insist that scientists shall respect in their writings must, in cybernetics, be watched for in the very phenomena about which the scientist writes. Expectably, communicating organisms and badly programmed computers will mistake map for territory; and the language of the scientist must be able to cope with such anomalies." (Gregory Bateson, "Steps to an Ecology of Mind", 1972)

"Computers can do better than ever what needn't be done at all. Making sense is still a human monopoly." (Marshall McLuhan, "Take Today: The Executive as Dropout", 1972)

"Everything we think we know about the world is a model. Every word and every language is a model. All maps and statistics, books and databases, equations and computer programs are models. So are the ways I picture the world in my head - my mental models. None of these is or ever will be the real world. […] Our models usually have a strong congruence with the world. That is why we are such a successful species in the biosphere. Especially complex and sophisticated are the mental models we develop from direct, intimate experience of nature, people, and organizations immediately around us." (Donella Meadows, "Limits to Growth", 1972)

"It follows from this that man's most urgent and pre-emptive need is maximally to utilize cybernetic science and computer technology within a general systems framework, to build a meta-systemic reality which is now only dimly envisaged. Intelligent and purposeful application of rapidly developing telecommunications and teleprocessing technology should make possible a degree of worldwide value consensus heretofore unrealizable." (Richard F Ericson, "Visions of Cybernetic Organizations", 1972)

"The mind is defined as the sum total of all the programs and the metaprograms of a given human computer, whether or not they are immediately elicitable, detectable, and visibly operational to the self or to others." (John C Lilly "Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer" 2nd Ed., 1972)

"The pseudo approach to uncertainty modeling refers to the use of an uncertainty model instead of using a deterministic model which is actually (or at least theoretically) available. The uncertainty model may be desired because it results in a simpler analysis, because it is too difficult (expensive) to gather all the data necessary for an exact model, or because the exact model is too complex to be included in the computer." (Fred C Scweppe, "Uncertain dynamic systems", 1973)

"Computers make possible an entirely new relationship between theories and models. I have already said that theories are texts. Texts are written in a language. Computer languages are languages too, and theories may be written in them. Indeed, for the present purpose we need not restrict our attention to machine languages or even to the kinds of 'higher-level' languages we have discussed. We may include all languages, specifically also natural languages, that computers may be able to interpret. The point is precisely that computers do interpret texts given to them, in other words, that texts determine computers' behavior. Theories written in the form of computer programs are ordinary theories as seen from one point of view." (Joseph Weizenbaum, "Computer power and human reason: From judgment to calculation" , 1976)

"Man is not a machine, [...] although man most certainly processes information, he does not necessarily process it in the way computers do. Computers and men are not species of the same genus. [...] No other organism, and certainly no computer, can be made to confront genuine human problems in human terms. [...] However much intelligence computers may attain, now or in the future, theirs must always be an intelligence alien to genuine human problems and concerns." (Joesph Weizenbaum, Computer Power and Human Reason: From Judgment to Calculation, 1976)

"The connection between a model and a theory is that a model satisfies a theory; that is, a model obeys those laws of behavior that a corresponding theory explicitly states or which may be derived from it. [...] Computers make possible an entirely new relationship between theories and models. [...] A theory written in the form of a computer program is [...] both a theory and, when placed on a computer and run, a model to which the theory applies." (Joseph Weizenbaum, "Computer power and human reason: From judgment to calculation" , 1976)

"It is essential to realize that a computer is not a mere 'number cruncher', or supercalculating arithmetic machine, although this is how computers are commonly regarded by people having no familiarity with artificial intelligence. Computers do not crunch numbers; they manipulate symbols. [...] Digital computers originally developed with mathematical problems in mind, are in fact general purpose symbol manipulating machines." (Margaret A Boden, "Minds and mechanisms", 1981)

"The basic idea of cognitive science is that intelligent beings are semantic engines - in other words, automatic formal systems with interpretations under which they consistently make sense. We can now see why this includes psychology and artificial intelligence on a more or less equal footing: people and intelligent computers (if and when there are any) turn out to be merely different manifestations of the same underlying phenomenon. Moreover, with universal hardware, any semantic engine can in principle be formally imitated by a computer if only the right program can be found." (John Haugeland, "Semantic Engines: An introduction to mind design", 1981)

"Computers and robots replace humans in the exercise of mental functions in the same way as mechanical power replaced them in the performance of physical tasks. As time goes on, more and more complex mental functions will be performed by machines. Any worker who now performs his task by following specific instructions can, in principle, be replaced by a machine. This means that the role of humans as the most important factor of production is bound to diminish - in the same way that the role of horses in agricultural production was first diminished and then eliminated by the introduction of tractors."  (Wassily Leontief, National perspective: The definition of problem and opportunity, 1983)

"If arithmetical skill is the measure of intelligence, then computers have been more intelligent than all human beings all along. If the ability to play chess is the measure, then there are computers now in existence that are more intelligent than any but a very few human beings. However, if insight, intuition, creativity, the ability to view a problem as a whole and guess the answer by the “feel” of the situation, is a measure of intelligence, computers are very unintelligent indeed. Nor can we see right now how this deficiency in computers can be easily remedied, since human beings cannot program a computer to be intuitive or creative for the very good reason that we do not know what we ourselves do when we exercise these qualities." (Isaac Asimov, "Machines That Think", 1983)

"The digital-computer field defined computers as machines that manipulated numbers. The great thing was, adherents said, that everything could be encoded into numbers, even instructions. In contrast, scientists in AI [artificial intelligence] saw computers as machines that manipulated symbols. The great thing was, they said, that everything could be encoded into symbols, even numbers." (Allen Newell, "Intellectual Issues in the History of Artificial Intelligence", 1983)

"Computation offers a new means of describing and investigating scientific and mathematical systems. Simulation by computer may be the only way to predict how certain complicated systems evolve." (Stephen Wolfram, "Computer Software in Science and Mathematics", 1984)

"Let us change our traditional attitude to the construction of programs: Instead of imagining that our main task is to instruct a computer what to do, let us concentrate rather on explaining to human beings what we want a computer to do." (Donald E Knuth, "Literate Programming", 1984)

"Scientific laws give algorithms, or procedures, for determining how systems behave. The computer program is a medium in which the algorithms can be expressed and applied. Physical objects and mathematical structures can be represented as numbers and symbols in a computer, and a program can be written to manipulate them according to the algorithms. When the computer program is executed, it causes the numbers and symbols to be modified in the way specified by the scientific laws. It thereby allows the consequences of the laws to be deduced." (Stephen Wolfram, "Computer Software in Science and Mathematics", 1984)

"The trouble with an analog computer is that one begins to construct mathematical models which can be treated using an analog computer. In many cases this is not realistic." (Richard E Bellman, "Eye of the Hurricane: An Autobiography", 1984)

"Under pressure from the computer, the question of mind in relation to machine is becoming a central cultural preoccupation." (Sherry Turkle, "The Second Self: Computers and the Human Spirit", 1984)

"A computer is an interpreted automatic formal system - that is to say, a symbol-manipulating machine." (John Haugeland, "Artificial intelligence: The very idea", 1985)

"Computers are the first thing to come along since books that will sit there and interact with you endlessly, without judgment." (Steve Jobs, Playboy, 1985)

"Artificial intelligence is based on the assumption that the mind can be described as some kind of formal system manipulating symbols that stand for things in the world. Thus it doesn't matter what the brain is made of, or what it uses for tokens in the great game of thinking. Using an equivalent set of tokens and rules, we can do thinking with a digital computer, just as we can play chess using cups, salt and pepper shakers, knives, forks, and spoons. Using the right software, one system (the mind) can be mapped onto the other (the computer)." (George Johnson, Machinery of the Mind: Inside the New Science of Artificial Intelligence, 1986)

"Just like a computer, we must remember things in the order in which entropy increases. This makes the second law of thermodynamics almost trivial. Disorder increases with time because we measure time in the direction in which disorder increases."  (Stephen Hawking, "A Brief History of Time", 1988)

"Cybernetics is simultaneously the most important science of the age and the least recognized and understood. It is neither robotics nor freezing dead people. It is not limited to computer applications and it has as much to say about human interactions as it does about machine intelligence. Today’s cybernetics is at the root of major revolutions in biology, artificial intelligence, neural modeling, psychology, education, and mathematics. At last there is a unifying framework that suspends long-held differences between science and art, and between external reality and internal belief." (Paul Pangaro, "New Order From Old: The Rise of Second-Order Cybernetics and Its Implications for Machine Intelligence", 1988)

"A popular myth says that the invention of the computer diminishes our sense of ourselves, because it shows that rational thought is not special to human beings, but can be carried on by a mere machine. It is a short stop from there to the conclusion that intelligence is mechanical, which many people find to be an affront to all that is most precious and singular about their humanness." (Jeremy Campbell, "The improbable machine", 1989)

"Fuzziness, then, is a concomitant of complexity. This implies that as the complexity of a task, or of a system for performing that task, exceeds a certain threshold, the system must necessarily become fuzzy in nature. Thus, with the rapid increase in the complexity of the information processing tasks which the computers are called upon to perform, we are reaching a point where computers will have to be designed for processing of information in fuzzy form. In fact, it is the capability to manipulate fuzzy concepts that distinguishes human intelligence from the machine intelligence of current generation computers. Without such capability we cannot build machines that can summarize written text, translate well from one natural language to another, or perform many other tasks that humans can do with ease because of their ability to manipulate fuzzy concepts." (Lotfi A Zadeh, "The Birth and Evolution of Fuzzy Logic", 1989)

 "Looking at ourselves from the computer viewpoint, we cannot avoid seeing that natural language is our most important 'programming language'. This means that a vast portion of our knowledge and activity is, for us, best communicated and understood in our natural language. [...] One could say that natural language was our first great original artifact and, since, as we increasingly realize, languages are machines, so natural language, with our brains to run it, was our primal invention of the universal computer. One could say this except for the sneaking suspicion that language isn’t something we invented but something we became, not something we constructed but something in which we created, and recreated, ourselves. (Justin Leiber, "Invitation to cognitive science", 1991)

"The cybernetics phase of cognitive science produced an amazing array of concrete results, in addition to its long-term (often underground) influence: the use of mathematical logic to understand the operation of the nervous system; the invention of information processing machines (as digital computers), thus laying the basis for artificial intelligence; the establishment of the metadiscipline of system theory, which has had an imprint in many branches of science, such as engineering (systems analysis, control theory), biology (regulatory physiology, ecology), social sciences (family therapy, structural anthropology, management, urban studies), and economics (game theory); information theory as a statistical theory of signal and communication channels; the first examples of self-organizing systems. This list is impressive: we tend to consider many of these notions and tools an integrative part of our life […]" (Francisco Varela, "The Embodied Mind", 1991)

"What a computer is to me is the most remarkable tool that we have ever come up with. It’s the equivalent of a bicycle for our minds." (Steve Jobs, "Memory and Imagination: New Pathways to the Library of Congress", 1991)

"A computer terminal is not some clunky old television with a typewriter in front of it. It is an interface where the mind and body can connect with the universe and move bits of it about." (Douglas N Adams, "Mostly Harmless", 1992)

"Finite Nature is a hypothesis that ultimately every quantity of physics, including space and time, will turn out to be discrete and finite; that the amount of information in any small volume of space-time will be finite and equal to one of a small number of possibilities. [...] We take the position that Finite Nature implies that the basic substrate of physics operates in a manner similar to the workings of certain specialized computers called cellular automata." (Edward Fredkin, "A New Cosmogony", PhysComp ’92: Proceedings of the Workshop on Physics and Computation, 1993)

"The insight at the root of artificial intelligence was that these 'bits' (manipulated by computers) could just as well stand as symbols for concepts that the machine would combine by the strict rules of logic or the looser associations of psychology." (Daniel Crevier, "AI: The tumultuous history of the search for artificial intelligence", 1993)

"At first glance the theory of numbers is deprived of any geometricity. But this is actually not the case. At the contemporary stage of development of computers it has become possible to explain to a wide range of readers that visual geometry helps not only to illustrate some abstract situations from the number theory, but sometimes also to solve new problems." (Anatolij Fomenko, "Visual Geometry and Topology", 1994)

"On the other hand, those who design and build computers know exactly how the machines are working down in the hidden depths of their semiconductors. Computers can be taken apart, scrutinized, and put back together. Their activities can be tracked, analyzed, measured, and thus clearly understood - which is far from possible with the brain. This gives rise to the tempting assumption on the part of the builders and designers that computers can tell us something about brains, indeed, that the computer can serve as a model of the mind, which then comes to be seen as some manner of information processing machine, and possibly not as good at the job as the machine. (Theodore Roszak, "The Cult of Information", 1994)

"Self-organization refers to the spontaneous formation of patterns and pattern change in open, nonequilibrium systems. […] Self-organization provides a paradigm for behavior and cognition, as well as the structure and function of the nervous system. In contrast to a computer, which requires particular programs to produce particular results, the tendency for self-organization is intrinsic to natural systems under certain conditions." (J A Scott Kelso, "Dynamic Patterns : The Self-organization of Brain and Behavior", 1995)

"Representation is the process of transforming existing problem knowledge to some of the known knowledge-engineering schemes in order to process it by applying knowledge-engineering methods. The result of the representation process is the problem knowledge base in a computer format." (Nikola K Kasabov, "Foundations of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Knowledge Engineering", 1996)

"Shearing away detail is the very essence of model building. Whatever else we require, a model must be simpler than the thing modeled. In certain kinds of fiction, a model that is identical with the thing modeled provides an interesting device, but it never happens in reality. Even with virtual reality, which may come close to this literary identity one day, the underlying model obeys laws which have a compact description in the computer - a description that generates the details of the artificial world." (John H Holland, "Emergence" , Philosophica 59, 1997)

"Modelling techniques on powerful computers allow us to simulate the behaviour of complex systems without having to understand them.  We can do with technology what we cannot do with science.  […] The rise of powerful technology is not an unconditional blessing.  We have  to deal with what we do not understand, and that demands new  ways of thinking." (Paul Cilliers,"Complexity and Postmodernism: Understanding Complex Systems", 1998)

"For most problems found in mathematics textbooks, mathematical reasoning is quite useful. But how often do people find textbook problems in real life? At work or in daily life, factors other than strict reasoning are often more important. Sometimes intuition and instinct provide better guides; sometimes computer simulations are more convenient or more reliable; sometimes rules of thumb or back-of-the-envelope estimates are all that is needed." (Lynn A Steen,"Twenty Questions about Mathematical Reasoning", 1999)

"Once a computer achieves human intelligence it will necessarily roar past it." (Ray Kurzweil, "The Age of Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence", 1999)

"The classic example of chaos at work is in the weather. If you could measure the positions and motions of all the atoms in the air at once, you could predict the weather perfectly. But computer simulations show that tiny differences in starting conditions build up over about a week to give wildly different forecasts. So weather predicting will never be any good for forecasts more than a few days ahead, no matter how big (in terms of memory) and fast computers get to be in the future. The only computer that can simulate the weather is the weather; and the only computer that can simulate the Universe is the Universe." (John Gribbin, "The Little Book of Science", 1999)

"Conventional wisdom, fooled by our misleading 'physical intuition', is that the real world is continuous, and that discrete models are necessary evils for approximating the 'real' world, due to the innate discreteness of the digital computer." (Doron Zeilberger, "'Real' Analysis is a Degenerate Case of Discrete Analysis", 2001)

"The randomness of the card-shuffle is of course caused by our lack of knowledge of the precise procedure used to shuffle the cards. But that is outside the chosen system, so in our practical sense it is not admissible. If we were to change the system to include information about the shuffling rule – for example, that it is given by some particular computer code for pseudo-random numbers, starting with a given ‘seed value’ – then the system would look deterministic. Two computers of the same make running the same ‘random shuffle’ program would actually produce the identical sequence of top cards."(Ian Stewart, "Does God Play Dice: The New Mathematics of Chaos", 2002)

"There are endless examples of elaborate structures and apparently complex processes being generated through simple repetitive rules, all of which can be easily simulated on a computer. It is therefore tempting to believe that, because many complex patterns can be generated out of a simple algorithmic rule, all complexity is created in this way." (F David Peat, "From Certainty to Uncertainty", 2002)

"We build models to increase productivity, under the justified assumption that it's cheaper to manipulate the model than the real thing. Models then enable cheaper exploration and reasoning about some universe of discourse. One important application of models is to understand a real, abstract, or hypothetical problem domain that a computer system will reflect. This is done by abstraction, classification, and generalization of subject-matter entities into an appropriate set of classes and their behavior." (Stephen J Mellor, "Executable UML: A Foundation for Model-Driven Architecture", 2002) 

"Things are changing. Statisticians now recognize that computer scientists are making novel contributions while computer scientists now recognize the generality of statistical theory and methodology. Clever data mining algorithms are more scalable than statisticians ever thought possible. Formal statistical theory is more pervasive than computer scientists had realized." (Larry A Wasserman, "All of Statistics: A concise course in statistical inference", 2004)

"Computers bootstrap their own offspring, grow so wise and incomprehensible that their communiqués assume the hallmarks of dementia: unfocused and irrelevant to the barely-intelligent creatures left behind. And when your surpassing creations find the answers you asked for, you can't understand their analysis and you can't verify their answers. You have to take their word on faith." (Peter Watts, "Blindsight", 2006)

"In specific cases, we think by applying mental rules, which are similar to rules in computer programs. In most of the cases, however, we reason by constructing, inspecting, and manipulating mental models. These models and the processes that manipulate them are the basis of our competence to reason. In general, it is believed that humans have the competence to perform such inferences error-free. Errors do occur, however, because reasoning performance is limited by capacities of the cognitive system, misunderstanding of the premises, ambiguity of problems, and motivational factors. Moreover, background knowledge can significantly influence our reasoning performance. This influence can either be facilitation or an impedance of the reasoning process." (Carsten Held et al, "Mental Models and the Mind", 2006)

"A neural network is a particular kind of computer program, originally developed to try to mimic the way the human brain works. It is essentially a computer simulation of a complex circuit through which electric current flows." (Keith J Devlin & Gary Lorden, "The Numbers behind NUMB3RS: Solving crime with mathematics", 2007)

"The burgeoning field of computer science has shifted our view of the physical world from that of a collection of interacting material particles to one of a seething network of information. In this way of looking at nature, the laws of physics are a form of software, or algorithm, while the material world - the hardware - plays the role of a gigantic computer." (Paul C W Davies, "Laying Down the Laws", New Scientist, 2007)

"We tend to form mental models that are simpler than reality; so if we create represented models that are simpler than the actual implementation model, we help the user achieve a better understanding. […] Understanding how software actually works always helps someone to use it, but this understanding usually comes at a significant cost. One of the most significant ways in which computers can assist human beings is by putting a simple face on complex processes and situations. As a result, user interfaces that are consistent with users’ mental models are vastly superior to those that are merely reflections of the implementation model." (Alan Cooper et al,  "About Face 3: The Essentials of Interaction Design", 2007)

"An algorithm refers to a successive and finite procedure by which it is possible to solve a certain problem. Algorithms are the operational base for most computer programs. They consist of a series of instructions that, thanks to programmers’ prior knowledge about the essential characteristics of a problem that must be solved, allow a step-by-step path to the solution." (Diego Rasskin-Gutman, "Chess Metaphors: Artificial Intelligence and the Human Mind", 2009)

"We evolved to be good at learning and using rules of thumb, not at searching for ultimate causes and making fine distinctions. Still less did we evolve to spin out long chains of calculation that connect fundamental laws to observable consequences. Computers are much better at it!" (Frank Wilczek,"The Lightness of Being – Mass, Ether and the Unification of Forces", 2008) 

"Chess, as a game of zero sum and total information is, theoretically, a game that can be solved. The problem is the immensity of the search tree: the total number of positions surpasses the number of atoms in our galaxy. When there are few pieces on the board, the search space is greatly reduced, and the problem becomes trivial for computers’ calculation capacity." (Diego Rasskin-Gutman, "Chess Metaphors: Artificial Intelligence and the Human Mind", 2009)

"Generally, these programs fall within the techniques of reinforcement learning and the majority use an algorithm of temporal difference learning. In essence, this computer learning paradigm approximates the future state of the system as a function of the present state. To reach that future state, it uses a neural network that changes the weight of its parameters as it learns." (Diego Rasskin-Gutman, "Chess Metaphors: Artificial Intelligence and the Human Mind", 2009)

"From a historical viewpoint, computationalism is a sophisticated version of behaviorism, for it only interpolates the computer program between stimulus and response, and does not regard novel programs as brain creations. [...] The root of computationalism is of course the actual similarity between brains and computers, and correspondingly between natural and artificial intelligence. The two are indeed similar because the artifacts in question have been designed to perform analogs of certain brain functions. And the computationalist program is an example of the strategy of treating similars as identicals." (Mario Bunge, "Matter and Mind: A Philosophical Inquiry", 2010)

"[...] we also distinguish knowledge from information, because some pieces of information, such as questions, orders, and absurdities do not constitute knowledge. And also because computers process information but, since they lack minds, they cannot be said to know anything." (Mario Bunge, "Matter and Mind: A Philosophical Inquiry", 2010)

"System dynamics models have little impact unless they change the way people perceive a situation. A model must help to organize information in a more understandable way. A model should link the past to the present by showing how present conditions arose, and extend the present into persuasive alternative futures under a variety of scenarios determined by policy alternatives. In other words, a system dynamics model, if it is to be effective, must communicate with and modify the prior mental models. Only people's beliefs - that is, their mental models - will determine action. Computer models must relate to and improve mental models if the computer models are to fill an effective role." (Jay W Forrester, "Modeling for What Purpose?", The Systems Thinker Vol. 24 (2), 2013)

"A computer makes calculations quickly and correctly, but doesn’t ask if the calculations are meaningful or sensible. A computer just does what it is told." (Gary Smith, "Standard Deviations", 2014)

"Now think about the prospect of competition from computers instead of competition from human workers. On the supply side, computers are far more different from people than any two people are different from each other: men and machines are good at fundamentally different things. People have intentionality - we form plans and make decisions in complicated situations. We’re less good at making sense of enormous amounts of data. Computers are exactly the opposite: they excel at efficient data processing, but they struggle to make basic judgments that would be simple for any human." (Peter Thiel & Blake Masters, "Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future", 2014)

"With fast computers and plentiful data, finding statistical significance is trivial. If you look hard enough, it can even be found in tables of random numbers." (Gary Smith, "Standard Deviations", 2014)

"Working an integral or performing a linear regression is something a computer can do quite effectively. Understanding whether the result makes sense - or deciding whether the method is the right one to use in the first place - requires a guiding human hand. When we teach mathematics we are supposed to be explaining how to be that guide. A math course that fails to do so is essentially training the student to be a very slow, buggy version of Microsoft Excel." (Jordan Ellenberg, "How Not to Be Wrong: The Power of Mathematical Thinking", 2014)

"The term data, unlike the related terms facts and evidence, does not connote truth. Data is descriptive, but data can be erroneous. We tend to distinguish data from information. Data is a primitive or atomic state (as in ‘raw data’). It becomes information only when it is presented in context, in a way that informs. This progression from data to information is not the only direction in which the relationship flows, however; information can also be broken down into pieces, stripped of context, and stored as data. This is the case with most of the data that’s stored in computer systems. Data that’s collected and stored directly by machines, such as sensors, becomes information only when it’s reconnected to its context."  (Stephen Few, "Signal: Understanding What Matters in a World of Noise", 2015) 

"[…] the usefulness of mathematics is by no means limited to finite objects or to those that can be represented with a computer. Mathematical concepts depending on the idea of infinity, like real numbers and differential calculus, are useful models for certain aspects of physical reality." (Alfred S Posamentier & Bernd Thaller, "Numbers: Their tales, types, and treasures", 2015) 

"The human mind isn’t a computer; it cannot progress in an orderly fashion down a list of candidate moves and rank them by a score down to the hundredth of a pawn the way a chess machine does. Even the most disciplined human mind wanders in the heat of competition. This is both a weakness and a strength of human cognition. Sometimes these undisciplined wanderings only weaken your analysis. Other times they lead to inspiration, to beautiful or paradoxical moves that were not on your initial list of candidates." (Garry Kasparov, "Deep Thinking", 2017)

"There are other problems with Big Data. In any large data set, there are bound to be inconsistencies, misclassifications, missing data - in other words, errors, blunders, and possibly lies. These problems with individual items occur in any data set, but they are often hidden in a large mass of numbers even when these numbers are generated out of computer interactions." (David S Salsburg, "Errors, Blunders, and Lies: How to Tell the Difference", 2017)

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Koeln, NRW, Germany
IT Professional with more than 24 years experience in IT in the area of full life-cycle of Web/Desktop/Database Applications Development, Software Engineering, Consultancy, Data Management, Data Quality, Data Migrations, Reporting, ERP implementations & support, Team/Project/IT Management, etc.